mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 19:39:51 +08:00
* chore: Divider full token * chore: typography with tokn * chore: select with token * chore: tree with token * chore: select style * chore: select style * chore: clean up
264 lines
6.9 KiB
264 lines
6.9 KiB
// deps-lint-skip-all
import { Keyframes } from '@ant-design/cssinjs';
import {
} from '../../_util/theme';
interface CheckboxToken extends DerivativeToken {
checkboxCls: string;
// ============================== Motion ==============================
const antCheckboxEffect = new Keyframes('antCheckboxEffect', {
'0%': {
transform: 'scale(1)',
opacity: 0.5,
'100%': {
transform: 'scale(1.6)',
opacity: 0,
// ============================== Styles ==============================
export const genCheckboxStyle: GenerateStyle<CheckboxToken> = (token, hashId) => {
const { checkboxCls } = token;
const wrapperCls = `${checkboxCls}-wrapper`;
return [
// ===================== Basic =====================
// Group
[`${checkboxCls}-group`]: {
display: 'inline-flex',
// Wrapper
[wrapperCls]: {
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'baseline',
lineHeight: 'unset',
cursor: 'pointer',
// Fix checkbox & radio in flex align #30260
'&:after': {
display: 'inline-block',
width: 0,
overflow: 'hidden',
content: "'\\a0'",
// Checkbox near checkbox
'& + &': {
marginInlineStart: token.marginXS,
'&&-in-form-item': {
'input[type="checkbox"]': {
width: 14, // FIXME: magic
height: 14, // FIXME: magic
// Wrapper > Checkbox
[checkboxCls]: {
top: '0.2em',
position: 'relative',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
lineHeight: 1,
cursor: 'pointer',
// Wrapper > Checkbox > input
[`${checkboxCls}-input`]: {
position: 'absolute',
inset: 0,
zIndex: 1,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
cursor: 'pointer',
opacity: 0,
// Wrapper > Checkbox > inner
[`${checkboxCls}-inner`]: {
position: 'relative',
top: 0,
insetInlineStart: 0,
display: 'block',
width: token.fontSizeLG,
height: token.fontSizeLG,
direction: 'ltr',
backgroundColor: token.colorBgComponent,
border: `${token.controlLineWidth}px ${token.controlLineType} ${token.colorBorder}`,
borderRadius: token.controlRadius,
borderCollapse: 'separate',
transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`,
'&:after': {
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
insetInlineStart: '21.5%',
display: 'table',
width: (token.fontSizeLG / 14) * 5,
height: (token.fontSizeLG / 14) * 8,
border: `2px solid ${token.colorBgComponent}`,
borderTop: 0,
borderInlineStart: 0,
transform: 'rotate(45deg) scale(0) translate(-50%,-50%)',
opacity: 0,
transition: `all ${token.motionDurationFast} cubic-bezier(.71,-.46,.88,.6), opacity ${token.motionDurationFast}`,
content: '""',
// Wrapper > Checkbox + Text
'& + span': {
paddingInlineStart: token.paddingXS,
paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingXS,
// ================= Indeterminate =================
[checkboxCls]: {
'&-indeterminate': {
// Wrapper > Checkbox > inner
[`${checkboxCls}-inner`]: {
'&:after': {
top: '50%',
insetInlineStart: '50%',
width: token.fontSizeLG / 2,
height: token.fontSizeLG / 2,
backgroundColor: token.colorPrimary,
border: 0,
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)',
opacity: 1,
content: '""',
// ===================== Hover =====================
// Wrapper
[`${wrapperCls}:hover ${checkboxCls}:after`]: {
visibility: 'visible',
// Wrapper & Wrapper > Checkbox
${checkboxCls}-input:focus +
`]: {
[`${checkboxCls}-inner`]: {
borderColor: token.colorPrimary,
// ==================== Checked ====================
// Wrapper > Checkbox
[`${checkboxCls}-checked`]: {
[`${checkboxCls}-inner`]: {
backgroundColor: token.colorPrimary,
borderColor: token.colorPrimary,
'&:after': {
opacity: 1,
transform: 'rotate(45deg) scale(1) translate(-50%,-50%)',
transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow} ${token.motionEaseOutBack} ${token.motionDurationFast}`,
// Checked Effect
'&:after': {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
insetInlineStart: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
border: `${token.controlLineWidth}px ${token.controlLineType} ${token.colorPrimary}`,
borderRadius: token.controlRadius,
visibility: 'hidden',
animation: `${antCheckboxEffect.getName(hashId)} ${token.motionDurationSlow} ease-in-out`,
animationFillMode: 'backwards',
content: '""',
// ==================== Disable ====================
// Wrapper
[`${wrapperCls}-disabled`]: {
cursor: 'not-allowed',
// Wrapper > Checkbox
[`${checkboxCls}-disabled`]: {
// Wrapper > Checkbox > input
[`&, ${checkboxCls}-input`]: {
cursor: 'not-allowed',
// Wrapper > Checkbox > inner
[`${checkboxCls}-inner`]: {
background: token.colorBgContainer,
borderColor: token.colorBorder,
'&:after': {
borderColor: token.colorBorder,
'&:after': {
display: 'none',
'& + span': {
color: token.colorTextDisabled,
// ============================== Export ==============================
export function getStyle(prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, hashId: string) {
const checkboxToken: CheckboxToken = {
checkboxCls: `.${prefixCls}`,
return [genCheckboxStyle(checkboxToken, hashId), antCheckboxEffect];
export default function useStyle(prefixCls: string): UseComponentStyleResult {
const [theme, token, hashId] = useToken();
return [
useStyleRegister({ theme, token, hashId, path: [prefixCls] }, () =>
getStyle(prefixCls, token, hashId),