import raf from 'raf'; import delayRaf from '../raf'; import throttleByAnimationFrame from '../throttleByAnimationFrame'; import getDataOrAriaProps from '../getDataOrAriaProps'; import triggerEvent from '../triggerEvent'; describe('Test utils function', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.useFakeTimers(); }); afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); it('throttle function should work', () => { const callback = jest.fn(); const throttled = throttleByAnimationFrame(callback); expect(callback).not.toBeCalled(); throttled(); throttled(); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(callback).toBeCalled(); expect(callback.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('throttle function should be canceled', () => { const callback = jest.fn(); const throttled = throttleByAnimationFrame(callback); throttled(); throttled.cancel(); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(callback).not.toBeCalled(); }); describe('getDataOrAriaProps', () => { it('returns all data-* properties from an object', () => { const props = { onClick: () => {}, isOpen: true, 'data-test': 'test-id', 'data-id': 1234, }; const results = getDataOrAriaProps(props); expect(results).toEqual({ 'data-test': 'test-id', 'data-id': 1234, }); }); it('does not return data-__ properties from an object', () => { const props = { onClick: () => {}, isOpen: true, 'data-__test': 'test-id', 'data-__id': 1234, }; const results = getDataOrAriaProps(props); expect(results).toEqual({}); }); it('returns all aria-* properties from an object', () => { const props = { onClick: () => {}, isOpen: true, 'aria-labelledby': 'label-id', 'aria-label': 'some-label', }; const results = getDataOrAriaProps(props); expect(results).toEqual({ 'aria-labelledby': 'label-id', 'aria-label': 'some-label', }); }); it('returns role property from an object', () => { const props = { onClick: () => {}, isOpen: true, role: 'search', }; const results = getDataOrAriaProps(props); expect(results).toEqual({ role: 'search' }); }); }); it('delayRaf', (done) => { jest.useRealTimers(); let bamboo = false; delayRaf(() => { bamboo = true; }, 3); // Variable bamboo should be false in frame 2 but true in frame 4 raf(() => { expect(bamboo).toBe(false); // Frame 2 raf(() => { expect(bamboo).toBe(false); // Frame 3 raf(() => { // Frame 4 raf(() => { expect(bamboo).toBe(true); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('triggerEvent', () => { const button = document.createElement('button'); button.addEventListener('click', () => { = '100px'; }, true); triggerEvent(button, 'click'); expect('100px'); }); });