2019-09-23 18:50:10 +08:00

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import * as React from 'react';
import RcTree, { TreeNode } from 'rc-tree';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import DirectoryTree from './DirectoryTree';
import Icon from '../icon';
import { ConfigConsumer, ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider';
import collapseMotion from '../_util/motion';
export interface AntdTreeNodeAttribute {
eventKey: string;
prefixCls: string;
className: string;
expanded: boolean;
selected: boolean;
checked: boolean;
halfChecked: boolean;
children: React.ReactNode;
title: React.ReactNode;
pos: string;
dragOver: boolean;
dragOverGapTop: boolean;
dragOverGapBottom: boolean;
isLeaf: boolean;
selectable: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
disableCheckbox: boolean;
export interface AntTreeNodeProps {
className?: string;
checkable?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
disableCheckbox?: boolean;
title?: string | React.ReactNode;
key?: string;
eventKey?: string;
isLeaf?: boolean;
checked?: boolean;
expanded?: boolean;
loading?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
selectable?: boolean;
icon?: ((treeNode: AntdTreeNodeAttribute) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode;
children?: React.ReactNode;
[customProp: string]: any;
export interface AntTreeNode extends React.Component<AntTreeNodeProps, {}> {}
export interface AntTreeNodeBaseEvent {
node: AntTreeNode;
nativeEvent: MouseEvent;
export interface AntTreeNodeCheckedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent {
event: 'check';
checked?: boolean;
checkedNodes?: AntTreeNode[];
export interface AntTreeNodeSelectedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent {
event: 'select';
selected?: boolean;
selectedNodes?: AntTreeNode[];
export interface AntTreeNodeExpandedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent {
expanded?: boolean;
export interface AntTreeNodeMouseEvent {
node: AntTreeNode;
event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>;
export interface AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent extends AntTreeNodeMouseEvent {
expandedKeys: string[];
export interface AntTreeNodeDropEvent {
node: AntTreeNode;
dragNode: AntTreeNode;
dragNodesKeys: string[];
dropPosition: number;
dropToGap?: boolean;
event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>;
export interface TreeNodeNormal {
title?: React.ReactNode;
key: string;
isLeaf?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
disableCheckbox?: boolean;
selectable?: boolean;
children?: TreeNodeNormal[];
export interface TreeProps {
showLine?: boolean;
className?: string;
/** 是否支持多选 */
multiple?: boolean;
/** 是否自动展开父节点 */
autoExpandParent?: boolean;
/** checkable状态下节点选择完全受控父子节点选中状态不再关联 */
checkStrictly?: boolean;
/** 是否支持选中 */
checkable?: boolean;
/** 是否禁用树 */
disabled?: boolean;
/** 默认展开所有树节点 */
defaultExpandAll?: boolean;
/** 默认展开对应树节点 */
defaultExpandParent?: boolean;
/** 默认展开指定的树节点 */
defaultExpandedKeys?: string[];
/** (受控)展开指定的树节点 */
expandedKeys?: string[];
/** (受控)选中复选框的树节点 */
checkedKeys?: string[] | { checked: string[]; halfChecked: string[] };
/** 默认选中复选框的树节点 */
defaultCheckedKeys?: string[];
/** (受控)设置选中的树节点 */
selectedKeys?: string[];
/** 默认选中的树节点 */
defaultSelectedKeys?: string[];
selectable?: boolean;
/** 展开/收起节点时触发 */
onExpand?: (expandedKeys: string[], info: AntTreeNodeExpandedEvent) => void | PromiseLike<void>;
/** 点击复选框触发 */
onCheck?: (
checkedKeys: string[] | { checked: string[]; halfChecked: string[] },
e: AntTreeNodeCheckedEvent,
) => void;
/** 点击树节点触发 */
onSelect?: (selectedKeys: string[], e: AntTreeNodeSelectedEvent) => void;
/** 单击树节点触发 */
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, node: AntTreeNode) => void;
/** 双击树节点触发 */
onDoubleClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, node: AntTreeNode) => void;
/** filter some AntTreeNodes as you need. it should return true */
filterAntTreeNode?: (node: AntTreeNode) => boolean;
/** 异步加载数据 */
loadData?: (node: AntTreeNode) => PromiseLike<void>;
loadedKeys?: string[];
onLoad?: (loadedKeys: string[], info: { event: 'load'; node: AntTreeNode }) => void;
/** 响应右键点击 */
onRightClick?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
/** 设置节点可拖拽IE>8 */
draggable?: boolean;
onDragStart?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onDragEnter?: (options: AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent) => void;
onDragOver?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onDragLeave?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseEnter?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onMouseLeave?: (options: AntTreeNodeMouseEvent) => void;
onDrop?: (options: AntTreeNodeDropEvent) => void;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
showIcon?: boolean;
icon?: ((nodeProps: AntdTreeNodeAttribute) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode;
switcherIcon?: React.ReactElement<any>;
prefixCls?: string;
filterTreeNode?: (node: AntTreeNode) => boolean;
children?: React.ReactNode;
blockNode?: boolean;
treeData?: Array<TreeNodeNormal>;
export default class Tree extends React.Component<TreeProps, any> {
static TreeNode: React.ComponentClass<AntTreeNodeProps> = TreeNode;
static DirectoryTree = DirectoryTree;
static defaultProps = {
checkable: false,
showIcon: false,
motion: {
motionAppear: false,
blockNode: false,
tree: any;
renderSwitcherIcon = (
prefixCls: string,
switcherIcon: React.ReactElement<any> | undefined,
{ isLeaf, expanded, loading }: AntTreeNodeProps,
) => {
const { showLine } = this.props;
if (loading) {
return <Icon type="loading" className={`${prefixCls}-switcher-loading-icon`} />;
if (isLeaf) {
if (showLine) {
return <Icon type="file" className={`${prefixCls}-switcher-line-icon`} />;
return null;
const switcherCls = `${prefixCls}-switcher-icon`;
if (switcherIcon) {
const switcherOriginCls = switcherIcon.props.className || '';
return React.cloneElement(switcherIcon, {
className: classNames(switcherOriginCls, switcherCls),
if (showLine) {
return (
type={expanded ? 'minus-square' : 'plus-square'}
return <Icon type="caret-down" className={switcherCls} theme="filled" />;
setTreeRef = (node: any) => {
this.tree = node;
renderTree = ({ getPrefixCls }: ConfigConsumerProps) => {
const { props } = this;
const {
prefixCls: customizePrefixCls,
} = props;
const { checkable } = props;
const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('tree', customizePrefixCls);
return (
className={classNames(className, {
[`${prefixCls}-icon-hide`]: !showIcon,
[`${prefixCls}-block-node`]: blockNode,
checkable={checkable ? <span className={`${prefixCls}-checkbox-inner`} /> : checkable}
switcherIcon={(nodeProps: AntTreeNodeProps) =>
this.renderSwitcherIcon(prefixCls, switcherIcon, nodeProps)
render() {
return <ConfigConsumer>{this.renderTree}</ConfigConsumer>;