Saeed Rahimi 676de29eb4 feat: added rtl direction to all of ant-design components (#19380)
* rtl demo change en-us description

* change bundlesize css limit

* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)

* RTL: table component

* RTL: pagination component

* cleanup rtl demo

* fix pagination.tsx compile error

* RTL: button and button-group

* RTL: Steps component

* fix rtl demo style

* fix input suffix icon alignment

* fix select component arrow issue

* RTL: form component

* add pagination rtl test

* fix test lint error

* RTL: rate component

* RTL: radio and radio group components

* RTL: tree-select component

* some fixes to RTL components

* RTL: badge component

* fix rtl issue in inline form

* fix input component rtl padding issue

* fix switch component text rtl issue

* fix table grouped header text-align

* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button

* Update rtl demo responsive

* RTL: page-header component

* RTL: typography component

* RTL: Dropdown (Partial)

* update config-provider doc

* RTL: input component

* RTL: select component

* RTL: switch component

* RTL: tree component

* fix rtl demo lint

* rtl demo change en-us description

* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)

* RTL: table component

* RTL: pagination component

* cleanup rtl demo

* RTL: button and button-group

* RTL: Steps component

* fix rtl demo style

* fix input suffix icon alignment

* RTL: form component

* RTL: rate component

* RTL: radio and radio group components

* RTL: tree-select component

* RTL: badge component

* fix rtl issue in inline form

* fix input component rtl padding issue

* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button

* fix lost changes after rebase

* fix lint errors

* RTL: Transfer Component

* RTL: upload component

* RTL: update avatar demo

* RTL: comment component

* RTL: collapse component

* RTL: carousel component

* update snapshots

* RTL: Card component

* RTL: descriptions component

* RTL:  Empty component

* RTL: list component

* RTL: slider component

* slider component import/order

* add shared rtlTest

* RTL: Statistic component

* RTL: tooltip components

* RTL: popover component

* RTL: timeline component

* RTL: tag component

* RTL: alert component

* RTL: drawer component

* RTL: Tab component

* change direction definition

* RTL: progress component

* input.tsx, remove duplicate after rebase

* fix demo.less after rebase

* fix ant-row-rtl after rebase

* fix upload issues in rtl

* badge rtl demo margin fix

* fix: tabs with icon margin

* fix: radio-wrapper margin

* fix: table component after rebase

* fix: centered modal text-align

* update slider snapshot

* RTL: popconfirm component

* RTL: back-top component

* RTL: spin component

* RTL: result component

* RTL: skeleton component

* RTL: menu component

* RTL: time-picker component

* RTL: calendar component

* RTL: date-picker component

* RTL: home page

* update snapshots

* test: add auto-complete rtl test

* test: add avatar component rtl tests

* test: add badge component rtl tests

* test: add breadcrumb component rtl tests

* test: add button components rtl tests

* test: add card component rtl tests

* test: add carousel component rtl tests

* test: add cascader component rtl tests

* test: add checkbox component rtl tests

* test: add collapse component rtl tests

* test: add comment component rtl tests

* test: add dropdown component rtl tests

* test: add empty component rtl tests

* test: add form component rtl tests

* test: add grid component rtl tests

* test: add input component rtl tests

* test: add search component rtl tests

* test: add input-number component rtl tests

* test: add layout component rtl tests

* test: add list component rtl tests

* test: add mentions component rtl tests

* test: add modal component rtl tests

* test: add page-header component rtl tests

* test: add pagination component rtl tests

* test: add radio component rtl tests

* test: add rate component rtl tests

* test: add select component rtl tests

* test: add slider component rtl tests

* test: add steps component rtl tests

* test: add switch component rtl tests

* test: add table component rtl tests

* test: add transfer component rtl tests

* test: add tree component rtl tests

* test: add tree-select component rtl tests

* test: add typography component rtl tests

* test: add upload component rtl tests

* test: add affix component rtl tests

* update calendar tests

* increase css file maxSize

* update snapshots

* remove workflows to allow push

* remove duplicate reverse prop from slider

* fix: remove table demo from config-provider

* fix: remove table demo from config-provider

* fix lint error

* Added direction property to ConfigProvider

* cascader rtl tests added

* update config-provider doc

* RTL: grid system

* RTL: input component

* RTL: switch component

* fix rtl demo lint

* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)

* RTL: table component

* RTL: pagination component

* cleanup rtl demo

* fix pagination.tsx compile error

* RTL: button and button-group

* RTL: Steps component

* fix rtl demo style

* RTL: form component

* add pagination rtl test

* RTL: rate component

* RTL: radio and radio group components

* RTL: tree-select component

* RTL: badge component

* fix rtl issue in inline form

* fix input component rtl padding issue

* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button

* RTL: input component

* RTL: select component

* RTL: switch component

* RTL: tree component

* fix rtl demo lint

* rtl demo change en-us description

* RTL: modal component (exclude confirm)

