mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 23:53:15 +08:00
Refactor device-dashboard
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
PROG ?= example # Program we are building
PACK ?= ./pack # Packing executable
DELETE = rm -rf # Command to remove files
OUT ?= -o $(PROG) # Compiler argument for output file
SOURCES = main.c mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c # Source code files
CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -g -I. # Build options
PROG ?= ./example # Program we are building
PACK ?= ./pack # Packing executable
DELETE = rm -rf # Command to remove files
OUT ?= -o $(PROG) # Compiler argument for output file
SOURCES = main.c mongoose.c net.c # Source code files
CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -g -I. # Build options
# Mongoose build options. See https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#build-options
FILES_TO_EMBED ?= $(wildcard web_root/*)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # Windows settings. Assume MinGW compiler. To use VC: make CC=cl CFLAGS=/MD OUT=/Feprog.exe
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # Windows settings. Assume MinGW compiler. To use VC: make CC=cl CFLAGS=/MD OUT=/Feprog.exe
PROG ?= example.exe # Use .exe suffix for the binary
PACK = pack.exe # Packing executable
CC = gcc # Use MinGW gcc compiler
@ -20,27 +20,32 @@ ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # Windows settings. Assume MinGW compiler. To use VC:
all: $(PROG) # Default target. Build and run program
$(RUN) ./$(PROG) $(ARGS)
# Default target. Build and run program
all: $(PROG)
$(RUN) $(PROG) $(ARGS)
# Before embedding files, gzip them to save space
packed_fs.c: ca.pem $(FILES_TO_EMBED) Makefile
$(CC) ../../test/pack.c -o $(PACK)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
$(PACK) ca.pem $(FILES_TO_EMBED) > $@
rm -rf tmp/web_root && mkdir tmp && cp -r web_root tmp/ && cp -f ca.pem tmp/
cd tmp && echo $(FILES_TO_EMBED) | xargs -n1 gzip && ../pack ca.pem `find web_root -type f` > ../$@
$(PROG): $(SOURCES) # Build program from sources
# Build program from sources
clean: # Cleanup. Delete built program and all build artifacts
$(DELETE) $(PROG) *.o *.obj *.exe *.dSYM pack tmp mbedtls
# Bundle JS libraries (preact, preact-router, ...) into a single file
curl -s https://npm.reversehttp.com/preact,preact/hooks,htm/preact,preact-router -o $@
# see https://mongoose.ws/tutorials/tls/#how-to-build for TLS build options
# Create optimised CSS. Prerequisite: npm -g i tailwindcss tailwindcss-font-inter
web_root/main.css: web_root/index.html web_root/main.js
npx tailwindcss -o $@ --minify
mbedtls: # Pull and build mbedTLS library
# Generate packed filesystem for serving Web UI
packed_fs.c: $(wildcard web_root/*) Makefile web_root/main.css web_root/bundle.js
$(CC) ../../test/pack.c -o $(PACK)
$(PACK) $(wildcard web_root/*) > $@
# Pull and build mbedTLS library. See https://mongoose.ws/tutorials/tls/#how-to-build for TLS build options
git clone --depth 1 -b v2.28.2 https://github.com/mbed-tls/mbedtls $@
$(MAKE) -C mbedtls/library
# Cleanup. Delete built program and all build artifacts
$(DELETE) $(PROG) $(PACK) *.o *.obj *.exe *.dSYM mbedtls
@ -1,26 +1,31 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Cesanta Software Limited
// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
const char *s_listening_url = "";
const char *s_listening_surl = "";
void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
static int s_sig_num;
static void signal_handler(int sig_num) {
signal(sig_num, signal_handler);
s_sig_num = sig_num;
int main(void) {
struct mg_mgr mgr;
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set debug log level
mg_http_listen(&mgr, s_listening_url, device_dashboard_fn,
NULL); // see net.c
MG_INFO(("Listening on %s", s_listening_url));
mg_http_listen(&mgr, s_listening_surl, device_dashboard_fn,
(void *) 3); // see net.c
MG_INFO(("Listening on %s", s_listening_surl));
while (mgr.conns != NULL) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 500);
while (s_sig_num == 0) {
mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 50);
MG_INFO(("Exiting on signal %d", s_sig_num));
return 0;
@ -1,17 +1,50 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Cesanta Software Limited
// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#if !defined(MQTT_SERVER)
#define MQTT_SERVER "mqtts://broker.hivemq.com:8883"
#define MQTT_SERVER "mqtt://broker.hivemq.com:1883"
#define MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC "mg/my_device"
// Authenticated user.
// A user can be authenticated by:
// - a name:pass pair, passed in a header Authorization: Basic .....
// - an access_token, passed in a header Cookie: access_token=....
// When a user is shown a login screen, she enters a user:pass. If successful,
// a server responds with a http-only access_token cookie set.
struct user {
const char *name, *pass, *access_token;
// Event log entry
struct event {
int type, prio;
unsigned long timestamp;
const char *text;
// Settings
struct settings {
bool log_enabled;
int log_level;
long brightness;
char *device_name;
static struct settings s_settings = {true, 1, 57, NULL};
// Mocked events
static struct event s_events[] = {
{.type = 0, .prio = 0, .text = "here goes event 1"},
{.type = 1, .prio = 2, .text = "event 2..."},
{.type = 2, .prio = 1, .text = "another event"},
{.type = 1, .prio = 1, .text = "something happened!"},
{.type = 2, .prio = 0, .text = "once more..."},
{.type = 2, .prio = 0, .text = "more again..."},
{.type = 1, .prio = 1, .text = "oops. it happened again"},
static const char *s_json_header =
"Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
static uint64_t s_boot_timestamp = 0; // Updated by SNTP
// Certificate generation procedure:
// openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out key.pem
@ -33,252 +66,177 @@ static const char *s_ssl_key =
"-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
static time_t s_boot_timestamp = 0; // Updated by SNTP
static struct mg_connection *s_sntp_conn = NULL; // SNTP connection
// Define a system time alternative
time_t ourtime(time_t *tp) {
time_t t = s_boot_timestamp + (time_t) (mg_millis() / 1000);
if (tp != NULL) *tp = t;
return t;
// Authenticated user.
// A user can be authenticated by:
// - a name:pass pair
// - a token
// When a user is shown a login screen, she enters a user:pass. If successful,
// a server returns user info which includes token. From that point on,
// client can use token for authentication. Tokens could be refreshed/changed
// on a server side, forcing clients to re-login.
struct user {
const char *name, *pass, *token;
// This is a configuration structure we're going to show on a dashboard
static struct config {
char *url, *pub, *sub; // MQTT settings
} s_config;
static struct mg_connection *s_mqtt = NULL; // MQTT connection
static bool s_connected = false; // MQTT connection established
// Try to update a single configuration value
static void update_config(struct mg_str *body, const char *name, char **value) {
char buf[256];
if (mg_http_get_var(body, name, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
*value = strdup(buf);
// Parse HTTP requests, return authenticated user or NULL
static struct user *getuser(struct mg_http_message *hm) {
// In production, make passwords strong and tokens randomly generated
// In this example, user list is kept in RAM. In production, it can
// be backed by file, database, or some other method.
static struct user users[] = {
{"admin", "pass0", "admin_token"},
{"user1", "pass1", "user1_token"},
{"user2", "pass2", "user2_token"},
char user[256], pass[256];
struct user *u;
mg_http_creds(hm, user, sizeof(user), pass, sizeof(pass));
if (user[0] != '\0' && pass[0] != '\0') {
// Both user and password is set, search by user/password
for (u = users; u->name != NULL; u++)
if (strcmp(user, u->name) == 0 && strcmp(pass, u->pass) == 0) return u;
} else if (user[0] == '\0') {
// Only password is set, search by token
for (u = users; u->name != NULL; u++)
if (strcmp(pass, u->token) == 0) return u;
return NULL;
// Notify all config watchers about the config change
static void send_notification(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *fmt, ...) {
struct mg_connection *c;
for (c = mgr->conns; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
if (c->data[0] == 'W') {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
mg_ws_vprintf(c, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, fmt, &ap);
// Send simulated metrics data to the dashboard, for chart rendering
static void timer_metrics_fn(void *param) {
send_notification(param, "{%m:%m,%m:[%lu, %d]}", MG_ESC("name"),
MG_ESC("metrics"), MG_ESC("data"),
(unsigned long) ourtime(NULL),
10 + (int) ((double) rand() * 10 / RAND_MAX));
// MQTT event handler function
static void mqtt_fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fnd) {
if (ev == MG_EV_CONNECT && mg_url_is_ssl(s_config.url)) {
struct mg_tls_opts opts;
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
opts.srvname = mg_url_host(s_config.url);
opts.ca = "/ca.pem";
opts.fs = &mg_fs_packed;
opts.ca = "ca.pem";
mg_tls_init(c, &opts);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_MQTT_OPEN) {
s_connected = true;
c->is_hexdumping = 1;
struct mg_mqtt_opts sub_opts;
memset(&sub_opts, 0, sizeof(sub_opts));
sub_opts.topic = mg_str(s_config.sub);
sub_opts.qos = 2;
mg_mqtt_sub(s_mqtt, &sub_opts);
send_notification(c->mgr, "{%m:%m,%m:null}", MG_ESC("name"),
MG_ESC("config"), MG_ESC("data"));
MG_INFO(("MQTT connected, server %s", MQTT_SERVER));
} else if (ev == MG_EV_MQTT_MSG) {
struct mg_mqtt_message *mm = ev_data;
c->mgr, "{%m:%m,%m:{%m: %m, %m: %m, %m: %d}}", MG_ESC("name"),
MG_ESC("message"), MG_ESC("data"), MG_ESC("topic"), mg_print_esc,
(int) mm->topic.len, mm->topic.ptr, MG_ESC("data"), mg_print_esc,
(int) mm->data.len, mm->data.ptr, MG_ESC("qos"), (int) mm->qos);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_MQTT_CMD) {
struct mg_mqtt_message *mm = (struct mg_mqtt_message *) ev_data;
MG_DEBUG(("%lu cmd %d qos %d", c->id, mm->cmd, mm->qos));
} else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
s_mqtt = NULL;
if (s_connected) {
s_connected = false;
send_notification(c->mgr, "{%m:%m,%m:null}", MG_ESC("name"),
MG_ESC("config"), MG_ESC("data"));
(void) fnd;
// Keep MQTT connection open - reconnect if closed
static void timer_mqtt_fn(void *param) {
struct mg_mgr *mgr = (struct mg_mgr *) param;
if (s_mqtt == NULL) {
struct mg_mqtt_opts opts;
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
s_mqtt = mg_mqtt_connect(mgr, s_config.url, &opts, mqtt_fn, NULL);
static int event_next(int no, struct event *e) {
if (no < 0 || no >= (int) (sizeof(s_events) / sizeof(s_events[0]))) return 0;
*e = s_events[no];
return no + 1;
// SNTP connection event handler. When we get a response from an SNTP server,
// adjust s_boot_timestamp. We'll get a valid time from that point on
static void sfn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_SNTP_TIME) {
uint64_t *expiration_time = (uint64_t *) c->data;
if (ev == MG_EV_OPEN) {
*expiration_time = mg_millis() + 3000; // Store expiration time in 3s
} else if (ev == MG_EV_SNTP_TIME) {
uint64_t t = *(uint64_t *) ev_data;
s_boot_timestamp = (time_t) ((t - mg_millis()) / 1000);
s_boot_timestamp = t - mg_millis();
c->is_closing = 1;
} else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
s_sntp_conn = NULL;
} else if (ev == MG_EV_POLL) {
if (mg_millis() > *expiration_time) c->is_closing = 1;
(void) fn_data;
static void timer_sntp_fn(void *param) { // SNTP timer function. Sync up time
struct mg_mgr *mgr = (struct mg_mgr *) param;
if (s_sntp_conn == NULL && s_boot_timestamp == 0) {
s_sntp_conn = mg_sntp_connect(mgr, NULL, sfn, NULL);
mg_sntp_connect(param, "udp://time.google.com:123", sfn, NULL);
// Parse HTTP requests, return authenticated user or NULL
static struct user *authenticate(struct mg_http_message *hm) {
// In production, make passwords strong and tokens randomly generated
// In this example, user list is kept in RAM. In production, it can
// be backed by file, database, or some other method.
