import { getStyle as getCheckboxStyle } from '../../checkbox/style'; import { textEllipsis } from '../../style'; import { genCompactItemStyle } from '../../style/compact-item'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 选择器宽度 * @descEN Width of Cascader */ controlWidth: number; /** * @desc 选项宽度 * @descEN Width of item */ controlItemWidth: number; /** * @desc 下拉菜单高度 * @descEN Height of dropdown */ dropdownHeight: number; } type CascaderToken = FullToken<'Cascader'>; // =============================== Base =============================== const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { prefixCls, componentCls, antCls } = token; const cascaderMenuItemCls = `${componentCls}-menu-item`; const iconCls = ` &${cascaderMenuItemCls}-expand ${cascaderMenuItemCls}-expand-icon, ${cascaderMenuItemCls}-loading-icon `; const itemPaddingVertical = Math.round( (token.controlHeight - token.fontSize * token.lineHeight) / 2, ); return [ // ===================================================== // == Control == // ===================================================== { [componentCls]: { width: token.controlWidth, }, }, // ===================================================== // == Popup == // ===================================================== { [`${componentCls}-dropdown`]: [ // ==================== Checkbox ==================== getCheckboxStyle(`${prefixCls}-checkbox`, token), { [`&${antCls}-select-dropdown`]: { padding: 0, }, }, { [componentCls]: { // ================== Checkbox ================== '&-checkbox': { top: 0, marginInlineEnd: token.paddingXS, }, // ==================== Menu ==================== // >>> Menus '&-menus': { display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'nowrap', alignItems: 'flex-start', [`&${componentCls}-menu-empty`]: { [`${componentCls}-menu`]: { width: '100%', height: 'auto', [cascaderMenuItemCls]: { color: token.colorTextDisabled, }, }, }, }, // >>> Menu '&-menu': { flexGrow: 1, minWidth: token.controlItemWidth, height: token.dropdownHeight, margin: 0, padding: token.paddingXXS, overflow: 'auto', verticalAlign: 'top', listStyle: 'none', '-ms-overflow-style': '-ms-autohiding-scrollbar', // '&:not(:last-child)': { borderInlineEnd: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorSplit}`, }, '&-item': { ...textEllipsis, display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'nowrap', alignItems: 'center', padding: `${itemPaddingVertical}px ${token.paddingSM}px`, lineHeight: token.lineHeight, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${token.motionDurationMid}`, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusSM, '&:hover': { background: token.controlItemBgHover, }, '&-disabled': { color: token.colorTextDisabled, cursor: 'not-allowed', '&:hover': { background: 'transparent', }, [iconCls]: { color: token.colorTextDisabled, }, }, [`&-active:not(${cascaderMenuItemCls}-disabled)`]: { [`&, &:hover`]: { fontWeight: token.fontWeightStrong, backgroundColor: token.controlItemBgActive, }, }, '&-content': { flex: 'auto', }, [iconCls]: { marginInlineStart: token.paddingXXS, color: token.colorTextDescription, fontSize: token.fontSizeIcon, }, '&-keyword': { color: token.colorHighlight, }, }, }, }, }, ], }, // ===================================================== // == RTL == // ===================================================== { [`${componentCls}-dropdown-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, }, // ===================================================== // == Space Compact == // ===================================================== genCompactItemStyle(token), ]; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook('Cascader', (token) => [genBaseStyle(token)], { controlWidth: 184, controlItemWidth: 111, dropdownHeight: 180, });