import * as React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { Row, Col, Typography } from 'antd'; import './RecommendPage.less'; const { Title, Paragraph } = Typography; interface Recommend { title: string; img: string; href: string; popularize?: boolean; description: string; } const LIST_CN: Recommend[] = [ { title: '树形控件在生产力工具中的设计', description: '惊!半年实践血泪史,3000 字深度好文,一个爱树的设计师手把手教你如何设计「树 」!', img: '*Z4eXS55fMigAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', popularize: true, }, { title: '或许这就是下一代组件库', description: '随着 React hooks、Vue composition API 的推出,或许组件库有了新的突破点。', img: '*SU6hQ5jHVEsAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', }, { title: 'Ant Design 4.0 的一些杂事儿 - VirtualList 篇', description: '在 React 中,我们常说不太需要关注性能问题。然而作为组件库,这些事你就不得不考虑一下。', img: '*ULOBQroFRMQAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', }, ]; const LIST_EN: Recommend[] = [ { title: "How to Design Tree Component", description: '🌲 Surprise! With half-a-year practice of blood and tears, here comes a designer who deeply loves trees to teach you how to design 「tree」component!', img: '*Z4eXS55fMigAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', popularize: true, }, { title: 'Next Generation of Component Library?', description: '😎 With the launch of React hooks and Vue composition API, perhaps we have met a new breakthrough point of component libraries.', img: '*SU6hQ5jHVEsAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', }, { title: 'Stories about Ant Design 4.0: VirtualList', description: "🏃 In React, usually you don't need to focus on performance problems. However, as a component library, we have to think about it.", img: '*ULOBQroFRMQAAAAAAAAAAAAAARQnAQ', href: '', }, ]; interface RecommendBlockProps extends Recommend { main?: boolean; img: string; href: string; } const RecommendBlock = ({ main, title, popularize, description, img, href, }: RecommendBlockProps) => { return ( { if (window.gtag) { window.gtag('event', '点击', { event_category: '首页推广', event_label: href, }); } }} > {title} {popularize && ( )}
{title} {description}
); }; export default function RecommendPageo() { const { locale } = useIntl(); const isZhCN = locale === 'zh-CN'; const LIST = isZhCN ? LIST_CN : LIST_EN; return ( ); }