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* chore: add unstable entrance * chore: rest of it * chore: use React 19 * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: fix lint * chore: test ignore 19 preload * chore: bump rc-util * fix: warning of pure render * fix: warning of 19 * chore: adjust ts * test: fix test logic * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * chore: restore file * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: fix test case * test: update test * test: fix test case * test: update snapshot * test: fix coverage * test: fix coverage * test: add ignore image
296 lines
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296 lines
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import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { DownOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import type { ConfigProviderProps, GetProp, RadioChangeEvent, TableProps } from 'antd';
import { ConfigProvider, Form, Radio, Space, Switch, Table } from 'antd';
type SizeType = ConfigProviderProps['componentSize'];
type ColumnsType<T extends object> = GetProp<TableProps<T>, 'columns'>;
type TablePagination = Exclude<GetProp<TableProps, 'pagination'>, boolean>;
type TablePaginationPosition = NonNullable<TablePagination['position']>[number];
type ExpandableConfig<T extends object> = GetProp<TableProps<T>, 'expandable'>;
type TableRowSelection<T extends object> = GetProp<TableProps<T>, 'rowSelection'>;
interface DataType {
key: number;
name: string;
age: number;
address: string;
description: string;
const columns: ColumnsType<DataType> = [
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: 'Age',
dataIndex: 'age',
sorter: (a, b) => a.age - b.age,
title: 'Address',
dataIndex: 'address',
filters: [
text: 'London',
value: 'London',
text: 'New York',
value: 'New York',
onFilter: (value, record) => record.address.indexOf(value as string) === 0,
title: 'Action',
key: 'action',
sorter: true,
render: () => (
<Space size="middle">
More actions
<DownOutlined />
const dataSource = Array.from({ length: 10 }).map<DataType>((_, i) => ({
key: i,
name: 'John Brown',
age: Number(`${i}2`),
address: `New York No. ${i} Lake Park`,
description: `My name is John Brown, I am ${i}2 years old, living in New York No. ${i} Lake Park.`,
const defaultExpandable: ExpandableConfig<DataType> = {
expandedRowRender: (record: DataType) => <p>{record.description}</p>,
const defaultTitle = () => 'Here is title';
const defaultFooter = () => 'Here is footer';
const App: React.FC = () => {
const [bordered, setBordered] = useState(false);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [size, setSize] = useState<SizeType>('large');
const [expandable, setExpandable] = useState<ExpandableConfig<DataType> | undefined>(
const [showTitle, setShowTitle] = useState(false);
const [showHeader, setShowHeader] = useState(true);
const [showFooter, setShowFooter] = useState(true);
const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState<TableRowSelection<DataType> | undefined>({});
const [hasData, setHasData] = useState(true);
const [tableLayout, setTableLayout] = useState<string>('unset');
const [top, setTop] = useState<TablePaginationPosition>('none');
const [bottom, setBottom] = useState<TablePaginationPosition>('bottomRight');
const [ellipsis, setEllipsis] = useState(false);
const [yScroll, setYScroll] = useState(false);
const [xScroll, setXScroll] = useState<string>('unset');
const handleBorderChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleLoadingChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleSizeChange = (e: RadioChangeEvent) => {
const handleTableLayoutChange = (e: RadioChangeEvent) => {
const handleExpandChange = (enable: boolean) => {
setExpandable(enable ? defaultExpandable : undefined);
const handleEllipsisChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleTitleChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleHeaderChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleFooterChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleRowSelectionChange = (enable: boolean) => {
setRowSelection(enable ? {} : undefined);
