import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { // Component token here /** * @desc 默认内间距 * @descEN Default padding */ defaultPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 带有描述的内间距 * @descEN Padding with description */ withDescriptionPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 带有描述时的图标尺寸 * @descEN Icon size with description */ withDescriptionIconSize: number; } type AlertToken = FullToken<'Alert'> & { // Custom token here }; const genAlertTypeStyle = ( bgColor: string, borderColor: string, iconColor: string, token: AlertToken, alertCls: string, ): CSSObject => ({ background: bgColor, border: `${unit(token.lineWidth)} ${token.lineType} ${borderColor}`, [`${alertCls}-icon`]: { color: iconColor, }, }); export const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle<AlertToken> = (token: AlertToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow: duration, marginXS, marginSM, fontSize, fontSizeLG, lineHeight, borderRadiusLG: borderRadius, motionEaseInOutCirc, withDescriptionIconSize, colorText, colorTextHeading, withDescriptionPadding, defaultPadding, } = token; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'relative', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', padding: defaultPadding, wordWrap: 'break-word', borderRadius, [`&${componentCls}-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, [`${componentCls}-content`]: { flex: 1, minWidth: 0, }, [`${componentCls}-icon`]: { marginInlineEnd: marginXS, lineHeight: 0, }, '&-description': { display: 'none', fontSize, lineHeight, }, '&-message': { color: colorTextHeading, }, [`&${componentCls}-motion-leave`]: { overflow: 'hidden', opacity: 1, transition: `max-height ${duration} ${motionEaseInOutCirc}, opacity ${duration} ${motionEaseInOutCirc}, padding-top ${duration} ${motionEaseInOutCirc}, padding-bottom ${duration} ${motionEaseInOutCirc}, margin-bottom ${duration} ${motionEaseInOutCirc}`, }, [`&${componentCls}-motion-leave-active`]: { maxHeight: 0, marginBottom: '0 !important', paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, opacity: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-with-description`]: { alignItems: 'flex-start', padding: withDescriptionPadding, [`${componentCls}-icon`]: { marginInlineEnd: marginSM, fontSize: withDescriptionIconSize, lineHeight: 0, }, [`${componentCls}-message`]: { display: 'block', marginBottom: marginXS, color: colorTextHeading, fontSize: fontSizeLG, }, [`${componentCls}-description`]: { display: 'block', color: colorText, }, }, [`${componentCls}-banner`]: { marginBottom: 0, border: '0 !important', borderRadius: 0, }, }; }; export const genTypeStyle: GenerateStyle<AlertToken> = (token: AlertToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, colorSuccess, colorSuccessBorder, colorSuccessBg, colorWarning, colorWarningBorder, colorWarningBg, colorError, colorErrorBorder, colorErrorBg, colorInfo, colorInfoBorder, colorInfoBg, } = token; return { [componentCls]: { '&-success': genAlertTypeStyle( colorSuccessBg, colorSuccessBorder, colorSuccess, token, componentCls, ), '&-info': genAlertTypeStyle(colorInfoBg, colorInfoBorder, colorInfo, token, componentCls), '&-warning': genAlertTypeStyle( colorWarningBg, colorWarningBorder, colorWarning, token, componentCls, ), '&-error': { ...genAlertTypeStyle(colorErrorBg, colorErrorBorder, colorError, token, componentCls), [`${componentCls}-description > pre`]: { margin: 0, padding: 0, }, }, }, }; }; export const genActionStyle: GenerateStyle<AlertToken> = (token: AlertToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, iconCls, motionDurationMid, marginXS, fontSizeIcon, colorIcon, colorIconHover, } = token; return { [componentCls]: { '&-action': { marginInlineStart: marginXS, }, [`${componentCls}-close-icon`]: { marginInlineStart: marginXS, padding: 0, overflow: 'hidden', fontSize: fontSizeIcon, lineHeight: unit(fontSizeIcon), backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 'none', outline: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', [`${iconCls}-close`]: { color: colorIcon, transition: `color ${motionDurationMid}`, '&:hover': { color: colorIconHover, }, }, }, '&-close-text': { color: colorIcon, transition: `color ${motionDurationMid}`, '&:hover': { color: colorIconHover, }, }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Alert'> = (token) => { const paddingHorizontal = 12; // Fixed value here. return { withDescriptionIconSize: token.fontSizeHeading3, defaultPadding: `${token.paddingContentVerticalSM}px ${paddingHorizontal}px`, withDescriptionPadding: `${token.paddingMD}px ${token.paddingContentHorizontalLG}px`, }; }; export default genStyleHooks( 'Alert', (token) => [genBaseStyle(token), genTypeStyle(token), genActionStyle(token)], prepareComponentToken, );