import { resetComponent } from '../../style'; import { initZoomMotion } from '../../style/motion'; import getArrowStyle from '../../style/placementArrow'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, PresetColorType } from '../../theme/internal'; import { PresetColors, genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @deprecated Please use `titleMinWidth` instead * @desc 气泡卡片宽度 * @descEN Width of Popover */ width: number; /** * @deprecated Please use `titleMinWidth` instead * @desc 气泡卡片最小宽度 * @descEN Min width of Popover */ minWidth: number; /** * @desc 气泡卡片标题最小宽度 * @descEN Min width of Popover title */ titleMinWidth: number; /** * @desc 气泡卡片 z-index * @descEN z-index of Popover */ zIndexPopup: number; } export type PopoverToken = FullToken<'Popover'> & { popoverBg: string; popoverColor: string; popoverPadding: number | string; }; const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, popoverColor, titleMinWidth, fontWeightStrong, popoverPadding, boxShadowSecondary, colorTextHeading, borderRadiusLG: borderRadius, zIndexPopup, marginXS, colorBgElevated, popoverBg, } = token; return [ { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'absolute', top: 0, // use `left` to fix left: { _skip_check_: true, value: 0, }, zIndex: zIndexPopup, fontWeight: 'normal', whiteSpace: 'normal', textAlign: 'start', cursor: 'auto', userSelect: 'text', transformOrigin: `var(--arrow-x, 50%) var(--arrow-y, 50%)`, '--antd-arrow-background-color': colorBgElevated, '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, '&-hidden': { display: 'none', }, [`${componentCls}-content`]: { position: 'relative', }, [`${componentCls}-inner`]: { backgroundColor: popoverBg, backgroundClip: 'padding-box', borderRadius, boxShadow: boxShadowSecondary, padding: popoverPadding, }, [`${componentCls}-title`]: { minWidth: titleMinWidth, marginBottom: marginXS, color: colorTextHeading, fontWeight: fontWeightStrong, }, [`${componentCls}-inner-content`]: { color: popoverColor, }, }, }, // Arrow Style getArrowStyle(token, { colorBg: 'var(--antd-arrow-background-color)', }), // Pure Render { [`${componentCls}-pure`]: { position: 'relative', maxWidth: 'none', margin: token.sizePopupArrow, display: 'inline-block', [`${componentCls}-content`]: { display: 'inline-block', }, }, }, ]; }; const genColorStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls } = token; return { [componentCls]: keyof PresetColorType) => { const lightColor = token[`${colorKey}6`]; return { [`&${componentCls}-${colorKey}`]: { '--antd-arrow-background-color': lightColor, [`${componentCls}-inner`]: { backgroundColor: lightColor, }, [`${componentCls}-arrow`]: { background: 'transparent', }, }, }; }), }; }; const genWireframeStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, lineWidth, lineType, colorSplit, paddingSM, controlHeight, fontSize, lineHeight, padding, } = token; const titlePaddingBlockDist = controlHeight - Math.round(fontSize * lineHeight); const popoverTitlePaddingBlockTop = titlePaddingBlockDist / 2; const popoverTitlePaddingBlockBottom = titlePaddingBlockDist / 2 - lineWidth; const popoverPaddingHorizontal = padding; return { [componentCls]: { [`${componentCls}-inner`]: { padding: 0, }, [`${componentCls}-title`]: { margin: 0, padding: `${popoverTitlePaddingBlockTop}px ${popoverPaddingHorizontal}px ${popoverTitlePaddingBlockBottom}px`, borderBottom: `${lineWidth}px ${lineType} ${colorSplit}`, }, [`${componentCls}-inner-content`]: { padding: `${paddingSM}px ${popoverPaddingHorizontal}px`, }, }, }; }; export default genComponentStyleHook( 'Popover', (token) => { const { colorBgElevated, colorText, wireframe } = token; const popoverToken = mergeToken(token, { popoverPadding: 12, // Fixed Value popoverBg: colorBgElevated, popoverColor: colorText, }); return [ genBaseStyle(popoverToken), genColorStyle(popoverToken), wireframe && genWireframeStyle(popoverToken), initZoomMotion(popoverToken, 'zoom-big'), ]; }, (token) => ({ width: 177, minWidth: 177, titleMinWidth: 177, zIndexPopup: token.zIndexPopupBase + 30, }), { resetStyle: false, deprecatedTokens: [ ['width', 'titleMinWidth'], ['minWidth', 'titleMinWidth'], ], }, );