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option(JSON_Valgrind "Execute test suite with Valgrind." OFF)
option(JSON_FastTests "Skip expensive/slow tests." OFF)
2020-05-02 02:59:47 +08:00
# download test data
2020-05-02 16:56:01 +08:00
# test fixture to download test data
2020-05-02 02:59:47 +08:00
add_test(NAME "download_test_data" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --target download_test_data)
set_tests_properties(download_test_data PROPERTIES FIXTURES_SETUP TEST_DATA)
find_program(CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind)
message(STATUS "Executing test suite with Valgrind (${CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND})")
set(memcheck_command "${CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND} ${CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS} --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full")
# doctest library with the main function to speed up build
2020-05-03 05:24:21 +08:00
add_library(doctest_main OBJECT src/unit.cpp)
set_target_properties(doctest_main PROPERTIES
target_compile_features(doctest_main PUBLIC cxx_range_for)
target_compile_features(doctest_main PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
target_include_directories(doctest_main PRIVATE "thirdparty/doctest")
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2368811/how-to-set-warning-level-in-cmake
# Force to always compile with W4
2017-10-18 13:53:35 +08:00
# Disable warning C4566: character represented by universal-character-name '\uFF01' cannot be represented in the current code page (1252)
# Disable warning C4996: 'nlohmann::basic_json<std::map,std::vector,std::string,bool,int64_t,uint64_t,double,std::allocator,nlohmann::adl_serializer>::operator <<': was declared deprecated
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4566 /wd4996")
# https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1114
# one executable for each unit test file
:rotating_light: add new CI and fix warnings (#2561) * :alembic: move CI targets to CMake * :recycle: add target for cpplint * :recycle: add target for self-contained binaries * :recycle: add targets for iwyu and infer * :loud_sound: add version output * :recycle: add target for oclint * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :recycle: rename targets * :recycle: use iwyu properly * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :recycle: use iwyu properly * :recycle: add target for benchmarks * :recycle: add target for CMake flags * :construction_worker: use GitHub Actions * :alembic: try to install Clang 11 * :alembic: try to install GCC 11 * :alembic: try to install Clang 11 * :alembic: try to install GCC 11 * :alembic: add clang analyze target * :fire: remove Google Benchmark * :arrow_up: Google Benchmark 1.5.2 * :fire: use fetchcontent * :penguin: add target to download a Linux version of CMake * :hammer: fix dependency * :rotating_light: fix includes * :rotating_light: fix comment * :wrench: adjust flags for GCC 11.0.0 20210110 (experimental) * :whale: user Docker image to run CI * :wrench: add target for Valgrind * :construction_worker: add target for Valgrind tests * :alembic: add Dart * :rewind: remove Dart * :alembic: do not call ctest in test subdirectory * :alembic: download test data explicitly * :alembic: only execute Valgrind tests * :alembic: fix labels * :fire: remove unneeded jobs * :hammer: cleanup * :bug: fix OCLint call * :white_check_mark: add targets for offline and git-independent tests * :white_check_mark: add targets for C++ language versions and reproducible tests * :hammer: clean up * :construction_worker: add CI steps for cppcheck and cpplint * :rotating_light: fix warnings from Clang-Tidy * :construction_worker: add CI steps for Clang-Tidy * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :wrench: select proper binary * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :rotating_light: suppress some unhelpful warnings * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :art: fix format * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI steps for Sanitizers * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :zap: add optimization to sanitizer build * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :rotating_light: add missing header * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI step for coverage * :construction_worker: add CI steps for disabled exceptions and implicit conversions * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI steps for checking indentation * :bug: fix variable use * :green_heart: fix build * :heavy_minus_sign: remove CircleCI * :construction_worker: add CI step for diagnostics * :rotating_light: fix warning * :fire: clean Travis
