--- category: Components group: Data Entry title: Select description: A dropdown menu for displaying choices. cover: https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*qGSbQJ0POEsAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original coverDark: https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*a6ggRInInJ4AAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original demo: cols: 2 --- ## When To Use - A dropdown menu for displaying choices - an elegant alternative to the native `<select>` element. - Utilizing [Radio](/components/radio/) is recommended when there are fewer total options (less than 5). - You probably need [AutoComplete](/components/auto-complete/) if you're looking for an input box that can be typed or selected. ### Usage upgrade after 5.11.0 <!-- prettier-ignore --> :::info{title="Upgrade Tip"} After version 5.11.0, we provide a simpler usage `<Select options={[...]} />` with better performance and potential of writing simpler code style in your applications. Meanwhile, we deprecated the old usage in browser console, we will remove it in antd 6.0. ::: ```jsx // works when >=5.11.0, recommended ✅ return <Select options={[{ value: 'sample', label: <span>sample</span> }]} />; // works when <5.11.0, deprecated when >=5.11.0 🙅🏻♀️ return ( <Select onChange={onChange}> <Select.Option value="sample">Sample</Select.Option> </Select> ); ``` ## Examples <!-- prettier-ignore --> <code src="./demo/basic.tsx">Basic Usage</code> <code src="./demo/search.tsx">Select with search field</code> <code src="./demo/search-filter-option.tsx">Custom Search</code> <code src="./demo/multiple.tsx">multiple selection</code> <code src="./demo/size.tsx">Sizes</code> <code src="./demo/option-render.tsx">Custom dropdown options</code> <code src="./demo/search-sort.tsx">Search with sort</code> <code src="./demo/tags.tsx">Tags</code> <code src="./demo/optgroup.tsx">Option Group</code> <code src="./demo/coordinate.tsx">coordinate</code> <code src="./demo/search-box.tsx">Search Box</code> <code src="./demo/label-in-value.tsx">Get value of selected item</code> <code src="./demo/automatic-tokenization.tsx">Automatic tokenization</code> <code src="./demo/select-users.tsx">Search and Select Users</code> <code src="./demo/suffix.tsx" debug>Suffix</code> <code src="./demo/custom-dropdown-menu.tsx">Custom dropdown</code> <code src="./demo/hide-selected.tsx">Hide Already Selected</code> <code src="./demo/variant.tsx" version="5.13.0">Variants</code> <code src="./demo/filled-debug.tsx" debug>Filled debug</code> <code src="./demo/custom-tag-render.tsx">Custom Tag Render</code> <code src="./demo/custom-label-render.tsx">Custom Selected Label Render</code> <code src="./demo/responsive.tsx">Responsive maxTagCount</code> <code src="./demo/big-data.tsx">Big Data</code> <code src="./demo/status.tsx">Status</code> <code src="./demo/placement.tsx">Placement</code> <code src="./demo/placement-debug.tsx" debug>Dynamic Height</code> <code src="./demo/debug.tsx" debug>4.0 Debug</code> <code src="./demo/render-panel.tsx" debug>\_InternalPanelDoNotUseOrYouWillBeFired</code> <code src="./demo/option-label-center.tsx" debug>Options label Centered</code> <code src="./demo/debug-flip-shift.tsx" iframe="200" debug>Flip + Shift</code> <code src="./demo/component-token.tsx" debug>Component Token</code> <code src="./demo/maxCount.tsx" version="5.13.0">Max Count</code> ## API Common props ref:[Common props](/docs/react/common-props) ### Select props | Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | allowClear | Customize clear icon | boolean \| { clearIcon?: ReactNode } | false | 5.8.0: Support object type | | autoClearSearchValue | Whether the current search will be cleared on selecting an item. Only applies when `mode` is set to `multiple` or `tags` | boolean | true | | | autoFocus | Get focus by default | boolean | false | | | defaultActiveFirstOption | Whether active first option by default | boolean | true | | | defaultOpen | Initial open state of dropdown | boolean | - | | | defaultValue | Initial selected option | string \| string\[] \| <br />number \| number\[] \| <br />LabeledValue \| LabeledValue\[] | - | | | disabled | Whether disabled select | boolean | false | | | popupClassName | The className of dropdown menu | string | - | 4.23.0 | | popupMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the popup menu and the select input are the same width. Default set `min-width` same as input. Will ignore when value less than select width. `false` will disable virtual scroll | boolean \| number | true | 5.5.0 | | dropdownRender | Customize dropdown content | (originNode: ReactNode) => ReactNode | - | | | dropdownStyle | The style of dropdown menu | CSSProperties | - | | | fieldNames | Customize node label, value, options,groupLabel field name | object | { label: `label`, value: `value`, options: `options`, groupLabel: `label` } | 4.17.0 (`groupLabel` added in 5.6.0) | | filterOption | If true, filter options by input, if function, filter options against it. The function will receive two arguments, `inputValue` and `option`, if the function returns `true`, the option will be included in the filtered set; Otherwise, it will be excluded | boolean \| function(inputValue, option) | true | | | filterSort | Sort function for search options sorting, see [Array.sort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort)'s compareFunction | (optionA: Option, optionB: Option, info: { searchValue: string }) => number | - | `searchValue`: 5.19.0 | | getPopupContainer | Parent Node which the selector should be rendered to. Default to `body`. When position issues happen, try to modify it into scrollable content and position it relative. [Example](https://codesandbox.io/s/4j168r7jw0) | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | | | labelInValue | Whether to embed label in value, turn the format of value from `string` to { value: string, label: ReactNode } | boolean | false | | | listHeight | Config popup height | number | 256 | | | loading | Indicate loading state | boolean | false | | | maxCount | The max number of items can be selected, only applies when `mode` is `multiple` or `tags` | number | - | 5.13.0 | | maxTagCount | Max tag count to show. `responsive` will cost render performance | number \| `responsive` | - | responsive: 4.10 | | maxTagPlaceholder | Placeholder for not showing tags | ReactNode \| function(omittedValues) | - | | | maxTagTextLength | Max tag text length to show | number | - | | | menuItemSelectedIcon | The custom menuItemSelected icon with multiple options | ReactNode | - | | | mode | Set mode of Select | `multiple` \| `tags` | - | | | notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches | ReactNode | `Not Found` | | | open | Controlled open state of dropdown | boolean | - | | | optionFilterProp | Which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true. If `options` is set, it should be set to `label` | string | `value` | | | optionLabelProp | Which prop value of option will render as content of select. [Example](https://codesandbox.io/s/antd-reproduction-template-tk678) | string | `children` | | | options | Select options. Will get better perf than jsx definition | { label, value }\[] | - | | | optionRender | Customize the rendering dropdown options | (option: FlattenOptionData\<BaseOptionType\> , info: { index: number }) => React.ReactNode | - | 5.11.0 | | placeholder | Placeholder of select | ReactNode | - | | | placement | The position where the selection box pops up | `bottomLeft` `bottomRight` `topLeft` `topRight` | bottomLeft | | | removeIcon | The custom remove icon | ReactNode | - | | | searchValue | The current input "search" text | string | - | | | showSearch | Whether select is searchable | boolean | single: false, multiple: true | | | size | Size of Select input | `large` \| `middle` \| `small` | `middle` | | | status | Set validation status | 'error' \| 'warning' | - | 4.19.0 | | suffixIcon | The custom suffix icon. Customize icon will not response click open to avoid icon designed to do other interactive. You can use `pointer-events: none` style to bypass | ReactNode | `<DownOutlined />` | | | tagRender | Customize tag render, only applies when `mode` is set to `multiple` or `tags` | (props) => ReactNode | - | | | labelRender | Customize selected label render (LabelInValueType definition see [LabelInValueType](https://github.com/react-component/select/blob/b39c28aa2a94e7754ebc570f200ab5fd33bd31e7/src/Select.tsx#L70)) | (props: LabelInValueType) => ReactNode | - | 5.15.0 | | tokenSeparators | Separator used to tokenize, only applies when `mode="tags"` | string\[] | - | | | value | Current selected option (considered as a immutable array) | string \| string\[] \| <br />number \| number\[] \| <br />LabeledValue \| LabeledValue\[] | - | | | variant | Variants of selector | `outlined` \| `borderless` \| `filled` | `outlined` | 5.13.0 | | virtual | Disable virtual scroll when set to false | boolean | true | 4.1.0 | | onBlur | Called when blur | function | - | | | onChange | Called when select an option or input value change | function(value, option:Option \| Array<Option>) | - | | | onClear | Called when clear | function | - | 4.6.0 | | onDeselect | Called when an option is deselected, param is the selected option's value. Only called for `multiple` or `tags`, effective in multiple or tags mode only | function(value: string \| number \| LabeledValue) | - | | | onDropdownVisibleChange | Called when dropdown open | (open: boolean) => void | - | | | onFocus | Called when focus | (event: FocusEvent) => void | - | | | onInputKeyDown | Called when key pressed | (event: KeyboardEvent) => void | - | | | onPopupScroll | Called when dropdown scrolls | (event: UIEvent) => void | - | | | onSearch | Callback function that is fired when input changed | function(value: string) | - | | | onSelect | Called when an option is selected, the params are option's value (or key) and option instance | function(value: string \| number \| LabeledValue, option: Option) | - | | > Note, if you find that the drop-down menu scrolls with the page, or you need to trigger Select in other popup layers, please try to use `getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentElement}` to fix the drop-down popup rendering node in the parent element of the trigger . ### Select Methods | Name | Description | Version | | ------- | ------------ | ------- | | blur() | Remove focus | | | focus() | Get focus | | ### Option props | Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | | --------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------------- | ------- | ------- | | className | The additional class to option | string | - | | | disabled | Disable this option | boolean | false | | | title | `title` attribute of Select Option | string | - | | | value | Default to filter with this property | string \| number | - | | ### OptGroup props | Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | | --------- | ---------------------------------- | --------------- | ------- | ------- | | key | Group key | string | - | | | label | Group label | React.ReactNode | - | | | className | The additional class to option | string | - | | | title | `title` attribute of Select Option | string | - | | ## Design Token <ComponentTokenTable component="Select"></ComponentTokenTable> ## FAQ ### Why sometime search will show 2 same option when in `tags` mode? It's caused by option with different `label` and `value`. You can use `optionFilterProp="label"` to change filter logic instead. ### When I click elements in dropdownRender, the select dropdown will not be closed? You can control it by `open` prop: [codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/ji-ben-shi-yong-antd-4-21-7-forked-gnp4cy?file=/demo.js). ### I don't want dropdown close when click inside `dropdownRender`? Select will close when it lose focus. You can prevent event to handle this: ```tsx <Select dropdownRender={() => ( <div onMouseDown={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }} > Some Content </div> )} /> ``` ### Why sometime customize Option cause scroll break? Virtual scroll internal set item height as `24px`. You need to adjust `listItemHeight` when your option height is less and `listHeight` config list container height: ```tsx <Select listItemHeight={10} listHeight={250} /> ``` Note: `listItemHeight` and `listHeight` are internal props. Please only modify when necessary. ### Why a11y test report missing `aria-` props? Select only create a11y auxiliary node when operating on. Please open Select and retry. For `aria-label` & `aria-labelledby` miss warning, please add related prop to Select with your own requirement. Default virtual scrolling will create a mock element to simulate an accessible binding. If a screen reader needs to fully access the entire list, you can set `virtual={false}` to disable virtual scrolling and the accessibility option will be bound to the actual element.