## zh-CN 自定义或第三方的表单控件,也可以与 Form 组件一起使用。只要该组件遵循以下的约定: > - 提供受控属性 `value` 或其它与 [`valuePropName`](https://ant.design/components/form-cn/#formitem) 的值同名的属性。 > - 提供 `onChange` 事件或 [`trigger`](https://ant.design/components/form-cn/#formitem) 的值同名的事件。 ## en-US Customized or third-party form controls can be used in Form, too. Controls must follow these conventions: > - It has a controlled property `value` or other name which is equal to the value of [`valuePropName`](https://ant.design/components/form/#formitem). > - It has event `onChange` or an event which name is equal to the value of [`trigger`](https://ant.design/components/form/#formitem).