// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>
// <o> System Architecture
// <0=> Bare metal
// <1=> FreeRTOS
// <2=> CMSIS-RTOS v1
// <3=> CMSIS-RTOS v2
// <i> Select either bare metal operation or a supported RTOS
// <i> FreeRTOS uses direct FreeRTOS calls
// <i> CMSIS-RTOS1 supports only Keil RTX through API v1
// <i> CMSIS-RTOS2 supports Keil RTX5 and FreeRTOS through API v2
// <h> Networking support
// <o> Networking stack
// <0=> Built-in
// <1=> lwIP
// <2=> FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
// <3=> MDK (RL)
// <i> Select the networking stack to use with Mongoose Library
// <i> The built-in stack can run on bare metal or over any RTOS
// <i> "lwIP" requires using an RTOS and BSD socket mode
// <i> "MDK" requires using CMSIS-RTOS1 (RTX + RL) or CMSIS-RTOS2 (MDK Plus or Pro), and BSD socket mode
// <q> Use Mbed-TLS
// <i> Mongoose will use Mbed-TLS calls for TLS-related functionality
// </h>
// <c1> Enable custom mg_millis()
// <i> Use a user-provided function to get uptime in milliseconds, otherwise Mongoose will default to using time(). Except for bare metal, Mongoose will use the time base for the configured architecture
// </c>
// <c1> Enable custom mg_rand()
// <i> Use a user-provided function to generate random numbers, otherwise Mongoose will default to using rand()