import notification, { actWrapper } from '..'; import { act, fireEvent } from '../../../tests/utils'; import type { ArgsProps, GlobalConfigProps } from '../interface'; import { awaitPromise, triggerMotionEnd } from './util'; describe('Notification.placement', () => { function open(args?: Partial) {{ message: 'Notification Title', description: 'This is the content of the notification.', ...args, }); } function config(args: Partial) { notification.config({ ...args, }); act(() => { open(); }); } beforeAll(() => { actWrapper(act); }); beforeEach(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterEach(async () => { // Clean up notification.destroy(); await triggerMotionEnd(); notification.config({ prefixCls: null, getContainer: null, }); jest.useRealTimers(); await awaitPromise(); }); describe('placement', () => { it('can be configured globally using the `config` method', async () => { // topLeft config({ placement: 'topLeft', top: 50, bottom: 50, }); await awaitPromise(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-topLeft')).toHaveStyle({ top: '50px', left: '0px', bottom: '', }); // topRight config({ placement: 'topRight', top: 100, bottom: 50, }); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-topRight')).toHaveStyle({ top: '100px', right: '0px', bottom: '', }); // bottomRight config({ placement: 'bottomRight', top: 50, bottom: 100, }); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-bottomRight')).toHaveStyle({ top: '', right: '0px', bottom: '100px', }); // bottomLeft config({ placement: 'bottomLeft', top: 100, bottom: 50, }); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-bottomLeft')).toHaveStyle({ top: '', left: '0px', bottom: '50px', }); // top config({ placement: 'top', top: 50, bottom: 60, }); await awaitPromise(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-top')).toHaveStyle({ top: '50px', left: '50%', bottom: '', }); // bottom config({ placement: 'bottom', top: 50, bottom: 60, }); await awaitPromise(); expect(document.querySelector('.ant-notification-bottom')).toHaveStyle({ top: '', left: '50%', bottom: '60px', }); }); }); describe('mountNode', () => { const $container = document.createElement('div'); beforeEach(() => { document.body.appendChild($container); }); afterEach(() => { $container.remove(); }); it('can be configured globally using the `config` method', async () => { config({ getContainer: () => $container, }); await awaitPromise(); expect($container.querySelector('.ant-notification')).toBeTruthy(); notification.destroy(); // Leave motion act(() => { jest.runAllTimers(); }); document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').forEach((ele) => { fireEvent.animationEnd(ele); }); expect($container.querySelector('.ant-notification')).toBeFalsy(); // Upcoming notifications are mounted in $container act(() => { open(); }); expect($container.querySelector('.ant-notification')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });