import type { ChangeEvent, CSSProperties } from 'react'; import React, { useCallback, useContext } from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import type { PrevSelectedIndex } from '../_util/hooks/useMultipleSelect'; import useMultipleSelect from '../_util/hooks/useMultipleSelect'; import type { InputStatus } from '../_util/statusUtils'; import { getMergedStatus, getStatusClassNames } from '../_util/statusUtils'; import { groupDisabledKeysMap, groupKeysMap } from '../_util/transKeys'; import { devUseWarning } from '../_util/warning'; import type { ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider'; import { ConfigContext } from '../config-provider'; import DefaultRenderEmpty from '../config-provider/defaultRenderEmpty'; import type { FormItemStatusContextProps } from '../form/context'; import { FormItemInputContext } from '../form/context'; import { useLocale } from '../locale'; import defaultLocale from '../locale/en_US'; import useData from './hooks/useData'; import useSelection from './hooks/useSelection'; import type { PaginationType } from './interface'; import type { TransferCustomListBodyProps, TransferListProps } from './list'; import List from './list'; import Operation from './operation'; import Search from './search'; import useStyle from './style'; import useCSSVar from './style/cssVar'; export type { TransferListProps } from './list'; export type { TransferOperationProps } from './operation'; export type { TransferSearchProps } from './search'; export type TransferDirection = 'left' | 'right'; export interface RenderResultObject { label: React.ReactElement; value: string; } export type RenderResult = React.ReactElement | RenderResultObject | string | null; export interface TransferItem { key?: string; title?: string; description?: string; disabled?: boolean; [name: string]: any; } export type KeyWise = T & { key: string }; export type KeyWiseTransferItem = KeyWise; type TransferRender = (item: RecordType) => RenderResult; export interface ListStyle { direction: TransferDirection; } export type SelectAllLabel = | React.ReactNode | ((info: { selectedCount: number; totalCount: number }) => React.ReactNode); export interface TransferLocale { titles?: React.ReactNode[]; notFoundContent?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]; searchPlaceholder: string; itemUnit: string; itemsUnit: string; remove?: string; selectAll?: string; selectCurrent?: string; selectInvert?: string; removeAll?: string; removeCurrent?: string; } export interface TransferProps { prefixCls?: string; className?: string; rootClassName?: string; disabled?: boolean; dataSource?: RecordType[]; targetKeys?: string[]; selectedKeys?: string[]; render?: TransferRender; onChange?: (targetKeys: string[], direction: TransferDirection, moveKeys: string[]) => void; onSelectChange?: (sourceSelectedKeys: string[], targetSelectedKeys: string[]) => void; style?: React.CSSProperties; listStyle?: ((style: ListStyle) => CSSProperties) | CSSProperties; operationStyle?: CSSProperties; titles?: React.ReactNode[]; operations?: string[]; showSearch?: boolean; filterOption?: (inputValue: string, item: RecordType, direction: TransferDirection) => boolean; locale?: Partial; footer?: ( props: TransferListProps, info?: { direction: TransferDirection }, ) => React.ReactNode; rowKey?: (record: RecordType) => string; onSearch?: (direction: TransferDirection, value: string) => void; onScroll?: (direction: TransferDirection, e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void; children?: (props: TransferCustomListBodyProps) => React.ReactNode; showSelectAll?: boolean; selectAllLabels?: SelectAllLabel[]; oneWay?: boolean; pagination?: PaginationType; status?: InputStatus; selectionsIcon?: React.ReactNode; } const Transfer = ( props: TransferProps, ) => { const { dataSource, targetKeys = [], selectedKeys, selectAllLabels = [], operations = [], style = {}, listStyle = {}, locale = {}, titles, disabled, showSearch = false, operationStyle, showSelectAll, oneWay, pagination, status: customStatus, prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, className, rootClassName, selectionsIcon, filterOption, render, footer, children, rowKey, onScroll, onChange, onSearch, onSelectChange, } = props; const { getPrefixCls, renderEmpty, direction: dir, transfer, } = useContext(ConfigContext); const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('transfer', customizePrefixCls); const [, hashId] = useStyle(prefixCls); const