import React from 'react'; import { Slider } from 'antd'; import SemanticPreview from '../../../.dumi/components/SemanticPreview'; import useLocale from '../../../.dumi/hooks/useLocale'; const locales = { cn: { track: '范围选择下,点和点之间单个选取条', tracks: '范围选择下,整个范围选取条', rail: '背景条元素', handle: '抓取点元素', }, en: { track: 'The selection bar between points and points under the range selection', tracks: 'The entire range selection bar under the range selection', rail: 'Background rail element', handle: 'Grab handle element', }, }; const App: React.FC = () => { const [locale] = useLocale(locales); return ( ); }; export default App;