import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { genFocusStyle, resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 开关高度 * @descEN Height of Switch */ trackHeight: number; /** * @desc 小号开关高度 * @descEN Height of small Switch */ trackHeightSM: number; /** * @desc 开关最小宽度 * @descEN Minimum width of Switch */ trackMinWidth: number; /** * @desc 小号开关最小宽度 * @descEN Minimum width of small Switch */ trackMinWidthSM: number; /** * @desc 开关内边距 * @descEN Padding of Switch */ trackPadding: number; /** * @desc 开关把手背景色 * @descEN Background color of Switch handle */ handleBg: string; /** * @desc 开关把手阴影 * @descEN Shadow of Switch handle */ handleShadow: string; /** * @desc 开关把手大小 * @descEN Size of Switch handle */ handleSize: number; /** * @desc 小号开关把手大小 * @descEN Size of small Switch handle */ handleSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 内容区域最小边距 * @descEN Minimum margin of content area */ innerMinMargin: number; /** * @desc 内容区域最大边距 * @descEN Maximum margin of content area */ innerMaxMargin: number; /** * @desc 小号开关内容区域最小边距 * @descEN Minimum margin of content area of small Switch */ innerMinMarginSM: number; /** * @desc 小号开关内容区域最大边距 * @descEN Maximum margin of content area of small Switch */ innerMaxMarginSM: number; } interface SwitchToken extends FullToken<'Switch'> { switchDuration: string; switchColor: string; switchDisabledOpacity: number; switchLoadingIconSize: number; switchLoadingIconColor: string; switchHandleActiveInset: string; } const genSwitchSmallStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, trackHeightSM, trackPadding, trackMinWidthSM, innerMinMarginSM, innerMaxMarginSM, handleSizeSM, } = token; const switchInnerCls = `${componentCls}-inner`; return { [componentCls]: { [`&${componentCls}-small`]: { minWidth: trackMinWidthSM, height: trackHeightSM, lineHeight: `${trackHeightSM}px`, [`${componentCls}-inner`]: { paddingInlineStart: innerMaxMarginSM, paddingInlineEnd: innerMinMarginSM, [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: `calc(-100% + ${handleSizeSM + trackPadding * 2}px - ${ innerMaxMarginSM * 2 }px)`, marginInlineEnd: `calc(100% - ${handleSizeSM + trackPadding * 2}px + ${ innerMaxMarginSM * 2 }px)`, }, [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginTop: -trackHeightSM, marginInlineStart: 0, marginInlineEnd: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-handle`]: { width: handleSizeSM, height: handleSizeSM, }, [`${componentCls}-loading-icon`]: { top: (handleSizeSM - token.switchLoadingIconSize) / 2, fontSize: token.switchLoadingIconSize, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked`]: { [`${componentCls}-inner`]: { paddingInlineStart: innerMinMarginSM, paddingInlineEnd: innerMaxMarginSM, [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: 0, marginInlineEnd: 0, }, [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginInlineStart: `calc(100% - ${handleSizeSM + trackPadding * 2}px + ${ innerMaxMarginSM * 2 }px)`, marginInlineEnd: `calc(-100% + ${handleSizeSM + trackPadding * 2}px - ${ innerMaxMarginSM * 2 }px)`, }, }, [`${componentCls}-handle`]: { insetInlineStart: `calc(100% - ${handleSizeSM + trackPadding}px)`, }, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-disabled):active`]: { [`&:not(${componentCls}-checked) ${switchInnerCls}`]: { [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginInlineStart: token.marginXXS / 2, marginInlineEnd: -token.marginXXS / 2, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${switchInnerCls}`]: { [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: -token.marginXXS / 2, marginInlineEnd: token.marginXXS / 2, }, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genSwitchLoadingStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, handleSize } = token; return { [componentCls]: { [`${componentCls}-loading-icon${token.iconCls}`]: { position: 'relative', top: (handleSize - token.fontSize) / 2, color: token.switchLoadingIconColor, verticalAlign: 'top', }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${componentCls}-loading-icon`]: { color: token.switchColor, }, }, }; }; const genSwitchHandleStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, motion, trackPadding, handleBg, handleShadow, handleSize } = token; const switchHandleCls = `${componentCls}-handle`; return { [componentCls]: { [switchHandleCls]: { position: 'absolute', top: trackPadding, insetInlineStart: trackPadding, width: handleSize, height: handleSize, transition: `all ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out`, '&::before': { position: 'absolute', top: 0, insetInlineEnd: 0, bottom: 0, insetInlineStart: 0, backgroundColor: handleBg, borderRadius: handleSize / 2, boxShadow: handleShadow, transition: `all ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out`, content: '""', }, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${switchHandleCls}`]: { insetInlineStart: `calc(100% - ${handleSize + trackPadding}px)`, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-disabled):active`]: motion ? { [`${switchHandleCls}::before`]: { insetInlineEnd: token.switchHandleActiveInset, insetInlineStart: 0, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${switchHandleCls}::before`]: { insetInlineEnd: 0, insetInlineStart: token.switchHandleActiveInset, }, } : /* istanbul ignore next */ {}, }, }; }; const genSwitchInnerStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, trackHeight, trackPadding, innerMinMargin, innerMaxMargin, handleSize } = token; const switchInnerCls = `${componentCls}-inner`; return { [componentCls]: { [switchInnerCls]: { display: 'block', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: 100, height: '100%', paddingInlineStart: innerMaxMargin, paddingInlineEnd: innerMinMargin, transition: `padding-inline-start ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out, padding-inline-end ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out`, [`${switchInnerCls}-checked, ${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { display: 'block', color: token.colorTextLightSolid, fontSize: token.fontSizeSM, transition: `margin-inline-start ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out, margin-inline-end ${token.switchDuration} ease-in-out`, pointerEvents: 'none', }, [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: `calc(-100% + ${handleSize + trackPadding * 2}px - ${ innerMaxMargin * 2 }px)`, marginInlineEnd: `calc(100% - ${handleSize + trackPadding * 2}px + ${ innerMaxMargin * 2 }px)`, }, [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginTop: -trackHeight, marginInlineStart: 0, marginInlineEnd: 0, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${switchInnerCls}`]: { paddingInlineStart: innerMinMargin, paddingInlineEnd: innerMaxMargin, [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: 0, marginInlineEnd: 0, }, [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginInlineStart: `calc(100% - ${handleSize + trackPadding * 2}px + ${ innerMaxMargin * 2 }px)`, marginInlineEnd: `calc(-100% + ${handleSize + trackPadding * 2}px - ${ innerMaxMargin * 2 }px)`, }, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-disabled):active`]: { [`&:not(${componentCls}-checked) ${switchInnerCls}`]: { [`${switchInnerCls}-unchecked`]: { marginInlineStart: trackPadding * 2, marginInlineEnd: -trackPadding * 2, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-checked ${switchInnerCls}`]: { [`${switchInnerCls}-checked`]: { marginInlineStart: -trackPadding * 2, marginInlineEnd: trackPadding * 2, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genSwitchStyle = (token: SwitchToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, trackHeight, trackMinWidth } = token; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', boxSizing: 'border-box', minWidth: trackMinWidth, height: trackHeight, lineHeight: `${trackHeight}px`, verticalAlign: 'middle', background: token.colorTextQuaternary, border: '0', borderRadius: 100, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${token.motionDurationMid}`, userSelect: 'none', [`&:hover:not(${componentCls}-disabled)`]: { background: token.colorTextTertiary, }, ...genFocusStyle(token), [`&${componentCls}-checked`]: { background: token.switchColor, [`&:hover:not(${componentCls}-disabled)`]: { background: token.colorPrimaryHover, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-loading, &${componentCls}-disabled`]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', opacity: token.switchDisabledOpacity, '*': { boxShadow: 'none', cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }, // rtl style [`&${componentCls}-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook( 'Switch', (token) => { const switchToken = mergeToken(token, { switchDuration: token.motionDurationMid, switchColor: token.colorPrimary, switchDisabledOpacity: token.opacityLoading, switchLoadingIconSize: token.fontSizeIcon * 0.75, switchLoadingIconColor: `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${token.opacityLoading})`, switchHandleActiveInset: '-30%', }); return [ genSwitchStyle(switchToken), // inner style genSwitchInnerStyle(switchToken), // handle style genSwitchHandleStyle(switchToken), // loading style genSwitchLoadingStyle(switchToken), // small style genSwitchSmallStyle(switchToken), ]; }, (token) => { const { fontSize, lineHeight, controlHeight, colorWhite } = token; const height = fontSize * lineHeight; const heightSM = controlHeight / 2; const padding = 2; // Fixed value const handleSize = height - padding * 2; const handleSizeSM = heightSM - padding * 2; return { trackHeight: height, trackHeightSM: heightSM, trackMinWidth: handleSize * 2 + padding * 4, trackMinWidthSM: handleSizeSM * 2 + padding * 2, trackPadding: padding, // Fixed value handleBg: colorWhite, handleSize, handleSizeSM, handleShadow: `0 2px 4px 0 ${new TinyColor('#00230b').setAlpha(0.2).toRgbString()}`, innerMinMargin: handleSize / 2, innerMaxMargin: handleSize + padding + padding * 2, innerMinMarginSM: handleSizeSM / 2, innerMaxMarginSM: handleSizeSM + padding + padding * 2, }; }, );