import { unit, type CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 头像尺寸 * @descEN Size of Avatar */ containerSize: number; /** * @desc 大号头像尺寸 * @descEN Size of large Avatar */ containerSizeLG: number; /** * @desc 小号头像尺寸 * @descEN Size of small Avatar */ containerSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 头像文字大小 * @descEN Font size of Avatar */ textFontSize: number; /** * @desc 大号头像文字大小 * @descEN Font size of large Avatar */ textFontSizeLG: number; /** * @desc 小号头像文字大小 * @descEN Font size of small Avatar */ textFontSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 头像组间距 * @descEN Spacing between avatars in a group */ groupSpace: number; /** * @desc 头像组重叠宽度 * @descEN Overlapping of avatars in a group */ groupOverlapping: number; /** * @desc 头像组边框颜色 * @descEN Border color of avatars in a group */ groupBorderColor: string; } type AvatarToken = FullToken<'Avatar'> & { avatarBgColor: string; avatarBg: string; avatarColor: string; }; const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { antCls, componentCls, iconCls, avatarBg, avatarColor, containerSize, containerSizeLG, containerSizeSM, textFontSize, textFontSizeLG, textFontSizeSM, borderRadius, borderRadiusLG, borderRadiusSM, lineWidth, lineType, calc, } = token; // Avatar size style const avatarSizeStyle = (size: number, fontSize: number, radius: number): CSSObject => ({ width: size, height: size, lineHeight: unit(calc(size).sub(calc(lineWidth).mul(2)).equal()), borderRadius: '50%', [`&${componentCls}-square`]: { borderRadius: radius, }, [`${componentCls}-string`]: { position: 'absolute', left: { _skip_check_: true, value: '50%', }, transformOrigin: '0 center', }, [`&${componentCls}-icon`]: { fontSize, [`> ${iconCls}`]: { margin: 0, }, }, }); return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', overflow: 'hidden', color: avatarColor, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', background: avatarBg, border: `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} transparent`, [`&-image`]: { background: 'transparent', }, [`${antCls}-image-img`]: { display: 'block', }, ...avatarSizeStyle(containerSize, textFontSize, borderRadius), [`&-lg`]: { ...avatarSizeStyle(containerSizeLG, textFontSizeLG, borderRadiusLG), }, [`&-sm`]: { ...avatarSizeStyle(containerSizeSM, textFontSizeSM, borderRadiusSM), }, '> img': { display: 'block', width: '100%', height: '100%', objectFit: 'cover', }, }, }; }; const genGroupStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, groupBorderColor, groupOverlapping, groupSpace } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-group`]: { display: 'inline-flex', [`${componentCls}`]: { borderColor: groupBorderColor, }, [`> *:not(:first-child)`]: { marginInlineStart: groupOverlapping, }, }, [`${componentCls}-group-popover`]: { [`${componentCls} + ${componentCls}`]: { marginInlineStart: groupSpace, }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Avatar'> = (token) => { const { controlHeight, controlHeightLG, controlHeightSM, fontSize, fontSizeLG, fontSizeXL, fontSizeHeading3, marginXS, marginXXS, colorBorderBg, } = token; return { containerSize: controlHeight, containerSizeLG: controlHeightLG, containerSizeSM: controlHeightSM, textFontSize: Math.round((fontSizeLG + fontSizeXL) / 2), textFontSizeLG: fontSizeHeading3, textFontSizeSM: fontSize, groupSpace: marginXXS, groupOverlapping: -marginXS, groupBorderColor: colorBorderBg, }; }; export default genComponentStyleHook<'Avatar'>( 'Avatar', (token) => { const { colorTextLightSolid, colorTextPlaceholder } = token; const avatarToken = mergeToken(token, { avatarBg: colorTextPlaceholder, avatarColor: colorTextLightSolid, }); return [genBaseStyle(avatarToken), genGroupStyle(avatarToken)]; }, prepareComponentToken, );