* RTL: table component

* RTL: pagination component

* cleanup rtl demo

* RTL: button and button-group

* RTL: Steps component

* fix rtl demo style

* fix input suffix icon alignment

* RTL: form component

* RTL: rate component

* RTL: radio and radio group components

* RTL: tree-select component

* RTL: badge component

* fix rtl issue in inline form

* fix input component rtl padding issue

* add rtl support to whole demo with RTL button

* input.tsx, remove duplicate after rebase

* fix ant-row-rtl after rebase

* update snapshots

* test: add cascader component rtl tests

* test: add pagination component rtl tests

* update calendar tests

* update snapshots

* fix: remove table demo from config-provider

* fix: remove table demo from config-provider

* fix lint error

* update icons

* dropdown and cascader default placement in rtl

* update snapshots

* fix lint errors

* remove duplicate import

* update snapshots

* update snapshot

* update calendar snapshot

* update snapshots

* integrate with new rc-picker

* update snapshots

* fix lint errors

* update snapshot

* update snapshots

* update snapshots

* update snapshots :|

* update snapshots

* fix compile error.

* fix typo after rebase

* update snapshots

* remove workflows to allow push

* update snapshots

* update snapshots

* fix dist error

* front-page css fix

* update snapshots

* fix lint and test issues

* restore cascader index.less

* update snapshots

* fix logo in rtl and demo controls

* ci errors

* resolve steps/index.tsx conflicts

* tooltip family demo remove inline style

* resolve table/Table.tsx conflicts

* resolve modal/Modal.tsx conflicts

* resolve cascader/index.tsx conflicts

* add workflows from upstream

* update snapshots

* revert logo to default

* fix codebox demo direction of placements

* resolve tooltip overlayClassName conflicts

* update snapshots

* update popover test

* fix: cascader miss popupClassName

* fix: fix select missing dropdownClassName

* chore: Update snapshot

* chore: Adjust menu use rtl logic

* docs: Update demo line color

Co-authored-by: 二货机器人 <>
2020-01-02 19:10:16 +08:00

523 lines
15 KiB

/* eslint no-use-before-define: "off" */
import React from 'react';
import { render, mount } from 'enzyme';
import Transfer from '..';
import TransferList from '../list';
import TransferOperation from '../operation';
import TransferSearch from '../search';
import TransferItem from '../ListItem';
import Button from '../../button';
import Checkbox from '../../checkbox';
import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest';
import rtlTest from '../../../tests/shared/rtlTest';
const consoleErrorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {});
const listCommonProps = {
dataSource: [
key: 'a',
title: 'a',
key: 'b',
title: 'b',
key: 'c',
title: 'c',
disabled: true,
selectedKeys: ['a'],
targetKeys: ['b'],
const listDisabledProps = {
dataSource: [
key: 'a',
title: 'a',
disabled: true,
key: 'b',
title: 'b',
selectedKeys: ['a', 'b'],
targetKeys: [],
const searchTransferProps = {
dataSource: [
key: '0',
title: 'content1',
description: 'description of content1',
chosen: false,
key: '1',
title: 'content2',
description: 'description of content2',
chosen: false,
key: '2',
title: 'content3',
description: 'description of content3',
chosen: false,
key: '3',
title: 'content4',
description: 'description of content4',
chosen: false,
key: '4',
title: 'content5',
description: 'description of content5',
chosen: false,
key: '5',
title: 'content6',
description: 'description of content6',
chosen: false,
selectedKeys: [],
targetKeys: ['3', '4'],
describe('Transfer', () => {
it('should render correctly', () => {
const wrapper = render(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} />);
it('should move selected keys to corresponding list', () => {
const handleChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onChange={handleChange} />);
.simulate('click'); // move selected keys to right list
expect(handleChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['a', 'b'], 'right', ['a']);
it('should move selected keys to left list', () => {
const handleChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(
.simulate('click'); // move selected keys to left list
expect(handleChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([], 'left', ['a']);
it('should move selected keys expect disabled to corresponding list', () => {
const handleChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listDisabledProps} onChange={handleChange} />);
.simulate('click'); // move selected keys to right list
expect(handleChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['b'], 'right', ['b']);
it('should uncheck checkbox when click on checked item', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />);
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('item').key === 'a')
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith([], []);
it('should check checkbox when click on unchecked item', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />);
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('item').key === 'b')
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['a'], ['b']);
it('should not check checkbox when component disabled', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(
<Transfer {...listCommonProps} disabled onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />,
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('item').key === 'a')
it('should not check checkbox when click on disabled item', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />);
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('item').key === 'c')
it('should check all item when click on check all', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />);
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
