import * as React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import RcTable from 'rc-table'; import { TableProps as RcTableProps, INTERNAL_HOOKS } from 'rc-table/lib/Table'; import Spin, { SpinProps } from '../spin'; import Pagination, { PaginationConfig } from '../pagination'; import { ConfigContext } from '../config-provider/context'; import usePagination, { DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, getPaginationParam } from './hooks/usePagination'; import useLazyKVMap from './hooks/useLazyKVMap'; import { TableRowSelection, GetRowKey, ColumnsType, TableCurrentDataSource, SorterResult, Key, GetPopupContainer, ExpandableConfig, ExpandType, TablePaginationConfig, SortOrder, TableLocale, } from './interface'; import useSelection, { SELECTION_ALL, SELECTION_INVERT } from './hooks/useSelection'; import useSorter, { getSortData, SortState } from './hooks/useSorter'; import useFilter, { getFilterData, FilterState } from './hooks/useFilter'; import useTitleColumns from './hooks/useTitleColumns'; import renderExpandIcon from './ExpandIcon'; import scrollTo from '../_util/scrollTo'; import defaultLocale from '../locale/en_US'; import SizeContext, { SizeType } from '../config-provider/SizeContext'; import Column from './Column'; import ColumnGroup from './ColumnGroup'; export { ColumnsType, TablePaginationConfig }; const EMPTY_LIST: any[] = []; interface ChangeEventInfo { pagination: { current?: number; pageSize?: number; total?: number; }; filters: Record; sorter: SorterResult | SorterResult[]; filterStates: FilterState[]; sorterStates: SortState[]; resetPagination: Function; } export interface TableProps extends Omit< RcTableProps, | 'transformColumns' | 'internalHooks' | 'internalRefs' | 'data' | 'columns' | 'expandIconColumnIndex' | 'scroll' > { dropdownPrefixCls?: string; dataSource?: RcTableProps['data']; columns?: ColumnsType; pagination?: false | TablePaginationConfig; loading?: boolean | SpinProps; size?: SizeType; bordered?: boolean; locale?: TableLocale; onChange?: ( pagination: PaginationConfig, filters: Record, sorter: SorterResult | SorterResult[], extra: TableCurrentDataSource, ) => void; rowSelection?: TableRowSelection; getPopupContainer?: GetPopupContainer; scroll?: RcTableProps['scroll'] & { scrollToFirstRowOnChange?: boolean; }; sortDirections?: SortOrder[]; } function Table(props: TableProps) { const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, className, size: customizeSize, bordered, dropdownPrefixCls, dataSource, pagination, rowSelection, rowKey, rowClassName, columns, children, onChange, getPopupContainer, loading, expandIcon, expandable, expandedRowRender, indentSize, childrenColumnName = 'children', scroll, sortDirections, locale, } = props; const size = React.useContext(SizeContext); const { locale: contextLocale = defaultLocale, renderEmpty, direction } = React.useContext( ConfigContext, ); const mergedSize = customizeSize || size; const tableLocale = { ...contextLocale.Table, ...locale } as TableLocale; const rawData: RecordType[] = dataSource || EMPTY_LIST; const { getPrefixCls } = React.useContext(ConfigContext); const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('table', customizePrefixCls); const expandType: ExpandType = React.useMemo(() => { if (rawData.some(item => (item as any)[childrenColumnName])) { return 'nest'; } if (expandedRowRender || (expandable && expandable.expandedRowRender)) { return 'row'; } return null; }, [rawData]); const internalRefs = { body: React.useRef(), }; // ============================ RowKey ============================ const getRowKey = React.useMemo>(() => { if (typeof rowKey === 'function') { return rowKey; } return (record: RecordType) => (record as any)[rowKey as string]; }, [rowKey]); const [getRecordByKey] = useLazyKVMap(rawData, childrenColumnName, getRowKey); // ============================ Events ============================= const changeEventInfo: Partial> = {}; const triggerOnChange = (info: Partial>, reset: boolean = false) => { const changeInfo = { ...changeEventInfo,, }; if (reset) { changeEventInfo.resetPagination!(); // Reset event param if (changeInfo.pagination!.current) { changeInfo.pagination!.current = 1; } // Trigger pagination events if (pagination && pagination.onChange) { pagination.onChange(1, changeInfo.pagination!.pageSize); } } if (scroll && scroll.scrollToFirstRowOnChange !== false && internalRefs.body.current) { scrollTo(0, { getContainer: () => internalRefs.body.current!, }); } if (onChange) { onChange(changeInfo.pagination!, changeInfo.filters!, changeInfo.sorter!, { currentDataSource: getFilterData( getSortData(rawData, changeInfo.sorterStates!, childrenColumnName), changeInfo.filterStates!, ), }); } }; /** * Controlled state in `columns` is not a good idea that makes too many code (1000+ line?) * to read state out and then put it back to title render. * Move these code into `hooks` but still too complex. * We should provides Table props like `sorter` & `filter` to handle control in next big version. */ // ============================ Sorter ============================= const onSorterChange = ( sorter: SorterResult | SorterResult[], sorterStates: SortState[], ) => { triggerOnChange( { sorter, sorterStates, }, false, ); }; const [transformSorterColumns, sortStates, sorterTitleProps, getSorters] = useSorter({ prefixCls, columns, children, onSorterChange, sortDirections: sortDirections || ['ascend', 'descend'], }); const sortedData = React.useMemo(() => getSortData(rawData, sortStates, childrenColumnName), [ rawData, sortStates, ]); changeEventInfo.sorter = getSorters(); changeEventInfo.sorterStates = sortStates; // ============================ Filter ============================ const onFilterChange = ( filters: Record, filterStates: FilterState[], ) => { triggerOnChange( { filters, filterStates, }, true, ); }; const [transformFilterColumns, filterStates, getFilters] = useFilter({ prefixCls, locale: tableLocale, dropdownPrefixCls, columns: columns || [], onFilterChange, getPopupContainer, }); const mergedData = getFilterData(sortedData, filterStates); changeEventInfo.filters = getFilters(); changeEventInfo.filterStates = filterStates; // ============================ Column ============================ const columnTitleProps = React.useMemo( () => ({ ...sorterTitleProps, }), [sorterTitleProps], ); const [transformTitleColumns] = useTitleColumns(columnTitleProps); // ========================== Pagination ========================== const onPaginationChange = (current: number, pageSize: number) => { triggerOnChange({ pagination: { ...changeEventInfo.pagination, current, pageSize }, }); }; const [mergedPagination, resetPagination] = usePagination( mergedData.length, pagination, onPaginationChange, ); changeEventInfo.pagination = pagination === false ? {} : getPaginationParam(pagination, mergedPagination); changeEventInfo.resetPagination = resetPagination; // ============================= Data ============================= const pageData = React.useMemo(() => { if ( pagination === false || !mergedPagination.pageSize || mergedData.length <! ) { return mergedData; } const { current = 1, pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE } = mergedPagination; const currentPageData = mergedData.slice((current - 1) * pageSize, current * pageSize); return currentPageData; }, [ !!pagination, mergedData, mergedPagination && mergedPagination.current, mergedPagination && mergedPagination.pageSize, mergedPagination &&, ]); // ========================== Selections ========================== const [transformSelectionColumns, selectedKeySet] = useSelection(rowSelection, { prefixCls, data: mergedData, pageData, getRowKey, getRecordByKey, expandType, childrenColumnName, locale: tableLocale, }); const internalRowClassName = (record: RecordType, index: number, indent: number) => { let mergedRowClassName; if (typeof rowClassName === 'function') { mergedRowClassName = classNames(rowClassName(record, index, indent)); } else { mergedRowClassName = classNames(rowClassName); } return classNames( { [`${prefixCls}-row-selected`]: selectedKeySet.has(getRowKey(record, index)), }, mergedRowClassName, ); }; // ========================== Expandable ========================== const mergedExpandable: ExpandableConfig = { ...expandable, }; // Pass origin render status into `rc-table`, this can be removed when refactor with `rc-table` (mergedExpandable as any).__PARENT_RENDER_ICON__ = mergedExpandable.expandIcon; // Customize expandable icon mergedExpandable.expandIcon = mergedExpandable.expandIcon || expandIcon || renderExpandIcon(tableLocale!); // Adjust expand icon index, no overwrite expandIconColumnIndex if set. if (expandType === 'nest' && !('expandIconColumnIndex' in mergedExpandable)) { mergedExpandable.expandIconColumnIndex = rowSelection ? 1 : 0; } // Indent size mergedExpandable.indentSize = mergedExpandable.indentSize || indentSize || 15; // ============================ Render ============================ const transformColumns = React.useCallback( (innerColumns: ColumnsType): ColumnsType => { return transformTitleColumns( transformSelectionColumns(transformFilterColumns(transformSorterColumns(innerColumns))), ); }, [transformSorterColumns, transformFilterColumns, transformSelectionColumns], ); let topPaginationNode: React.ReactNode; let bottomPaginationNode: React.ReactNode; if (pagination !== false) { let paginationSize: PaginationConfig['size']; if (mergedPagination.size) { paginationSize = mergedPagination.size; } else { paginationSize = mergedSize === 'small' || mergedSize === 'middle' ? 'small' : undefined; } const renderPagination = () => ( ); switch (mergedPagination.position) { case 'top': topPaginationNode = renderPagination(); break; case 'both': topPaginationNode = renderPagination(); bottomPaginationNode = renderPagination(); break; default: bottomPaginationNode = renderPagination(); } } // >>>>>>>>> Spinning let spinProps: SpinProps | undefined; if (typeof loading === 'boolean') { spinProps = { spinning: loading, }; } else { spinProps = loading; } const wrapperClassNames = classNames(`${prefixCls}-wrapper`, { [`${prefixCls}-wrapper-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl', }); return (
{ e.preventDefault(); }} > {topPaginationNode} {...props} expandable={mergedExpandable} prefixCls={prefixCls} className={classNames(className, { [`${prefixCls}-middle`]: mergedSize === 'middle', [`${prefixCls}-small`]: mergedSize === 'small', [`${prefixCls}-bordered`]: bordered, [`${prefixCls}-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl', })} data={pageData} rowKey={getRowKey} rowClassName={internalRowClassName} emptyText={(locale && locale.emptyText) || renderEmpty('Table')} // Internal internalHooks={INTERNAL_HOOKS} internalRefs={internalRefs as any} transformColumns={transformColumns} /> {bottomPaginationNode}
); } Table.defaultProps = { rowKey: 'key', }; Table.SELECTION_ALL = SELECTION_ALL; Table.SELECTION_INVERT = SELECTION_INVERT; Table.Column = Column; Table.ColumnGroup = ColumnGroup; export default Table;