import * as React from 'react'; import CaretDownOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/CaretDownOutlined'; import CaretUpOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/CaretUpOutlined'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import KeyCode from 'rc-util/lib/KeyCode'; import type { AnyObject } from '../../_util/type'; import type { TooltipProps } from '../../tooltip'; import Tooltip from '../../tooltip'; import type { ColumnGroupType, ColumnsType, ColumnTitleProps, ColumnType, CompareFn, Key, SorterResult, SorterTooltipProps, SortOrder, TableLocale, TransformColumns, } from '../interface'; import { getColumnKey, getColumnPos, renderColumnTitle, safeColumnTitle } from '../util'; const ASCEND = 'ascend'; const DESCEND = 'descend'; const getMultiplePriority = ( column: ColumnType, ): number | false => { if (typeof column.sorter === 'object' && typeof column.sorter.multiple === 'number') { return column.sorter.multiple; } return false; }; const getSortFunction = ( sorter: ColumnType['sorter'], ): CompareFn | false => { if (typeof sorter === 'function') { return sorter; } if (sorter && typeof sorter === 'object' && { return; } return false; }; const nextSortDirection = (sortDirections: SortOrder[], current: SortOrder | null) => { if (!current) { return sortDirections[0]; } return sortDirections[sortDirections.indexOf(current) + 1]; }; export interface SortState { column: ColumnType; key: Key; sortOrder: SortOrder | null; multiplePriority: number | false; } const collectSortStates = ( columns: ColumnsType, init: boolean, pos?: string, ): SortState[] => { let sortStates: SortState[] = []; const pushState = (column: ColumnsType[number], columnPos: string) => { sortStates.push({ column, key: getColumnKey(column, columnPos), multiplePriority: getMultiplePriority(column), sortOrder: column.sortOrder!, }); }; (columns || []).forEach((column, index) => { const columnPos = getColumnPos(index, pos); if ((column as ColumnGroupType).children) { if ('sortOrder' in column) { // Controlled pushState(column, columnPos); } sortStates = [ ...sortStates, ...collectSortStates( (column as ColumnGroupType).children, init, columnPos, ), ]; } else if (column.sorter) { if ('sortOrder' in column) { // Controlled pushState(column, columnPos); } else if (init && column.defaultSortOrder) { // Default sorter sortStates.push({ column, key: getColumnKey(column, columnPos), multiplePriority: getMultiplePriority(column), sortOrder: column.defaultSortOrder!, }); } } }); return sortStates; }; const injectSorter = ( prefixCls: string, columns: ColumnsType, sorterStates: SortState[], triggerSorter: (sorterSates: SortState) => void, defaultSortDirections: SortOrder[], tableLocale?: TableLocale, tableShowSorterTooltip?: boolean | SorterTooltipProps, pos?: string, ): ColumnsType => { const finalColumns = (columns || []).map((column, index) => { const columnPos = getColumnPos(index, pos); let newColumn: ColumnsType[number] = column; if (newColumn.sorter) { const sortDirections: SortOrder[] = newColumn.sortDirections || defaultSortDirections; const showSorterTooltip = newColumn.showSorterTooltip === undefined ? tableShowSorterTooltip : newColumn.showSorterTooltip; const columnKey = getColumnKey(newColumn, columnPos); const sorterState = sorterStates.find(({ key }) => key === columnKey); const sortOrder = sorterState ? sorterState.sortOrder : null; const nextSortOrder = nextSortDirection(sortDirections, sortOrder); let sorter: React.ReactNode; if (column.sortIcon) { sorter = column.sortIcon({ sortOrder }); } else { const upNode: React.ReactNode = sortDirections.includes(ASCEND) && ( ); const downNode: React.ReactNode = sortDirections.includes(DESCEND) && ( ); sorter = ( ); } const { cancelSort, triggerAsc, triggerDesc } = tableLocale || {}; let sortTip: string | undefined = cancelSort; if (nextSortOrder === DESCEND) { sortTip = triggerDesc; } else if (nextSortOrder === ASCEND) { sortTip = triggerAsc; } const tooltipProps: TooltipProps = typeof showSorterTooltip === 'object' ? { title: sortTip, ...showSorterTooltip, } : { title: sortTip }; newColumn = { ...newColumn, className: classNames(newColumn.className, { [`${prefixCls}-column-sort`]: sortOrder }), title: (renderProps: ColumnTitleProps) => { const columnSortersClass = `${prefixCls}-column-sorters`; const renderColumnTitleWrapper = ( {renderColumnTitle(column.title, renderProps)} ); const renderSortTitle = (
{renderColumnTitleWrapper} {sorter}
); if (showSorterTooltip) { if ( typeof showSorterTooltip !== 'boolean' && showSorterTooltip?.target === 'sorter-icon' ) { return (
{renderColumnTitleWrapper} {sorter}
); } return {renderSortTitle}; } return renderSortTitle; }, onHeaderCell: (col) => { const cell: React.HTMLAttributes = column.onHeaderCell?.(col) || {}; const originOnClick = cell.onClick; const originOKeyDown = cell.onKeyDown; cell.onClick = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { triggerSorter({ column, key: columnKey, sortOrder: nextSortOrder, multiplePriority: getMultiplePriority(column), }); originOnClick?.(event); }; cell.onKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (event.keyCode === KeyCode.ENTER) { triggerSorter({ column, key: columnKey, sortOrder: nextSortOrder, multiplePriority: getMultiplePriority(column), }); originOKeyDown?.