static struct user users[] = {
{"admin", "admin", "admin_token"},
{"user1", "user1", "user1_token"},
{"user2", "user2", "user2_token"},
char user[64], pass[64];
struct user *u, *result = NULL;
mg_http_creds(hm, user, sizeof(user), pass, sizeof(pass));
MG_INFO(("user [%s] pass [%s]", user, pass));
if (user[0] != '\0' && pass[0] != '\0') {
// Both user and password is set, search by user/password
for (u = users; result == NULL && u->name != NULL; u++)
if (strcmp(user, u->name) == 0 && strcmp(pass, u->pass) == 0) result = u;
} else if (user[0] == '\0') {
// Only password is set, search by token
for (u = users; result == NULL && u->name != NULL; u++)
if (strcmp(pass, u->access_token) == 0) result = u;
return result;
static void handle_login(struct mg_connection *c, struct user *u) {
char cookie[256];
mg_snprintf(cookie, sizeof(cookie),
"Set-Cookie: access_token=%s;Path=/;"
u->access_token, 3600 * 24);
mg_http_reply(c, 200, cookie, "{%m:%m}", MG_ESC("user"), MG_ESC(u->name));
static void handle_logout(struct mg_connection *c) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200,
"Set-Cookie: access_token=; Path=/; "
"Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; "
"Secure; HttpOnly; Max-Age=0; \r\n",
static void handle_debug(struct mg_connection *c, struct mg_http_message *hm) {
int level = mg_json_get_long(hm->body, "$.level", MG_LL_DEBUG);
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "Debug level set to %d\n", level);
static size_t print_int_arr(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr, va_list *ap) {
size_t len = 0, num = va_arg(*ap, size_t); // Number of items in the array
int *arr = va_arg(*ap, int *); // Array ptr
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
len += mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "%s%d", i == 0 ? "" : ",", arr[i]);
return len;
static void handle_stats_get(struct mg_connection *c) {
int points[] = {21, 22, 22, 19, 18, 20, 23, 23, 22, 22, 22, 23, 22};
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header, "{%m:%d,%m:%d,%m:[%M]}",
MG_ESC("temperature"), 21, //
MG_ESC("humidity"), 67, //
MG_ESC("points"), print_int_arr,
sizeof(points) / sizeof(points[0]), points);
static size_t print_events(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr, va_list *ap) {
size_t len = 0;
struct event e;
int no = 0;
while ((no = event_next(no, &e)) != 0) {
len += mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "%s{%m:%lu,%m:%d,%m:%d,%m:%m}", //
len == 0 ? "" : ",", //
MG_ESC("time"), e.timestamp, //
MG_ESC("type"), e.type, //
MG_ESC("prio"), e.prio, //
MG_ESC("text"), MG_ESC(e.text));
(void) ap;
return len;
static void handle_events_get(struct mg_connection *c) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header, "[%M]", print_events);
static void handle_settings_set(struct mg_connection *c, struct mg_str body) {
struct settings settings;
memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings));
mg_json_get_bool(body, "$.log_enabled", &settings.log_enabled);
settings.log_level = mg_json_get_long(body, "$.log_level", 0);
settings.brightness = mg_json_get_long(body, "$.brightness", 0);
char *s = mg_json_get_str(body, "$.device_name");
if (s) free(settings.device_name), settings.device_name = s;
// Save to the device flash
s_settings = settings;
bool ok = true;
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header,
"{%m:%s,%m:%m}", //
MG_ESC("status"), ok ? "true" : "false", //
MG_ESC("message"), MG_ESC(ok ? "Success" : "Failed"));
static void handle_settings_get(struct mg_connection *c) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header, "{%m:%s,%m:%hhu,%m:%hhu,%m:%m}", //
s_settings.log_enabled ? "true" : "false", //
MG_ESC("log_level"), s_settings.log_level, //
MG_ESC("brightness"), s_settings.brightness, //
MG_ESC("device_name"), MG_ESC(s_settings.device_name));
// HTTP request handler function
// fn_data: bit0 -> don't start services, bit1 -> use TLS
void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data,
void *fn_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_OPEN && c->is_listening && !((size_t) fn_data & (1 << 0))) {
mg_timer_add(c->mgr, 1000, MG_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_metrics_fn, c->mgr);
mg_timer_add(c->mgr, 1000, MG_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_mqtt_fn, c->mgr);
mg_timer_add(c->mgr, 1000, MG_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_sntp_fn, c->mgr);
s_config.url = strdup(MQTT_SERVER);
s_config.pub = strdup(MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC);
s_config.sub = strdup(MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_ACCEPT && ((size_t) fn_data & (1 << 1))) {
static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_ACCEPT && fn_data != NULL) {
struct mg_tls_opts opts = {.cert = s_ssl_cert, .certkey = s_ssl_key};
mg_tls_init(c, &opts);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) {
struct mg_http_message *hm = (struct mg_http_message *) ev_data;
struct user *u = getuser(hm);
// MG_INFO(("%p [%.*s] auth %s", c->fd, (int) hm->uri.len, hm->uri.ptr,
// u ? u->name : "NULL"));
if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/hi")) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "hi\n"); // Testing endpoint
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/debug")) {
int level = mg_json_get_long(hm->body, "$.level", MG_LL_DEBUG);
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "Debug level set to %d\n", level);
} else if (u == NULL && mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/#")) {
// All URIs starting with /api/ must be authenticated
mg_http_reply(c, 403, "", "Denied\n");
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/config/get")) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200, NULL, "{%m:%m,%m:%m,%m:%m}\n", MG_ESC("url"),
MG_ESC(s_config.url), MG_ESC("pub"), MG_ESC(s_config.pub),
MG_ESC("sub"), MG_ESC(s_config.sub));
mg_http_reply(c, 200, NULL, "{%m:%m,%m:%m,%m:%m,%m:%s}\n", MG_ESC("url"),
MG_ESC(s_config.url), MG_ESC("pub"), MG_ESC(s_config.pub),
MG_ESC("sub"), MG_ESC(s_config.sub), MG_ESC("connected"),
s_connected ? "true" : "false");
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/config/set")) {
// Admins only
if (strcmp(u->name, "admin") == 0) {
update_config(&hm->body, "url", &s_config.url);
update_config(&hm->body, "pub", &s_config.pub);
update_config(&hm->body, "sub", &s_config.sub);
if (s_mqtt) s_mqtt->is_closing = 1; // Ask to disconnect from MQTT
send_notification(c->mgr, "{%m:%m,%m:null}", MG_ESC("name"),
MG_ESC("config"), MG_ESC("data"));
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "ok\n");
} else {
mg_http_reply(c, 403, "", "Denied\n");
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/message/send")) {
char buf[256];
if (s_connected &&
mg_http_get_var(&hm->body, "message", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) {
struct mg_mqtt_opts pub_opts;
memset(&pub_opts, 0, sizeof(pub_opts));
pub_opts.topic = mg_str(s_config.pub);
pub_opts.message = mg_str(buf);
pub_opts.qos = 2, pub_opts.retain = false;
struct user *u = authenticate(hm);
mg_mqtt_pub(s_mqtt, &pub_opts);
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "ok\n");
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/watch")) {
c->data[0] = 'W'; // Mark ourselves as a event listener
mg_ws_upgrade(c, hm, NULL);
if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/#") && u == NULL) {
mg_http_reply(c, 403, "", "Not Authorised\n");
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/login")) {
mg_http_reply(c, 200, NULL, "{%m:%m,%m:%m}\n", MG_ESC("user"),
MG_ESC(u->name), MG_ESC("token"), MG_ESC(u->token));
handle_login(c, u);
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/logout")) {
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/debug")) {
handle_debug(c, hm);
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/stats/get")) {
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/events/get")) {
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/settings/get")) {
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/api/settings/set")) {
handle_settings_set(c, hm->body);
} else {
struct mg_http_serve_opts opts;
memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
opts.root_dir = "/web_root";
opts.fs = &mg_fs_packed;
opts.root_dir = "web_root";
@ -290,3 +248,16 @@ void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data,
void web_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
s_settings.device_name = strdup("My Device");
mg_http_listen(mgr, HTTP_URL, fn, NULL);
mg_http_listen(mgr, HTTPS_URL, fn, "");
// mg_timer_add(c->mgr, 1000, MG_TIMER_REPEAT, timer_mqtt_fn, c->mgr);
mg_timer_add(mgr, 3600 * 1000, MG_TIMER_RUN_NOW | MG_TIMER_REPEAT,
timer_sntp_fn, mgr);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#pragma once
#include "mongoose.h"
#if !defined(HTTP_URL)
#define HTTP_URL ""
#if !defined(HTTPS_URL)
#define HTTPS_URL ""
void web_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module.exports = {
content: ['./web_root/*.{html,js}'],
xplugins: [ 'tailwindcss', 'xautoprefixer' ],
corePlugins: {outline: false},
theme: {
extend: {},
fontFamily: {
"Inter var, Helvetica, sans-serif", {
fontFeatureSettings: '"cv11", "ss01"',
fontVariationSettings: '"opsz" 32',
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
'use strict';
import { h, render, useState, useEffect, useRef, html, Router } from './bundle.js';
export const Icons = {
heart: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M4.318 6.318a4.5 4.5 0 000 6.364L12 20.364l7.682-7.682a4.5 4.5 0 00-6.364-6.364L12 7.636l-1.318-1.318a4.5 4.5 0 00-6.364 0z"></path></svg>`,
settings: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9.594 3.94c.09-.542.56-.94 1.11-.94h2.593c.55 0 1.02.398 1.11.94l.213 1.281c.063.374.313.686.645. 1.075.124l1.217-.456a1.125 1.125 0 011.37.49l1.296 2.247a1.125 1.125 0 01-.26 1.431l-1.003.827c-.293.24-.438.613-.431.992a6.759 6.759 0 010 .255c-.007.378. 1.43l-1.298 2.247a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.369.491l-1.217-.456c-.355-.133-.75-.072-1.076.124a6.57 6.57 0 01-.22.128c-.331.183-.581.495-.644.869l-.213 1.28c-.09.543-.56.941-1.11.941h-2.594c-.55 0-1.02-.398-1.11-.94l-.213-1.281c-.062-.374-.312-.686-.644-.87a6.52 6.52 0 01-.22-.127c-.325-.196-.72-.257-1.076-.124l-1.217.456a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.369-.49l-1.297-2.247a1.125 1.125 0 01.26-1.431l1.004-.827c.292-.24.437-.613.43-.992a6.932 6.932 0 010-.255c.007-.378-.138-.75-.43-.99l-1.004-.828a1.125 1.125 0 01-.26-1.43l1.297-2.247a1.125 1.125 0 011.37-.491l1.216.456c.356.133.751.072 1.076-.124.072-.044.146-.087.22-.128.332-.183.582-.495.644-.869l.214-1.281z" /> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M15 12a3 3 0 11-6 0 3 3 0 016 0z" /> </svg>`,
desktop: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 17.25v1.007a3 3 0 01-.879 2.122L7.5 21h9l-.621-.621A3 3 0 0115 18.257V17.25m6-12V15a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.25 2.25H5.25A2.25 2.25 0 013 15V5.25m18 0A2.25 2.25 0 0018.75 3H5.25A2.25 2.25 0 003 5.25m18 0V12a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.25 2.25H5.25A2.25 2.25 0 013 12V5.25" /> </svg>`,
bell: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M14.857 17.082a23.848 23.848 0 005.454-1.31A8.967 8.967 0 0118 9.75v-.7V9A6 6 0 006 9v.75a8.967 8.967 0 01-2.312 6.022c1.733.64 3.56 1.085 5.455 1.31m5.714 0a24.255 24.255 0 01-5.714 0m5.714 0a3 3 0 11-5.714 0M3.124 7.5A8.969 8.969 0 015.292 3m13.416 0a8.969 8.969 0 012.168 4.5" /> </svg>`,
refresh: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M16.023 9.348h4.992v-.001M2.985 19.644v-4.992m0 0h4.992m-4.993 0l3.181 3.183a8.25 8.25 0 0013.803-3.7M4.031 9.865a8.25 8.25 0 0113.803-3.7l3.181 3.182m0-4.991v4.99" /> </svg> `,
bars4: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3.75 5.25h16.5m-16.5 4.5h16.5m-16.5 4.5h16.5m-16.5 4.5h16.5" /> </svg>`,
bars3: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3.75 6.75h16.5M3.75 12h16.5m-16.5 5.25h16.5" /> </svg>`,
logout: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M12.75 15l3-3m0 0l-3-3m3 3h-7.5M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" /> </svg>`,
save: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M16.5 3.75V16.5L12 14.25 7.5 16.5V3.75m9 0H18A2.25 2.25 0 0120.25 6v12A2.25 2.25 0 0118 20.25H6A2.25 2.25 0 013.75 18V6A2.25 2.25 0 016 3.75h1.5m9 0h-9" /> </svg>`,
email: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M21.75 6.75v10.5a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.25 2.25h-15a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.25-2.25V6.75m19.5 0A2.25 2.25 0 0019.5 4.5h-15a2.25 2.25 0 00-2.25 2.25m19.5 0v.243a2.25 2.25 0 01-1.07 1.916l-7.5 4.615a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.36 0L3.32 8.91a2.25 2.25 0 01-1.07-1.916V6.75" /> </svg>`,
expand: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3.75 3.75v4.5m0-4.5h4.5m-4.5 0L9 9M3.75 20.25v-4.5m0 4.5h4.5m-4.5 0L9 15M20.25 3.75h-4.5m4.5 0v4.5m0-4.5L15 9m5.25 11.25h-4.5m4.5 0v-4.5m0 4.5L15 15" /> </svg>`,
shrink: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 9V4.5M9 9H4.5M9 9L3.75 3.75M9 15v4.5M9 15H4.5M9 15l-5.25 5.25M15 9h4.5M15 9V4.5M15 9l5.25-5.25M15 15h4.5M15 15v4.5m0-4.5l5.25 5.25" /> </svg>`,
ok: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" /> </svg>`,
fail: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9.75 9.75l4.5 4.5m0-4.5l-4.5 4.5M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z" /> </svg>`,
upload: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3 16.5v2.25A2.25 2.25 0 005.25 21h13.5A2.25 2.25 0 0021 18.75V16.5m-13.5-9L12 3m0 0l4.5 4.5M12 3v13.5" /> </svg> `,
