import CheckOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/CheckOutlined'; import CopyOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/CopyOutlined'; import EditOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/EditOutlined'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import copy from 'copy-to-clipboard'; import ResizeObserver from 'rc-resize-observer'; import type { AutoSizeType } from 'rc-textarea/lib/ResizableTextArea'; import toArray from 'rc-util/lib/Children/toArray'; import useIsomorphicLayoutEffect from 'rc-util/lib/hooks/useLayoutEffect'; import useMergedState from 'rc-util/lib/hooks/useMergedState'; import omit from 'rc-util/lib/omit'; import { composeRef } from 'rc-util/lib/ref'; import * as React from 'react'; import { ConfigContext } from '../../config-provider'; import { useLocaleReceiver } from '../../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import TransButton from '../../_util/transButton'; import { isStyleSupport } from '../../_util/styleChecker'; import type { TooltipProps } from '../../tooltip'; import Tooltip from '../../tooltip'; import Editable from '../Editable'; import useMergedConfig from '../hooks/useMergedConfig'; import useUpdatedEffect from '../hooks/useUpdatedEffect'; import type { TypographyProps } from '../Typography'; import Typography from '../Typography'; import Ellipsis from './Ellipsis'; import EllipsisTooltip from './EllipsisTooltip'; export type BaseType = 'secondary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger'; interface CopyConfig { text?: string; onCopy?: (event?: React.MouseEvent) => void; icon?: React.ReactNode; tooltips?: boolean | React.ReactNode; format?: 'text/plain' | 'text/html'; } interface EditConfig { editing?: boolean; icon?: React.ReactNode; tooltip?: boolean | React.ReactNode; onStart?: () => void; onChange?: (value: string) => void; onCancel?: () => void; onEnd?: () => void; maxLength?: number; autoSize?: boolean | AutoSizeType; triggerType?: ('icon' | 'text')[]; enterIcon?: React.ReactNode; } export interface EllipsisConfig { rows?: number; expandable?: boolean; suffix?: string; symbol?: React.ReactNode; onExpand?: React.MouseEventHandler; onEllipsis?: (ellipsis: boolean) => void; tooltip?: React.ReactNode | TooltipProps; } export interface BlockProps extends TypographyProps { title?: string; editable?: boolean | EditConfig; copyable?: boolean | CopyConfig; type?: BaseType; disabled?: boolean; ellipsis?: boolean | EllipsisConfig; // decorations code?: boolean; mark?: boolean; underline?: boolean; delete?: boolean; strong?: boolean; keyboard?: boolean; italic?: boolean; } function wrapperDecorations( { mark, code, underline, delete: del, strong, keyboard, italic }: BlockProps, content: React.ReactNode, ) { let currentContent = content; function wrap(needed: boolean | undefined, tag: string) { if (!needed) return; currentContent = React.createElement(tag, {}, currentContent); } wrap(strong, 'strong'); wrap(underline, 'u'); wrap(del, 'del'); wrap(code, 'code'); wrap(mark, 'mark'); wrap(keyboard, 'kbd'); wrap(italic, 'i'); return currentContent; } function getNode(dom: React.ReactNode, defaultNode: React.ReactNode, needDom?: boolean) { if (dom === true || dom === undefined) { return defaultNode; } return dom || (needDom && defaultNode); } function toList(val: T | T[]): T[] { if (val === false) { return [false, false] as T[]; } return Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]; } interface InternalBlockProps extends BlockProps { component: string; } const ELLIPSIS_STR = '...'; const Base = React.forwardRef((props: InternalBlockProps, ref: any) => { const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, className, style, type, disabled, children, ellipsis, editable, copyable, component, title, ...restProps } = props; const { getPrefixCls, direction } = React.useContext(ConfigContext); const textLocale = useLocaleReceiver('Text')[0]!; // Force TS get this const typographyRef = React.useRef(null); const editIconRef = React.useRef(null); // ============================ MISC ============================ const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('typography', customizePrefixCls); const textProps = omit(restProps, [ 'mark', 'code', 'delete', 'underline', 'strong', 'keyboard', 'italic', ]) as any; // ========================== Editable ========================== const [enableEdit, editConfig] = useMergedConfig(editable); const [editing, setEditing] = useMergedState(false, { value: editConfig.editing, }); const { triggerType = ['icon'] } = editConfig; const triggerEdit = (edit: boolean) => { if (edit) { editConfig.onStart?.(); } setEditing(edit); }; // Focus edit icon when back useUpdatedEffect(() => { if (!editing) { editIconRef.current?.focus(); } }, [editing]); const onEditClick = (e?: React.MouseEvent) => { e?.preventDefault(); triggerEdit(true); }; const onEditChange = (value: string) => { editConfig.onChange?.(value); triggerEdit(false); }; const onEditCancel = () => { editConfig.onCancel?.(); triggerEdit(false); }; // ========================== Copyable ========================== const [enableCopy, copyConfig] = useMergedConfig(copyable); const [copied, setCopied] = React.useState(false); const copyIdRef = React.useRef(); const copyOptions: Pick = {}; if (copyConfig.format) { copyOptions.format = copyConfig.format; } const cleanCopyId = () => { clearTimeout(copyIdRef.current!); }; const onCopyClick = (e?: React.MouseEvent) => { e?.preventDefault(); e?.stopPropagation(); copy(copyConfig.text || String(children) || '', copyOptions); setCopied(true); // Trigger tips update cleanCopyId(); copyIdRef.current = setTimeout(() => { setCopied(false); }, 3000); copyConfig.onCopy?.(e); }; React.useEffect(() => cleanCopyId, []); // ========================== Ellipsis ========================== const [isLineClampSupport, setIsLineClampSupport] = React.useState(false); const [isTextOverflowSupport, setIsTextOverflowSupport] = React.useState(false); const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState(false); const [isJsEllipsis, setIsJsEllipsis] = React.useState(false); const [isNativeEllipsis, setIsNativeEllipsis] = React.useState(false); const [isNativeVisible, setIsNativeVisible] = React.useState(true); const [enableEllipsis, ellipsisConfig] = useMergedConfig(ellipsis, { expandable: false, }); const mergedEnableEllipsis = enableEllipsis && !expanded; // Shared prop to reduce bundle size const { rows = 1 } = ellipsisConfig; const needMeasureEllipsis = React.useMemo( () => // Disable ellipsis !mergedEnableEllipsis || // Provide suffix ellipsisConfig.suffix !== undefined || ellipsisConfig.onEllipsis || // Can't use css ellipsis since we need to provide the place for button ellipsisConfig.expandable || enableEdit || enableCopy, [mergedEnableEllipsis, ellipsisConfig, enableEdit, enableCopy], ); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (enableEllipsis && !needMeasureEllipsis) { setIsLineClampSupport(isStyleSupport('webkitLineClamp')); setIsTextOverflowSupport(isStyleSupport('textOverflow')); } }, [needMeasureEllipsis, enableEllipsis]); const cssEllipsis = React.useMemo(() => { if (needMeasureEllipsis) { return false; } if (rows === 1) { return isTextOverflowSupport; } return isLineClampSupport; }, [needMeasureEllipsis, isTextOverflowSupport, isLineClampSupport]); const isMergedEllipsis = mergedEnableEllipsis && (cssEllipsis ? isNativeEllipsis : isJsEllipsis); const cssTextOverflow = mergedEnableEllipsis && rows === 1 && cssEllipsis; const cssLineClamp = mergedEnableEllipsis && rows > 1 && cssEllipsis; // >>>>> Expand const onExpandClick: React.MouseEventHandler = e => { setExpanded(true); ellipsisConfig.onExpand?.