import {matchEmoji, matchMention, matchIssue} from '../../utils/match.ts'; import {emojiString} from '../emoji.ts'; import {svg} from '../../svg.ts'; import {parseIssueHref} from '../../utils.ts'; import {createElementFromAttrs, createElementFromHTML} from '../../utils/dom.ts'; import {getIssueColor, getIssueIcon} from '../issue.ts'; import {debounce} from 'perfect-debounce'; const debouncedSuggestIssues = debounce((key: string, text: string) => new Promise<{matched:boolean; fragment?: HTMLElement}>(async (resolve) => { const {owner, repo, index} = parseIssueHref(window.location.href); const matches = await matchIssue(owner, repo, index, text); if (!matches.length) return resolve({matched: false}); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.classList.add('suggestions'); for (const issue of matches) { const li = createElementFromAttrs('li', { role: 'option', 'data-value': `${key}${}`, class: 'tw-flex tw-gap-2', }); const icon = svg(getIssueIcon(issue), 16, ['text', getIssueColor(issue)].join(' ')); li.append(createElementFromHTML(icon)); const id = document.createElement('span'); id.textContent =; li.append(id); const nameSpan = document.createElement('span'); nameSpan.textContent = issue.title; li.append(nameSpan); ul.append(li); } resolve({matched: true, fragment: ul}); }), 100); export function initTextExpander(expander) { expander?.addEventListener('text-expander-change', ({detail: {key, provide, text}}) => { if (key === ':') { const matches = matchEmoji(text); if (!matches.length) return provide({matched: false}); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.classList.add('suggestions'); for (const name of matches) { const emoji = emojiString(name); const li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('role', 'option'); li.setAttribute('data-value', emoji); li.textContent = `${emoji} ${name}`; ul.append(li); } provide({matched: true, fragment: ul}); } else if (key === '@') { const matches = matchMention(text); if (!matches.length) return provide({matched: false}); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.classList.add('suggestions'); for (const {value, name, fullname, avatar} of matches) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('role', 'option'); li.setAttribute('data-value', `${key}${value}`); const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = avatar; li.append(img); const nameSpan = document.createElement('span'); nameSpan.textContent = name; li.append(nameSpan); if (fullname && fullname.toLowerCase() !== name) { const fullnameSpan = document.createElement('span'); fullnameSpan.classList.add('fullname'); fullnameSpan.textContent = fullname; li.append(fullnameSpan); } ul.append(li); } provide({matched: true, fragment: ul}); } else if (key === '#') { provide(debouncedSuggestIssues(key, text)); } }); expander?.addEventListener('text-expander-value', ({detail}) => { if (detail?.item) { // add a space after @mentions and #issue as it's likely the user wants one const suffix = ['@', '#'].includes(detail.key) ? ' ' : ''; detail.value = `${detail.item.getAttribute('data-value')}${suffix}`; } }); }