download: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3 16.5v2.25A2.25 2.25 0 005.25 21h13.5A2.25 2.25 0 0021 18.75V16.5M16.5 12L12 16.5m0 0L7.5 12m4.5 4.5V3" /> </svg> `,
bolt: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3.75 13.5l10.5-11.25L12 10.5h8.25L9.75 21.75 12 13.5H3.75z" /> </svg>`,
home: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M2.25 12l8.954-8.955c.44-.439 1.152-.439 1.591 0L21.75 12M4.5 9.75v10.125c0 .621.504 1.125 1.125 1.125H9.75v-4.875c0-.621.504-1.125 1.125-1.125h2.25c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125V21h4.125c.621 0 1.125-.504 1.125-1.125V9.75M8.25 21h8.25" /> </svg> `,
link: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M13.19 8.688a4.5 4.5 0 011.242 7.244l-4.5 4.5a4.5 4.5 0 01-6.364-6.364l1.757-1.757m13.35-.622l1.757-1.757a4.5 4.5 0 00-6.364-6.364l-4.5 4.5a4.5 4.5 0 001.242 7.244" /> </svg> `,
shield: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 12.75L11.25 15 15 9.75m-3-7.036A11.959 11.959 0 013.598 6 11.99 11.99 0 003 9.749c0 5.592 3.824 10.29 9 11.623 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.31-.21-2.571-.598-3.751h-.152c-3.196 0-6.1-1.248-8.25-3.285z" /> </svg> `,
barsdown: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M3 4.5h14.25M3 9h9.75M3 13.5h9.75m4.5-4.5v12m0 0l-3.75-3.75M17.25 21L21 17.25" /> </svg> `,
arrowdown: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M12 4.5v15m0 0l6.75-6.75M12 19.5l-6.75-6.75" /> </svg> `,
arrowup: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M12 19.5v-15m0 0l-6.75 6.75M12 4.5l6.75 6.75" /> </svg>`,
warn: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M12 9v3.75m-9.303 3.376c-.866 1.5.217 3.374 1.948 3.374h14.71c1.73 0 2.813-1.874 1.948-3.374L13.949 3.378c-.866-1.5-3.032-1.5-3.898 0L2.697 16.126zM12 15.75h.007v.008H12v-.008z" /> </svg>`,
info: props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor"> <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M11.25 11.25l.041-.02a.75.75 0 011.063.852l-.708 2.836a.75.75 0 001.063.853l.041-.021M21 12a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0zm-9-3.75h.008v.008H12V8.25z" /> </svg>`,
export const tipColors = {
green: 'bg-green-100 text-green-900',
yellow: 'bg-yellow-100 text-yellow-900',
red: 'bg-red-100 text-red-900',
export function Button({title, onclick, disabled, cls, icon, ref, colors, hovercolor, disabledcolor}) {
const [spin, setSpin] = useState(false);
const cb = function(ev) {
const res = onclick ? onclick() : null;
if (res && typeof (res.catch) === 'function') {
res.catch(() => false).then(() => setSpin(false));
if (!colors) colors = 'bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-500 disabled:bg-blue-400';
return html`
<button type="button" class="inline-flex justify-center items-center gap-1 rounded px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm ${colors} ${cls}"
ref=${ref} onclick=${cb} disabled=${disabled || spin} >
<${spin ? Icons.refresh : icon} class="w-4 ${spin ? 'animate-spin' : ''}" />
export function Notification({ok, text, close}) {
const closebtn = useRef(null);
const from = 'translate-y-2 opacity-0 sm:translate-y-0 sm:translate-x-2';
const to = 'translate-y-0 opacity-100 sm:translate-x-0';
const [tr, setTr] = useState(from);
useEffect(function() {
setTimeout(ev => closebtn && closebtn.current.click && closebtn.current.click(), 1500);
}, []);
const onclose = ev => { setTr(from); setTimeout(close, 300); };
return html`
<div aria-live="assertive" class="z-10 pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 flex items-end px-4 py-6 sm:items-start sm:p-6">
<div class="flex w-full flex-col items-center space-y-4 sm:items-end">
<div class="pointer-events-auto w-full max-w-sm overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 transform ease-out duration-300 transition ${tr}">
<div class="p-4">
<div class="flex items-start">
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
<${ok ? Icons.ok : Icons.failed} class="h-6 w-6 ${ok ? 'text-green-400' : 'text-red-400'}" />
<div class="ml-3 w-0 flex-1 pt-0.5">
<p class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-900">${text}</p>
<p class="hidden mt-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Anyone with a link can now view this file.</p>
<div class="ml-4 flex flex-shrink-0">
<button type="button" ref=${closebtn} onclick=${onclose} class="inline-flex rounded-md bg-white text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none">
<span class="sr-only">Close</span>
<svg class="h-5 w-5" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true">
<path d="M6.28 5.22a.75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06L8.94 10l-3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06 1.06L10 11.06l3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06-1.06L11.06 10l3.72-3.72a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06L10 8.94 6.28 5.22z" />
export function Login({loginFn, logoIcon, title, tipText}) {
const [user, setUser] = useState('');
const [pass, setPass] = useState('');
const onsubmit = function(ev) {
const authhdr = 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + pass);
const headers = {Authorization: authhdr};
return fetch('api/login', {headers}).then(loginFn).finally(r => setPass(''));
return html`
<div class="h-full flex items-center justify-center bg-slate-200">
<div class="border rounded bg-white w-96 p-5">
<div class="my-5 py-2 flex items-center justify-center gap-x-4">
<${logoIcon} class="h-12 stroke-cyan-600 stroke-1" />
<h1 class="font-bold text-xl">${title || 'Login'}<//>
<div class="my-3">
<label class="block text-sm mb-1 dark:text-white">Username</label>
<input type="text" autocomplete="current-user" required
class="font-normal bg-white rounded border border-gray-300 w-full
flex-1 py-0.5 px-2 text-gray-900 placeholder:text-gray-400
focus:outline-none sm:text-sm sm:leading-6 disabled:cursor-not-allowed
disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500"
oninput=${ev => setUser(ev.target.value)} value=${user} />
<div class="my-3">
<label class="block text-sm mb-1 dark:text-white">Password</label>
<input type="password" autocomplete="current-password" required
class="font-normal bg-white rounded border border-gray-300 w-full flex-1 py-0.5 px-2 text-gray-900 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm sm:leading-6 disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500"
oninput=${ev => setPass(ev.target.value)}
value=${pass} onchange=${onsubmit} />
<div class="mt-7">
<${Button} title="Sign In" icon=${Icons.logout} onclick=${onsubmit} cls="flex w-full justify-center" />
<div class="mt-5 text-slate-400 text-xs">${tipText}<//>
export function Colored({icon, text, colors}) {
return html`
<span class="inline-flex items-center gap-1.5 py-0.5 px-2 rounded-full ${colors || 'bg-slate-100 text-slate-900'}">
${icon && html`<${icon} class="w-5 h-5" />`}
<span class="inline-block text-xs font-medium">${text}<//>
export function Stat({title, text, tipText, tipIcon, tipColors}) {
return html`
<div class="flex flex-col bg-white border shadow-sm rounded-xl dark:bg-slate-900 dark:border-gray-800">
<div class="p-4 md:p-5">
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-2">
<p class="text-xs uppercase tracking-wide text-gray-500"> ${title} </p>
<div class="mt-1 flex items-center gap-x-2">
<h3 class="text-xl sm:text-2xl font-medium text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200">
<span class="flex items-center">
<${Colored} text=${tipText} icon=${tipIcon} colors=${tipColors} />
export function TextValue({value, setfn, disabled, placeholder, type, addonRight, addonLeft, attr}) {
const f = type == 'number' ? x => setfn(parseInt(x)) : setfn;
return html`
<div class="flex w-full items-center rounded border shadow-sm">
${ addonLeft && html`<span class="inline-flex font-normal truncate py-1 border-r bg-slate-100 items-center border-gray-300 px-2 text-gray-500 text-xs">${addonLeft}</>` }
<input type=${type || 'text'} disabled=${disabled}
oninput=${ev => f(ev.target.value)} ...${attr}
class="font-normal text-sm rounded w-full flex-1 py-0.5 px-2 text-gray-700 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:outline-none disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500" placeholder=${placeholder} value=${value} />
${ addonRight && html`<span class="inline-flex font-normal truncate py-1 border-l bg-slate-100 items-center border-gray-300 px-2 text-gray-500 text-xs">${addonRight}</>` }
export function SelectValue({value, setfn, options, disabled}) {
const toInt = x => x == parseInt(x) ? parseInt(x) : x;
const onchange = ev => setfn(toInt(ev.target.value));
return html`
<select onchange=${onchange} class="w-full rounded font-normal border py-0.5 px-1 text-gray-600 focus:outline-none text-sm disabled:cursor-not-allowed" disabled=${disabled}>
${options.map(v => html`<option value=${v[0]} selected=${v[0] == value}>${v[1]}<//>`) }
export function SwitchValue({value, setfn}) {
const onclick = ev => setfn(!value);
const bg = !!value ? 'bg-blue-600' : 'bg-gray-200';
const tr = !!value ? 'translate-x-5' : 'translate-x-0';
return html`
<button type="button" onclick=${onclick} class="${bg} inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 ring-0" role="switch" aria-checked=${!!value}>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="${tr} pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 focus:ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out"></span>
export function Setting(props) {
return html`
<div class=${props.cls || 'grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 my-1'}>
<label class="flex items-center text-sm text-gray-700 mr-2 font-medium">${props.title}<//>
<div class="flex items-center">
${props.type == 'switch' ? h(SwitchValue, props) :
props.type == 'select' ? h(SelectValue, props) :
h(TextValue, props) }
Normal file
Normal file
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@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<html lang="en" class="h-full bg-white">
<title>Device Dashboard</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='none' viewBox='0 0 24 24' stroke-width='1.5' stroke='currentColor'> <path stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' d='M14.857 17.082a23.848 23.848 0 005.454-1.31A8.967 8.967 0 0118 9.75v-.7V9A6 6 0 006 9v.75a8.967 8.967 0 01-2.312 6.022c1.733.64 3.56 1.085 5.455 1.31m5.714 0a24.255 24.255 0 01-5.714 0m5.714 0a3 3 0 11-5.714 0' /> </svg>" />
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<link href="https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<body class="h-full"></body>
<script src="history.min.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="main.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
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@ -1,385 +1,252 @@
'use strict';
import {Component, h, html, render, useEffect, useState, useRef} from './preact.min.js';
import { h, render, useState, useEffect, useRef, html, Router } from './bundle.js';
import { Icons, Login, Setting, Button, Stat, tipColors, Colored, Notification } from './components.js';
var devaddr = "address:port";
const Logo = props => html`<svg class=${props.class} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 12.87 12.85"><defs><style>.ll-cls-1{fill:none;stroke:#000;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:0.5px;}</style></defs><g id="Layer_2" data-name="Layer 2"><g id="Layer_1-2" data-name="Layer 1"><path class="ll-cls-1" d="M12.62,1.82V8.91A1.58,1.58,0,0,1,11,10.48H4a1.44,1.44,0,0,1-1-.37A.69.69,0,0,1,2.84,10l-.1-.12a.81.81,0,0,1-.15-.48V5.57a.87.87,0,0,1,.86-.86H4.73V7.28a.86.86,0,0,0,.86.85H9.42a.85.85,0,0,0,.85-.85V3.45A.86.86,0,0,0,10.13,3,.76.76,0,0,0,10,2.84a.29.29,0,0,0-.12-.1,1.49,1.49,0,0,0-1-.37H2.39V1.82A1.57,1.57,0,0,1,4,.25H11A1.57,1.57,0,0,1,12.62,1.82Z"/><path class="ll-cls-1" d="M10.48,10.48V11A1.58,1.58,0,0,1,8.9,12.6H1.82A1.57,1.57,0,0,1,.25,11V3.94A1.57,1.57,0,0,1,1.82,2.37H8.9a1.49,1.49,0,0,1,1,.37l.12.1a.76.76,0,0,1,.,0,0,1,.14.47V7.28a.85.85,0,0,1-.85.85H8.13V5.57a.86.86,0,0,0-.85-.86H3.45a.87.87,0,0,0-.86.86V9.4a.81.81,0,0,0,.15.48l.1.12a.69.69,0,0,0,.13.11,1.44,1.44,0,0,0,1,.37Z"/></g></g></svg>`;
const MaxMetricsDataPoints = 50;
// This simple publish/subscribe is used to pass notifications that were
// received from the server, to all child components of the app.
var PubSub = (function() {
var handlers = {}, id = 0;
return {
subscribe: function(fn) {
handlers[id++] = fn;
unsubscribe: function(id) {
delete handlers[id];
publish: function(data) {
for (var k in handlers) handlers[k](data);
const Nav = props => html`
<div style="background: #333; padding: 0.5em; color: #fff;">
<div class="container d-flex">
<div style="flex: 1 1 auto; display: flex; align-items: center;">
<b>Your Product</b>
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; flex: 0 0 auto; ">
<span>Logged in as:</span>
<span style="padding: 0 0.5em;"><img src="user.png" height="22" /></span>
<a class="btn" onclick=${props.logout}
style="margin-left: 1em; font-size: 0.8em; background: #8aa;">logout</a>
const Hero = props => html`
<div class="section">
<div style="margin-top: 1em; background: #eee; padding: 1em; border-radius: 0.5em; color: #777; ">
<h1 style="margin: 0.2em 0;">Interactive Device Dashboard</h1>
This device dashboard is developed using the modern and compact Preact framework,
in order to fit on very small devices. This is
a <a href="https://mongoose.ws/tutorials/http-server/">hybrid server</a> which
provides both static and dynamic content. Static files, like CSS/JS/HTML
or images, are compiled into the server binary.
