mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 22:36:31 +08:00
* refactor: support type update * chore: update clear style * chore: bump color picker * chore: use slider * chore: bump color picker * chore: range slider * chore: layout * chore: useModeColor * chore: simplify * chore: bump color picker * refactor: event * chore: tmp lock check * chore: of it * chore: update ts def * chore: update ts def * chore: remove useless ts * chore: linear * chore: adjust style * chore: rm useless code * chore: fill color * chore: basic linear * chore: support toStr * chore: limit minCount * chore: use cache * chore: drag support: * chore: yes * chore: update demo * chore: useLayoutEffect instead * chore: fix click to add point * chore: add smmoth * chore: support of locale * chore: add locale * chore: fix lint * chore: adjust style * chore: fix lint * chore: fix style * test: fix test case * chore: fix popover * test: fix test case * chore: fix test * test: clean up * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * test: coverage * test: coverage * test: coverage * test: coverage * test: coverage * test: coverage * chore: fix docs * docs: update demo desc * chore: enhance hover range * fix: delete not working * chore: fix lint * test: coverage * test: coverage * chore: clean up * chore: adjust * chore: highlight * chore: adjust style * chore: fix lint * chore: update demo * chore: memo perf * refactor: up to down colors * test: update snapshot
153 lines
4.1 KiB
153 lines
4.1 KiB
/* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */
import Pagination from 'rc-pagination/lib/locale/id_ID';
import type { Locale } from '.';
import Calendar from '../calendar/locale/id_ID';
import DatePicker from '../date-picker/locale/id_ID';
import TimePicker from '../time-picker/locale/id_ID';
const typeTemplate = '${label} tidak valid ${type}';
const localeValues: Locale = {
locale: 'id',
global: {
placeholder: 'Silahkan pilih',
Table: {
filterTitle: 'Menu filter',
filterConfirm: 'OK',
filterReset: 'Reset',
filterEmptyText: 'Tidak ada filter',
filterCheckall: 'Pilih semua item',
filterSearchPlaceholder: 'Cari di filter',
emptyText: 'Tidak ada data',
selectAll: 'Pilih halaman saat ini',
selectInvert: 'Balikkan halaman saat ini',
selectNone: 'Hapus semua data',
selectionAll: 'Pilih semua data',
sortTitle: 'Urutkan',
expand: 'Perluas baris',
collapse: 'Perkecil baris',
triggerDesc: 'Klik untuk mengurutkan secara menurun',
triggerAsc: 'Klik untuk mengurutkan secara menaik',
cancelSort: 'Klik untuk membatalkan pengurutan',
Tour: {
Next: 'Selanjutnya',
Previous: 'Sebelumnya',
Finish: 'Selesai',
Modal: {
okText: 'OK',
cancelText: 'Batal',
justOkText: 'OK',
Popconfirm: {
okText: 'OK',
cancelText: 'Batal',
Transfer: {
titles: ['', ''],
searchPlaceholder: 'Cari di sini',
itemUnit: 'data',
itemsUnit: 'data',
remove: 'Hapus',
selectCurrent: 'Pilih halaman saat ini',
removeCurrent: 'Hapus halaman saat ini',
selectAll: 'Pilih semua data',
deselectAll: 'Batal pilih semua data',
removeAll: 'Hapus semua data',
selectInvert: 'Balikkan halaman saat ini',
Upload: {
uploading: 'Mengunggah...',
removeFile: 'Hapus file',
uploadError: 'Kesalahan pengunggahan',
previewFile: 'Pratinjau file',
downloadFile: 'Unduh file',
Empty: {
description: 'Tidak ada data',
Icon: {
icon: 'ikon',
Text: {
edit: 'Ubah',
copy: 'Salin',
copied: 'Disalin',
expand: 'Perluas',
collapse: 'Perkecil',
Form: {
optional: '(optional)',
defaultValidateMessages: {
default: 'Kesalahan validasi untuk ${label}',
required: 'Tolong masukkan ${label}',
enum: '${label} harus menjadi salah satu dari [${enum}]',
whitespace: '${label} tidak boleh berupa karakter kosong',
date: {
format: '${label} format tanggal tidak valid',
parse: '${label} tidak dapat diubah menjadi tanggal',
invalid: '${label} adalah tanggal yang tidak valid',
types: {
string: typeTemplate,
method: typeTemplate,
array: typeTemplate,
object: typeTemplate,
number: typeTemplate,
date: typeTemplate,
boolean: typeTemplate,
integer: typeTemplate,
float: typeTemplate,
regexp: typeTemplate,
email: typeTemplate,
url: typeTemplate,
hex: typeTemplate,
string: {
len: '${label} harus berupa ${len} karakter',
min: '${label} harus minimal ${min} karakter',
max: '${label} harus maksimal ${max} karakter',
range: '${label} harus diantara ${min}-${max} karakter',
number: {
len: '${label} harus sama dengan ${len}',
min: '${label} harus minimal ${min}',
max: '${label} harus maksimal ${max}',
range: '${label} harus di antara ${min}-${max}',
array: {
len: 'Harus ${len} ${label}',
min: 'Minimal ${min} ${label}',
max: 'Maksimal ${max} ${label}',
range: 'Jumlah ${label} harus di antara ${min}-${max}',
pattern: {
mismatch: '${label} tidak sesuai dengan pola ${pattern}',
Image: {
preview: 'Pratinjau',
QRCode: {
expired: 'Kode QR sudah habis masa berlakunya',
refresh: 'Segarkan',
scanned: 'Dipindai',
ColorPicker: {
presetEmpty: 'Kosong',
transparent: 'Transparan',
singleColor: 'Warna tunggal',
gradientColor: 'Warna gradien',
export default localeValues;