--- order: 3 title: zh-CN: 三种大小 en-US: Sizes --- ## zh-CN 三种大小的选择框,当 size 分别为 `large` 和 `small` 时,输入框高度为 `40px` 和 `24px` ,默认高度为 `32px`。 ## en-US The height of the input field for the select defaults to 32px. If size is set to large, the height will be 40px, and if set to small, 24px. ```tsx import type { RadioChangeEvent } from 'antd'; import { Radio, Select } from 'antd'; import type { SizeType } from 'antd/es/config-provider/SizeContext'; import React, { useState } from 'react'; const { Option } = Select; const children: React.ReactNode[] = []; for (let i = 10; i < 36; i++) { children.push(); } const handleChange = (value: string | string[]) => { console.log(`Selected: ${value}`); }; const App: React.FC = () => { const [size, setSize] = useState('middle'); const handleSizeChange = (e: RadioChangeEvent) => { setSize(e.target.value); }; return ( <> Large Default Small

); }; export default App; ``` ```css .code-box-demo .ant-select { margin: 0 8px 10px 0; } .ant-row-rtl .code-box-demo .ant-select { margin: 0 0 10px 8px; } #components-select-demo-search-box .code-box-demo .ant-select { margin: 0; } ```