/* eslint-disable compat/compat */ /* eslint-disable no-console, no-await-in-loop, import/no-extraneous-dependencies, lodash/import-scope, no-restricted-syntax */ import { assert } from 'console'; import fs from 'fs'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { finished } from 'stream/promises'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import fse from 'fs-extra'; import _ from 'lodash'; import minimist from 'minimist'; import pixelmatch from 'pixelmatch'; import { PNG } from 'pngjs'; import { remark } from 'remark'; import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'; import remarkHtml from 'remark-html'; import sharp from 'sharp'; import tar from 'tar'; const ALI_OSS_BUCKET = 'antd-visual-diff'; const isLocalEnv = process.env.LOCAL; const compareScreenshots = async ( baseImgPath: string, currentImgPath: string, diffImagePath: string, ): Promise => { const baseImgBuf = await sharp(baseImgPath).toBuffer(); const currentImgBuf = await sharp(currentImgPath).toBuffer(); const basePng = PNG.sync.read(baseImgBuf); const targetWidth = basePng.width; const targetHeight = basePng.height; const comparePng = PNG.sync.read( await sharp(currentImgBuf) .resize({ width: targetWidth, height: targetHeight, fit: sharp.fit.contain, background: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, alpha: 0 }, }) .png() .toBuffer(), ); const diffPng = new PNG({ width: targetWidth, height: targetHeight }); const mismatchedPixels = pixelmatch( basePng.data, comparePng.data, diffPng.data, targetWidth, targetHeight, { threshold: 0.1, diffMask: false }, ); // if mismatched then write diff image if (mismatchedPixels) { diffPng.pack().pipe(fs.createWriteStream(diffImagePath)); } return mismatchedPixels / (targetWidth * targetHeight); }; const readPngs = (dir: string) => fs.readdirSync(dir).filter((n) => n.endsWith('.png')); const prettyList = (list: string[]) => list.map((i) => ` * ${i}`).join('\n'); const ossDomain = `https://${ALI_OSS_BUCKET}.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com`; async function downloadFile(url: string, destPath: string) { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok || response.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Download file failed: ${new URL(url).pathname}`); } // @ts-ignore const body = Readable.fromWeb(response.body); await finished(body.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(destPath))); } async function getBranchLatestRef(branchName: string) { const baseImageRefUrl = `${ossDomain}/${branchName}/visual-regression-ref.txt`; // get content from baseImageRefText const res = await fetch(baseImageRefUrl); const text = await res.text(); const ref = text.trim(); return ref; } async function downloadBaseSnapshots(ref: string, targetDir: string) { // download imageSnapshotsUrl const imageSnapshotsUrl = `${ossDomain}/${ref}/imageSnapshots.tar.gz`; const targzPath = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), `./${path.basename(targetDir)}.tar.gz`); await downloadFile(imageSnapshotsUrl, targzPath); // untar return tar.x({ // remove top-level dir strip: 1, C: targetDir, file: targzPath, }); } interface IBadCase { type: 'removed' | 'changed'; filename: string; /** * 0 - 1 */ weight: number; } function md2Html(md: string) { return remark().use(remarkGfm).use(remarkHtml).processSync(md).toString(); } function parseArgs() { // parse args from -- --pr-id=123 --base_ref=feature const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const prId = argv['pr-id']; assert(prId, 'Missing --pr-id'); const baseRef = argv['base-ref']; assert(baseRef, 'Missing --base-ref'); return { prId, baseRef, }; } function generateReport( badCases: IBadCase[], targetBranch: string, targetRef: string, prId: string, ): [string, string] { const publicPath = isLocalEnv ? path.resolve(__dirname, '../..') : `${ossDomain}/pr-${prId}`; const passed = badCases.length === 0; const commonHeader = ` ## Visual Regression Report for PR #${prId} ${passed ? 'Passed ✅' : 'Failed ❌'} > **Target branch:** ${targetBranch} (${targetRef}) `.trim(); if (passed) { const mdStr = [ commonHeader, '------------------------', 'Congrats! No visual-regression diff found', ].join('\n'); return [mdStr, md2Html(mdStr)]; } const htmlReportLink = `${publicPath}/visualRegressionReport/report.html`; const addonFullReportDesc = `\n\nCheck Full Report for details`; let reportMdStr = ` ${commonHeader} > View Full Report \n ------------------------ | image name | expected | actual | diff | | --- | --- | --- | --- | `.trim(); reportMdStr += '\n'; let fullVersionMd = reportMdStr; let diffCount = 0; for (const badCase of badCases) { const { filename, type } = badCase; let lineReportMdStr = ''; if (type === 'changed') { lineReportMdStr += '| '; lineReportMdStr += [ badCase.filename, `![${targetBranch}: ${targetRef}](${publicPath}/visualRegressionReport/images/base/${filename})`, `![current: pr-${prId}](${publicPath}/visualRegressionReport/images/current/${filename})`, `![diff](${publicPath}/visualRegressionReport/images/diff/${filename})`, ].join(' | '); lineReportMdStr += ' |\n'; } else if (type === 'removed') { lineReportMdStr += '| '; lineReportMdStr += [ badCase.filename, `![${targetBranch}: ${targetRef}](${publicPath}/visualRegressionReport/images/base/${filename})`, `⛔️⛔️⛔️ Missing ⛔️⛔️⛔️`, `🚨🚨🚨 Removed 🚨🚨🚨`, ].join(' | '); lineReportMdStr += ' |\n'; } diffCount += 1; if (diffCount <= 10) { reportMdStr += lineReportMdStr; } fullVersionMd += lineReportMdStr; } reportMdStr += addonFullReportDesc; // convert fullVersionMd to html return [reportMdStr, md2Html(fullVersionMd)]; } async function boot() { const { prId, baseRef: targetBranch = 'master' } = parseArgs(); const baseImgSourceDir = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../imageSnapshots-${targetBranch}`); /* --- prepare stage --- */ console.log( chalk.green( `Preparing image snapshots from latest \`${targetBranch}\` branch for pr \`${prId}\`\n`, ), ); await fse.ensureDir(baseImgSourceDir); const targetCommitSha = await getBranchLatestRef(targetBranch); assert(targetCommitSha, `Missing commit sha from ${targetBranch}`); if (!isLocalEnv) { await downloadBaseSnapshots(targetCommitSha, baseImgSourceDir); } else if (!fse.existsSync(baseImgSourceDir)) { console.log( chalk.yellow( `Please prepare image snapshots in folder \`$projectRoot/${path.basename( baseImgSourceDir, )}\` from latest \`${targetBranch}\` branch`, ), ); process.exit(1); } const currentImgSourceDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../imageSnapshots'); const reportDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../visualRegressionReport'); // save diff images(x3) to reportDir const diffImgReportDir = path.resolve(reportDir, './images/diff'); const baseImgReportDir = path.resolve(reportDir, './images/base'); const currentImgReportDir = path.resolve(reportDir, './images/current'); await fse.ensureDir(diffImgReportDir); await fse.ensureDir(baseImgReportDir); await fse.ensureDir(currentImgReportDir); console.log(chalk.blue('⛳ Checking image snapshots with branch %s'), targetBranch); console.log('\n'); const baseImgFileList = readPngs(baseImgSourceDir); /* --- compare stage --- */ const badCases: IBadCase[] = []; // compare cssinjs and css-var png from pr // to the same cssinjs png in `master` branch const cssInJsImgNames = baseImgFileList .filter((i) => !i.endsWith('.css-var.png')) .map((n) => path.basename(n, path.extname(n))); for (const basename of cssInJsImgNames) { for (const extname of ['.png', '.css-var.png']) { // baseImg always use cssinjs png const baseImgName = `${basename}.png`; const baseImgPath = path.join(baseImgSourceDir, baseImgName); // currentImg use cssinjs png or css-var png const compareImgName = basename + extname; const currentImgPath = path.join(currentImgSourceDir, compareImgName); const diffImgPath = path.join(diffImgReportDir, compareImgName); const currentImgExists = await fse.exists(currentImgPath); if (!currentImgExists) { console.log(chalk.red(`⛔️ Missing image: ${compareImgName}\n`)); badCases.push({ type: 'removed', filename: compareImgName, weight: 1, }); await fse.copy(baseImgPath, path.join(baseImgReportDir, compareImgName)); continue; } const mismatchedPxPercent = await compareScreenshots( baseImgPath, currentImgPath, diffImgPath, ); if (mismatchedPxPercent > 0) { console.log( 'Mismatched pixels for:', chalk.yellow(compareImgName), `${(mismatchedPxPercent * 100).toFixed(2)}%\n`, ); // copy compare imgs(x2) to report dir await fse.copy(baseImgPath, path.join(baseImgReportDir, compareImgName)); await fse.copy(currentImgPath, path.join(currentImgReportDir, compareImgName)); badCases.push({ type: 'changed', filename: compareImgName, weight: mismatchedPxPercent, }); } else { console.log('Passed for: %s\n', chalk.green(compareImgName)); } } } /* --- generate report stage --- */ const jsonl = badCases.map((i) => JSON.stringify(i)).join('\n'); // write jsonl and markdown report to diffImgDir await fse.writeFile(path.join(reportDir, './report.jsonl'), jsonl); const [reportMdStr, reportHtmlStr] = generateReport( badCases, targetBranch, targetCommitSha, prId, ); await fse.writeFile(path.join(reportDir, './report.md'), reportMdStr); const htmlTemplate = await fse.readFile(path.join(__dirname, './report-template.html'), 'utf8'); await fse.writeFile( path.join(reportDir, './report.html'), htmlTemplate.replace('{{reportContent}}', reportHtmlStr), 'utf-8', ); await tar.c( { gzip: true, // ignore top-level dir(e.g. visualRegressionReport) and zip all files in it cwd: reportDir, file: `${path.basename(reportDir)}.tar.gz`, }, await fse.readdir(reportDir), ); const currentImgFileList = readPngs(currentImgSourceDir); /* --- text report stage --- */ console.log( chalk.blue(`📊 Text report from pr #${prId} comparing to ${targetBranch}@${targetCommitSha}\n`), ); // new images const newImgs = _.difference(currentImgFileList, baseImgFileList); if (newImgs.length) { console.log(chalk.green(`🆕 ${newImgs.length} images added from this pr`)); console.log(chalk.green('🆕 Added images list:\n')); console.log(prettyList(newImgs)); console.log('\n'); } if (!badCases.length) { console.log(chalk.green('🎉 All passed!')); console.log('\n'); return; } const sortedBadCases = badCases.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight); console.log(chalk.red('⛔️ Failed cases:\n')); console.log(prettyList(sortedBadCases.map((i) => `[${i.type}] ${i.filename}`))); console.log('\n'); // let job failed process.exit(1); } boot();