2021-03-24 14:15:18 +08:00
file(GLOB files src/unit-*.cpp)
foreach(file ${files})
get_filename_component(file_basename ${file} NAME_WE)
string(REGEX REPLACE "unit-([^$]+)" "test-\\1" testcase ${file_basename})
add_executable(${testcase} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:doctest_main> ${file})
2020-05-02 22:07:09 +08:00
target_compile_definitions(${testcase} PRIVATE DOCTEST_CONFIG_SUPER_FAST_ASSERTS)
target_compile_options(${testcase} PRIVATE
2020-07-26 18:12:17 +08:00
target_include_directories(${testcase} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include thirdparty/doctest thirdparty/fifo_map)
2020-05-03 05:24:21 +08:00
target_link_libraries(${testcase} PRIVATE ${NLOHMANN_JSON_TARGET_NAME})
2021-03-27 21:44:39 +08:00
if (JSON_FastTests)
add_test(NAME "${testcase}"
add_test(NAME "${testcase}"
COMMAND ${testcase} ${DOCTEST_TEST_FILTER} --no-skip
2020-05-02 22:07:09 +08:00
set_tests_properties("${testcase}" PROPERTIES LABELS "all" FIXTURES_REQUIRED TEST_DATA)
add_test(NAME "${testcase}_valgrind"
COMMAND ${memcheck_command} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${testcase} ${DOCTEST_TEST_FILTER}
:rotating_light: add new CI and fix warnings (#2561) * :alembic: move CI targets to CMake * :recycle: add target for cpplint * :recycle: add target for self-contained binaries * :recycle: add targets for iwyu and infer * :loud_sound: add version output * :recycle: add target for oclint * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :recycle: rename targets * :recycle: use iwyu properly * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :recycle: use iwyu properly * :recycle: add target for benchmarks * :recycle: add target for CMake flags * :construction_worker: use GitHub Actions * :alembic: try to install Clang 11 * :alembic: try to install GCC 11 * :alembic: try to install Clang 11 * :alembic: try to install GCC 11 * :alembic: add clang analyze target * :fire: remove Google Benchmark * :arrow_up: Google Benchmark 1.5.2 * :fire: use fetchcontent * :penguin: add target to download a Linux version of CMake * :hammer: fix dependency * :rotating_light: fix includes * :rotating_light: fix comment * :wrench: adjust flags for GCC 11.0.0 20210110 (experimental) * :whale: user Docker image to run CI * :wrench: add target for Valgrind * :construction_worker: add target for Valgrind tests * :alembic: add Dart * :rewind: remove Dart * :alembic: do not call ctest in test subdirectory * :alembic: download test data explicitly * :alembic: only execute Valgrind tests * :alembic: fix labels * :fire: remove unneeded jobs * :hammer: cleanup * :bug: fix OCLint call * :white_check_mark: add targets for offline and git-independent tests * :white_check_mark: add targets for C++ language versions and reproducible tests * :hammer: clean up * :construction_worker: add CI steps for cppcheck and cpplint * :rotating_light: fix warnings from Clang-Tidy * :construction_worker: add CI steps for Clang-Tidy * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :wrench: select proper binary * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :rotating_light: suppress some unhelpful warnings * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :art: fix format * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI steps for Sanitizers * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :zap: add optimization to sanitizer build * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :rotating_light: add missing header * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI step for coverage * :construction_worker: add CI steps for disabled exceptions and implicit conversions * :rotating_light: fix warnings * :construction_worker: add CI steps for checking indentation * :bug: fix variable use * :green_heart: fix build * :heavy_minus_sign: remove CircleCI * :construction_worker: add CI step for diagnostics * :rotating_light: fix warning * :fire: clean Travis
2021-03-24 14:15:18 +08:00
set_tests_properties("${testcase}_valgrind" PROPERTIES LABELS "valgrind" FIXTURES_REQUIRED TEST_DATA)
2018-09-26 22:46:34 +08:00
2020-05-02 22:07:09 +08:00
add_executable(json_unit EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL $<TARGET_OBJECTS:doctest_main> ${files})
target_compile_definitions(json_unit PRIVATE DOCTEST_CONFIG_SUPER_FAST_ASSERTS)
target_compile_options(json_unit PRIVATE
target_include_directories(json_unit PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include thirdparty/doctest thirdparty/fifo_map)
target_link_libraries(json_unit ${NLOHMANN_JSON_TARGET_NAME})
add_dependencies(json_unit download_test_data)
2018-09-26 22:46:34 +08:00
# Test the generated build configs
2018-09-26 22:46:34 +08:00