import { produce } from 'immer'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import type { UploadRequestOption } from 'rc-upload/lib/interface'; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import type { RcFile, UploadFile, UploadProps } from '..'; import Upload from '..'; import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest'; import rtlTest from '../../../tests/shared/rtlTest'; import { act, fireEvent, render, waitFakeTimer } from '../../../tests/utils'; import { resetWarned } from '../../_util/warning'; import Form from '../../form'; import { getFileItem, isImageUrl, removeFileItem } from '../utils'; import { setup, teardown } from './mock'; (globalThis as any).IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT = true; describe('Upload', () => { mountTest(Upload); rtlTest(Upload); beforeAll(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); }); beforeEach(() => setup()); afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllTimers(); return teardown(); }); // Mock for rc-util raf window.requestAnimationFrame = (callback) => window.setTimeout(callback, 16); window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id); // it('should get refs inside Upload in componentDidMount', () => { let ref: React.RefObject; const App: React.FC = () => { const inputRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { ref = inputRef; }, []); return ( ); }; render(); expect(ref!).toBeDefined(); }); it('return promise in beforeUpload', async () => { const data = jest.fn(); const done = jest.fn(); const props: UploadProps = { action: '', beforeUpload: () => new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve('success'), 100); }), data, onChange({ file }) { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { expect(data).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); } }, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }] }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(done).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('beforeUpload can be falsy', async () => { const done = jest.fn(); const props: UploadProps = { action: '', beforeUpload: () => false, onChange: ({ file }) => { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { done(); } }, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }] }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(done).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('upload promise return file in beforeUpload', async () => { const done = jest.fn(); const data = jest.fn(); const props: UploadProps = { action: '', beforeUpload: (file) => new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { const result = file; (result as any).name = 'test.png'; resolve(result); }, 100); }), data, onChange: ({ file }) => { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { expect(data).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect('test.png'); done(); } }, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }] }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(done).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not stop upload when return value of beforeUpload is false', (done) => { const fileList = [ { uid: 'bar', name: 'bar.png', }, ]; const mockFile = new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }); const data = jest.fn(); const props: UploadProps = { action: '', fileList, beforeUpload: () => false, data, onChange: ({ file, fileList: updatedFileList }) => { expect(file instanceof File).toBe(true); expect( =>['bar.png', 'foo.png']); expect(data).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [mockFile] }, }); }); it('should not stop upload when return value of beforeUpload is not false', (done) => { const data = jest.fn(); const props = { action: '', beforeUpload() {}, data, onChange: () => { expect(data).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }], }, }); }); // it('should contain input file control if upload button is hidden', () => { const { container, rerender } = render( , ); expect(container.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"]')).toHaveLength(1); rerender(); expect(container.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"]')).toHaveLength(1); }); // it('should not have id if upload children is null, avoid being triggered by label', () => { const Demo: React.FC<{ children?: UploadProps['children'] }> = ({ children }) => (
); const { container, rerender } = render(
, ); expect(container.querySelector('input#upload')).toBeTruthy(); rerender(); expect(container.querySelector('input#upload')).toBeFalsy(); }); // it('should not have id if Upload is disabled, avoid being triggered by label', () => { const Demo: React.FC<{ disabled?: UploadProps['disabled'] }> = ({ disabled }) => (
); const { container: wrapper, rerender } = render(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('input#upload').length).toBe(1); rerender(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('input#upload').length).toBe(0); }); // it('should not have id if upload.Dragger is disabled, avoid being triggered by label', () => { const Demo: React.FC<{ disabled?: UploadProps['disabled'] }> = ({ disabled }) => (
