mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 20:08:43 +08:00

Some checks are pending
Publish Any Commit / build (push) Waiting to run
🔀 Sync mirror to Gitee / mirror (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / lint (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-legacy (16, 1/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-legacy (16, 2/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-legacy (17, 1/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-legacy (17, 2/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-node (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-latest (dom, 1/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-latest (dom, 2/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test-react-latest-dist (dist, 1/2) (push) Blocked by required conditions
✅ test / test-react-latest-dist (dist, 2/2) (push) Blocked by required conditions
✅ test / test-react-latest-dist (dist-min, 1/2) (push) Blocked by required conditions
✅ test / test-react-latest-dist (dist-min, 2/2) (push) Blocked by required conditions
✅ test / test-coverage (push) Blocked by required conditions
✅ test / build (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test lib/es module (es, 1/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test lib/es module (es, 2/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test lib/es module (lib, 1/2) (push) Waiting to run
✅ test / test lib/es module (lib, 2/2) (push) Waiting to run
👁️ Visual Regression Persist Start / test image (push) Waiting to run
292 lines
9.2 KiB
292 lines
9.2 KiB
import fs from 'node:fs';
import runScript from '@npmcli/run-script';
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest';
import AdmZip from 'adm-zip';
import axios from 'axios';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import Spinnies from 'spinnies';
import dotnev from 'dotenv';
import checkRepo from './check-repo';
dotnev.config({ override: true });
const { Notification: Notifier } = require('node-notifier');
const simpleGit = require('simple-git');
const blockStatus = ['failure', 'cancelled', 'timed_out'] as const;
const spinner = { interval: 80, frames: ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏'] };
const spinnies = new Spinnies({ spinner });
const IGNORE_ACTIONS = ['Check Virtual Regression Approval', 'issue-remove-inactive'];
let spinniesId = 0;
// `spinnies` 为按条目进度,需要做简单的封装变成接近 `ora` 的形态
const showMessage = (
message: string,
status?: 'succeed' | 'fail' | 'spinning' | 'non-spinnable' | 'stopped' | true,
uniqueTitle?: string,
) => {
if (!status) {
spinnies.add(`info-${spinniesId}`, {
text: message,
status: 'non-spinnable',
spinniesId += 1;
} else {
const mergedId = uniqueTitle || `msg-${spinniesId}`;
let mergedMessage = uniqueTitle ? `${uniqueTitle} ${message}` : message;
// `spinnies` 对中文支持有 bug,长度会按中文一半计算。我们翻个倍修复一下。
mergedMessage = `${mergedMessage}${' '.repeat(mergedMessage.length)}`;
const existSpinner = spinnies.pick(mergedId);
if (!existSpinner) {
spinnies.add(mergedId, {
text: '',
if (status === 'succeed' || status === 'fail' || status === 'stopped') {
spinnies.update(mergedId, {
text: mergedMessage,
spinniesId += 1;
} else {
spinnies.update(mergedId, {
text: mergedMessage,
status: status === true ? 'spinning' : status,
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
const emojify = (status = '') => {
if (!status) {
return '';
const emoji = {
/* status */
completed: '✅',
queued: '🕒',
in_progress: '⌛',
/* conclusion */
success: '✅',
failure: '❌',
neutral: '⚪',
cancelled: '❌',
skipped: '⏭️',
timed_out: '⌛',
action_required: '🔴',
return `${emoji || ''} ${(status || '').padEnd(15)}`;
const toMB = (bytes: number) => (bytes / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2);
async function downloadArtifact(msgKey: string, url: string, filepath: string, token?: string) {
const headers: Record<string, string> = {};
if (token) {
headers.Authorization = `token ${token}`;
const response = await axios.get(url, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent) => {
const { loaded, total = 0 } = progressEvent;
`下载进度 ${toMB(loaded)}MB/${toMB(total)}MB (${((loaded / total) * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`,
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, Buffer.from(response.data));
return filepath;
const runPrePublish = async () => {
await checkRepo();
showMessage(chalk.black.bgGreenBright('本次发布将跳过本地 CI 检查,远程 CI 通过后方可发布'));
const git = simpleGit();
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN });
const { current: currentBranch } = await git.branch();