const handleYScrollChange = (enable: boolean) => {
const handleXScrollChange = (e: RadioChangeEvent) => {
const handleDataChange = (newHasData: boolean) => {
const scroll: { x?: number | string; y?: number | string } = {};
if (yScroll) {
scroll.y = 240;
if (xScroll !== 'unset') {
scroll.x = '100vw';
const tableColumns = columns.map((item) => ({ ...item, ellipsis }));
if (xScroll === 'fixed') {
tableColumns[0].fixed = true;
tableColumns[tableColumns.length - 1].fixed = 'right';
const tableProps: TableProps<DataType> = {
title: showTitle ? defaultTitle : undefined,
footer: showFooter ? defaultFooter : undefined,
tableLayout: tableLayout === 'unset' ? undefined : (tableLayout as TableProps['tableLayout']),
return (
<Form layout="inline" className="table-demo-control-bar" style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}>
<Form.Item label="Bordered">
<Switch checked={bordered} onChange={handleBorderChange} />
<Form.Item label="loading">
<Switch checked={loading} onChange={handleLoadingChange} />
<Form.Item label="Title">
<Switch checked={showTitle} onChange={handleTitleChange} />
<Form.Item label="Column Header">
<Switch checked={showHeader} onChange={handleHeaderChange} />
<Form.Item label="Footer">
<Switch checked={showFooter} onChange={handleFooterChange} />
<Form.Item label="Expandable">
<Switch checked={!!expandable} onChange={handleExpandChange} />
<Form.Item label="Checkbox">
<Switch checked={!!rowSelection} onChange={handleRowSelectionChange} />
<Form.Item label="Fixed Header">
<Switch checked={!!yScroll} onChange={handleYScrollChange} />
<Form.Item label="Has Data">
<Switch checked={!!hasData} onChange={handleDataChange} />
<Form.Item label="Ellipsis">
<Switch checked={!!ellipsis} onChange={handleEllipsisChange} />
<Form.Item label="Size">
<Radio.Group value={size} onChange={handleSizeChange}>
<Radio.Button value="large">Large</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="middle">Middle</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="small">Small</Radio.Button>
<Form.Item label="Table Scroll">
<Radio.Group value={xScroll} onChange={handleXScrollChange}>
<Radio.Button value="unset">Unset</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="scroll">Scroll</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="fixed">Fixed Columns</Radio.Button>
<Form.Item label="Table Layout">
<Radio.Group value={tableLayout} onChange={handleTableLayoutChange}>
<Radio.Button value="unset">Unset</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="fixed">Fixed</Radio.Button>
<Form.Item label="Pagination Top">
<Radio.Group value={top} onChange={(e) => setTop(e.target.value)}>
<Radio.Button value="topLeft">TopLeft</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="topCenter">TopCenter</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="topRight">TopRight</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="none">None</Radio.Button>
<Form.Item label="Pagination Bottom">
<Radio.Group value={bottom} onChange={(e) => setBottom(e.target.value)}>
<Radio.Button value="bottomLeft">BottomLeft</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="bottomCenter">BottomCenter</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="bottomRight">BottomRight</Radio.Button>
<Radio.Button value="none">None</Radio.Button>
components: {
Table: {
colorBgContainer: '#e6f4ff',
headerBg: '#1677ff',
headerColor: '#fff',
headerSortActiveBg: '#0958d9',
headerSortHoverBg: '#69b1ff',
bodySortBg: '#1677ff10',
rowHoverBg: '#1677ff10',
rowSelectedBg: '#bae0ff',
rowSelectedHoverBg: '#91caff',
rowExpandedBg: '#1677ff10',
cellPaddingBlock: 20,
cellPaddingInline: 20,
cellPaddingBlockMD: 16,
cellPaddingInlineMD: 16,
cellPaddingBlockSM: 12,
cellPaddingInlineSM: 12,
borderColor: '#e6f4ff',
headerBorderRadius: 0,
footerBg: '#1677ff',
footerColor: '#fff',
cellFontSize: 16,
cellFontSizeMD: 16,
cellFontSizeSM: 14,
headerSplitColor: '#fff',
headerFilterHoverBg: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)',
filterDropdownMenuBg: '#fff',
filterDropdownBg: '#fff',
expandIconBg: '#e6f4ff',
pagination={{ position: [top, bottom] }}
dataSource={hasData ? dataSource : []}
export default App;