import * as React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { debounce } from 'throttle-debounce'; import { devUseWarning } from '../_util/warning'; import { ConfigContext } from '../config-provider'; import Indicator from './Indicator'; import useStyle from './style/index'; import usePercent from './usePercent'; const _SpinSizes = ['small', 'default', 'large'] as const; export type SpinSize = (typeof _SpinSizes)[number]; export type SpinIndicator = React.ReactElement; export interface SpinProps { /** Customize prefix class name */ prefixCls?: string; /** Additional class name of Spin */ className?: string; /** Additional root class name of Spin */ rootClassName?: string; /** Whether Spin is spinning */ spinning?: boolean; /** Style of Spin */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** Size of Spin, options: `small`, `default` and `large` */ size?: SpinSize; /** Customize description content when Spin has children */ tip?: React.ReactNode; /** Specifies a delay in milliseconds for loading state (prevent flush) */ delay?: number; /** The className of wrapper when Spin has children */ wrapperClassName?: string; /** React node of the spinning indicator */ indicator?: SpinIndicator; /** Children of Spin */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Display a backdrop with the `Spin` component */ fullscreen?: boolean; percent?: number | 'auto'; } export type SpinType = React.FC & { setDefaultIndicator: (indicator: React.ReactNode) => void; }; // Render indicator let defaultIndicator: React.ReactNode | undefined; function shouldDelay(spinning?: boolean, delay?: number): boolean { return !!spinning && !!delay && !Number.isNaN(Number(delay)); } const Spin: SpinType = (props) => { const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, spinning: customSpinning = true, delay = 0, className, rootClassName, size = 'default', tip, wrapperClassName, style, children, fullscreen = false, indicator, percent, ...restProps } = props; const { getPrefixCls, direction, spin } = React.useContext(ConfigContext); const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('spin', customizePrefixCls); const [wrapCSSVar, hashId, cssVarCls] = useStyle(prefixCls); const [spinning, setSpinning] = React.useState( () => customSpinning && !shouldDelay(customSpinning, delay), ); const mergedPercent = usePercent(spinning, percent); React.useEffect(() => { if (customSpinning) { const showSpinning = debounce(delay, () => { setSpinning(true); }); showSpinning(); return () => { showSpinning?.cancel?.(); }; } setSpinning(false); }, [delay, customSpinning]); const isNestedPattern = React.useMemo( () => typeof children !== 'undefined' && !fullscreen, [children, fullscreen], ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const warning = devUseWarning('Spin'); warning( !tip || isNestedPattern || fullscreen, 'usage', '`tip` only work in nest or fullscreen pattern.', ); } const spinClassName = classNames( prefixCls, spin?.className, { [`${prefixCls}-sm`]: size === 'small', [`${prefixCls}-lg`]: size === 'large', [`${prefixCls}-spinning`]: spinning, [`${prefixCls}-show-text`]: !!tip, [`${prefixCls}-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl', }, className, !fullscreen && rootClassName, hashId, cssVarCls, ); const containerClassName = classNames(`${prefixCls}-container`, { [`${prefixCls}-blur`]: spinning, }); const mergedIndicator = indicator ?? spin?.indicator ?? defaultIndicator; const mergedStyle: React.CSSProperties = { ...spin?.style, }; const spinElement: React.ReactNode = (
{tip && (isNestedPattern || fullscreen) ? (
) : null}
); if (isNestedPattern) { return wrapCSSVar(
{spinning &&
, ); } if (fullscreen) { return wrapCSSVar(
, ); } return wrapCSSVar(spinElement); }; Spin.setDefaultIndicator = (indicator: React.ReactNode) => { defaultIndicator = indicator; }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Spin.displayName = 'Spin'; } export default Spin;