showMessage(`正在拉取远程分支 ${currentBranch}`, true);
await git.pull('origin', currentBranch);
showMessage(`成功拉取远程分支 ${currentBranch}`, 'succeed');
showMessage(`正在推送本地分支 ${currentBranch}`, true);
await git.push('origin', currentBranch);
showMessage(`成功推送远程分支 ${currentBranch}`, 'succeed');
showMessage(`已经和远程分支保持同步 ${currentBranch}`, 'succeed');
const { latest } = await git.log();
const sha = process.env.TARGET_SHA || latest.hash;
showMessage(`找到本地最新 commit:`, 'succeed');
showMessage(chalk.cyan(` hash: ${sha}`));
showMessage(chalk.cyan(` date: ${latest.date}`));
showMessage(chalk.cyan(` message: ${latest.message}`));
showMessage(chalk.cyan(` author_name: ${latest.author_name}`));
const owner = 'ant-design';
const repo = 'ant-design';
showMessage(`开始检查远程分支 ${currentBranch} 的 CI 状态`, true);
const failureUrlList: string[] = [];
let {
data: { check_runs },
} = await octokit.checks.listForRef({
ref: sha,
filter: 'all',
showMessage(`远程分支 CI 状态(${check_runs.length}):`, 'succeed');
check_runs = check_runs.filter((run) =>
IGNORE_ACTIONS.every((action) => !run.name.includes(action)),
check_runs.forEach((run) => {
showMessage(` ${run.name.padEnd(36)} ${emojify(run.status)} ${emojify(run.conclusion || '')}`);
if (blockStatus.some((status) => run.conclusion === status)) {
const conclusions = check_runs.map((run) => run.conclusion);
if (blockStatus.some((status) => conclusions.includes(status))) {
showMessage(chalk.bgRedBright('远程分支 CI 执行异常,无法继续发布,请尝试修复或重试'), 'fail');
showMessage(` 点此查看状态:https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/commit/${sha}`);
failureUrlList.forEach((url) => {
showMessage(` - ${url}`);
const statuses = check_runs.map((run) => run.status);
if (check_runs.length < 1 || statuses.includes('queued') || statuses.includes('in_progress')) {
showMessage(chalk.bgRedBright('远程分支 CI 还在执行中,请稍候再试'), 'fail');
showMessage(` 点此查看状态:https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/commit/${sha}`);
showMessage(`远程分支 CI 已通过`, 'succeed');
// clean up
await runScript({ event: 'clean', path: '.', stdio: 'inherit' });
showMessage(`成功清理构建产物目录`, 'succeed');
// 从 github artifact 中下载产物
const downloadArtifactPromise = Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
showMessage('开始查找远程分支构建产物', true, '[Github]');
const {
data: { workflow_runs },
} = await octokit.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunsForRepo({
head_sha: sha,
per_page: 100,
exclude_pull_requests: true,
event: 'push',
status: 'completed',
conclusion: 'success',
head_branch: currentBranch,
const testWorkflowRun = workflow_runs.find((run) => run.name === '✅ test');
if (!testWorkflowRun) {
throw new Error('找不到远程构建工作流');
const {
data: { artifacts },
} = await octokit.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({
run_id: testWorkflowRun?.id || 0,
const artifact = artifacts.find((item) => item.name === 'build artifacts');
if (!artifact) {
throw new Error('找不到远程构建产物');
showMessage(`准备从远程分支下载构建产物`, true, '[Github]');
const { url } = await octokit.rest.actions.downloadArtifact.endpoint({
artifact_id: artifact.id,
archive_format: 'zip',
// 返回下载后的文件路径
return downloadArtifact('[Github]', url, 'artifacts.zip', process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN);
.then(() => {
showMessage(`成功下载构建产物`, 'succeed', '[Github]');
.catch((e: Error) => {
showMessage(chalk.bgRedBright(e.message), 'fail', '[Github]');
// 从 OSS 下载产物
const downloadOSSPromise = Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const url = `https://antd-visual-diff.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/${sha}/oss-artifacts.zip`;
showMessage(`准备从远程 OSS 下载构建产物`, true, '[OSS]');
// 返回下载后的文件路径
return downloadArtifact('[OSS]', url, 'oss-artifacts.zip');
.then(() => {
showMessage(`成功下载构建产物`, 'succeed', '[OSS]');
.catch((e: Error) => {
showMessage(chalk.bgRedBright(e.message), 'fail', '[OSS]');
// 任意一个完成,则完成
let firstArtifactFile: string;
try {
// @ts-ignore
firstArtifactFile = await Promise.any([downloadArtifactPromise, downloadOSSPromise]);
} catch (error) {
chalk.bgRedBright(`下载失败 ${error},请确认你当前 ${sha.slice(0, 6)} 位于 master 分支中`),
showMessage(`成功从远程分支下载构建产物`, 'succeed');
// unzip
showMessage(`正在解压构建产物`, true);
const zip = new AdmZip(firstArtifactFile);
zip.extractAllTo('./', true);
showMessage(`成功解压构建产物`, 'succeed');
await runScript({ event: 'test:dekko', path: '.', stdio: 'inherit' });
await runScript({ event: 'test:package-diff', path: '.', stdio: 'inherit' });
showMessage(`文件检查通过,准备发布!`, 'succeed');
new Notifier().notify({
title: '✅ 准备发布到 npm',
message: '产物已经准备好了,快回来输入 npm 校验码了!',
sound: 'Crystal',