ice 6a62d9e7ea
fix(menu): menu-title-content style (#51425)
* fix(dropdown): dropdown menu title content style

* chore: update rc-mentions to version 2.17.0 and rc-tabs to version 15.4.0

* test: add extra style debug

* test: snap

* test: snap

* Refactor menu demo: remove extra-style-debug component and rename extra-style-debug files to extra-style

* Refactor menu demo: remove extra-style-debug component and rename extra-style-debug files to extra-style

* Refactor dropdown and menu styles: Add width to extra-style elements

* test: snap

* fix: Add Space component to menu demo

The Space component was missing from the import statement in the menu demo file. This caused a compilation error. The fix adds the Space component to the import statement, resolving the issue.

Refactor the menu demo to use Space component for vertical spacing between menus. This improves the visual layout and readability of the menus.

Fixes #51492

* test: snap

* refactor: Update dropdown and menu title content class names


Co-authored-by: afc163 <>
2024-11-07 20:00:06 +08:00

348 lines
12 KiB

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