import type * as React from 'react'; import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; // Direction naming standard: // Horizontal base: // -0------------- // vertical: part (水平时,垂直方向命名为 part) // horizontal: full (水平时,水平方向命名为 full) export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 滑动输入高度 * @descEN Height of slider */ controlSize: number; /** * @desc 轨道高度 * @descEN Height of rail */ railSize: number; /** * @desc 滑块尺寸 * @descEN Size of handle */ handleSize: number; /** * @desc 滑块尺寸(悬浮态) * @descEN Size of handle when hover */ handleSizeHover: number; /** * @desc 滑块边框宽度 * @descEN Border width of handle */ handleLineWidth: number; /** * @desc 滑块边框宽度(悬浮态) * @descEN Border width of handle when hover */ handleLineWidthHover: number; /** * @desc 滑块圆点尺寸 * @descEN Size of dot */ dotSize: number; /** * @desc 轨道背景色 * @descEN Background color of rail */ railBg: string; /** * @desc 轨道背景色(悬浮态) * @descEN Background color of rail when hover */ railHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 轨道已覆盖部分背景色 * @descEN Background color of track */ trackBg: string; /** * @desc 轨道已覆盖部分背景色(悬浮态) * @descEN Background color of track when hover */ trackHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 滑块颜色 * @descEN Color of handle */ handleColor: string; /** * @desc 滑块激活态颜色 * @descEN Color of handle when active */ handleActiveColor: string; /** * @desc 滑块禁用颜色 * @descEN Color of handle when disabled */ handleColorDisabled: string; /** * @desc 圆点边框颜色 * @descEN Border color of dot */ dotBorderColor: string; /** * @desc 圆点激活态边框颜色 * @descEN Border color of dot when active */ dotActiveBorderColor: string; /** * @desc 轨道禁用态背景色 * @descEN Background color of track when disabled */ trackBgDisabled: string; } interface SliderToken extends FullToken<'Slider'> { marginFull: number | string; marginPart: number | string; marginPartWithMark: number | string; } // =============================== Base =============================== const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, antCls, controlSize, dotSize, marginFull, marginPart, colorFillContentHover, handleColorDisabled, calc, } = token; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'relative', height: controlSize, margin: `${unit(marginPart)} ${unit(marginFull)}`, padding: 0, cursor: 'pointer', touchAction: 'none', [`&-vertical`]: { margin: `${unit(marginFull)} ${unit(marginPart)}`, }, [`${componentCls}-rail`]: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: token.railBg, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusXS, transition: `background-color ${token.motionDurationMid}`, }, [`${componentCls}-track,${componentCls}-tracks`]: { position: 'absolute', transition: `background-color ${token.motionDurationMid}`, }, [`${componentCls}-track`]: { backgroundColor: token.trackBg, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusXS, }, [`${componentCls}-track-draggable`]: { boxSizing: 'content-box', backgroundClip: 'content-box', border: 'solid rgba(0,0,0,0)', }, '&:hover': { [`${componentCls}-rail`]: { backgroundColor: token.railHoverBg, }, [`${componentCls}-track`]: { backgroundColor: token.trackHoverBg, }, [`${componentCls}-dot`]: { borderColor: colorFillContentHover, }, [`${componentCls}-handle::after`]: { boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${unit(token.handleLineWidth)} ${token.colorPrimaryBorderHover}`, }, [`${componentCls}-dot-active`]: { borderColor: token.dotActiveBorderColor, }, }, [`${componentCls}-handle`]: { position: 'absolute', width: token.handleSize, height: token.handleSize, outline: 'none', // 扩大选区 '&::before': { content: '""', position: 'absolute', insetInlineStart: calc(token.handleLineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), insetBlockStart: calc(token.handleLineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), width: calc(token.handleSize).add(calc(token.handleLineWidth).mul(2)).equal(), height: calc(token.handleSize).add(calc(token.handleLineWidth).mul(2)).equal(), backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, '&::after': { content: '""', position: 'absolute', insetBlockStart: 0, insetInlineStart: 0, width: token.handleSize, height: token.handleSize, backgroundColor: token.colorBgElevated, boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${unit(token.handleLineWidth)} ${token.handleColor}`, borderRadius: '50%', cursor: 'pointer', transition: ` inset-inline-start ${token.motionDurationMid}, inset-block-start ${token.motionDurationMid}, width ${token.motionDurationMid}, height ${token.motionDurationMid}, box-shadow ${token.motionDurationMid} `, }, '&:hover, &:active, &:focus': { '&::before': { // -( // (token.handleSizeHover - token.handleSize) / 2 + // token.handleLineWidthHover // ), insetInlineStart: calc(token.handleSizeHover) .sub(token.handleSize) .div(2) .add(token.handleLineWidthHover) .mul(-1) .equal(), insetBlockStart: calc(token.handleSizeHover) .sub(token.handleSize) .div(2) .add(token.handleLineWidthHover) .mul(-1) .equal(), width: calc(token.handleSizeHover).add(calc(token.handleLineWidthHover).mul(2)).equal(), height: calc(token.handleSizeHover) .add(calc(token.handleLineWidthHover).mul(2)) .equal(), }, '&::after': { boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${unit(token.handleLineWidthHover)} ${token.handleActiveColor}`, width: token.handleSizeHover, height: token.handleSizeHover, insetInlineStart: token .calc(token.handleSize) .sub(token.handleSizeHover) .div(2) .equal(), insetBlockStart: token.calc(token.handleSize).sub(token.handleSizeHover).div(2).equal(), }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-mark`]: { position: 'absolute', fontSize: token.fontSize, }, [`${componentCls}-mark-text`]: { position: 'absolute', display: 'inline-block', color: token.colorTextDescription, textAlign: 'center', wordBreak: 'keep-all', cursor: 'pointer', userSelect: 'none', '&-active': { color: token.colorText, }, }, [`${componentCls}-step`]: { position: 'absolute', background: 'transparent', pointerEvents: 'none', }, [`${componentCls}-dot`]: { position: 'absolute', width: dotSize, height: dotSize, backgroundColor: token.colorBgElevated, border: `${unit(token.handleLineWidth)} solid ${token.dotBorderColor}`, borderRadius: '50%', cursor: 'pointer', transition: `border-color ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, pointerEvents: 'auto', '&-active': { borderColor: token.dotActiveBorderColor, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-disabled`]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', [`${componentCls}-rail`]: { backgroundColor: `${token.railBg} !important`, }, [`${componentCls}-track`]: { backgroundColor: `${token.trackBgDisabled} !important`, }, [` ${componentCls}-dot `]: { backgroundColor: token.colorBgElevated, borderColor: token.trackBgDisabled, boxShadow: 'none', cursor: 'not-allowed', }, [`${componentCls}-handle::after`]: { backgroundColor: token.colorBgElevated, cursor: 'not-allowed', width: token.handleSize, height: token.handleSize, boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${unit(token.handleLineWidth)} ${handleColorDisabled}`, insetInlineStart: 0, insetBlockStart: 0, }, [` ${componentCls}-mark-text, ${componentCls}-dot `]: { cursor: `not-allowed !important`, }, }, [`&-tooltip ${antCls}-tooltip-inner`]: { minWidth: 'unset', }, }, }; }; // ============================ Horizontal ============================ const genDirectionStyle = (token: SliderToken, horizontal: boolean): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, railSize, handleSize, dotSize, marginFull, calc } = token; const railPadding: keyof React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? 'paddingBlock' : 'paddingInline'; const full: keyof React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? 'width' : 'height'; const part: keyof React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? 'height' : 'width'; const handlePos: keyof React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? 'insetBlockStart' : 'insetInlineStart'; const markInset: keyof React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? 'top' : 'insetInlineStart'; const handlePosSize = calc(railSize).mul(3).sub(handleSize).div(2).equal(); const draggableBorderSize = calc(handleSize).sub(railSize).div(2).equal(); const draggableBorder: React.CSSProperties = horizontal ? { borderWidth: `${unit(draggableBorderSize)} 0`, transform: `translateY(${unit(calc(draggableBorderSize).mul(-1).equal())})`, } : { borderWidth: `0 ${unit(draggableBorderSize)}`, transform: `translateX(${unit(token.calc(draggableBorderSize).mul(-1).equal())})`, }; return { [railPadding]: railSize, [part]: calc(railSize).mul(3).equal(), [`${componentCls}-rail`]: { [full]: '100%', [part]: railSize, }, [`${componentCls}-track,${componentCls}-tracks`]: { [part]: railSize, }, [`${componentCls}-track-draggable`]: { ...draggableBorder, }, [`${componentCls}-handle`]: { [handlePos]: handlePosSize, }, [`${componentCls}-mark`]: { // Reset all insetInlineStart: 0, top: 0, // [markInset]: calc(railSize) .mul(3) .add(horizontal ? 0 : marginFull) .equal(), [full]: '100%', }, [`${componentCls}-step`]: { // Reset all insetInlineStart: 0, top: 0, [markInset]: railSize, [full]: '100%', [part]: railSize, }, [`${componentCls}-dot`]: { position: 'absolute', [handlePos]: calc(railSize).sub(dotSize).div(2).equal(), }, }; }; // ============================ Horizontal ============================ const genHorizontalStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, marginPartWithMark } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-horizontal`]: { ...genDirectionStyle(token, true), [`&${componentCls}-with-marks`]: { marginBottom: marginPartWithMark, }, }, }; }; // ============================= Vertical ============================= const genVerticalStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-vertical`]: { ...genDirectionStyle(token, false), height: '100%', }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Slider'> = (token) => { // Handle line width is always width-er 1px const increaseHandleWidth = 1; const controlSize = token.controlHeightLG / 4; const controlSizeHover = token.controlHeightSM / 2; const handleLineWidth = token.lineWidth + increaseHandleWidth; const handleLineWidthHover = token.lineWidth + increaseHandleWidth * 3; return { controlSize, railSize: 4, handleSize: controlSize, handleSizeHover: controlSizeHover, dotSize: 8, handleLineWidth, handleLineWidthHover, railBg: token.colorFillTertiary, railHoverBg: token.colorFillSecondary, trackBg: token.colorPrimaryBorder, trackHoverBg: token.colorPrimaryBorderHover, handleColor: token.colorPrimaryBorder, handleActiveColor: token.colorPrimary, handleColorDisabled: new TinyColor(token.colorTextDisabled) .onBackground(token.colorBgContainer) .toHexShortString(), dotBorderColor: token.colorBorderSecondary, dotActiveBorderColor: token.colorPrimaryBorder, trackBgDisabled: token.colorBgContainerDisabled, }; }; export default genStyleHooks( 'Slider', (token) => { const sliderToken = mergeToken(token, { marginPart: token.calc(token.controlHeight).sub(token.controlSize).div(2).equal(), marginFull: token.calc(token.controlSize).div(2).equal(), marginPartWithMark: token.calc(token.controlHeightLG).sub(token.controlSize).equal(), }); return [ genBaseStyle(sliderToken), genHorizontalStyle(sliderToken), genVerticalStyle(sliderToken), ]; }, prepareComponentToken, );