); const { container: wrapper, rerender } = render(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('input#upload').length).toBe(1); rerender(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('input#upload').length).toBe(0); }); it('should be controlled by fileList', async () => { const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', }, ]; const ref = React.createRef(); const { rerender } = render(); expect(ref.current.fileList).toEqual([]); rerender(); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(ref.current.fileList).toEqual(fileList); }); it('should be able to get uid at first', () => { const fileList = [ { name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', }, ]; render(); (fileList as UploadProps['fileList'])?.forEach((file) => { expect(file.uid).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('util', () => { it('should be able to get fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg' } as RcFile; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = getFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toBe(fileList[0]); }); it('should be able to remove fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg' }; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, { uid: '-2', name: 'item2.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = removeFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toEqual(fileList.slice(1)); }); it('remove fileItem and fileList with immutable data', () => { const file = { uid: '-3', name: 'item3.jpg' }; const fileList = produce( [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, { uid: '-2', name: 'item2.jpg', }, ], (draftState) => { draftState.push({ uid: '-3', name: 'item3.jpg', }); }, ); const targetItem = removeFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toEqual(fileList.slice(0, 2)); }); it('should not be able to remove fileItem', () => { const file = { uid: '-3', name: 'item.jpg' }; const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'item.jpg', }, { uid: '-2', name: 'item2.jpg', }, ]; const targetItem = removeFileItem(file, fileList); expect(targetItem).toBe(null); }); it('isImageUrl should work correctly when file.url is null', () => { const file = { url: null } as unknown as UploadFile; expect(isImageUrl(file)).toBe(true); }); }); it('should support linkProps as object', () => { const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', linkProps: { download: 'image', rel: 'noopener', }, }, ]; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); const linkNode = wrapper.querySelector('a.ant-upload-list-item-name'); expect(linkNode?.getAttribute('download')).toBe('image'); expect(linkNode?.getAttribute('rel')).toBe('noopener'); }); it('should support linkProps as json stringify', () => { const linkPropsString = JSON.stringify({ download: 'image', rel: 'noopener', }); const fileList = [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', linkProps: linkPropsString, }, ]; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); const linkNode = wrapper.querySelector('a.ant-upload-list-item-name'); expect(linkNode?.getAttribute('download')).toBe('image'); expect(linkNode?.getAttribute('rel')).toBe('noopener'); }); it('should stop remove when return value of onRemove is false', async () => { const mockRemove = jest.fn(() => false); const props: UploadProps = { onRemove: mockRemove, fileList: [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', }, ], }; const { container: wrapper } = render();'div.ant-upload-list-item .anticon-delete')!); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(mockRemove).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(props.fileList).toHaveLength(1); expect(props.fileList?.[0]?.status).toBe('done'); }); // it('should not abort uploading until return value of onRemove is resolved as true', async () => { const file = { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'uploading', url: '', }; let removePromise: (value: boolean | Promise) => void; const onRemove: UploadProps['onRemove'] = () => new Promise((resolve) => { expect(file.status).toBe('uploading'); removePromise = resolve; }); const onChange = jest.fn(); const { container } = render( , );'div.ant-upload-list-item .anticon-delete')!); // Delay return true for remove await waitFakeTimer(); await act(async () => { removePromise(true); }); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(file.status).toBe('removed'); }); it('should not stop download when return use onDownload', async () => { const mockRemove = jest.fn(() => false); const props: UploadProps = { onRemove: mockRemove, showUploadList: { showDownloadIcon: true, }, fileList: [ { uid: '-1', name: 'foo.png', status: 'done', url: '', }, ], }; const { container: wrapper } = render( {}} />);'div.ant-upload-list-item .anticon-download')!); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(props.fileList).toHaveLength(1); expect(props.fileList?.