import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import type { CssUtil } from 'antd-style'; import { clearFix, resetComponent, resetIcon } from '../../style'; import { genCollapseMotion, initSlideMotion, initZoomMotion } from '../../style/motion'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken, UseComponentStyleResult, } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import getHorizontalStyle from './horizontal'; import getRTLStyle from './rtl'; import getThemeStyle from './theme'; import getVerticalStyle from './vertical'; /** Component only token. Which will handle additional calculation of alias token */ export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 弹出菜单的宽度 * @descEN Width of popup menu */ dropdownWidth: number; /** * @desc 弹出菜单的 z-index * @descEN z-index of popup menu */ zIndexPopup: number; // Group /** @deprecated Use `groupTitleColor` instead */ colorGroupTitle: string; /** * @desc 分组标题文字颜色 * @descEN Color of group title text */ groupTitleColor: string; /** * @desc 分组标题文字高度 * @descEN line-height of group title */ groupTitleLineHeight: string | number; /** * @desc 分组标题文字大小 * @descEN font-size of group title */ groupTitleFontSize: number; // radius /** @deprecated Use `itemBorderRadius` instead */ radiusItem: number; /** * @desc 菜单项的圆角 * @descEN Radius of menu item */ itemBorderRadius: number; /** @deprecated Use `subMenuItemBorderRadius` instead */ radiusSubMenuItem: number; /** * @desc 子菜单项的圆角 * @descEN Radius of sub-menu item */ subMenuItemBorderRadius: number; // Item Text // > Default /** @deprecated Use `itemColor` instead */ colorItemText: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of menu item text */ itemColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemHoverColor` instead */ colorItemTextHover: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of menu item text */ itemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemHoverColor` instead */ colorItemTextHoverHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of horizontal menu item text */ horizontalItemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemSelectedColor` instead */ colorItemTextSelected: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected menu item text */ itemSelectedColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemSelectedColor` instead */ colorItemTextSelectedHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected horizontal menu item text */ horizontalItemSelectedColor: string; // > Disabled /** @deprecated Use `itemDisabledColor` instead */ colorItemTextDisabled: string; /** * @desc 菜单项文字禁用颜色 * @descEN Color of disabled menu item text */ itemDisabledColor: string; // > Danger /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemColor` instead */ colorDangerItemText: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of danger menu item text */ dangerItemColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemHoverColor` instead */ colorDangerItemTextHover: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字悬浮颜色 * @descEN Hover color of danger menu item text */ dangerItemHoverColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemSelectedColor` instead */ colorDangerItemTextSelected: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item text */ dangerItemSelectedColor: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemActiveBg` instead */ colorDangerItemBgActive: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字激活颜色 * @descEN Color of active danger menu item text */ dangerItemActiveBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `dangerItemSelectedBg` instead */ colorDangerItemBgSelected: string; /** * @desc 危险菜单项文字选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item text */ dangerItemSelectedBg: string; // Item Bg /** @deprecated Use `itemBg` instead */ colorItemBg: string; /** * @desc 菜单项背景色 */ itemBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemHoverBg` instead */ colorItemBgHover: string; /** * @desc 菜单项悬浮态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when hover */ itemHoverBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `subMenuItemBg` instead */ colorSubItemBg: string; /** * @desc 子菜单项背景色 * @descEN Background color of sub-menu item */ subMenuItemBg: string; // > Default /** @deprecated Use `itemActiveBg` instead */ colorItemBgActive: string; /** * @desc 菜单项激活态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when active */ itemActiveBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `itemSelectedBg` instead */ colorItemBgSelected: string; /** * @desc 菜单项选中态背景色 * @descEN Background color of menu item when selected */ itemSelectedBg: string; /** @deprecated Use `horizontalItemSelectedBg` instead */ colorItemBgSelectedHorizontal: string; /** * @desc 水平菜单项选中态背景色 * @descEN Background color of horizontal menu item when selected */ horizontalItemSelectedBg: string; // Ink Bar /** @deprecated Use `activeBarWidth` instead */ colorActiveBarWidth: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条宽度 * @descEN Width of menu item active bar */ activeBarWidth: number; /** @deprecated Use `activeBarHeight` instead */ colorActiveBarHeight: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条高度 * @descEN Height of menu item active bar */ activeBarHeight: number; /** @deprecated Use `activeBarBorderWidth` instead */ colorActiveBarBorderSize: number; /** * @desc 菜单项指示条边框宽度 * @descEN Border width of menu item active bar */ activeBarBorderWidth: number; /** * @desc 菜单项横向外间距 * @descEN Horizontal margin of menu item */ itemMarginInline: number; /** * @desc 横向菜单项横悬浮态背景色 * @descEN Background color of horizontal menu item when hover */ horizontalItemHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 横向菜单项圆角 * @descEN Border radius of horizontal menu item */ horizontalItemBorderRadius: number; /** * @desc 菜单项高度 * @descEN Height of menu item */ itemHeight: number; /** * @desc 收起后的宽度 * @descEN Width when collapsed */ collapsedWidth: number; /** * @desc 弹出框背景色 * @descEN Background color of popup */ popupBg: string; /** * @desc 菜单项纵向外间距 * @descEN margin-block of menu item */ itemMarginBlock: CSSProperties['marginBlock']; /** * @desc 菜单项横向内间距 * @descEN padding-inline of menu item */ itemPaddingInline: CSSProperties['paddingInline']; /** * @desc 横向菜单行高 * @descEN LineHeight of horizontal menu item */ horizontalLineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight']; /** * @desc 图标与文字间距 * @descEN Spacing between icon and text */ iconMarginInlineEnd: CSSProperties['marginInlineEnd']; /** * @desc 图标尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon */ iconSize: number; /** * @desc 收起时图标尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon when collapsed */ collapsedIconSize: number; // Dark /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of menu item text in dark mode */ darkItemColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项文字颜色 * @descEN Color of danger menu item text in dark mode */ darkDangerItemColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项背景 * @descEN Background of menu item in dark mode */ darkItemBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的子菜单项背景 * @descEN Background of submenu item in dark mode */ darkSubMenuItemBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项选中颜色 * @descEN Color of selected menu item in dark mode */ darkItemSelectedColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项选中背景 * @descEN Background of active menu item in dark mode */ darkItemSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项悬浮背景 * @descEN Background of hovered menu item in dark mode */ darkItemHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的分组标题文字颜色 * @descEN Color of group title text in dark mode */ darkGroupTitleColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项悬浮颜色 * @descEN Color of hovered menu item in dark mode */ darkItemHoverColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的菜单项禁用颜色 * @descEN Color of disabled menu item in dark mode */ darkItemDisabledColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项选中背景 * @descEN Background of active danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项悬浮文字背景 * @descEN Background of hovered danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemHoverColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项选中文字颜色 * @descEN Color of selected danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemSelectedColor: string; /** * @desc 暗色模式下的危险菜单项激活态背景 * @descEN Background of active danger menu item in dark mode */ darkDangerItemActiveBg: string; /** @internal */ subMenuTitleWidth: number | string; } export interface MenuToken extends FullToken<'Menu'> { menuHorizontalHeight: number | string; menuArrowSize: number | string; menuArrowOffset: number | string; menuPanelMaskInset: number; menuSubMenuBg: string; } const genMenuItemStyle = (token: MenuToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow, motionDurationMid, motionEaseInOut, motionEaseOut, iconCls, iconSize, iconMarginInlineEnd, } = token; return { // >>>>> Item [`${componentCls}-item, ${componentCls}-submenu-title`]: { position: 'relative', display: 'block', margin: 0, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', cursor: 'pointer', transition: [ `border-color ${motionDurationSlow}`, `background ${motionDurationSlow}`, `padding ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, ].join(','), [`${componentCls}-item-icon, ${iconCls}`]: { minWidth: iconSize, fontSize: iconSize, transition: [ `font-size ${motionDurationMid} ${motionEaseOut}`, `margin ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `color ${motionDurationSlow}`, ].join(','), '+ span': { marginInlineStart: iconMarginInlineEnd, opacity: 1, transition: [ `opacity ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `margin ${motionDurationSlow}`, `color ${motionDurationSlow}`, ].join(','), }, }, [`${componentCls}-item-icon`]: { ...resetIcon(), }, [`&${componentCls}-item-only-child`]: { [`> ${iconCls}, > ${componentCls}-item-icon`]: { marginInlineEnd: 0, }, }, }, // Disabled state sets text to gray and nukes hover/tab effects [`${componentCls}-item-disabled, ${componentCls}-submenu-disabled`]: { background: 'none !important', cursor: 'not-allowed', '&::after': { borderColor: 'transparent !important', }, a: { color: 'inherit !important', }, [`> ${componentCls}-submenu-title`]: { color: 'inherit !important', cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }, }; }; const genSubMenuArrowStyle = (token: MenuToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, motionDurationSlow, motionEaseInOut, borderRadius, menuArrowSize, menuArrowOffset, } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-submenu`]: { [`&-expand-icon, &-arrow`]: { position: 'absolute', top: '50%', insetInlineEnd: token.margin, width: menuArrowSize, color: 'currentcolor', transform: 'translateY(-50%)', transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}, opacity ${motionDurationSlow}`, }, '&-arrow': { // → '&::before, &::after': { position: 'absolute', width: token.calc(menuArrowSize).mul(0.6).equal(), height: token.calc(menuArrowSize).mul(0.15).equal(), backgroundColor: 'currentcolor', borderRadius, transition: [ `background ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `top ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `color ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, ].join(','), content: '""', }, '&::before': { transform: `rotate(45deg) translateY(${unit( token.calc(menuArrowOffset).mul(-1).equal(), )})`, }, '&::after': { transform: `rotate(-45deg) translateY(${unit(menuArrowOffset)})`, }, }, }, }; }; // =============================== Base =============================== const getBaseStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { antCls, componentCls, fontSize, motionDurationSlow, motionDurationMid, motionEaseInOut, paddingXS, padding, colorSplit, lineWidth, zIndexPopup, borderRadiusLG, subMenuItemBorderRadius, menuArrowSize, menuArrowOffset, lineType, menuPanelMaskInset, groupTitleLineHeight, groupTitleFontSize, } = token; return [ // Misc { '': { [`${componentCls}`]: { ...clearFix(), // Hidden [`&-hidden`]: { display: 'none', }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-submenu-hidden`]: { display: 'none', }, }, { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), ...clearFix(), marginBottom: 0, paddingInlineStart: 0, // Override default ul/ol fontSize, lineHeight: 0, // Fix display inline-block gap listStyle: 'none', outline: 'none', // Magic cubic here but smooth transition transition: `width ${motionDurationSlow} cubic-bezier(0.2, 0, 0, 1) 0s`, [`ul, ol`]: { margin: 0, padding: 0, listStyle: 'none', }, // Overflow ellipsis [`&-overflow`]: { display: 'flex', [`${componentCls}-item`]: { flex: 'none', }, }, [`${componentCls}-item, ${componentCls}-submenu, ${componentCls}-submenu-title`]: { borderRadius: token.itemBorderRadius, }, [`${componentCls}-item-group-title`]: { padding: `${unit(paddingXS)} ${unit(padding)}`, fontSize: groupTitleFontSize, lineHeight: groupTitleLineHeight, transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, }, [`&-horizontal ${componentCls}-submenu`]: { transition: [ `border-color ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `background ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, ].join(','), }, [`${componentCls}-submenu, ${componentCls}-submenu-inline`]: { transition: [ `border-color ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `background ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `padding ${motionDurationMid} ${motionEaseInOut}`, ].join(','), }, [`${componentCls}-submenu ${componentCls}-sub`]: { cursor: 'initial', transition: [ `background ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, `padding ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, ].join(','), }, [`${componentCls}-title-content`]: { transition: `color ${motionDurationSlow}`, // [`> ${antCls}-typography-ellipsis-single-line`]: { display: 'inline', verticalAlign: 'unset', }, }, [`${componentCls}-item a`]: { '&::before': { position: 'absolute', inset: 0, backgroundColor: 'transparent', content: '""', }, }, // Removed a Badge related style seems it's safe // // >>>>> Divider [`${componentCls}-item-divider`]: { overflow: 'hidden', lineHeight: 0, borderColor: colorSplit, borderStyle: lineType, borderWidth: 0, borderTopWidth: lineWidth, marginBlock: lineWidth, padding: 0, '&-dashed': { borderStyle: 'dashed', }, }, // Item ...genMenuItemStyle(token), [`${componentCls}-item-group`]: { [`${componentCls}-item-group-list`]: { margin: 0, padding: 0, [`${componentCls}-item, ${componentCls}-submenu-title`]: { paddingInline: `${unit(token.calc(fontSize).mul(2).equal())} ${unit(padding)}`, }, }, }, // ======================= Sub Menu ======================= '&-submenu': { '&-popup': { position: 'absolute', zIndex: zIndexPopup, borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, boxShadow: 'none', transformOrigin: '0 0', [`&${componentCls}-submenu`]: { background: 'transparent', }, // '&::before': { position: 'absolute', inset: `${unit(menuPanelMaskInset)} 0 0`, zIndex: -1, width: '100%', height: '100%', opacity: 0, content: '""', }, }, // '&-placement-rightTop::before': { top: 0, insetInlineStart: menuPanelMaskInset, }, [` &-placement-leftTop, &-placement-bottomRight, `]: { transformOrigin: '100% 0', }, [` &-placement-leftBottom, &-placement-topRight, `]: { transformOrigin: '100% 100%', }, [` &-placement-rightBottom, &-placement-topLeft, `]: { transformOrigin: '0 100%', }, [` &-placement-bottomLeft, &-placement-rightTop, `]: { transformOrigin: '0 0', }, [` &-placement-leftTop, &-placement-leftBottom `]: { paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingXS, }, [` &-placement-rightTop, &-placement-rightBottom `]: { paddingInlineStart: token.paddingXS, }, [` &-placement-topRight, &-placement-topLeft `]: { paddingBottom: token.paddingXS, }, [` &-placement-bottomRight, &-placement-bottomLeft `]: { paddingTop: token.paddingXS, }, [`> ${componentCls}`]: { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, ...genMenuItemStyle(token), ...genSubMenuArrowStyle(token), [`${componentCls}-item, ${componentCls}-submenu > ${componentCls}-submenu-title`]: { borderRadius: subMenuItemBorderRadius, }, [`${componentCls}-submenu-title::after`]: { transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseInOut}`, }, }, }, ...genSubMenuArrowStyle(token), [`&-inline-collapsed ${componentCls}-submenu-arrow, &-inline ${componentCls}-submenu-arrow`]: { // ↓ '&::before': { transform: `rotate(-45deg) translateX(${unit(menuArrowOffset)})`, }, '&::after': { transform: `rotate(45deg) translateX(${unit( token.calc(menuArrowOffset).mul(-1).equal(), )})`, }, }, [`${componentCls}-submenu-open${componentCls}-submenu-inline > ${componentCls}-submenu-title > ${componentCls}-submenu-arrow`]: { // ↑ transform: `translateY(${unit(token.calc(menuArrowSize).mul(0.2).mul(-1).equal())})`, '&::after': { transform: `rotate(-45deg) translateX(${unit( token.calc(menuArrowOffset).mul(-1).equal(), )})`, }, '&::before': { transform: `rotate(45deg) translateX(${unit(menuArrowOffset)})`, }, }, }, }, // Integration with header element so menu items have the same height { [`${antCls}-layout-header`]: { [componentCls]: { lineHeight: 'inherit', }, }, }, ]; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Menu'> = (token) => { const { colorPrimary, colorError, colorTextDisabled, colorErrorBg, colorText, colorTextDescription, colorBgContainer, colorFillAlter, colorFillContent, lineWidth, lineWidthBold, controlItemBgActive, colorBgTextHover, controlHeightLG, lineHeight, colorBgElevated, marginXXS, padding, fontSize, controlHeightSM, fontSizeLG, colorTextLightSolid, colorErrorHover, } = token; const colorTextDark = new TinyColor(colorTextLightSolid).setAlpha(0.65).toRgbString(); return { dropdownWidth: 160, zIndexPopup: token.zIndexPopupBase + 50, radiusItem: token.borderRadiusLG, itemBorderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, radiusSubMenuItem: token.borderRadiusSM, subMenuItemBorderRadius: token.borderRadiusSM, colorItemText: colorText, itemColor: colorText, colorItemTextHover: colorText, itemHoverColor: colorText, colorItemTextHoverHorizontal: colorPrimary, horizontalItemHoverColor: colorPrimary, colorGroupTitle: colorTextDescription, groupTitleColor: colorTextDescription, colorItemTextSelected: colorPrimary, itemSelectedColor: colorPrimary, colorItemTextSelectedHorizontal: colorPrimary, horizontalItemSelectedColor: colorPrimary, colorItemBg: colorBgContainer, itemBg: colorBgContainer, colorItemBgHover: colorBgTextHover, itemHoverBg: colorBgTextHover, colorItemBgActive: colorFillContent, itemActiveBg: controlItemBgActive, colorSubItemBg: colorFillAlter, subMenuItemBg: colorFillAlter, colorItemBgSelected: controlItemBgActive, itemSelectedBg: controlItemBgActive, colorItemBgSelectedHorizontal: 'transparent', horizontalItemSelectedBg: 'transparent', colorActiveBarWidth: 0, activeBarWidth: 0, colorActiveBarHeight: lineWidthBold, activeBarHeight: lineWidthBold, colorActiveBarBorderSize: lineWidth, activeBarBorderWidth: lineWidth, // Disabled colorItemTextDisabled: colorTextDisabled, itemDisabledColor: colorTextDisabled, // Danger colorDangerItemText: colorError, dangerItemColor: colorError, colorDangerItemTextHover: colorError, dangerItemHoverColor: colorError, colorDangerItemTextSelected: colorError, dangerItemSelectedColor: colorError, colorDangerItemBgActive: colorErrorBg, dangerItemActiveBg: colorErrorBg, colorDangerItemBgSelected: colorErrorBg, dangerItemSelectedBg: colorErrorBg, itemMarginInline: token.marginXXS, horizontalItemBorderRadius: 0, horizontalItemHoverBg: 'transparent', itemHeight: controlHeightLG, groupTitleLineHeight: lineHeight, collapsedWidth: controlHeightLG * 2, popupBg: colorBgElevated, itemMarginBlock: marginXXS, itemPaddingInline: padding, horizontalLineHeight: `${controlHeightLG * 1.15}px`, iconSize: fontSize, iconMarginInlineEnd: controlHeightSM - fontSize, collapsedIconSize: fontSizeLG, groupTitleFontSize: fontSize, // Disabled darkItemDisabledColor: new TinyColor(colorTextLightSolid).setAlpha(0.25).toRgbString(), // Dark darkItemColor: colorTextDark, darkDangerItemColor: colorError, darkItemBg: '#001529', darkPopupBg: '#001529', darkSubMenuItemBg: '#000c17', darkItemSelectedColor: colorTextLightSolid, darkItemSelectedBg: colorPrimary, darkDangerItemSelectedBg: colorError, darkItemHoverBg: 'transparent', darkGroupTitleColor: colorTextDark, darkItemHoverColor: colorTextLightSolid, darkDangerItemHoverColor: colorErrorHover, darkDangerItemSelectedColor: colorTextLightSolid, darkDangerItemActiveBg: colorError, subMenuTitleWidth: `calc(100% - ${token.marginXXS * 2}px)`, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default (prefixCls: string, injectStyle: boolean): UseComponentStyleResult => { const useOriginHook = genComponentStyleHook( 'Menu', (token) => { // Dropdown will handle menu style self. We do not need to handle this. if (injectStyle === false) { return []; } const { colorBgElevated, colorPrimary, colorTextLightSolid, controlHeightLG, fontSize, darkItemColor, darkDangerItemColor, darkItemBg, darkSubMenuItemBg, darkItemSelectedColor, darkItemSelectedBg, darkDangerItemSelectedBg, darkItemHoverBg, darkGroupTitleColor, darkItemHoverColor, darkItemDisabledColor, darkDangerItemHoverColor, darkDangerItemSelectedColor, darkDangerItemActiveBg, } = token; const menuArrowSize = token.calc(fontSize).div(7).mul(5).equal(); // Menu Token const menuToken = mergeToken(token, { menuArrowSize, menuHorizontalHeight: token.calc(controlHeightLG).mul(1.15).equal(), menuArrowOffset: token.calc(menuArrowSize).mul(0.25).equal(), menuPanelMaskInset: -7, // Still a hardcode here since it's offset by rc-align menuSubMenuBg: colorBgElevated, calc: token.calc, subMenuTitleWidth: token.activeBarWidth && token.activeBarBorderWidth ? `calc(100% + ${token.activeBarBorderWidth}px)` : `calc(100% - ${token.marginXXS * 2}px)`, }); const menuDarkToken = mergeToken(menuToken, { itemColor: darkItemColor, itemHoverColor: darkItemHoverColor, groupTitleColor: darkGroupTitleColor, itemSelectedColor: darkItemSelectedColor, itemBg: darkItemBg, popupBg: darkItemBg, subMenuItemBg: darkSubMenuItemBg, itemActiveBg: 'transparent', itemSelectedBg: darkItemSelectedBg, activeBarHeight: 0, activeBarBorderWidth: 0, itemHoverBg: darkItemHoverBg, // Disabled itemDisabledColor: darkItemDisabledColor, // Danger dangerItemColor: darkDangerItemColor, dangerItemHoverColor: darkDangerItemHoverColor, dangerItemSelectedColor: darkDangerItemSelectedColor, dangerItemActiveBg: darkDangerItemActiveBg, dangerItemSelectedBg: darkDangerItemSelectedBg, menuSubMenuBg: darkSubMenuItemBg, // Horizontal horizontalItemSelectedColor: colorTextLightSolid, horizontalItemSelectedBg: colorPrimary, }); return [ // Basic getBaseStyle(menuToken), // Horizontal getHorizontalStyle(menuToken), // Hard code for some light style // Vertical getVerticalStyle(menuToken), // Hard code for some light style // Theme getThemeStyle(menuToken, 'light'), getThemeStyle(menuDarkToken, 'dark'), // RTL getRTLStyle(menuToken), // Motion genCollapseMotion(menuToken), initSlideMotion(menuToken, 'slide-up'), initSlideMotion(menuToken, 'slide-down'), initZoomMotion(menuToken, 'zoom-big'), ]; }, prepareComponentToken, { deprecatedTokens: [ ['colorGroupTitle', 'groupTitleColor'], ['radiusItem', 'itemBorderRadius'], ['radiusSubMenuItem', 'subMenuItemBorderRadius'], ['colorItemText', 'itemColor'], ['colorItemTextHover', 'itemHoverColor'], ['colorItemTextHoverHorizontal', 'horizontalItemHoverColor'], ['colorItemTextSelected', 'itemSelectedColor'], ['colorItemTextSelectedHorizontal', 'horizontalItemSelectedColor'], ['colorItemTextDisabled', 'itemDisabledColor'], ['colorDangerItemText', 'dangerItemColor'], ['colorDangerItemTextHover', 'dangerItemHoverColor'], ['colorDangerItemTextSelected', 'dangerItemSelectedColor'], ['colorDangerItemBgActive', 'dangerItemActiveBg'], ['colorDangerItemBgSelected', 'dangerItemSelectedBg'], ['colorItemBg', 'itemBg'], ['colorItemBgHover', 'itemHoverBg'], ['colorSubItemBg', 'subMenuItemBg'], ['colorItemBgActive', 'itemActiveBg'], ['colorItemBgSelectedHorizontal', 'horizontalItemSelectedBg'], ['colorActiveBarWidth', 'activeBarWidth'], ['colorActiveBarHeight', 'activeBarHeight'], ['colorActiveBarBorderSize', 'activeBarBorderWidth'], ['colorItemBgSelected', 'itemSelectedBg'], ], }, ); return useOriginHook(prefixCls); };