2024-01-31 10:07:16 +08:00

202 lines
6.5 KiB

import * as React from 'react';
import type { WarningContextProps } from '../_util/warning';
import type { ShowWaveEffect } from '../_util/wave/interface';
import type { AlertProps } from '../alert';
import type { BadgeProps } from '../badge';
import type { ButtonProps } from '../button';
import type { CardProps } from '../card';
import type { DrawerProps } from '../drawer';
import type { FlexProps } from '../flex/interface';
import type { FormProps } from '../form/Form';
import type { InputProps } from '../input';
import type { Locale } from '../locale';
import type { ModalProps } from '../modal';
import type { ArgsProps } from '../notification/interface';
import type { PaginationProps } from '../pagination';
import type { SelectProps } from '../select';
import type { SpaceProps } from '../space';
import type { TableProps } from '../table';
import type { TabsProps } from '../tabs';
import type { TagProps } from '../tag';
import type { AliasToken, MappingAlgorithm, OverrideToken } from '../theme/interface';
import type { TourProps } from '../tour/interface';
import type { RenderEmptyHandler } from './defaultRenderEmpty';
export const defaultIconPrefixCls = 'anticon';
export interface Theme {
primaryColor?: string;
infoColor?: string;
successColor?: string;
processingColor?: string;
errorColor?: string;
warningColor?: string;
export interface CSPConfig {
nonce?: string;
export type DirectionType = 'ltr' | 'rtl' | undefined;
type ComponentsConfig = {
[key in keyof OverrideToken]?: OverrideToken[key] & {
algorithm?: boolean | MappingAlgorithm | MappingAlgorithm[];
export interface ThemeConfig {
token?: Partial<AliasToken>;
components?: ComponentsConfig;
algorithm?: MappingAlgorithm | MappingAlgorithm[];
hashed?: boolean;
inherit?: boolean;
| {
* Prefix for css variable, default to `ant`.
prefix?: string;
* Unique key for theme, should be set manually < react@18.
key?: string;
| boolean;
export interface ComponentStyleConfig {
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
export interface TableConfig extends ComponentStyleConfig {
expandable?: {
expandIcon?: NonNullable<TableProps['expandable']>['expandIcon'];
export type TourConfig = Pick<TourProps, 'closeIcon'>;
export type ModalConfig = ComponentStyleConfig &
Pick<ModalProps, 'classNames' | 'styles' | 'closeIcon'>;
export type AlertConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<AlertProps, 'closeIcon'>;
export type BadgeConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<BadgeProps, 'classNames' | 'styles'>;
export type ButtonConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<ButtonProps, 'classNames' | 'styles'>;
export type NotificationConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<ArgsProps, 'closeIcon'>;
export type TagConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<TagProps, 'closeIcon'>;
export interface CardConfig extends ComponentStyleConfig {
classNames?: CardProps['classNames'];
styles: CardProps['styles'];
export type DrawerConfig = ComponentStyleConfig &
Pick<DrawerProps, 'classNames' | 'styles' | 'closeIcon'>;
export type FlexConfig = ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<FlexProps, 'vertical'>;
export type PopupOverflow = 'viewport' | 'scroll';
export interface WaveConfig {
disabled?: boolean;
showEffect?: ShowWaveEffect;
export interface ConfigConsumerProps {
getTargetContainer?: () => HTMLElement;
getPopupContainer?: (triggerNode?: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
rootPrefixCls?: string;
iconPrefixCls: string;
getPrefixCls: (suffixCls?: string, customizePrefixCls?: string) => string;
renderEmpty?: RenderEmptyHandler;
csp?: CSPConfig;
autoInsertSpaceInButton?: boolean;
input?: ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<InputProps, 'autoComplete' | 'classNames' | 'styles'>;
pagination?: ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<PaginationProps, 'showSizeChanger'>;
locale?: Locale;
direction?: DirectionType;
space?: Pick<SpaceProps, 'size' | 'className' | 'classNames' | 'style' | 'styles'>;
virtual?: boolean;
popupMatchSelectWidth?: boolean;
popupOverflow?: PopupOverflow;
form?: ComponentStyleConfig &
Pick<FormProps, 'requiredMark' | 'colon' | 'scrollToFirstError' | 'validateMessages'>;
theme?: ThemeConfig;
select?: ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<SelectProps, 'showSearch'>;
alert?: AlertConfig;
anchor?: ComponentStyleConfig;
button?: ButtonConfig;
divider?: ComponentStyleConfig;
drawer?: DrawerConfig;
calendar?: ComponentStyleConfig;
carousel?: ComponentStyleConfig;
cascader?: ComponentStyleConfig;
collapse?: ComponentStyleConfig;
typography?: ComponentStyleConfig;
skeleton?: ComponentStyleConfig;
spin?: ComponentStyleConfig;
segmented?: ComponentStyleConfig;
steps?: ComponentStyleConfig;
statistic?: ComponentStyleConfig;
image?: ComponentStyleConfig;
layout?: ComponentStyleConfig;
list?: ComponentStyleConfig;
mentions?: ComponentStyleConfig;
modal?: ModalConfig;
progress?: ComponentStyleConfig;
result?: ComponentStyleConfig;
slider?: ComponentStyleConfig;
breadcrumb?: ComponentStyleConfig;
menu?: ComponentStyleConfig;
checkbox?: ComponentStyleConfig;
descriptions?: ComponentStyleConfig;
empty?: ComponentStyleConfig;
badge?: BadgeConfig;
radio?: ComponentStyleConfig;
rate?: ComponentStyleConfig;
switch?: ComponentStyleConfig;
transfer?: ComponentStyleConfig;
avatar?: ComponentStyleConfig;
message?: ComponentStyleConfig;
tag?: TagConfig;
table?: TableConfig;
card?: CardConfig;
tabs?: ComponentStyleConfig & Pick<TabsProps, 'indicator' | 'indicatorSize'>;
timeline?: ComponentStyleConfig;
timePicker?: ComponentStyleConfig;
tour?: TourConfig;
upload?: ComponentStyleConfig;
notification?: NotificationConfig;
tree?: ComponentStyleConfig;
colorPicker?: ComponentStyleConfig;
datePicker?: ComponentStyleConfig;
rangePicker?: ComponentStyleConfig;
dropdown?: ComponentStyleConfig;
flex?: FlexConfig;
wave?: WaveConfig;
warning?: WarningContextProps;
const defaultGetPrefixCls = (suffixCls?: string, customizePrefixCls?: string) => {
if (customizePrefixCls) {
return customizePrefixCls;
return suffixCls ? `ant-${suffixCls}` : 'ant';
// zombieJ: 🚨 Do not pass `defaultRenderEmpty` here since it will cause circular dependency.
export const ConfigContext = React.createContext<ConfigConsumerProps>({
// We provide a default function for Context without provider
getPrefixCls: defaultGetPrefixCls,
iconPrefixCls: defaultIconPrefixCls,
export const { Consumer: ConfigConsumer } = ConfigContext;