[0]?.status).toBe('done'); }); // it('should allow call abort function through upload instance', () => { const ref = React.createRef(); render( , ); expect(typeof ref.current?.upload.abort).toBe('function'); }); it('correct dragCls when type is drag', () => { const fileList = [{ status: 'uploading', uid: 'file' }]; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-upload-drag-uploading').length).toBe(1); }); it('return when targetItem is null', () => { const fileList = [{ uid: 'file' }]; const ref = React.createRef(); render( , ); expect(ref.current?.onSuccess('', { uid: 'fileItem' })).toBe(undefined); expect(ref.current?.onProgress('', { uid: 'fileItem' })).toBe(undefined); expect(ref.current?.onError('', '', { uid: 'fileItem' })).toBe(undefined); }); it('should replace file when targetItem already exists', () => { const fileList = [{ uid: 'file', name: 'file' }]; const ref = React.createRef(); const { unmount } = render( , ); const newFile = { uid: 'file', name: 'file1', }; act(() => { ref.current?.onBatchStart([ { file: newFile, parsedFile: newFile, }, ]); }); expect(ref.current.fileList.length).toBe(1); expect(ref.current.fileList[0].originFileObj).toEqual({ name: 'file1', uid: 'file', }); unmount(); }); it('warning if set `value`', () => { resetWarned(); const value = { value: [] } as any; const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); render(); expect(errorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Warning: [antd: Upload] `value` is not a valid prop, do you mean `fileList`?', ); errorSpy.mockRestore(); }); it('should be treated as file but not an image', () => { const file = { status: 'done', uid: '-1', type: 'video/mp4', url: '', }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('img').length).toBe(0); }); // it('should support events', () => { const onClick = jest.fn(); const onMouseEnter = jest.fn(); const onMouseLeave = jest.fn(); const props = { onClick, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , );'.ant-upload')[1]); expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); fireEvent.mouseEnter(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-upload')[1]); expect(onMouseEnter).toHaveBeenCalled(); fireEvent.mouseLeave(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-upload')[1]); expect(onMouseLeave).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); // it('should sync file list with control mode', async () => { const done = jest.fn(); let callTimes = 0; const customRequest = jest.fn(async (options) => { // stop here to make sure new fileList has been set and passed to Upload // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); options.onProgress({ percent: 0 }); const url = Promise.resolve(''); options.onProgress({ percent: 100 }); options.onSuccess({}, { ...options.file, url }); }); const Demo: React.FC = () => { const [fileList, setFileList] = React.useState([]); const onChange: UploadProps['onChange'] = async (e) => { const newFileList = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.fileList; setFileList(newFileList); const file = newFileList[0]; callTimes += 1; switch (callTimes) { case 1: case 2: expect(file).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ status: 'uploading', percent: 0 })); break; case 3: expect(file).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ status: 'uploading', percent: 100 })); break; case 4: expect(file).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ status: 'done', percent: 100 })); break; default: // Do nothing } if (callTimes >= 4) { done(); } }; return ( ); }; const { container: wrapper } = render(); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }] }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(done).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('maxCount', () => { it('replace when only 1', async () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const fileList = [ { uid: 'bar', name: 'bar.png', }, ]; const props = { action: '', fileList, onChange, maxCount: 1, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png' })], }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList).toHaveLength(1); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList[0]).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: 'foo.png', }), ); }); it('maxCount > 1', async () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const fileList = [ { uid: 'bar', name: 'bar.png', }, ]; const props = { action: '', fileList, onChange, maxCount: 2, }; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [ new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png', }), new File(['invisible'], 'invisible.png', { type: 'image/png' }), ], }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList).toHaveLength(2); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ name: 'bar.png', }), expect.objectContaining({ name: 'foo.png', }), ]); // Only trigger for file in `maxCount` onChange.mock.calls.forEach((args) => { expect(args[0]'foo.png'); }); }); }); it('auto fill file uid', () => { const fileList = [{ name: 'bamboo.png' }]; expect((fileList[0] as any).uid).toBeFalsy(); render( , ); expect((fileList[0] as any).uid).toBeTruthy(); }); it('Proxy should support deepClone', async () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); fireEvent.change(wrapper.