(e); }; const [ellipsisWidth, setEllipsisWidth] = React.useState(0); const onResize = ({ offsetWidth }: { offsetWidth: number }) => { setEllipsisWidth(offsetWidth); }; // >>>>> JS Ellipsis const onJsEllipsis = (jsEllipsis: boolean) => { setIsJsEllipsis(jsEllipsis); // Trigger if changed if (isJsEllipsis !== jsEllipsis) { ellipsisConfig.onEllipsis?.(jsEllipsis); } }; // >>>>> Native ellipsis React.useEffect(() => { const textEle = typographyRef.current; if (enableEllipsis && cssEllipsis && textEle) { const currentEllipsis = cssLineClamp ? textEle.offsetHeight < textEle.scrollHeight : textEle.offsetWidth < textEle.scrollWidth; if (isNativeEllipsis !== currentEllipsis) { setIsNativeEllipsis(currentEllipsis); } } }, [enableEllipsis, cssEllipsis, children, cssLineClamp, isNativeVisible]); // // Use IntersectionObserver to check if element is invisible React.useEffect(() => { const textEle = typographyRef.current; if ( typeof IntersectionObserver === 'undefined' || !textEle || !cssEllipsis || !mergedEnableEllipsis ) { return; } /* eslint-disable-next-line compat/compat */ const observer = new IntersectionObserver(() => { setIsNativeVisible(!!textEle.offsetParent); }); observer.observe(textEle!); return () => { observer.disconnect(); }; }, [cssEllipsis, mergedEnableEllipsis]); // ========================== Tooltip =========================== let tooltipProps: TooltipProps = {}; if (ellipsisConfig.tooltip === true) { tooltipProps = { title: children }; } else if (React.isValidElement(ellipsisConfig.tooltip)) { tooltipProps = { title: ellipsisConfig.tooltip }; } else if (typeof ellipsisConfig.tooltip === 'object') { tooltipProps = { title: children, ...ellipsisConfig.tooltip }; } else { tooltipProps = { title: ellipsisConfig.tooltip }; } const topAriaLabel = React.useMemo(() => { const isValid = (val: any) => ['string', 'number'].includes(typeof val); if (!enableEllipsis || cssEllipsis) { return undefined; } if (isValid(children)) { return children; } if (isValid(title)) { return title; } if (isValid(tooltipProps.title)) { return tooltipProps.title; } return undefined; }, [enableEllipsis, cssEllipsis, title, tooltipProps.title, isMergedEllipsis]); // =========================== Render =========================== // >>>>>>>>>>> Editing input if (editing) { return ( ); } // >>>>>>>>>>> Typography // Expand const renderExpand = () => { const { expandable, symbol } = ellipsisConfig; if (!expandable) return null; let expandContent: React.ReactNode; if (symbol) { expandContent = symbol; } else { expandContent = textLocale.expand; } return ( {expandContent} ); }; // Edit const renderEdit = () => { if (!enableEdit) return; const { icon, tooltip } = editConfig; const editTitle = toArray(tooltip)[0] || textLocale.edit; const ariaLabel = typeof editTitle === 'string' ? editTitle : ''; return triggerType.includes('icon') ? ( {icon || } ) : null; }; // Copy const renderCopy = () => { if (!enableCopy) return; const { tooltips, icon } = copyConfig; const tooltipNodes = toList(tooltips); const iconNodes = toList(icon); const copyTitle = copied ? getNode(tooltipNodes[1], textLocale.copied) : getNode(tooltipNodes[0], textLocale.copy); const systemStr = copied ? textLocale.copied : textLocale.copy; const ariaLabel = typeof copyTitle === 'string' ? copyTitle : systemStr; return ( {copied ? getNode(iconNodes[1], , true) : getNode(iconNodes[0], , true)} ); }; const renderOperations = (renderExpanded: boolean) => [ renderExpanded && renderExpand(), renderEdit(), renderCopy(), ]; const renderEllipsis = (needEllipsis: boolean) => [ needEllipsis && ( {ELLIPSIS_STR} ), ellipsisConfig.suffix, renderOperations(needEllipsis), ]; return ( {resizeRef => ( {(node, needEllipsis) => { let renderNode: React.ReactNode = node; if (node.length && needEllipsis && topAriaLabel) { renderNode = ( {renderNode} ); } const wrappedContext = wrapperDecorations( props, <> {renderNode} {renderEllipsis(needEllipsis)} , ); return wrappedContext; }} )} ); }); export default Base;