This UI uses the REST API implemented by the device, which you can examine
using <code>curl</code> command-line utility:
<div><code>curl -u admin:pass0 ${devaddr}/api/config/get</code> </div>
<div><code>curl -u admin:pass0 ${devaddr}/api/config/set -d 'pub=mg/topic'</code> </div>
<div><code>curl -u admin:pass0 ${devaddr}/api/message/send -d 'message=hello'</code> </div>
The device can send notifications to this dashboard at anytime. Notifications
are sent over WebSocket at URI <code>/api/watch</code> as JSON strings: <code>{"name": "..", "data": ...}</code>
<div>Try <code>wscat --auth user1:pass1 --connect ws://${devaddr}/api/watch</code></div>
const Login = function(props) {
const [user, setUser] = useState('');
const [pass, setPass] = useState('');
const login = ev =>
{headers: {Authorization: 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + pass)}})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => r && props.login(r))
.catch(err => err);
function Header({logout, user, setShowSidebar, showSidebar}) {
return html`
<div class="rounded border" style="max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 5em; background: #eee; ">
<div style="padding: 2em; ">
<h1 style="color: #666;">Device Dashboard Login </h1>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
<input type='text' placeholder='Name' style="width: 100%;"
oninput=${ev => setUser(ev.target.value)} value=${user} />
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
<input type="password" placeholder="Password" style="width: 100%;"
oninput=${ev => setPass(ev.target.value)} value=${pass}
onchange=${login} />
<div style="margin: 1em 0;">
<button class="btn" style="width: 100%; background: #8aa;"
disabled=${!user || !pass} onclick=${login}> Login </button>
<div style="color: #777; margin-top: 2em;">
Valid logins: admin:pass0, user1:pass1, user2:pass2
<div class="bg-white sticky top-0 z-[48] xw-full border-b py-2 ${showSidebar && 'pl-72'} transition-all duration-300 transform">
<div class="px-2 w-full py-0 my-0 flex items-center">
<button type="button" onclick=${ev => setShowSidebar(v => !v)} class="text-slate-400">
<${Icons.bars3} class="h-6" />
<div class="flex flex-1 gap-x-4 self-stretch lg:gap-x-6">
<div class="relative flex flex-1"><//>
<div class="flex items-center gap-x-4 lg:gap-x-6">
<span class="text-sm text-slate-400">logged in as: ${user}<//>
<div class="hidden lg:block lg:h-4 lg:w-px lg:bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true"><//>
<${Button} title="Logout" icon=${Icons.logout} onclick=${logout} />
const Configuration = function(props) {
const [url, setUrl] = useState(props.config.url || '');
const [pub, setPub] = useState(props.config.pub || '');
const [sub, setSub] = useState(props.config.sub || '');
useEffect(() => {
}, [props.config]);
const update = (name, val) => fetch('api/config/set', {
method: 'post',
body: `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(val)}`
}).catch(err => err);
const updateurl = ev => update('url', url);
const updatepub = ev => update('pub', pub);
const updatesub = ev => update('sub', sub);
// console.log(props, [url, pub, sub]);
return html`
<div class="section">
<h3 style="background: #c03434; color: #fff; padding: 0.4em;">
Device Configuration</h3>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0; display: flex;">
<span class="addon nowrap">MQTT server:</span>
<input type="text" style="flex: 1 100%;"
value=${url} onchange=${updateurl}
oninput=${ev => setUrl(ev.target.value)} />
<button class="btn" disabled=${!url} onclick=${updateurl}
style="margin-left: 1em; background: #8aa;">Update</button>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0; display: flex; ">
<span class="addon nowrap">Subscribe topic:</span>
<input type="text" style="flex: 1 100%;"
value=${sub} onchange=${updatesub}
oninput=${ev => setSub(ev.target.value)} />
<button class="btn" disabled=${!sub} onclick=${updatesub}
style="margin-left: 1em; background: #8aa;">Update</button>
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0; display: flex;">
<span class="addon nowrap">Publish topic:</span>
<input type="text" style="flex: 1 100%;"
value=${pub} onchange=${updatepub}
oninput=${ev => setPub(ev.target.value)} />
<button class="btn" disabled=${!pub} onclick=${updatepub}
style="margin-left: 1em; background: #8aa;">Update</button>
function Sidebar({url, show}) {
const NavLink = ({title, icon, href, url}) => html`
You can use <a href="http://www.hivemq.com/demos/websocket-client/">
HiveMQ Websocket web client</a> to send messages to this console.
<div class="msg">
The device keeps a persistent connection to the configured MQTT server.
Changes to this configuration are propagated to all dashboards: try
changing them in this dashboard and observe changes in other opened
</div><div class="msg">
Note: administrators can see this section and can change device
configuration, whilst users cannot.
const Message = m => html`<div style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
<span class="qos">qos: ${m.message.qos} </span>
<span class="topic">topic: ${m.message.topic} </span>
<span class="data">data: ${m.message.data}</span>
const Messages = function(props) {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [txt, setTxt] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
const id = PubSub.subscribe(function(msg) {
if (msg.name == 'message') setMessages(x => x.concat([msg.data]));
return PubSub.unsubscribe(id);
}, []);
const sendmessage = ev => fetch('api/message/send', {
method: 'post',
body: `message=${encodeURIComponent(txt)}`
}).then(r => setTxt(''));
const routing = "connected" in props.config;
const connstatus = !routing ? 'This device has no MQTT functionality' : props.config.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected';
<a href="#${href}" class="${href == url ? 'bg-slate-50 text-blue-600 group' : 'text-gray-700 hover:text-blue-600 hover:bg-gray-50 group'} flex gap-x-3 rounded-md p-2 text-sm leading-6 font-semibold">
<${icon} class="w-6 h-6"/>
return html`
<div class="section">
<h3 style="background: #30c040; color: #fff; padding: 0.4em;">MQTT messages</h3>
MQTT server status: <b>${connstatus}</b>
<div style="height: 10em; overflow: auto; padding: 0.5em; " class="border">
${messages.map(message => h(Message, {message}))}
<div style="margin: 0.5em 0; display: flex">
<span class="addon nowrap">Publish message:</span>
<input placeholder="type and press enter..." style="flex: 1 100%;"
value=${txt} onchange=${sendmessage} disabled=${!routing}
oninput=${ev => setTxt(ev.target.value)} />
<div class="msg">
The message gets passed to the device via REST. Then the device sends it to
the MQTT server over MQTT. All MQTT messages on a subscribed topic
received by the device, are propagated to this dashboard via /api/watch.
<div class="bg-violet-100 hs-overlay hs-overlay-open:translate-x-0
-translate-x-full transition-all duration-300 transform
fixed top-0 left-0 bottom-0 z-[60] w-72 bg-white border-r
border-gray-200 overflow-y-auto scrollbar-y
${show && 'translate-x-0'} right-auto bottom-0">
<div class="flex flex-col m-4 gap-y-6">
<div class="flex h-10 shrink-0 items-center gap-x-4 font-bold text-xl text-slate-500">
<${Logo} class="h-full"/> Your Brand
<div class="flex flex-1 flex-col">
<${NavLink} title="Dashboard" icon=${Icons.home} href="/" url=${url} />
<${NavLink} title="Settings" icon=${Icons.settings} href="/settings" url=${url} />
// Expected arguments:
// data: timeseries, e.g. [ [1654361352, 19], [1654361353, 18], ... ]
// width, height, yticks, xticks, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax
const SVG = function(props) {
// w
// +---------------------+
// | h1 |
// | +-----------+ |
// | | | | h
// | w1 | | w2 |
// | +-----------+ |
// | h2 |
// +---------------------+
let w = props.width, h = props.height, w1 = 30, w2 = 0, h1 = 8, h2 = 18;
let yticks = props.yticks || 4, xticks = props.xticks || 5;
let data = props.data || [];
let ymin = props.ymin || 0;
let ymax = props.ymax || Math.max.apply(null, data.map(p => p[1]));
let xmin = props.xmin || Math.min.apply(null, data.map(p => p[0]));
let xmax = props.xmax || Math.max.apply(null, data.map(p => p[0]));
function Events({}) {
const [events, setEvents] = useState([]);
const refresh = () => fetch('api/events/get').then(r => r.json()).then(r => setEvents(r)).catch(e => console.log(e));
useEffect(refresh, []);
// Y-axis tick lines and labels
let yta = (new Array(yticks + 1)).fill(0).map((_, i) => i); // indices
let yti = i => h - h2 - (h - h1 - h2) * i / yticks; // index's Y
let ytv = i => (ymax - ymin) * i / yticks;
let ytl = y => html`<line x1=${w1} y1=${y} x2=${w} y2=${y} class="tick"/>`;
let ytt = (y, v) => html`<text x=0 y=${y + 5} class="label">${v}</text>`;
// X-axis tick lines and labels
let datefmt = unix => (new Date(unix * 1000)).toISOString().substr(14, 5);
let xta = (new Array(xticks + 1)).fill(0).map((_, i) => i); // indices
let xti = i => w1 + (w - w1 - w2) * i / xticks; // index's X
let xtv = i => datefmt(xmin + (xmax - xmin) * i / xticks);
let xtl = x => html`<path d="M ${x},${h1} L ${x},${h - h2}" class="tick"/>`;
let xtt = (x, v) =>
html`<text x=${x - 15} y=${h - 2} class="label">${v}</text>`;
// Transform data points array into coordinate
let dx = v => w1 + (v - xmin) / ((xmax - xmin) || 1) * (w - w1 - w2);
let dy = v => h - h2 - (v - ymin) / ((ymax - ymin) || 1) * (h - h1 - h2);
let dd = data.map(p => [Math.round(dx(p[0])), Math.round(dy(p[1]))]);
let ddl = dd.length;
// And plot the data as <path> element
let begin0 = ddl ? `M ${dd[0][0]},${dd[0][1]}` : `M 0,0`;
let begin = `M ${w1},${h - h2}`; // Initial point
let end = ddl ? `L ${dd[ddl - 1][0]},${h - h2}` : `L ${w1},${h - h2}`;
let series = ddl ? dd.map(p => `L ${p[0]} ${p[1]}`) : [];
const Th = props => html`<th scope="col" class="sticky top-0 z-10 border-b border-slate-300 bg-white bg-opacity-75 py-1.5 px-4 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-slate-900 backdrop-blur backdrop-filter">${props.title}</th>`;
const Td = props => html`<td class="whitespace-nowrap border-b border-slate-200 py-2 px-4 pr-3 text-sm text-slate-900">${props.text}</td>`;
const Prio = ({prio}) => {
const text = ['high', 'medium', 'low'][prio];
const colors = [tipColors.red, tipColors.yellow, tipColors.green][prio];
return html`<${Colored} colors=${colors} text=${text} />`;
const Event = ({e}) => html`
<${Td} text=${['power', 'hardware', 'tier3', 'tier4'][e.type]} />
<${Td} text=${html`<${Prio} prio=${e.prio}/>`} />
<${Td} text=${e.time || '1970-01-01'} />
<${Td} text=${e.text} />
return html`
<svg viewBox="0 0 ${w} ${h}">
.axis { stroke: #aaa; fill: none; }
.label { stroke: #aaa; font-size: 13px; }
.tick { stroke: #ccc; fill: none; stroke-dasharray: 5; }
.seriesbg { stroke: none; fill: rgba(200,225,255, 0.25)}
.series { stroke: #25a; fill: none; }
${yta.map(i => ytl(yti(i)))}
${yta.map(i => ytt(yti(i), ytv(i)))}
${xta.map(i => xtl(xti(i)))}
${data.length ? xta.map(i => xtt(xti(i), xtv(i))) : ''}
<path d="${begin} ${series.join(' ')} ${end}" class="seriesbg" />
<path d="${begin0} ${series.join(' ')}" class="series" />
<div class="my-4 h-64 divide-y divide-gray-200 rounded bg-white overflow-auto">
<div class="font-light uppercase flex items-center text-slate-600 px-4 py-2">
Event Log
<div class="">
<table class="">
<${Th} title="Type" />
<${Th} title="Prio" />
<${Th} title="Time" />
<${Th} title="Description" />
${events.map(e => h(Event, {e}))}
const Chart = function(props) {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const id = PubSub.subscribe(function(msg) {
if (msg.name != 'metrics') return;
setData(x => x.concat([msg.data]).splice(-MaxMetricsDataPoints));
return PubSub.unsubscribe(id);
}, []);
let xmax = 0, missing = MaxMetricsDataPoints - data.length;
if (missing > 0) xmax = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) + missing;
function Chart({data}) {
const n = data.length /* entries */, w = 20 /* entry width */, ls = 15/* left space */;
const h = 100 /* graph height */, yticks = 5 /* Y axis ticks */, bs = 10 /* bottom space */;
const ymax = 25;
const yt = i => (h - bs) / yticks * (i + 1);
const bh = p => (h - bs) * p / 100; // Bar height
const by = p => (h - bs) - bh(p);
const range = (start, size, step) => Array.from({length: size}, (_, i) => i * (step || 1) + start);
// console.log(ds);
return html`
<div class="section">
<h3 style="background: #ec3; color: #fff; padding: 0.4em;">Data Chart</h3>
<div style="overflow: auto; padding: 0.5em;" class="">
<${SVG} height=240 width=600 ymin=0 ymax=20 xmax=${xmax} data=${data} />
<div class="msg">
This chart plots live sensor data, sent by the device via /api/watch.
<div class="my-4 divide-y divide-gray-200 overflow-auto rounded bg-white">
<div class="font-light uppercase flex items-center text-gray-600 px-4 py-2">
Temperature, last 24h
<div class="relative">
<svg class="bg-yellow-x50 w-full p-4" viewBox="0 0 ${n*w+ls} ${h}">
${range(0, yticks).map(i => html`
<line x1=0 y1=${yt(i)} x2=${ls+n*w} y2=${yt(i)} stroke-width=0.3 class="stroke-slate-300" stroke-dasharray="1,1" />
<text x=0 y=${yt(i)-2} class="text-[6px] fill-slate-400">${ymax-ymax/yticks*(i+1)}<//>
${range(0, n).map(x => html`
<rect x=${ls+x*w} y=${by(data[x]*100/ymax)} width=12 height=${bh(data[x]*100/ymax)} rx=2 class="fill-cyan-500" />
<text x=${ls+x*w} y=100 class="text-[6px] fill-slate-400">${x*2}:00<//>
const App = function(props) {
function DeveloperNote({text}) {
return html`
<div class="flex p-4 gap-2">
<${Icons.info} class="self-start basis-[30px] grow-0 shrink-0 text-green-600" />
<div class="text-sm">
<div class="font-semibold mt-1">Developer Note<//>
${text.split('.').map(v => html` <p class="my-2 text-slate-500">${v}<//>`)}
function Main({}) {
const [stats, setStats] = useState(null);
const refresh = () => fetch('api/stats/get').then(r => r.json()).then(r => setStats(r));
useEffect(refresh, []);
if (!stats) return '';
return html`
<div class="p-2">
<div class="p-4 sm:p-2 mx-auto grid grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 gap-4">
<${Stat} title="Temperature" text="${stats.temperature} °C" tipText="good" tipIcon=${Icons.ok} tipColors=${tipColors.green} />
<${Stat} title="Humidity" text="${stats.humidity} %" tipText="warn" tipIcon=${Icons.warn} tipColors=${tipColors.yellow} />
<div class="bg-white col-span-2 border rounded-md shadow-lg" role="alert">
<${DeveloperNote} text="Stats data is received from the Mongoose backend" />
<div class="p-4 sm:p-2 mx-auto grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 gap-4">
<${Events} />
<div class="my-4 hx-24 bg-white border rounded-md shadow-lg" role="alert">
text="Events data is also received from the backend,
via the /api/events/get API call, which returns an array of objects each
representing an event. Events table is scrollable,
Table header is sticky" />
<${Chart} data=${stats.points} />
<div class="my-4 hx-24 bg-white border rounded-md shadow-lg" role="alert">
text="This chart is an SVG image, generated on the fly from the
data returned by the /api/stats/get API call" />
function Settings({}) {
const [settings, setSettings] = useState(null);
const [saveResult, setSaveResult] = useState(null);
const refresh = () => fetch('api/settings/get')
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => setSettings(r));
useEffect(refresh, []);
const mksetfn = k => (v => setSettings(x => Object.assign({}, x, {[k]: v})));
const onsave = ev => fetch('api/settings/set', {
method: 'post', body: JSON.stringify(settings)
}).then(r => r.json())
.then(r => setSaveResult(r))
if (!settings) return '';
const logOptions = [[0, 'Disable'], [1, 'Error'], [2, 'Info'], [3, 'Debug']];
return html`
<div class="m-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
<div class="py-1 divide-y border rounded bg-white flex flex-col">
<div class="font-light uppercase flex items-center text-gray-600 px-4 py-2">
Device Settings
<div class="py-2 px-5 flex-1 flex flex-col relative">
${saveResult && html`<${Notification} ok=${saveResult.status}
text=${saveResult.message} close=${() => setSaveResult(null)} />`}
<${Setting} title="Enable Logs" value=${settings.log_enabled} setfn=${mksetfn('log_enabled')} type="switch" />
<${Setting} title="Log Level" value=${settings.log_level} setfn=${mksetfn('log_level')} type="select" addonLeft="0-3" disabled=${!settings.log_enabled} options=${logOptions}/>
<${Setting} title="Brightness" value=${settings.brightness} setfn=${mksetfn('brightness')} type="number" addonRight="%" />
<${Setting} title="Device Name" value=${settings.device_name} setfn=${mksetfn('device_name')} type="" />
<div class="mb-1 mt-3 flex place-content-end"><${Button} icon=${Icons.save} onclick=${onsave} title="Save Settings" /><//>
<div class="bg-white border rounded-md text-ellipsis overflow-auto" role="alert">
text="A variety of controls are pre-defined to ease the development:
toggle button, dropdown select, input field with left and right
addons. Device settings are received by calling
/api/settings/get API call, which returns settings JSON object.
