--- order: 8 title: zh-CN: 带页签的卡片 en-US: With tabs --- ## zh-CN 可承载更多内容。 ## en-US More content can be hosted. ```jsx import { Card } from 'antd'; const tabList = [ { key: 'tab1', tab: 'tab1', }, { key: 'tab2', tab: 'tab2', }, ]; const contentList = { tab1:


, tab2:


, }; const tabListNoTitle = [ { key: 'article', tab: 'article', }, { key: 'app', tab: 'app', }, { key: 'project', tab: 'project', }, ]; const contentListNoTitle = { article:

article content

, app:

app content

, project:

project content

, }; class TabsCard extends React.Component { state = { key: 'tab1', noTitleKey: 'app', }; onTabChange = (key, type) => { console.log(key, type); this.setState({ [type]: key }); }; render() { return (
More} tabList={tabList} activeTabKey={this.state.key} onTabChange={key => { this.onTabChange(key, 'key'); }} > {contentList[this.state.key]}

{ this.onTabChange(key, 'noTitleKey'); }} > {contentListNoTitle[this.state.noTitleKey]}
); } } ReactDOM.render(, mountNode); ```