import * as React from 'react';
import rcWarning, { resetWarned as rcResetWarned } from 'rc-util/lib/warning';

export function noop() {}

let deprecatedWarnList: Record<string, string[]> | null = null;

export function resetWarned() {
  deprecatedWarnList = null;

type Warning = (valid: boolean, component: string, message?: string) => void;

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports
let warning: Warning = noop;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
  warning = (valid, component, message) => {
    rcWarning(valid, `[antd: ${component}] ${message}`);

    // StrictMode will inject console which will not throw warning in React 17.
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {

type BaseTypeWarning = (
  valid: boolean,
   * - deprecated: Some API will be removed in future but still support now.
   * - usage: Some API usage is not correct.
   * - breaking: Breaking change like API is removed.
  type: 'deprecated' | 'usage' | 'breaking',
  message?: string,
) => void;

type TypeWarning = BaseTypeWarning & {
  deprecated: (valid: boolean, oldProp: string, newProp: string, message?: string) => void;

export interface WarningContextProps {
   * @descCN 设置警告等级,设置 `false` 时会将废弃相关信息聚合为单条信息。
   * @descEN Set the warning level. When set to `false`, discard related information will be aggregated into a single message.
   * @since 5.10.0
  strict?: boolean;

export const WarningContext = React.createContext<WarningContextProps>({});

 * This is a hook but we not named as `useWarning`
 * since this is only used in development.
 * We should always wrap this in `if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')` condition
export const devUseWarning: (component: string) => TypeWarning =
  process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
    ? (component) => {
        const { strict } = React.useContext(WarningContext);

        const typeWarning: TypeWarning = (valid, type, message) => {
          if (!valid) {
            if (strict === false && type === 'deprecated') {
              const existWarning = deprecatedWarnList;

              if (!deprecatedWarnList) {
                deprecatedWarnList = {};

              deprecatedWarnList[component] = deprecatedWarnList[component] || [];
              if (!deprecatedWarnList[component].includes(message || '')) {
                deprecatedWarnList[component].push(message || '');

              // Warning for the first time
              if (!existWarning) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
                  '[antd] There exists deprecated usage in your code:',
            } else {
              warning(valid, component, message);

        typeWarning.deprecated = (valid, oldProp, newProp, message) => {
            `\`${oldProp}\` is deprecated. Please use \`${newProp}\` instead.${
              message ? ` ${message}` : ''

        return typeWarning;
    : () => {
        const noopWarning: TypeWarning = () => {};

        noopWarning.deprecated = noop;

        return noopWarning;

export default warning;