Clicking on a save button calls /api/settings/set
API call" />
const App = function({}) {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [url, setUrl] = useState('/');
const [user, setUser] = useState('');
const [config, setConfig] = useState({});
const [showSidebar, setShowSidebar] = useState(true);
const getconfig = () =>
fetch('api/config/get', {headers: {Authorization: ''}})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => setConfig(r))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
const logout = () => fetch('api/logout').then(r => setUser(''));
const login = r => !r.ok ? setLoading(false) && setUser(null) : r.json()
.then(r => setUser(r.user))
.finally(r => setLoading(false));
// Watch for notifications. As soon as a notification arrives, pass it on
// to all subscribed components
const watch = function() {
var l = window.location, proto = l.protocol.replace('http', 'ws');
var tid, wsURI = proto + '//' + l.host + l.pathname + 'api/watch'
var reconnect = function() {
var ws = new WebSocket(wsURI);
// ws.onopen = () => console.log('ws connected');
ws.onmessage = function(ev) {
try {
var msg = JSON.parse(ev.data);
// if (msg.name != 'metrics') console.log('ws->', msg);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Invalid ws frame:', ev.data); // eslint-disable-line
ws.onclose = function() {
tid = setTimeout(reconnect, 1000);
console.log('ws disconnected');
useEffect(() => fetch('api/login').then(login), []);
const login = function(u) {
document.cookie = `access_token=${u.token}; Secure, HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; path=/; max-age=3600`;
if (location.search.substring(1) == 'nows') {
// If query string is ?nows, then do not connect to websocket. For debug.
} else {
watch(); // Connect to websocket, receive constant graph updates
return getconfig();
const logout = ev => {
document.cookie = `access_token=; Secure, HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; path=/; max-age=0`;
useEffect(() => {
// Called once at init time
PubSub.subscribe(msg => msg.name == 'config' && getconfig());
fetch('api/login', {headers: {Authorization: ''}})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(r => login(r))
.catch(err => setUser(''));
}, []);
if (!user) return html`<${Login} login=${login} />`;
if (loading) return ''; // Show blank page on initial load
if (!user) return html`<${Login} loginFn=${login} logoIcon=${Logo}
title="Device Dashboard Login"
tipText="To login, use: admin/admin, user1/user1, user2/user2" />`; // If not logged in, show login screen
return html`
<${Nav} user=${user} logout=${logout} />
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-6"><${Hero} /></div>
<div class="col col-6"><${Chart} /></div>
<div class="col col-6">
${user == 'admin' && h(Configuration, {config})}
<div class="col col-6"><${Messages} config=${config} /></div>
<div class="min-h-screen bg-slate-100">
<${Sidebar} url=${url} show=${showSidebar} />
<${Header} logout=${logout} user=${user} showSidebar=${showSidebar} setShowSidebar=${setShowSidebar} />
<div class="${showSidebar && 'pl-72'} transition-all duration-300 transform">
<${Router} onChange=${ev => setUrl(ev.url)} history=${History.createHashHistory()} >
<${Main} default=${true} />
<${Settings} path="settings" />
window.onload = () => render(h(App), document.body);
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#include <time.h>
static const unsigned char v1[] = {
31, 139, 8, 8, 219, 27, 244, 98, 0, 3, 112, 114, // .......b..pr
101, 97, 99, 116, 46, 109, 105, 110, 46, 106, 115, 0, // eact.min.js.
157, 91, 123, 119, 219, 182, 146, 255, 127, 63, 69, 164, // .[{w.....?E.
211, 163, 18, 43, 68, 177, 147, 182, 187, 75, 5, 213, // ...+D....K..
105, 29, 183, 238, 109, 234, 230, 38, 105, 123, 123, 85, // i...m..&i{{U
93, 30, 138, 132, 44, 214, 20, 169, 242, 97, 91, 53, // ]...,....a[5
245, 221, 247, 55, 3, 128, 164, 108, 185, 247, 236, 158, // ...7...l....
36, 34, 30, 131, 1, 48, 47, 204, 12, 144, 155, 176, // $"...0/.....
120, 166, 101, 38, 3, 89, 201, 92, 22, 178, 150, 169, // x.e&.Y......
186, 223, 203, 68, 205, 23, 50, 82, 47, 194, 40, 169, // ...D..2R/.(.
26, 125, 231, 205, 252, 178, 185, 106, 178, 102, 219, 124, // .}.....j.f.|
34, 154, 98, 187, 110, 174, 138, 36, 110, 242, 219, 178, // ".b.n..$n...
217, 100, 81, 147, 85, 183, 77, 146, 233, 121, 180, 94, // .dQ.U.M..y.^
52, 127, 230, 121, 243, 175, 188, 136, 155, 164, 210, 69, // 4..y.......E
248, 34, 153, 174, 234, 44, 170, 146, 60, 123, 86, 122, // ."...,..<{Vz
152, 72, 220, 175, 242, 194, 187, 193, 172, 193, 179, 36, // .H.........$
123, 150, 9, 61, 15, 22, 42, 195, 207, 180, 208, 85, // {..=..*....U
93, 100, 207, 244, 190, 29, 177, 242, 180, 184, 39, 216, // ]d........'.
76, 233, 201, 54, 44, 116, 86, 93, 230, 177, 158, 102, // L..6,tV]...f
163, 81, 54, 41, 244, 38, 191, 209, 103, 235, 36, 141, // .Q6).&..g.$.
1, 214, 13, 10, 61, 222, 141, 25, 216, 109, 105, 74, // ....=....miJ
243, 214, 52, 103, 32, 134, 215, 122, 55, 84, 170, 158, // ..4g ..z7T..
229, 42, 152, 215, 11, 127, 88, 232, 21, 215, 11, 83, // .*....X....S
79, 241, 195, 165, 105, 178, 242, 194, 226, 170, 222, 96, // O...i......`
230, 114, 146, 234, 236, 170, 90, 127, 249, 114, 52, 242, // .r....Z..r4.
210, 73, 68, 19, 99, 69, 234, 81, 255, 171, 153, 158, // .ID.cE.Q....
68, 97, 154, 118, 35, 229, 75, 225, 87, 66, 14, 221, // Da.v#.K.WB..
26, 49, 87, 181, 219, 234, 124, 245, 140, 118, 82, 167, // .1W...|..vR.
233, 64, 101, 147, 88, 175, 194, 58, 173, 222, 21, 249, // .@e.X..:....
182, 20, 237, 98, 31, 180, 223, 228, 73, 252, 236, 68, // ...b....I..D
41, 69, 75, 164, 117, 208, 74, 15, 97, 208, 34, 28, // )EK.u.J.a.".
45, 183, 160, 69, 202, 124, 165, 89, 122, 68, 218, 130, // -..E.|.YzD..
23, 150, 225, 134, 80, 32, 17, 45, 201, 215, 114, 75, // ....P .-..rK
72, 252, 74, 130, 70, 62, 0, 244, 202, 47, 100, 16, // H.J.F>.../d.
92, 251, 132, 1, 5, 247, 93, 250, 39, 248, 213, 174, // ......].'...
26, 251, 102, 105, 40, 70, 174, 109, 109, 10, 81, 158, // ..fi(F.mm.Q.
149, 85, 81, 71, 85, 94, 116, 64, 55, 220, 71, 52, // .UQGU^t@7.G4
31, 143, 3, 191, 222, 187, 21, 59, 106, 220, 100, 96, // .......;j.d`
52, 177, 153, 11, 94, 42, 100, 218, 173, 126, 77, 114, // 4...^*d..~Mr
225, 196, 165, 229, 68, 215, 31, 27, 73, 171, 214, 73, // ....D...I..I
57, 225, 237, 40, 236, 150, 42, 88, 74, 165, 239, 42, // 9..(..*XJ..*
213, 131, 189, 49, 176, 96, 180, 89, 80, 38, 90, 196, // ...1.`.YP&Z.
65, 48, 67, 47, 62, 146, 126, 240, 247, 122, 146, 100, // A0C/>.~..z.d
177, 190, 251, 145, 228, 114, 124, 42, 120, 11, 211, 86, // .....r|*x..V
158, 167, 217, 107, 205, 64, 70, 14, 166, 217, 120, 44, // ...k.@F...x,
44, 218, 129, 242, 2, 197, 157, 243, 108, 33, 28, 207, // ,.......l!..
9, 165, 118, 211, 113, 197, 82, 225, 136, 160, 232, 9, // ..v.q.R.....
21, 104, 61, 102, 218, 110, 3, 187, 86, 73, 100, 48, // .h=f.n..VId0
237, 230, 211, 60, 95, 59, 23, 85, 34, 163, 124, 84, // ...<_;.U".|T
52, 189, 209, 100, 25, 150, 90, 49, 151, 50, 117, 242, // 4..d..Z1.2u.
255, 220, 192, 253, 35, 132, 102, 47, 203, 66, 135, 215, // ....#.f/.B..
123, 187, 61, 90, 229, 190, 91, 244, 134, 22, 237, 13, // {.=Z..[.....
104, 76, 12, 49, 230, 175, 26, 156, 0, 115, 53, 217, // hL.1.....s5.
214, 37, 49, 120, 52, 26, 92, 161, 185, 24, 143, 155, // .%1x4.......
166, 24, 40, 150, 242, 101, 14, 4, 250, 189, 6, 23, // ..(..e......
138, 36, 187, 2, 140, 231, 21, 71, 123, 154, 38, 23, // .$.....G{.&.
222, 85, 79, 226, 175, 188, 206, 244, 232, 41, 99, 86, // .UO......)cV
149, 219, 169, 208, 40, 151, 121, 81, 121, 14, 222, 72, // ....(.yQy..H
69, 79, 20, 110, 240, 111, 249, 60, 115, 165, 189, 144, // EO.n.o.<s...
21, 217, 72, 141, 97, 27, 221, 27, 214, 242, 194, 233, // ..H.a.......
215, 212, 109, 178, 80, 94, 174, 60, 152, 50, 65, 72, // ..m.P^.<.2AH
232, 71, 75, 175, 86, 132, 242, 29, 237, 36, 32, 124, // .GK.V....$ |
94, 165, 74, 15, 6, 56, 23, 12, 165, 114, 250, 29, // ^.J..8...r..
159, 202, 119, 94, 13, 116, 149, 36, 232, 76, 26, 53, // ..w^.t.$.L.5
2, 81, 234, 73, 126, 155, 233, 226, 195, 207, 223, 158, // .Q.I~.......
167, 154, 108, 141, 52, 156, 161, 97, 235, 217, 188, 88, // ..l.4..a...X
88, 93, 148, 70, 184, 11, 8, 80, 46, 160, 208, 220, // X].F...P....
47, 228, 27, 47, 192, 76, 92, 211, 3, 85, 140, 70, // /../.L...U.F
59, 116, 11, 177, 239, 209, 237, 218, 59, 60, 30, 34, // ;t......;<."
89, 202, 149, 217, 100, 40, 99, 185, 147, 27, 121, 37, // Y...d(c...y%
175, 229, 157, 188, 80, 21, 113, 15, 34, 210, 52, 137, // ....P.q.".4.
60, 87, 23, 142, 184, 68, 117, 214, 30, 218, 95, 8, // <W...Du..._.
49, 11, 95, 103, 174, 47, 60, 16, 177, 13, 75, 206, // 1._g./<...K.
245, 60, 92, 40, 179, 94, 180, 100, 168, 129, 155, 195, // .<.(.^.d....
101, 158, 167, 58, 236, 105, 196, 102, 70, 48, 254, 16, // e..:.i.fF0..
182, 5, 12, 239, 181, 3, 56, 171, 55, 75, 93, 28, // ......8.7K].
182, 45, 147, 171, 36, 171, 250, 227, 183, 60, 47, 54, // .-..$....</6
96, 20, 128, 203, 194, 255, 170, 40, 194, 221, 36, 41, // `......(..$)
249, 235, 109, 4, 192, 214, 242, 222, 25, 25, 127, 179, // ..m.........