.filterWhere(n => !n.prop('checked'))
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['a'], ['b']);
it('should uncheck all item when click on uncheck all', () => {
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onSelectChange={handleSelectChange} />);
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('checked'))
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith([], []);
it('should call `filterOption` when use input in search box', () => {
const filterOption = (inputValue, option) => inputValue === option.title;
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} showSearch filterOption={filterOption} />);
.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'a' } });
const headerText = wrapper =>
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header-selected > span')
it('should display the correct count of items when filter by input', () => {
const filterOption = (inputValue, option) => option.description.indexOf(inputValue) > -1;
const renderFunc = item => item.title;
const wrapper = mount(
.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'content2' } });
expect(headerText(wrapper)).toEqual('1 items');
it('should display the correct locale', () => {
const emptyProps = { dataSource: [], selectedKeys: [], targetKeys: [] };
const locale = { itemUnit: 'Person', notFoundContent: 'Nothing', searchPlaceholder: 'Search' };
const wrapper = mount(
<Transfer {...listCommonProps} {...emptyProps} showSearch locale={locale} />,
expect(headerText(wrapper)).toEqual('0 Person');
it('should display the correct locale and ignore old API', () => {
const emptyProps = { dataSource: [], selectedKeys: [], targetKeys: [] };
const locale = { notFoundContent: 'old1', searchPlaceholder: 'old2' };
const newLocalProp = { notFoundContent: 'new1', searchPlaceholder: 'new2' };
const wrapper = mount(
'Warning: [antd: Transfer] `notFoundContent` and `searchPlaceholder` will be removed, please use `locale` instead.',
it('should display the correct items unit', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} locale={{ itemsUnit: 'People' }} />);
expect(headerText(wrapper)).toEqual('1/2 People');
it('should just check the filtered item when click on check all after search by input', () => {
const filterOption = (inputValue, option) => option.description.indexOf(inputValue) > -1;
const renderFunc = item => item.title;
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(
.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'content2' } });
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
.filterWhere(n => !n.prop('checked'))
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['1'], []);
it('should transfer just the filtered item after search by input', () => {
const filterOption = (inputValue, option) => option.description.indexOf(inputValue) > -1;
const renderFunc = item => item.title;
const handleChange = jest.fn();
const handleSelectChange = (sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys) => {
selectedKeys: [...sourceSelectedKeys, ...targetSelectedKeys],
const wrapper = mount(
.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'content2' } });
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
.filterWhere(n => !n.prop('checked'))
expect(handleChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['1', '3', '4'], 'right', ['1']);
it('should check correctly when there is a search text', () => {
const newProps = { ...listCommonProps };
delete newProps.targetKeys;
delete newProps.selectedKeys;
const handleSelectChange = jest.fn();
const wrapper = mount(
render={item => item.title}
.filterWhere(n => n.prop('item').key === 'b')
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['b'], []);
.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'a' } });
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['b', 'a'], []);
.find('.ant-transfer-list-header input[type="checkbox"]')
expect(handleSelectChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(['b'], []);
it('should show sorted targetkey', () => {
const sortedTargetKeyProps = {
dataSource: [
key: 'a',
title: 'a',
key: 'b',
title: 'b',
key: 'c',
title: 'c',
targetKeys: ['c', 'b'],
lazy: false,
const wrapper = render(<Transfer {...sortedTargetKeyProps} render={item => item.title} />);
it('should add custom styles when their props are provided', () => {
const style = {
backgroundColor: 'red',
const leftStyle = {
backgroundColor: 'blue',
const rightStyle = {
backgroundColor: 'red',
const operationStyle = {
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
const component = mount(
listStyle={({ direction }) => (direction === 'left' ? leftStyle : rightStyle)}
const wrapper = component.find('.ant-transfer');
const listSource = component.find('.ant-transfer-list').first();
const listTarget = component.find('.ant-transfer-list').last();
const operation = component.find('.ant-transfer-operation').first();
expect(wrapper.prop('style')).toHaveProperty('backgroundColor', 'red');
expect(listSource.prop('style')).toHaveProperty('backgroundColor', 'blue');
expect(listTarget.prop('style')).toHaveProperty('backgroundColor', 'red');
expect(operation.prop('style')).toHaveProperty('backgroundColor', 'yellow');
it('should support onScroll', () => {
const onScroll = jest.fn();
const component = mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} onScroll={onScroll} />);
expect(onScroll).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('left', expect.anything());
expect(onScroll).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('right', expect.anything());
it('should support rowKey is function', () => {
expect(() => {
mount(<Transfer {...listCommonProps} rowKey={record => record.key} />);
it('should support render value and label in item', () => {
const component = mount(
key: 'a',
title: 'title',
render={record => ({ value: `${record.title} value`, label: 'label' })}