## zh-CN
通过 `Form.Provider` 在表单间处理数据。本例子中,Modal 的确认按钮在 Form 之外,通过 `form.submit` 方法调用表单提交功能。反之,则推荐使用 `` 调用 web 原生提交逻辑。
## en-US
Use `Form.Provider` to process data between forms. In this case, submit button is in the Modal which is out of Form. You can use `form.submit` to submit form. Besides, we recommend native `` to submit a form.
#components-form-demo-form-context .user {
margin-bottom: 8px;
#components-form-demo-form-context .user .ant-avatar {
margin-right: 8px;
.ant-row-rtl #components-form-demo-form-context .user .ant-avatar {
margin-right: 0;
margin-left: 8px;