(event); } }; const renderTitle = safeColumnTitle(column.title, {}); const displayTitle = renderTitle?.toString(); // Inform the screen-reader so it can tell the visually impaired user which column is sorted if (sortOrder) { cell['aria-sort'] = sortOrder === 'ascend' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'; } else { cell['aria-label'] = displayTitle || ''; } cell.className = classNames(cell.className, `${prefixCls}-column-has-sorters`); cell.tabIndex = 0; if (column.ellipsis) { cell.title = (renderTitle ?? '').toString(); } return cell; }, }; } if ('children' in newColumn) { newColumn = { ...newColumn, children: injectSorter( prefixCls, newColumn.children, sorterStates, triggerSorter, defaultSortDirections, tableLocale, tableShowSorterTooltip, columnPos, ), }; } return newColumn; }); return finalColumns; }; const stateToInfo = ( sorterState: SortState, ): SorterResult => { const { column, sortOrder } = sorterState; return { column, order: sortOrder, field: column.dataIndex as SorterResult['field'], columnKey: column.key, }; }; const generateSorterInfo = ( sorterStates: SortState[], ): SorterResult | SorterResult[] => { const activeSorters = sorterStates .filter(({ sortOrder }) => sortOrder) .map>(stateToInfo); // =========== Legacy compatible support =========== // if (activeSorters.length === 0 && sorterStates.length) { const lastIndex = sorterStates.length - 1; return { ...stateToInfo(sorterStates[lastIndex]), column: undefined, order: undefined, field: undefined, columnKey: undefined, }; } if (activeSorters.length <= 1) { return activeSorters[0] || {}; } return activeSorters; }; export const getSortData = ( data: readonly RecordType[], sortStates: SortState[], childrenColumnName: string, ): RecordType[] => { const innerSorterStates = sortStates .slice() .sort((a, b) => (b.multiplePriority as number) - (a.multiplePriority as number)); const cloneData = data.slice(); const runningSorters = innerSorterStates.filter( ({ column: { sorter }, sortOrder }) => getSortFunction(sorter) && sortOrder, ); // Skip if no sorter needed if (!runningSorters.length) { return cloneData; } return cloneData .sort((record1, record2) => { for (let i = 0; i < runningSorters.length; i += 1) { const sorterState = runningSorters[i]; const { column: { sorter }, sortOrder, } = sorterState; const compareFn = getSortFunction(sorter); if (compareFn && sortOrder) { const compareResult = compareFn(record1, record2, sortOrder); if (compareResult !== 0) { return sortOrder === ASCEND ? compareResult : -compareResult; } } } return 0; }) .map((record) => { const subRecords = record[childrenColumnName]; if (subRecords) { return { ...record, [childrenColumnName]: getSortData(subRecords, sortStates, childrenColumnName), }; } return record; }); }; interface SorterConfig { prefixCls: string; mergedColumns: ColumnsType; onSorterChange: ( sorterResult: SorterResult | SorterResult[], sortStates: SortState[], ) => void; sortDirections: SortOrder[]; tableLocale?: TableLocale; showSorterTooltip?: boolean | SorterTooltipProps; } const useFilterSorter = ( props: SorterConfig, ): [ TransformColumns, SortState[], ColumnTitleProps, () => SorterResult | SorterResult[], ] => { const { prefixCls, mergedColumns, sortDirections, tableLocale, showSorterTooltip, onSorterChange, } = props; const [sortStates, setSortStates] = React.useState[]>( collectSortStates(mergedColumns, true), ); const getColumnKeys = (columns: ColumnsType, pos?: string): Key[] => { const newKeys: Key[] = []; columns.forEach((item, index) => { const columnPos = getColumnPos(index, pos); newKeys.push(getColumnKey(item, columnPos)); if (Array.isArray((item as ColumnGroupType).children)) { const childKeys = getColumnKeys((item as ColumnGroupType).children, columnPos); newKeys.push(...childKeys); } }); return newKeys; }; const mergedSorterStates = React.useMemo[]>(() => { let validate = true; const collectedStates = collectSortStates(mergedColumns, false); // Return if not controlled if (!collectedStates.length) { const mergedColumnsKeys = getColumnKeys(mergedColumns); return sortStates.filter(({ key }) => mergedColumnsKeys.includes(key)); } const validateStates: SortState[] = []; function patchStates(state: SortState) { if (validate) { validateStates.push(state); } else { validateStates.push({ ...state, sortOrder: null, }); } } let multipleMode: boolean | null = null; collectedStates.forEach((state) => { if (multipleMode === null) { patchStates(state); if (state.sortOrder) { if (state.multiplePriority === false) { validate = false; } else { multipleMode = true; } } } else if (multipleMode && state.multiplePriority !== false) { patchStates(state); } else { validate = false; patchStates(state); } }); return validateStates; }, [mergedColumns, sortStates]); // Get render columns title required props const columnTitleSorterProps = React.useMemo>(() => { const sortColumns ={ column, sortOrder }) => ({ column, order: sortOrder, })); return { sortColumns, // Legacy sortColumn: sortColumns[0]?.column, sortOrder: sortColumns[0]?.order, }; }, [mergedSorterStates]); const triggerSorter = (sortState: SortState) => { let newSorterStates: SortState[]; if ( sortState.multiplePriority === false || !mergedSorterStates.length || mergedSorterStates[0].multiplePriority === false ) { newSorterStates = [sortState]; } else { newSorterStates = [ ...mergedSorterStates.filter(({ key }) => key !== sortState.key), sortState, ]; } setSortStates(newSorterStates); onSorterChange(generateSorterInfo(newSorterStates), newSorterStates); }; const transformColumns = (innerColumns: ColumnsType) => injectSorter( prefixCls, innerColumns, mergedSorterStates, triggerSorter, sortDirections, tableLocale, showSorterTooltip, ); const getSorters = () => generateSorterInfo(mergedSorterStates); return [transformColumns, mergedSorterStates, columnTitleSorterProps, getSorters] as const; }; export default useFilterSorter;