import * as React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { useEvent } from 'rc-util'; import pickAttrs from 'rc-util/lib/pickAttrs'; import { getMergedStatus } from '../../_util/statusUtils'; import type { InputStatus } from '../../_util/statusUtils'; import { devUseWarning } from '../../_util/warning'; import { ConfigContext } from '../../config-provider'; import useCSSVarCls from '../../config-provider/hooks/useCSSVarCls'; import useSize from '../../config-provider/hooks/useSize'; import type { SizeType } from '../../config-provider/SizeContext'; import { FormItemInputContext } from '../../form/context'; import type { FormItemStatusContextProps } from '../../form/context'; import type { Variant } from '../../form/hooks/useVariants'; import type { InputRef } from '../Input'; import useStyle from '../style/otp'; import OTPInput from './OTPInput'; import type { OTPInputProps } from './OTPInput'; export interface OTPRef { focus: VoidFunction; blur: VoidFunction; nativeElement: HTMLDivElement; } export interface OTPProps extends Omit, 'onChange'> { prefixCls?: string; length?: number; // Style variant?: Variant; rootClassName?: string; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; size?: SizeType; // Values defaultValue?: string; value?: string; onChange?: (value: string) => void; formatter?: (value: string) => string; // Status disabled?: boolean; status?: InputStatus; mask?: boolean | string; } function strToArr(str: string) { return (str || '').split(''); } const OTP = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, length = 6, size: customSize, defaultValue, value, onChange, formatter, variant, disabled, status: customStatus, autoFocus, mask, ...restProps } = props; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const warning = devUseWarning('Input.OTP'); warning( !(typeof mask === 'string' && mask.length > 1), 'usage', '`mask` prop should be a single character.', ); } const { getPrefixCls, direction } = React.useContext(ConfigContext); const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('otp', customizePrefixCls); const domAttrs = pickAttrs(restProps, { aria: true, data: true, attr: true, }); // ========================= Root ========================= // Style const rootCls = useCSSVarCls(prefixCls); const [wrapCSSVar, hashId, cssVarCls] = useStyle(prefixCls, rootCls); // ========================= Size ========================= const mergedSize = useSize((ctx) => customSize ?? ctx); // ======================== Status ======================== const formContext = React.useContext(FormItemInputContext); const mergedStatus = getMergedStatus(formContext.status, customStatus); const proxyFormContext = React.useMemo( () => ({ ...formContext, status: mergedStatus, hasFeedback: false, feedbackIcon: null, }), [formContext, mergedStatus], ); // ========================= Refs ========================= const containerRef = React.useRef(null); const refs = React.useRef>({}); React.useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ focus: () => { refs.current[0]?.focus(); }, blur: () => { for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { refs.current[i]?.blur(); } }, nativeElement: containerRef.current!, })); // ======================= Formatter ====================== const internalFormatter = (txt: string) => (formatter ? formatter(txt) : txt); // ======================== Values ======================== const [valueCells, setValueCells] = React.useState( strToArr(internalFormatter(defaultValue || '')), ); React.useEffect(() => { if (value !== undefined) { setValueCells(strToArr(value)); } }, [value]); const triggerValueCellsChange = useEvent((nextValueCells: string[]) => { setValueCells(nextValueCells); // Trigger if all cells are filled if ( onChange && nextValueCells.length === length && nextValueCells.every((c) => c) && nextValueCells.some((c, index) => valueCells[index] !== c) ) { onChange(nextValueCells.join('')); } }); const patchValue = useEvent((index: number, txt: string) => { let nextCells = [...valueCells]; // Fill cells till index for (let i = 0; i < index; i += 1) { if (!nextCells[i]) { nextCells[i] = ''; } } if (txt.length <= 1) { nextCells[index] = txt; } else { nextCells = nextCells.slice(0, index).concat(strToArr(txt)); } nextCells = nextCells.slice(0, length); // Clean the last empty cell for (let i = nextCells.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if (nextCells[i]) { break; } nextCells.pop(); } // Format if needed const formattedValue = internalFormatter( => c || ' ').join('')); nextCells = strToArr(formattedValue).map((c, i) => { if (c === ' ' && !nextCells[i]) { return nextCells[i]; } return c; }); return nextCells; }); // ======================== Change ======================== const onInputChange: OTPInputProps['onChange'] = (index, txt) => { const nextCells = patchValue(index, txt); const nextIndex = Math.min(index + txt.length, length - 1); if (nextIndex !== index) { refs.current[nextIndex]?.focus(); } triggerValueCellsChange(nextCells); }; const onInputActiveChange: OTPInputProps['onActiveChange'] = (nextIndex) => { refs.current[nextIndex]?.focus(); }; // ======================== Render ======================== const inputSharedProps: Partial = { variant, disabled, status: mergedStatus as InputStatus, mask, }; return wrapCSSVar(
{Array.from({ length }).map((_, index) => { const key = `otp-${index}`; const singleValue = valueCells[index] || ''; return ( { refs.current[index] = inputEle; }} key={key} index={index} size={mergedSize} htmlSize={1} className={`${prefixCls}-input`} onChange={onInputChange} value={singleValue} onActiveChange={onInputActiveChange} autoFocus={index === 0 && autoFocus} {...inputSharedProps} /> ); })}
, ); }); export default OTP;