import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { resetComponent, resetIcon } from '../../style'; import { genCollapseMotion } from '../../style/motion'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { // Component token here /** * @desc 折叠面板头部内边距 * @descEN Padding of header */ headerPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 折叠面板头部背景 * @descEN Background of header */ headerBg: string; /** * @desc 折叠面板内容内部编辑 * @descEN Padding of content */ contentPadding: CSSProperties['padding']; /** * @desc 折叠面板内容背景 * @descEN Background of content */ contentBg: string; } type CollapseToken = FullToken<'Collapse'> & { collapseHeaderPaddingSM: string; collapseHeaderPaddingLG: string; collapsePanelBorderRadius: number; }; export const genBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, contentBg, padding, headerBg, headerPadding, collapseHeaderPaddingSM, collapseHeaderPaddingLG, collapsePanelBorderRadius, lineWidth, lineType, colorBorder, colorText, colorTextHeading, colorTextDisabled, fontSizeLG, lineHeight, lineHeightLG, marginSM, paddingSM, paddingLG, paddingXS, motionDurationSlow, fontSizeIcon, contentPadding, fontHeight, fontHeightLG, } = token; const borderBase = `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${colorBorder}`; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), backgroundColor: headerBg, border: borderBase, borderBottom: 0, borderRadius: collapsePanelBorderRadius, [`&-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, [`& > ${componentCls}-item`]: { borderBottom: borderBase, [`&:last-child`]: { [` &, & > ${componentCls}-header`]: { borderRadius: `0 0 ${unit(collapsePanelBorderRadius)} ${unit( collapsePanelBorderRadius, )}`, }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-header`]: { position: 'relative', // Compatible with old version of antd, should remove in next version display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'nowrap', alignItems: 'flex-start', padding: headerPadding, color: colorTextHeading, lineHeight, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}, visibility 0s`, [`> ${componentCls}-header-text`]: { flex: 'auto', }, '&:focus': { outline: 'none', }, // >>>>> Arrow [`${componentCls}-expand-icon`]: { height: fontHeight, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', paddingInlineEnd: marginSM, }, [`${componentCls}-arrow`]: { ...resetIcon(), fontSize: fontSizeIcon, svg: { transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow}`, }, }, // >>>>> Text [`${componentCls}-header-text`]: { marginInlineEnd: 'auto', }, }, [`${componentCls}-icon-collapsible-only`]: { cursor: 'unset', [`${componentCls}-expand-icon`]: { cursor: 'pointer', }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-content`]: { color: colorText, backgroundColor: contentBg, borderTop: borderBase, [`& > ${componentCls}-content-box`]: { padding: contentPadding, }, [`&-hidden`]: { display: 'none', }, }, [`&-small`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-item`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-header`]: { padding: collapseHeaderPaddingSM, paddingInlineStart: paddingXS, [`> ${componentCls}-expand-icon`]: { // Arrow offset marginInlineStart: token.calc(paddingSM).sub(paddingXS).equal(), }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-content > ${componentCls}-content-box`]: { padding: paddingSM, }, }, }, [`&-large`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-item`]: { fontSize: fontSizeLG, lineHeight: lineHeightLG, [`> ${componentCls}-header`]: { padding: collapseHeaderPaddingLG, paddingInlineStart: padding, [`> ${componentCls}-expand-icon`]: { height: fontHeightLG, // Arrow offset marginInlineStart: token.calc(paddingLG).sub(padding).equal(), }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-content > ${componentCls}-content-box`]: { padding: paddingLG, }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-item:last-child`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-content`]: { borderRadius: `0 0 ${unit(collapsePanelBorderRadius)} ${unit(collapsePanelBorderRadius)}`, }, }, [`& ${componentCls}-item-disabled > ${componentCls}-header`]: { [` &, & > .arrow `]: { color: colorTextDisabled, cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }, // ========================== Icon Position ========================== [`&${componentCls}-icon-position-end`]: { [`& > ${componentCls}-item`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-header`]: { [`${componentCls}-expand-icon`]: { order: 1, paddingInlineEnd: 0, paddingInlineStart: marginSM, }, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genArrowStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls } = token; const fixedSelector = `> ${componentCls}-item > ${componentCls}-header ${componentCls}-arrow svg`; return { [`${componentCls}-rtl`]: { [fixedSelector]: { transform: `rotate(180deg)`, }, }, }; }; const genBorderlessStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, headerBg, paddingXXS, colorBorder, } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-borderless`]: { backgroundColor: headerBg, border: 0, [`> ${componentCls}-item`]: { borderBottom: `1px solid ${colorBorder}`, }, [` > ${componentCls}-item:last-child, > ${componentCls}-item:last-child ${componentCls}-header `]: { borderRadius: 0, }, [`> ${componentCls}-item:last-child`]: { borderBottom: 0, }, [`> ${componentCls}-item > ${componentCls}-content`]: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderTop: 0, }, [`> ${componentCls}-item > ${componentCls}-content > ${componentCls}-content-box`]: { paddingTop: paddingXXS, }, }, }; }; const genGhostStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, paddingSM } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-ghost`]: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 0, [`> ${componentCls}-item`]: { borderBottom: 0, [`> ${componentCls}-content`]: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 0, [`> ${componentCls}-content-box`]: { paddingBlock: paddingSM, }, }, }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Collapse'> = (token) => ({ headerPadding: `${token.paddingSM}px ${token.padding}px`, headerBg: token.colorFillAlter, contentPadding: `${token.padding}px 16px`, // Fixed Value contentBg: token.colorBgContainer, }); export default genComponentStyleHook( 'Collapse', (token) => { const collapseToken = mergeToken(token, { collapseHeaderPaddingSM: `${unit(token.paddingXS)} ${unit(token.paddingSM)}`, collapseHeaderPaddingLG: `${unit(token.padding)} ${unit(token.paddingLG)}`, collapsePanelBorderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, }); return [ genBaseStyle(collapseToken), genBorderlessStyle(collapseToken), genGhostStyle(collapseToken), genArrowStyle(collapseToken), genCollapseMotion(collapseToken), ]; }, prepareComponentToken, );