239, 129, 179, 85, 245, 55, 36, 16, 95, 158, 0, 112, // ...U.7$._..p
195, 90, 42, 55, 198, 234, 224, 11, 35, 106, 17, 51, // .Z*7....#j.3
207, 253, 141, 96, 83, 67, 53, 21, 112, 227, 146, 247, // ...`SC5.p...
188, 4, 139, 205, 150, 149, 183, 83, 23, 102, 207, 187, // .......S.f..
209, 136, 49, 40, 181, 163, 15, 213, 8, 189, 162, 58, // ..1(.......:
21, 4, 193, 41, 35, 11, 83, 157, 150, 250, 25, 145, // ...)#.S.....
58, 6, 133, 227, 215, 231, 211, 24, 164, 165, 185, 24, // :...........
95, 76, 74, 251, 215, 200, 238, 9, 202, 97, 51, 186, // _LJ......a3.
187, 99, 54, 236, 223, 65, 4, 54, 114, 167, 118, 77, // .c6..A.6r.vM
147, 30, 72, 129, 188, 82, 27, 35, 198, 49, 10, 56, // ..H..R.#.1.8
42, 48, 201, 142, 190, 3, 69, 2, 127, 215, 52, 222, // *0....E...4.
29, 152, 46, 36, 55, 142, 70, 119, 70, 183, 185, 230, // ...$7.FwF...
232, 45, 109, 99, 204, 212, 136, 154, 230, 10, 141, 194, // .-mc........
138, 241, 213, 204, 90, 229, 107, 160, 187, 86, 87, 71, // ....Z.k..VWG
207, 80, 179, 17, 103, 147, 8, 203, 53, 237, 142, 4, // .P..g...5...
142, 54, 135, 239, 108, 195, 246, 165, 84, 75, 111, 131, // .6..l...TKo.
133, 195, 132, 150, 234, 204, 108, 74, 94, 64, 124, 75, // ......lJ^@|K
33, 87, 144, 144, 124, 203, 136, 161, 86, 129, 177, 182, // !W..|...V...
71, 38, 11, 236, 100, 44, 209, 64, 41, 124, 61, 185, // G&..d,.@)|=.
9, 211, 90, 171, 225, 16, 104, 105, 255, 100, 12, 21, // ..Z...hi.d..
74, 101, 207, 101, 129, 1, 198, 152, 82, 221, 120, 59, // Je.e....R.x;
168, 151, 211, 8, 173, 174, 161, 16, 231, 211, 240, 249, // ............
243, 169, 48, 203, 39, 150, 2, 242, 47, 102, 238, 224, // ..0.'.../f..
8, 195, 104, 228, 74, 138, 5, 41, 110, 151, 118, 227, // ..h.J..)n.v.
85, 50, 196, 41, 37, 228, 79, 30, 193, 72, 150, 42, // U2.)%.O..H.*
65, 71, 196, 29, 251, 23, 70, 21, 239, 250, 170, 248, // AG....F.....
209, 187, 35, 200, 187, 249, 120, 220, 126, 122, 182, 96, // ..#...x.~z.`
105, 108, 129, 209, 126, 24, 4, 86, 237, 10, 104, 170, // il..~..V..h.
195, 131, 163, 2, 42, 216, 58, 115, 94, 84, 36, 122, // ....*.:s^T$z
30, 153, 24, 156, 194, 153, 58, 178, 179, 220, 80, 123, // ......:...P{
233, 229, 140, 221, 63, 35, 171, 132, 63, 60, 222, 24, // ....?#..?<..
39, 24, 227, 214, 169, 233, 29, 222, 103, 125, 227, 100, // '.......g}.d
150, 5, 111, 79, 38, 180, 201, 214, 70, 146, 201, 140, // ..oO&...F...
133, 49, 180, 49, 27, 208, 248, 64, 105, 218, 163, 63, // .1.1...@i..?
192, 161, 1, 43, 216, 52, 166, 154, 247, 248, 39, 180, // ...+.4....'.
223, 130, 1, 160, 56, 96, 45, 44, 186, 158, 132, 219, // ....8`-,....
45, 14, 31, 227, 142, 194, 164, 214, 172, 58, 60, 1, // -........:<.
31, 59, 169, 42, 224, 84, 159, 76, 81, 72, 39, 25, // .;.*.T.LQH'.
124, 144, 15, 201, 50, 53, 71, 88, 242, 186, 61, 135, // |...25GX..=.
146, 177, 122, 73, 246, 144, 102, 23, 172, 131, 56, 171, // ..zI..f...8.
52, 188, 142, 82, 23, 213, 215, 26, 136, 180, 71, 59, // 4..R......G;
5, 250, 194, 157, 172, 221, 89, 48, 171, 253, 188, 143, // ......Y0....
187, 163, 211, 157, 99, 220, 240, 57, 200, 14, 155, 122, // ....c..9...z
178, 128, 147, 90, 106, 246, 24, 129, 122, 231, 49, 225, // ...Zj...z.1.
53, 14, 119, 107, 121, 131, 217, 112, 232, 59, 59, 58, // 5.wky..p.;;:
104, 101, 176, 105, 162, 73, 165, 203, 202, 203, 196, 44, // he.i.I.....,
240, 131, 241, 112, 123, 55, 236, 166, 185, 232, 216, 97, // ...p{7.....a
152, 81, 76, 153, 110, 176, 209, 187, 84, 243, 204, 194, // .QL.n...T...
84, 15, 77, 118, 0, 250, 49, 200, 36, 42, 203, 143, // T.Mv..1.$*..
228, 160, 5, 134, 114, 199, 128, 43, 246, 23, 14, 193, // ....r..+....
43, 210, 62, 248, 252, 68, 233, 140, 220, 230, 74, 4, // +.>..D....J.
208, 20, 246, 246, 155, 230, 206, 193, 99, 113, 128, 35, // ........cq.#
225, 8, 58, 208, 64, 0, 99, 64, 59, 199, 20, 248, // ..:.@.c@;...
28, 194, 83, 135, 216, 59, 57, 25, 230, 142, 124, 163, // ..S..;9...|.
209, 48, 51, 229, 211, 133, 128, 11, 2, 250, 227, 104, // .03........h
167, 168, 100, 155, 134, 145, 246, 94, 156, 133, 91, 176, // ..d....^..[.
71, 127, 242, 130, 166, 132, 61, 67, 95, 149, 191, 205, // G.....=C_...
111, 117, 113, 6, 23, 201, 19, 152, 89, 207, 30, 180, // ouq.....Y...
77, 202, 52, 193, 88, 68, 11, 89, 91, 132, 22, 164, // M.4.XD.Y[...
176, 163, 248, 69, 16, 195, 181, 121, 54, 46, 16, 158, // ...E...y6...
200, 96, 86, 53, 13, 4, 47, 142, 207, 111, 32, 139, // .`V5../..o .
111, 147, 178, 210, 240, 5, 192, 202, 98, 246, 193, 63, // o.......b..?
135, 152, 192, 54, 153, 40, 233, 41, 128, 86, 1, 134, // ...6.(.).V..
113, 152, 93, 233, 34, 175, 203, 116, 247, 65, 87, 223, // q.]."..t.AW.
101, 128, 187, 248, 248, 195, 91, 50, 134, 198, 59, 206, // e.....[2..;.
197, 193, 246, 238, 32, 96, 215, 243, 11, 127, 189, 192, // .... `......
6, 215, 67, 209, 245, 148, 151, 225, 134, 183, 93, 14, // ..C.......].
123, 248, 215, 20, 98, 17, 50, 16, 46, 197, 66, 92, // {...b.2...B.
25, 108, 216, 184, 114, 21, 46, 191, 35, 255, 218, 213, // .l..r...#...
99, 248, 54, 105, 30, 198, 182, 206, 220, 210, 162, 42, // c.6i.......*
118, 247, 15, 5, 53, 152, 90, 101, 217, 71, 97, 21, // v...5.Ze.Ga.
113, 120, 176, 63, 102, 66, 65, 72, 235, 185, 66, 136, // qx.?fBAH..B.
6, 167, 3, 214, 249, 97, 216, 99, 106, 209, 50, 213, // .....a.cj.2.
40, 200, 87, 21, 196, 111, 89, 87, 218, 106, 136, 37, // (.W..oYW.j.%
104, 175, 89, 244, 253, 218, 115, 154, 154, 67, 141, 116, // h.Y...s..C.t
110, 92, 246, 241, 224, 116, 225, 101, 19, 77, 28, 152, // n....t.e.M..
217, 47, 57, 241, 253, 144, 245, 195, 145, 81, 39, 255, // ./9......Q'.
118, 20, 29, 203, 189, 176, 93, 38, 50, 50, 90, 183, // v.....]&22Z.
146, 161, 220, 202, 27, 235, 155, 45, 229, 25, 121, 103, // .......-..yg
240, 200, 204, 9, 114, 96, 27, 131, 73, 47, 58, 19, // ....r`..I/:.
189, 24, 108, 106, 232, 68, 254, 220, 26, 180, 138, 76, // ..lj.D.....L
9, 38, 204, 156, 91, 21, 27, 101, 42, 175, 77, 248, // .&..[..e*.M.
80, 171, 121, 130, 131, 222, 91, 177, 153, 93, 194, 172, // P.y...[..]..
145, 146, 77, 153, 89, 108, 2, 30, 115, 227, 156, 229, // ..M.Yl..s...
138, 252, 31, 227, 45, 157, 41, 140, 62, 119, 49, 218, // ....-.).>w1.
71, 242, 73, 70, 163, 124, 190, 34, 183, 0, 135, 145, // G.IF.|."....
90, 205, 206, 102, 103, 6, 214, 28, 185, 62, 117, 33, // Z..fg....>u!
70, 165, 197, 68, 179, 43, 133, 19, 141, 86, 100, 214, // F..D.+...Vd.
26, 145, 255, 172, 66, 252, 156, 251, 222, 16, 163, 170, // ....B.......
156, 230, 29, 66, 134, 206, 71, 163, 243, 73, 219, 2, // ...B..G..I..
142, 82, 208, 48, 51, 67, 67, 149, 233, 91, 176, 113, // .R.03CC..[.q
41, 239, 132, 239, 245, 219, 98, 110, 147, 97, 159, 98, // ).....bn.a.b
234, 28, 117, 51, 94, 125, 37, 228, 217, 104, 116, 54, // ..u3^}%..ht6
41, 235, 165, 23, 18, 156, 137, 60, 151, 40, 149, 85, // )......<.(.U
88, 105, 200, 158, 45, 177, 34, 135, 109, 48, 122, 39, // Xi..-.".m0z'
105, 149, 153, 202, 229, 150, 215, 75, 129, 16, 55, 173, // i......K..7.
217, 119, 50, 98, 78, 117, 248, 20, 30, 127, 149, 69, // .w2bNu.....E
228, 220, 164, 243, 201, 149, 174, 222, 32, 240, 185, 209, // ........ ...
241, 7, 234, 248, 166, 200, 55, 156, 12, 104, 71, 184, // ......7..hG.
33, 109, 3, 71, 25, 92, 132, 117, 42, 77, 163, 124, // !m.G...u*M.|
26, 145, 183, 116, 192, 66, 222, 40, 187, 57, 248, 132, // ...t.B.(.9..
22, 173, 220, 10, 179, 206, 191, 90, 138, 89, 44, 109, // .......Z.Y,m
124, 179, 205, 51, 72, 244, 47, 73, 154, 254, 128, 192, // |..3H./I....
13, 6, 248, 88, 171, 231, 246, 215, 235, 124, 147, 196, // ...X.....|..
237, 8, 80, 200, 248, 142, 71, 250, 69, 123, 128, 252, // ..P...G.E{..
251, 117, 45, 161, 8, 55, 79, 44, 239, 189, 142, 52, // .u-..7O,...4
198, 88, 200, 191, 232, 52, 210, 49, 8, 141, 83, 230, // .X...4.1..S.
112, 149, 235, 188, 78, 227, 51, 55, 232, 167, 109, 204, // p...N.37..m.
60, 24, 156, 42, 245, 84, 175, 163, 52, 208, 53, 77, // <..*.T..4.5M
192, 65, 160, 98, 137, 190, 17, 247, 143, 132, 202, 200, // .A.b........
5, 43, 226, 205, 192, 130, 89, 22, 67, 140, 78, 5, // .+....Y.C.N.
163, 186, 161, 195, 226, 129, 218, 94, 115, 249, 218, 148, // .......^s...
39, 176, 194, 231, 33, 236, 102, 63, 140, 213, 54, 46, // '...!.f?..6.
87, 129, 216, 27, 60, 107, 235, 166, 140, 70, 169, 165, // W...<k...F..
187, 104, 237, 238, 81, 226, 185, 237, 30, 109, 238, 237, // .h..Q....m..
243, 40, 155, 187, 193, 45, 159, 219, 229, 17, 37, 30, // .(...-....%.
195, 122, 108, 242, 40, 122, 61, 84, 174, 227, 52, 179, // .zl.(z=T..4.
166, 170, 176, 166, 74, 58, 154, 181, 36, 163, 239, 59, // ....J:..$..;
248, 172, 43, 229, 116, 220, 115, 114, 239, 164, 190, 157, // ..+.t.sr....
71, 60, 64, 238, 54, 4, 161, 99, 151, 240, 204, 128, // G<@.6..c....
145, 35, 12, 205, 179, 17, 190, 124, 212, 239, 145, 122, // .#.....|...z
109, 157, 3, 202, 221, 31, 178, 112, 11, 57, 177, 222, // m......p.9..
159, 217, 40, 76, 201, 230, 233, 94, 34, 3, 208, 92, // ..(L...^"...
40, 179, 8, 196, 93, 43, 23, 234, 173, 141, 100, 42, // (...]+....d*
181, 162, 24, 112, 182, 178, 214, 180, 13, 110, 87, 146, // ...p.....nW.
194, 253, 195, 8, 248, 66, 204, 46, 252, 249, 197, 226, // .....B......