wrapCSSVar = useCSSVar(prefixCls); // Fill record with `key` const [mergedDataSource, leftDataSource, rightDataSource] = useData( dataSource, rowKey, targetKeys, ); // Get direction selected keys const [ // Keys sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys, // Setters setSourceSelectedKeys, setTargetSelectedKeys, ] = useSelection(leftDataSource, rightDataSource, selectedKeys); const [leftMultipleSelect, updateLeftPrevSelectedIndex] = useMultipleSelect< KeyWise, string >((item) => item.key); const [rightMultipleSelect, updateRightPrevSelectedIndex] = useMultipleSelect< KeyWise, string >((item) => item.key); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const warning = devUseWarning('Transfer'); warning(!pagination || !children, 'usage', '`pagination` not support customize render list.'); } const setStateKeys = useCallback( (direction: TransferDirection, keys: string[] | ((prevKeys: string[]) => string[])) => { if (direction === 'left') { const nextKeys = typeof keys === 'function' ? keys(sourceSelectedKeys || []) : keys; setSourceSelectedKeys(nextKeys); } else { const nextKeys = typeof keys === 'function' ? keys(targetSelectedKeys || []) : keys; setTargetSelectedKeys(nextKeys); } }, [sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys], ); const setPrevSelectedIndex = (direction: TransferDirection, value: PrevSelectedIndex) => { const isLeftDirection = direction === 'left'; const updatePrevSelectedIndex = isLeftDirection ? updateLeftPrevSelectedIndex : updateRightPrevSelectedIndex; updatePrevSelectedIndex(value); }; const handleSelectChange = useCallback( (direction: TransferDirection, holder: string[]) => { if (direction === 'left') { onSelectChange?.(holder, targetSelectedKeys); } else { onSelectChange?.(sourceSelectedKeys, holder); } }, [sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys], ); const getTitles = (transferLocale: TransferLocale): React.ReactNode[] => titles ?? transferLocale.titles ?? []; const handleLeftScroll = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { onScroll?.('left', e); }; const handleRightScroll = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { onScroll?.('right', e); }; const moveTo = (direction: TransferDirection) => { const moveKeys = direction === 'right' ? sourceSelectedKeys : targetSelectedKeys; const dataSourceDisabledKeysMap = groupDisabledKeysMap(mergedDataSource); // filter the disabled options const newMoveKeys = moveKeys.filter((key) => !dataSourceDisabledKeysMap.has(key)); const newMoveKeysMap = groupKeysMap(newMoveKeys); // move items to target box const newTargetKeys = direction === 'right' ? newMoveKeys.concat(targetKeys) : targetKeys.filter((targetKey) => !newMoveKeysMap.has(targetKey)); // empty checked keys const oppositeDirection = direction === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right'; setStateKeys(oppositeDirection, []); handleSelectChange(oppositeDirection, []); onChange?.(newTargetKeys, direction, newMoveKeys); }; const moveToLeft = () => { moveTo('left'); setPrevSelectedIndex('left', null); }; const moveToRight = () => { moveTo('right'); setPrevSelectedIndex('right', null); }; const onItemSelectAll = ( direction: TransferDirection, keys: string[], checkAll: boolean | 'replace', ) => { setStateKeys(direction, (prevKeys) => { let mergedCheckedKeys: string[] = []; if (checkAll === 'replace') { mergedCheckedKeys = keys; } else if (checkAll) { // Merge current keys with origin key mergedCheckedKeys = Array.from(new Set([...prevKeys, ...keys])); } else { const selectedKeysMap = groupKeysMap(keys); // Remove current keys from origin keys mergedCheckedKeys = prevKeys.filter((key) => !selectedKeysMap.has(key)); } handleSelectChange(direction, mergedCheckedKeys); return mergedCheckedKeys; }); setPrevSelectedIndex(direction, null); }; const onLeftItemSelectAll = (keys: string[], checkAll: boolean) => { onItemSelectAll('left', keys, checkAll); }; const onRightItemSelectAll = (keys: string[], checkAll: boolean) => { onItemSelectAll('right', keys, checkAll); }; const leftFilter = (e: ChangeEvent) => onSearch?.('left',; const rightFilter = (e: ChangeEvent) => onSearch?.('right',; const handleLeftClear = () => onSearch?.('left', ''); const handleRightClear = () => onSearch?.