import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { resetComponent, textEllipsis } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { // Component token here /** * @desc 标签背景色 * @descEN Background color of label */ labelBg: string; /** * @desc 标题下间距 * @descEN Bottom margin of title */ titleMarginBottom: number; /** * @desc 子项下间距 * @descEN Bottom padding of item */ itemPaddingBottom: number; /** * @desc 冒号右间距 * @descEN Right margin of colon */ colonMarginRight: number; /** * @desc 冒号左间距 * @descEN Left margin of colon */ colonMarginLeft: number; /** * @desc 额外区域文字颜色 * @descEN Text color of extra area */ extraColor: string; } interface DescriptionsToken extends FullToken<'Descriptions'> {} const genBorderedStyle = (token: DescriptionsToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, labelBg } = token; return { [`&${componentCls}-bordered`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-view`]: { border: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorSplit}`, '> table': { tableLayout: 'auto', borderCollapse: 'collapse', }, [`${componentCls}-row`]: { borderBottom: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorSplit}`, '&:last-child': { borderBottom: 'none', }, [`> ${componentCls}-item-label, > ${componentCls}-item-content`]: { padding: `${token.padding}px ${token.paddingLG}px`, borderInlineEnd: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorSplit}`, '&:last-child': { borderInlineEnd: 'none', }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-item-label`]: { color: token.colorTextSecondary, backgroundColor: labelBg, '&::after': { display: 'none', }, }, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-middle`]: { [`${componentCls}-row`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-item-label, > ${componentCls}-item-content`]: { padding: `${token.paddingSM}px ${token.paddingLG}px`, }, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-small`]: { [`${componentCls}-row`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-item-label, > ${componentCls}-item-content`]: { padding: `${token.paddingXS}px ${token.padding}px`, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genDescriptionStyles: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, extraColor, itemPaddingBottom, colonMarginRight, colonMarginLeft, titleMarginBottom, } = token; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), ...genBorderedStyle(token), [`&-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, [`${componentCls}-header`]: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: titleMarginBottom, }, [`${componentCls}-title`]: { ...textEllipsis, flex: 'auto', color: token.colorText, fontWeight: token.fontWeightStrong, fontSize: token.fontSizeLG, lineHeight: token.lineHeightLG, }, [`${componentCls}-extra`]: { marginInlineStart: 'auto', color: extraColor, fontSize: token.fontSize, }, [`${componentCls}-view`]: { width: '100%', borderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, table: { width: '100%', tableLayout: 'fixed', }, }, [`${componentCls}-row`]: { '> th, > td': { paddingBottom: itemPaddingBottom, }, '&:last-child': { borderBottom: 'none', }, }, [`${componentCls}-item-label`]: { color: token.colorTextTertiary, fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: token.fontSize, lineHeight: token.lineHeight, textAlign: `start`, '&::after': { content: '":"', position: 'relative', top: -0.5, // magic for position marginInline: `${colonMarginLeft}px ${colonMarginRight}px`, }, [`&${componentCls}-item-no-colon::after`]: { content: '""', }, }, [`${componentCls}-item-no-label`]: { '&::after': { margin: 0, content: '""', }, }, [`${componentCls}-item-content`]: { display: 'table-cell', flex: 1, color: token.colorText, fontSize: token.fontSize, lineHeight: token.lineHeight, wordBreak: 'break-word', overflowWrap: 'break-word', }, [`${componentCls}-item`]: { paddingBottom: 0, verticalAlign: 'top', '&-container': { display: 'flex', [`${componentCls}-item-label`]: { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'baseline', }, [`${componentCls}-item-content`]: { display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'baseline', }, }, }, '&-middle': { [`${componentCls}-row`]: { '> th, > td': { paddingBottom: token.paddingSM, }, }, }, '&-small': { [`${componentCls}-row`]: { '> th, > td': { paddingBottom: token.paddingXS, }, }, }, }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook( 'Descriptions', (token) => { const descriptionToken = mergeToken(token, {}); return [genDescriptionStyles(descriptionToken)]; }, (token) => ({ labelBg: token.colorFillAlter, titleMarginBottom: token.fontSizeSM * token.lineHeightSM, itemPaddingBottom: token.padding, colonMarginRight: token.marginXS, colonMarginLeft: token.marginXXS / 2, extraColor: token.colorText, }), );