209, 89, 131, 229, 119, 217, 158, 254, 89, 240, 132, 172, // .Y..w...Y...
200, 43, 43, 153, 231, 76, 36, 134, 53, 100, 215, 32, // .++..L$.5d.
187, 241, 177, 108, 82, 16, 14, 89, 95, 240, 103, 222, // ...lR..Y_.g.
67, 145, 181, 162, 44, 124, 83, 185, 245, 172, 100, 247, // C...,|S...d.
150, 24, 137, 41, 179, 56, 78, 86, 43, 29, 91, 46, // ...).8NV+.[.
119, 254, 129, 153, 128, 215, 235, 69, 134, 226, 3, 85, // w......E...U
11, 27, 62, 105, 149, 216, 29, 13, 6, 145, 172, 231, // ..>i........
117, 155, 249, 75, 196, 194, 174, 156, 164, 71, 155, 51, // u..K.....G.3
184, 239, 2, 188, 161, 38, 113, 79, 189, 17, 37, 48, // .....&qO..%0
241, 65, 60, 163, 197, 163, 84, 17, 128, 248, 120, 100, // .A<...T...xd
2, 174, 237, 116, 199, 83, 74, 54, 161, 76, 154, 216, // ...t.SJ6.L..
237, 160, 157, 159, 109, 195, 190, 159, 180, 185, 245, 250, // ....m.......
41, 155, 214, 49, 40, 217, 49, 88, 131, 118, 70, 140, // )..1(.1X.vF.
227, 246, 236, 221, 89, 231, 64, 110, 16, 163, 176, 215, // ....Y.@n....
125, 67, 46, 183, 218, 113, 222, 106, 112, 226, 84, 180, // }C...q.jp.T.
102, 191, 121, 186, 121, 93, 187, 144, 101, 99, 50, 56, // f.y.y]..ec28
136, 109, 235, 249, 134, 67, 189, 146, 60, 40, 136, 232, // .m...C..<(..
110, 6, 127, 38, 199, 194, 201, 33, 4, 42, 255, 21, // n..&...!.*..
194, 226, 9, 165, 115, 249, 108, 23, 216, 129, 42, 37, // ....s.l...*%
141, 50, 177, 146, 201, 57, 244, 18, 177, 157, 245, 86, // .2...9.....V
59, 231, 155, 196, 121, 196, 57, 245, 73, 4, 232, 74, // ;...y.9.I..J
147, 247, 79, 65, 152, 23, 139, 105, 166, 138, 217, 131, // ..OA...i....
110, 155, 20, 187, 252, 0, 7, 180, 170, 182, 254, 139, // n...........
23, 183, 183, 183, 147, 219, 87, 147, 188, 184, 122, 241, // ......W...z.
242, 228, 228, 228, 5, 237, 19, 234, 226, 31, 31, 232, // ............
237, 100, 12, 69, 24, 141, 98, 23, 209, 201, 136, 100, // .d.E..b....d
181, 191, 176, 53, 126, 99, 196, 69, 196, 107, 168, 95, // ...5~c.E.k._
104, 170, 158, 173, 196, 221, 65, 84, 147, 92, 91, 78, // h.....AT..[N
102, 70, 231, 104, 233, 37, 116, 64, 121, 45, 83, 154, // fF.h.%t@y-S.
38, 21, 147, 39, 188, 113, 56, 8, 241, 147, 125, 131, // &..'.q8...}.
168, 37, 152, 227, 211, 154, 174, 114, 136, 163, 155, 215, // .%.....r....
217, 36, 116, 46, 107, 217, 103, 221, 122, 222, 239, 1, // .$t.k.g.z...
47, 38, 25, 184, 69, 119, 10, 135, 173, 236, 112, 77, // /&..Ew....pM
61, 216, 166, 144, 120, 188, 37, 85, 30, 141, 182, 36, // =...x.%U...$
179, 213, 198, 250, 39, 84, 106, 154, 174, 13, 72, 18, // ....'Tj...H.
183, 60, 193, 36, 105, 171, 106, 219, 13, 134, 7, 142, // .<.$i.j.....
8, 137, 104, 218, 79, 190, 30, 134, 145, 180, 155, 194, // ..h.O.......
94, 222, 56, 107, 69, 242, 137, 88, 220, 94, 230, 112, // ^.8kE..X.^.p
88, 206, 55, 38, 77, 67, 113, 168, 185, 242, 64, 252, // X.7&MCq...@.
86, 44, 160, 159, 29, 130, 76, 228, 20, 118, 56, 111, // V,....L..v8o
180, 13, 109, 51, 0, 2, 217, 211, 200, 135, 76, 2, // ..m3......L.
87, 137, 214, 58, 186, 214, 177, 173, 210, 44, 28, 55, // W..:.....,.7
16, 14, 59, 59, 77, 108, 103, 223, 67, 29, 99, 185, // ..;;Mlg.C.c.
70, 43, 172, 230, 86, 184, 100, 104, 27, 29, 109, 156, // F+..V.dh..m.
30, 182, 150, 24, 118, 56, 147, 143, 50, 145, 27, 31, // ....v8..2...
172, 112, 138, 109, 130, 39, 157, 92, 101, 63, 46, 127, // .p.m.'..e?..
215, 17, 71, 84, 59, 214, 246, 122, 86, 35, 152, 241, // ..GT;..zV#..
43, 147, 9, 163, 60, 16, 244, 55, 58, 84, 225, 141, // +...<..7:T..
234, 52, 184, 203, 62, 145, 50, 146, 161, 100, 85, 158, // .4..>.2..dU.
194, 44, 122, 118, 215, 32, 92, 12, 84, 46, 108, 192, // .,zv. ..T.l.
240, 216, 136, 4, 9, 195, 134, 147, 44, 92, 5, 101, // ........,..e
176, 145, 171, 66, 151, 165, 53, 31, 131, 13, 64, 46, // ...B..5...@.
176, 27, 139, 9, 49, 201, 218, 192, 74, 242, 79, 90, // ....1...J.OZ
66, 30, 155, 193, 246, 81, 234, 146, 167, 176, 117, 139, // B....Q....u.
207, 141, 100, 140, 182, 66, 56, 197, 254, 113, 162, 232, // ..d..B8..q..
163, 181, 211, 108, 113, 143, 93, 175, 204, 180, 199, 225, // ...lq.].....
93, 84, 23, 148, 216, 81, 193, 99, 59, 123, 96, 229, // ]T...Q.c;{`.
127, 114, 8, 237, 45, 35, 223, 188, 76, 234, 108, 99, // .r..-#..L.lc
156, 211, 182, 8, 4, 146, 83, 97, 38, 59, 234, 229, // ......Sa&;..
110, 6, 132, 54, 174, 72, 25, 36, 154, 163, 105, 62, // n..6.H.$..i>
82, 10, 140, 197, 182, 77, 129, 218, 60, 90, 100, 18, // R....M..<Zd.
199, 249, 3, 79, 202, 76, 194, 49, 241, 241, 46, 239, // ...O.L.1....
216, 129, 33, 246, 185, 57, 186, 115, 118, 113, 56, 201, // ..!..9.svq8.
75, 200, 77, 198, 142, 229, 163, 128, 213, 40, 94, 231, // K.M......(^.
78, 70, 10, 152, 138, 28, 194, 60, 26, 253, 228, 229, // NF.....<....
44, 217, 242, 136, 14, 153, 216, 21, 81, 159, 243, 96, // ,.......Q..`
236, 182, 86, 230, 206, 73, 200, 238, 166, 200, 165, 224, // ..V..I......
58, 138, 126, 229, 114, 84, 150, 123, 238, 194, 206, 197, // :.~.rT.{....
90, 102, 225, 45, 248, 15, 94, 223, 64, 144, 220, 79, // Zf.-..^.@..O
105, 127, 230, 196, 165, 62, 178, 216, 216, 198, 177, 124, // i....>.....|
163, 48, 87, 7, 57, 241, 128, 239, 43, 140, 99, 193, // .0W.9...+.c.
151, 222, 239, 160, 46, 129, 242, 6, 208, 175, 28, 29, // ............
130, 117, 53, 244, 214, 134, 47, 243, 0, 17, 89, 77, // .u5.../...YM
121, 240, 180, 187, 132, 169, 30, 93, 194, 240, 232, 217, // y......]....
60, 95, 248, 181, 153, 170, 154, 172, 146, 162, 52, 190, // <_........4.
158, 187, 30, 174, 250, 103, 128, 185, 167, 73, 236, 200, // .....g...I..
28, 227, 106, 162, 213, 193, 64, 74, 252, 189, 241, 146, // ..j...@J....
3, 50, 124, 99, 46, 170, 248, 2, 82, 221, 243, 229, // .2|c....R...
171, 26, 226, 115, 54, 28, 215, 227, 49, 221, 215, 106, // ...s6...1..j
9, 231, 178, 196, 225, 86, 248, 79, 92, 110, 57, 163, // .....V.O.n9.
227, 101, 98, 47, 17, 204, 220, 36, 241, 1, 176, 69, // .eb/...$...E
47, 171, 105, 159, 53, 15, 92, 87, 216, 10, 119, 129, // /.i.5..W..w.
133, 240, 150, 242, 51, 4, 37, 143, 129, 170, 158, 31, // ....3.%.....
239, 48, 238, 13, 228, 209, 136, 72, 245, 151, 210, 93, // .0.....H...]
234, 26, 43, 194, 202, 195, 37, 114, 26, 217, 115, 66, // ..+...%r..sB
8, 96, 177, 213, 203, 131, 177, 129, 187, 91, 156, 186, // .`.......[..
71, 5, 199, 84, 102, 122, 188, 185, 191, 106, 76, 180, // G..Tfz...jL.
229, 252, 92, 208, 187, 17, 150, 48, 103, 252, 50, 129, // .......0g.2.
185, 75, 215, 157, 36, 240, 237, 237, 116, 123, 197, 29, // .K..$...t{..
76, 28, 141, 57, 186, 154, 56, 246, 244, 51, 31, 176, // L..9..8..3..
63, 112, 65, 77, 18, 80, 102, 196, 88, 253, 128, 123, // ?pAM.Pf.X..{
237, 181, 51, 105, 193, 52, 227, 88, 102, 202, 158, 88, // ..3i.4.Xf..X
192, 229, 136, 46, 80, 233, 164, 97, 227, 64, 237, 213, // ....P..a.@..
131, 108, 143, 139, 82, 171, 99, 161, 241, 121, 81, 228, // .l..R.c..yQ.
5, 59, 195, 37, 162, 12, 106, 245, 158, 134, 195, 102, // .;.%..j....f
133, 204, 205, 253, 131, 179, 91, 193, 65, 128, 118, 70, // ......[.A.vF
54, 136, 209, 61, 106, 37, 202, 181, 99, 243, 254, 117, // 6..=j%..c..u
248, 121, 107, 133, 177, 95, 173, 178, 125, 181, 46, 242, // .yk.._..}...
91, 4, 155, 123, 104, 232, 9, 60, 179, 46, 135, 227, // [..{h..<....
22, 169, 14, 137, 100, 238, 229, 3, 27, 9, 177, 76, // ....d......L
112, 26, 197, 149, 72, 121, 89, 80, 104, 236, 204, 181, // p...HyYPh...
250, 174, 96, 146, 36, 29, 196, 209, 235, 39, 142, 147, // ..`.$....'..
149, 54, 65, 29, 226, 200, 78, 64, 65, 20, 116, 150, // .6A...N@A.t.
198, 251, 183, 215, 240, 237, 220, 20, 166, 103, 109, 205, // .........gm.
6, 184, 153, 144, 27, 143, 154, 112, 136, 29, 236, 15, // .......p....
220, 142, 244, 83, 218, 96, 144, 217, 162, 166, 236, 145, // ...S.`......
126, 136, 88, 63, 133, 216, 38, 175, 214, 230, 54, 59, // ~.X?..&...6;
63, 102, 46, 33, 173, 155, 164, 212, 51, 251, 237, 13, // ?f.!....3...
174, 214, 58, 155, 44, 161, 1, 158, 235, 195, 193, 159, // ..:.,.......
167, 55, 26, 113, 172, 15, 150, 124, 76, 54, 58, 175, // .7.q...|L6:.
43, 105, 110, 219, 79, 96, 144, 79, 88, 243, 222, 202, // +in.O`.OX...
75, 249, 139, 124, 143, 150, 239, 104, 214, 31, 77, 206, // K..|...h..M.
80, 254, 108, 2, 114, 249, 71, 27, 181, 201, 175, 141, // P.l.r.G.....
44, 203, 79, 84, 123, 162, 118, 15, 138, 126, 239, 34, // ,.OT{.v..~."
173, 181, 177, 251, 107, 239, 82, 106, 249, 30, 14, 153, // ....k.Rj....
32, 244, 60, 89, 165, 46, 209, 115, 1, 251, 196, 95, // .<Y...s..._
210, 37, 31, 147, 210, 243, 148, 249, 98, 223, 222, 42, // .%......b..*
233, 47, 57, 164, 108, 195, 86, 174, 48, 237, 40, 91, // ./9.l.V.0.([
71, 181, 185, 94, 116, 118, 247, 219, 222, 19, 148, 247, // G..^tv......
234, 84, 254, 233, 37, 90, 246, 179, 179, 127, 30, 220, // .T..%Z......
149, 169, 223, 189, 183, 48, 199, 47, 219, 233, 170, 73, // .....0./...I
69, 143, 82, 38, 124, 229, 201, 209, 171, 154, 7, 179, // E.R&|.......
0, 18, 224, 39, 218, 230, 103, 33, 193, 242, 209, 195, // ...'..g!....
2, 172, 178, 98, 120, 184, 120, 146, 206, 90, 83, 52, // ...bx.x..ZS4
41, 114, 139, 40, 51, 235, 61, 93, 44, 204, 12, 157, // )r.(3.=],...
14, 99, 47, 98, 111, 91, 213, 165, 217, 87, 183, 230, // .c/bo[...W..
191, 25, 130, 246, 87, 252, 74, 76, 7, 153, 81, 154, // ....W.JL..Q.