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [new File(['foo'], 'foo.png', { type: 'image/png' })], }, }); await waitFakeTimer(); const { file } = onChange.mock.calls[0][0]; const clone = cloneDeep(file); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(file, 'name')).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ value: 'foo.png' }), ); ['uid', 'name', 'lastModified', 'lastModifiedDate', 'size', 'type'].forEach((key) => { expect(key in clone).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('not break on freeze object', async () => { const fileList = [ { fileName: 'Test.png', name: 'SupportIS App - potwierdzenie.png', thumbUrl: null, downloadUrl: 'https://localhost:5001/api/files/ff2917ce-e4b9-4542-84da-31cdbe7c273f', status: 'done', }, ]; const image = cloneDeep(fileList[0]); const frozenFileList =; const { container: wrapper } = render( , ); const rmBtn = wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-upload-list-item-action');[rmBtn.length - 1]); // Wait for Upload async remove await waitFakeTimer(); expect(image).toEqual(frozenFileList[0]); }); // // IE11 Does not support the File constructor it('should not break in IE if beforeUpload returns false', async () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const { container } = render( false} fileList={[]} onChange={onChange} />, ); const fileConstructor = () => { throw new TypeError("Object doesn't support this action"); }; const spyIE = jest.spyOn(global, 'File').mockImplementationOnce(fileConstructor); fireEvent.change(container.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [{ file: 'foo.png' }] }, }); // React 18 is async now await waitFakeTimer(); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0].fileList).toHaveLength(1); spyIE.mockRestore(); }); // it('should show the animation of the upload children leaving when the upload children becomes null', async () => { const { container, rerender } = render( , ); rerender(); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-upload-select')).toHaveClass( 'ant-upload-animate-inline-leave-start', ); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-upload-select')).toHaveStyle({ pointerEvents: 'none', }); // Motion leave status change: start > active await waitFakeTimer(); fireEvent.animationEnd(container.querySelector('.ant-upload-select')!); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-upload-select')).not.toHaveClass( 'ant-upload-animate-inline-leave-start', ); }); it(' should pass prefixCls', async () => { const { container: wrapper } = render(); expect(wrapper.querySelectorAll('.ant-upload-list').length).toBeGreaterThan(0); const { container: wrapper2 } = render(); expect(wrapper2.querySelectorAll('.custom-upload-list').length).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); // it('Prevent auto batch', async () => { const mockFile1 = new File(['bamboo'], 'bamboo.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const mockFile2 = new File(['light'], 'light.png', { type: 'image/png' }); let info1: UploadRequestOption; let info2: UploadRequestOption; const onChange = jest.fn(); const { container } = render( { if (info.file === mockFile1) { info1 = info; } else { info2 = info; } }} onChange={onChange} />, ); fireEvent.change(container.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [mockFile1, mockFile2] }, }); // React 18 is async now await waitFakeTimer(); onChange.mockReset(); // Processing act(() => { (info1?.onProgress as any)?.({ percent: 10 }, mockFile1); (info2?.onProgress as any)?.({ percent: 20 }, mockFile2); }); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ fileList: [ expect.objectContaining({ percent: 10 }), expect.objectContaining({ percent: 20 }), ], }), ); }); it('prevent auto batch in control mode', async () => { const mockFile1 = new File(['bamboo'], 'bamboo.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const mockFile2 = new File(['light'], 'light.png', { type: 'image/png' }); const customRequest = jest.fn(async (options) => { // stop here to make sure new fileList has been set and passed to Upload // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); options.onProgress({ percent: 0 }); const url = Promise.resolve(''); options.onProgress({ percent: 100 }); options.onSuccess({}, { ...options.file, url }); }); let fileListOut: UploadProps['fileList'] = []; const Demo: React.FC = () => { const [fileList, setFileList] = React.useState([]); const onChange: UploadProps['onChange'] = async (e) => { const newFileList = Array.isArray(e) ? e : e.fileList; setFileList(newFileList); fileListOut = newFileList; }; return ( ); }; const { container } = render(); fireEvent.change(container.querySelector('input')!, { target: { files: [mockFile1, mockFile2] }, }); // React 18 is async now await waitFakeTimer(); fileListOut.forEach((file) => { expect(file.status).toBe('done'); }); }); });