('right', ''); const handleSingleSelect = ( direction: TransferDirection, holder: Set, selectedKey: string, checked: boolean, currentSelectedIndex: number, ) => { const isSelected = holder.has(selectedKey); if (isSelected) { holder.delete(selectedKey); setPrevSelectedIndex(direction, null); } if (checked) { holder.add(selectedKey); setPrevSelectedIndex(direction, currentSelectedIndex); } }; const handleMultipleSelect = ( direction: TransferDirection, data: KeyWise[], holder: Set, currentSelectedIndex: number, ) => { const isLeftDirection = direction === 'left'; const multipleSelect = isLeftDirection ? leftMultipleSelect : rightMultipleSelect; multipleSelect(currentSelectedIndex, data, holder); }; const onItemSelect = ( direction: TransferDirection, selectedKey: string, checked: boolean, multiple?: boolean, ) => { const isLeftDirection = direction === 'left'; const holder = [...(isLeftDirection ? sourceSelectedKeys : targetSelectedKeys)]; const holderSet = new Set(holder); const data = [...(isLeftDirection ? leftDataSource : rightDataSource)].filter( (item) => !item.disabled, ); const currentSelectedIndex = data.findIndex((item) => item.key === selectedKey); // multiple select by hold down the shift key if (multiple && holder.length > 0) { handleMultipleSelect(direction, data, holderSet, currentSelectedIndex); } else { handleSingleSelect(direction, holderSet, selectedKey, checked, currentSelectedIndex); } const holderArr = Array.from(holderSet); handleSelectChange(direction, holderArr); if (!props.selectedKeys) { setStateKeys(direction, holderArr); } }; const onLeftItemSelect = ( selectedKey: string, checked: boolean, e?: React.MouseEvent, ) => { onItemSelect('left', selectedKey, checked, e?.shiftKey); }; const onRightItemSelect = ( selectedKey: string, checked: boolean, e?: React.MouseEvent, ) => { onItemSelect('right', selectedKey, checked, e?.shiftKey); }; const onRightItemRemove = (keys: string[]) => { setStateKeys('right', []); onChange?.( targetKeys.filter((key) => !keys.includes(key)), 'left', [...keys], ); }; const handleListStyle = (direction: TransferDirection): CSSProperties => { if (typeof listStyle === 'function') { return listStyle({ direction }); } return listStyle || {}; }; const formItemContext = useContext(FormItemInputContext); const { hasFeedback, status } = formItemContext; const getLocale = (transferLocale: TransferLocale) => ({ ...transferLocale, notFoundContent: renderEmpty?.('Transfer') || , ...locale, }); const mergedStatus = getMergedStatus(status, customStatus); const mergedPagination = !children && pagination; const leftActive = targetSelectedKeys.length > 0; const rightActive = sourceSelectedKeys.length > 0; const cls = classNames( prefixCls, { [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled, [`${prefixCls}-customize-list`]: !!children, [`${prefixCls}-rtl`]: dir === 'rtl', }, getStatusClassNames(prefixCls, mergedStatus, hasFeedback), transfer?.className, className, rootClassName, hashId, ); const [contextLocale] = useLocale('Transfer', defaultLocale.Transfer); const listLocale = getLocale(contextLocale!); const [leftTitle, rightTitle] = getTitles(listLocale); return wrapCSSVar(
> prefixCls={`${prefixCls}-list`} titleText={leftTitle} dataSource={leftDataSource} filterOption={filterOption} style={handleListStyle('left')} checkedKeys={sourceSelectedKeys} handleFilter={leftFilter} handleClear={handleLeftClear} onItemSelect={onLeftItemSelect} onItemSelectAll={onLeftItemSelectAll} render={render} showSearch={showSearch} renderList={children} footer={footer} onScroll={handleLeftScroll} disabled={disabled} direction={dir === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left'} showSelectAll={showSelectAll} selectAllLabel={selectAllLabels[0]} pagination={mergedPagination} selectionsIcon={selectionsIcon} {...listLocale} /> > prefixCls={`${prefixCls}-list`} titleText={rightTitle} dataSource={rightDataSource} filterOption={filterOption} style={handleListStyle('right')} checkedKeys={targetSelectedKeys} handleFilter={rightFilter} handleClear={handleRightClear} onItemSelect={onRightItemSelect} onItemSelectAll={onRightItemSelectAll} onItemRemove={onRightItemRemove} render={render} showSearch={showSearch} renderList={children} footer={footer} onScroll={handleRightScroll} disabled={disabled} direction={dir === 'rtl' ? 'left' : 'right'} showSelectAll={showSelectAll} selectAllLabel={selectAllLabels[1]} showRemove={oneWay} pagination={mergedPagination} selectionsIcon={selectionsIcon} {...listLocale} />
, ); }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Transfer.displayName = 'Transfer'; } Transfer.List = List; Transfer.Search = Search; Transfer.Operation = Operation; export default Transfer;