84, 51, 250, 11, 73, 175, 74, 204, 76, 102, 7, 23, // T3..I.J.Lf..
42, 144, 76, 219, 78, 222, 42, 209, 35, 197, 247, 143, // *.L.N.*.#...
209, 126, 246, 127, 64, 123, 12, 229, 223, 15, 200, 255, // .~..@{......
185, 252, 213, 123, 116, 166, 220, 91, 239, 202, 39, 123, // ...{t..[..'{
49, 239, 95, 99, 254, 195, 177, 230, 189, 250, 66, 126, // 1._c......B~
223, 31, 249, 132, 103, 152, 145, 60, 155, 124, 152, 243, // ....g..<.|..
15, 169, 105, 47, 221, 21, 68, 224, 179, 105, 133, 177, // ..i/..D..i..
34, 83, 216, 205, 244, 107, 255, 116, 54, 59, 255, 175, // "S...k.t6;..
86, 4, 82, 205, 169, 134, 11, 64, 216, 172, 3, 172, // V.R....@....
136, 224, 112, 254, 66, 101, 54, 31, 160, 77, 67, 135, // ..p.Be6..MC.
242, 159, 7, 135, 247, 123, 245, 223, 199, 246, 14, 27, // .....{......
9, 160, 110, 144, 214, 157, 252, 92, 186, 115, 102, 206, // ..n......sf.
126, 37, 52, 193, 174, 236, 127, 68, 119, 66, 69, 116, // ~%4....DwBEt
87, 235, 46, 223, 3, 246, 171, 204, 10, 97, 92, 50, // W........a.2
78, 113, 95, 146, 135, 218, 63, 136, 201, 123, 238, 47, // Nq_...?..{./
52, 211, 78, 61, 235, 82, 191, 209, 203, 250, 234, 103, // 4.N=.R.....g
115, 74, 63, 104, 240, 72, 236, 31, 92, 109, 4, 189, // sJ?h.H...m..
245, 154, 197, 157, 34, 132, 9, 212, 183, 94, 119, 11, // ...."....^w.
108, 4, 229, 242, 241, 129, 194, 154, 254, 168, 245, 192, // l...........
108, 246, 60, 69, 34, 48, 52, 133, 206, 107, 1, 247, // l.<E"04..k..
142, 180, 170, 127, 208, 83, 151, 209, 70, 232, 77, 183, // .....S..F.M.
64, 168, 146, 184, 255, 238, 104, 222, 52, 49, 222, 238, // @.....h.41..
59, 115, 81, 213, 170, 133, 3, 45, 172, 27, 124, 216, // ;sQ....-..|.
90, 247, 91, 97, 19, 237, 185, 23, 136, 251, 126, 171, // Z.[a......~.
77, 57, 153, 247, 104, 156, 242, 97, 3, 186, 103, 243, // M9..h..a..g.
121, 176, 193, 75, 147, 172, 248, 113, 52, 250, 145, 118, // y..K...q4..v
198, 3, 139, 3, 136, 159, 71, 163, 159, 105, 243, 111, // ......G..i.o
173, 153, 204, 148, 119, 105, 35, 13, 154, 145, 222, 88, // ....wi#....X
122, 217, 163, 149, 103, 143, 86, 157, 217, 181, 241, 36, // z...g.V....$
198, 106, 31, 204, 243, 199, 104, 244, 135, 243, 184, 204, // .j....h.....
19, 178, 104, 26, 152, 252, 222, 133, 253, 28, 164, 11, // ..h.........
61, 186, 149, 251, 206, 168, 60, 89, 132, 95, 56, 143, // =.....<Y._8.
80, 232, 63, 106, 93, 86, 95, 101, 201, 38, 36, 204, // P.?j]V_e.&$.
223, 20, 225, 134, 210, 160, 222, 47, 79, 117, 10, 132, // ......./Ou..
29, 143, 31, 101, 245, 157, 184, 40, 213, 97, 97, 143, // ...e...(.aa.
40, 88, 23, 153, 67, 54, 163, 48, 139, 116, 122, 136, // (X..C6.0.tz.
137, 78, 229, 238, 48, 99, 114, 86, 170, 215, 16, 64, // .N..0crV...@
56, 79, 196, 148, 134, 123, 153, 58, 186, 24, 236, 4, // 8O...{.:....
226, 229, 85, 228, 39, 93, 186, 200, 135, 73, 23, 245, // ..U.']...I..
61, 150, 128, 61, 203, 135, 201, 63, 39, 71, 143, 101, // =..=...?'G.e
104, 173, 108, 123, 146, 86, 186, 56, 24, 100, 180, 132, // h.l{.V.8.d..
31, 216, 53, 77, 173, 89, 188, 173, 80, 85, 71, 103, // ..5M.Y..PUGg
209, 230, 20, 245, 116, 203, 79, 82, 184, 86, 230, 170, // ....t.OR.V..
158, 204, 125, 61, 26, 125, 109, 162, 49, 217, 158, 202, // ..}=.}m.1...
7, 60, 255, 100, 52, 250, 228, 33, 207, 233, 210, 221, // .<.d4..!....
242, 155, 53, 195, 113, 190, 191, 169, 167, 115, 155, 140, // ..5.q....s..
42, 215, 199, 220, 147, 163, 4, 239, 156, 132, 162, 111, // *..........o
250, 166, 71, 95, 86, 114, 162, 150, 63, 30, 177, 167, // ..G_Vr..?...
151, 54, 168, 15, 6, 51, 8, 111, 231, 33, 92, 170, // .6...3.o.!..
251, 86, 121, 160, 233, 94, 222, 8, 52, 231, 45, 76, // .Vy..^..4.-L
17, 65, 241, 3, 178, 247, 195, 93, 122, 65, 64, 111, // .A.....]zA@o
161, 251, 105, 220, 228, 0, 237, 177, 231, 195, 179, 140, // ..i.........
31, 132, 238, 105, 137, 209, 161, 247, 219, 75, 79, 76, // ...i.....KOL
233, 114, 27, 122, 238, 98, 134, 66, 157, 34, 184, 207, // .r.z.b.B."..
250, 193, 189, 121, 59, 67, 25, 172, 241, 120, 33, 83, // ...y;C...x!S
78, 101, 193, 254, 99, 92, 163, 234, 217, 169, 255, 146, // Ne..c.......
94, 66, 112, 231, 2, 243, 205, 199, 227, 98, 49, 125, // ^Bp......b1}
165, 232, 209, 73, 69, 184, 83, 255, 51, 91, 57, 93, // ...IE.S.3[9]
40, 147, 143, 154, 132, 101, 153, 92, 101, 30, 53, 53, // (....e..e.55
13, 124, 227, 84, 248, 159, 51, 16, 55, 41, 215, 142, // .|.T..3.7)..
88, 145, 209, 17, 146, 47, 90, 36, 174, 113, 172, 210, // X..../Z$.q..
241, 112, 136, 112, 152, 179, 19, 225, 118, 155, 238, 188, // .p.p....v...
84, 70, 68, 24, 122, 214, 56, 31, 14, 249, 16, 94, // TFD.z.8....^
8, 242, 101, 216, 104, 228, 66, 166, 244, 190, 197, 172, // ..e.h.B.....
253, 165, 143, 77, 20, 207, 95, 98, 251, 156, 146, 83, // ...M.._b...S
57, 142, 114, 11, 153, 182, 153, 34, 132, 159, 244, 14, // 9.r...."....
86, 223, 62, 251, 33, 220, 202, 213, 161, 143, 109, 216, // V.>.!.....m.
15, 231, 22, 225, 143, 241, 161, 219, 51, 136, 146, 154, // ........3...
237, 176, 146, 195, 16, 134, 160, 231, 74, 18, 93, 88, // ........J.]X
167, 169, 242, 88, 109, 146, 160, 4, 68, 65, 93, 127, // ...Xm...DA].
14, 199, 25, 230, 26, 220, 73, 56, 226, 67, 89, 208, // ......I8.CY.
79, 173, 232, 72, 74, 15, 160, 233, 246, 144, 159, 193, // O..HJ.......
0, 95, 174, 242, 238, 237, 197, 191, 126, 43, 255, 243, // ._......~+..
183, 12, 63, 141, 43, 124, 242, 226, 138, 31, 160, 136, // ..?.+|......
89, 109, 54, 141, 224, 0, 81, 22, 229, 226, 29, 138, // Ym6...Q.....
92, 204, 60, 219, 249, 138, 59, 177, 130, 151, 194, 127, // ..<...;.....
105, 32, 134, 147, 201, 132, 82, 121, 57, 84, 196, 225, // i ....Ry9T..
248, 12, 96, 39, 45, 4, 122, 6, 109, 215, 231, 242, // ..`'-.z.m...
68, 194, 71, 192, 12, 213, 151, 234, 115, 122, 159, 155, // D.G.....sz..
55, 205, 0, 166, 145, 88, 95, 145, 163, 99, 1, 43, // 7....X_..c.+
0, 230, 28, 47, 169, 47, 56, 78, 234, 58, 128, 220, // ..././8N.:..
117, 8, 166, 196, 158, 159, 78, 37, 175, 117, 247, 78, // u.....N%.u.N
138, 222, 54, 210, 97, 97, 150, 144, 66, 33, 83, 47, // ..6.aa..B!S/
17, 162, 21, 241, 8, 3, 162, 215, 122, 158, 44, 220, // ........z.,.
152, 8, 99, 16, 242, 163, 101, 14, 167, 135, 7, 206, // ..c...e.....
134, 175, 249, 185, 199, 204, 35, 4, 160, 116, 13, 215, // ......#..t..
88, 189, 18, 126, 62, 86, 25, 75, 52, 64, 158, 63, // X..~>V.K4@.?
183, 219, 31, 126, 105, 129, 29, 131, 0, 167, 178, 113, // ...~i......q
78, 185, 214, 98, 150, 81, 38, 120, 70, 44, 51, 163, // N..b.Q&xF,3.
63, 29, 126, 106, 238, 65, 134, 159, 154, 97, 5, 26, // ?.~j.A...a..
91, 20, 52, 31, 208, 128, 74, 244, 216, 79, 181, 136, // [.4...J..O..
63, 135, 205, 205, 45, 242, 225, 11, 110, 38, 167, 248, // ?...-...n&..
245, 231, 192, 195, 99, 205, 250, 199, 244, 62, 133, 145, // ....c....>..
56, 62, 214, 138, 114, 190, 132, 180, 150, 174, 98, 232, // 8>..r.....b.
249, 18, 212, 172, 168, 3, 28, 27, 62, 27, 218, 69, // ........>..E
253, 86, 181, 165, 172, 45, 21, 7, 171, 123, 105, 232, // .V...-...{i.
208, 206, 49, 28, 180, 164, 192, 74, 63, 147, 118, 22, // ..1....J?.v.
167, 67, 76, 194, 61, 167, 2, 48, 166, 251, 191, 15, // .CL.=..0....
56, 74, 132, 251, 175, 17, 167, 179, 204, 39, 189, 220, // 8J.......'..
155, 168, 49, 20, 83, 125, 183, 205, 139, 234, 62, 124, // ..1.S}....>|
22, 150, 207, 214, 208, 60, 254, 86, 155, 84, 254, 64, // .....<.V.T.@
37, 19, 157, 202, 152, 202, 109, 82, 72, 126, 67, 85, // %.....mRH~CU
115, 79, 99, 51, 74, 242, 91, 106, 130, 91, 201, 81, // sOc3J.[j.[.Q
142, 252, 211, 214, 222, 235, 184, 142, 48, 254, 111, 182, // ........0.o.
126, 14, 239, 36, 170, 228, 247, 182, 250, 54, 220, 225, // ~..$.....6..
252, 182, 141, 127, 111, 199, 172, 228, 63, 108, 249, 187, // ....o...?l..
205, 86, 23, 56, 84, 110, 244, 69, 152, 197, 169, 150, // .V.8Tn.E....
191, 218, 142, 31, 244, 38, 151, 255, 180, 149, 179, 48, // .....&.....0
77, 151, 97, 116, 45, 181, 118, 45, 118, 85, 153, 107, // M.at-.v-vU.k
232, 188, 93, 25, 184, 54, 206, 156, 124, 141, 179, 51, // ..]..6..|..3
14, 139, 221, 126, 250, 31, 255, 11, 22, 19, 178, 116, // ...~.......t
138, 51, 0, 0, 0 // .3..
60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 104, 116, // <!DOCTYPE ht
109, 108, 62, 10, 60, 104, 116, 109, 108, 32, 108, 97, // ml>.<html la
110, 103, 61, 34, 101, 110, 34, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, // ng="en">. <
104, 101, 97, 100, 62, 10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, // head>. <m
101, 116, 97, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 61, 34, 100, 101, // eta name="de
115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 32, 99, // scription" c
111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 77, 111, 110, 103, // ontent="Mong
111, 111, 115, 101, 32, 69, 109, 98, 101, 100, 100, 101, // oose Embedde
100, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101, 115, 121, 116, 101, 109, 32, // d Filesytem
101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 34, 32, 47, 62, 10, // example" />.
32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 104, 116, // <meta ht
116, 112, 45, 101, 113, 117, 105, 118, 61, 34, 67, 111, // tp-equiv="Co
110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 45, 84, 121, 112, 101, 34, 32, // ntent-Type"
99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 116, 101, 120, // content="tex
116, 47, 104, 116, 109, 108, 59, 32, 99, 104, 97, 114, // t/html; char
115, 101, 116, 61, 85, 84, 70, 45, 56, 34, 62, 10, // set=UTF-8">.
32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 104, 116, // <meta ht
116, 112, 45, 101, 113, 117, 105, 118, 61, 34, 88, 45, // tp-equiv="X-
85, 65, 45, 67, 111, 109, 112, 97, 116, 105, 98, 108, // UA-Compatibl
101, 34, 32, 99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, // e" content="
73, 69, 61, 101, 100, 103, 101, 34, 62, 10, 32, 32, // IE=edge">.
32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, // <meta name
61, 34, 118, 105, 101, 119, 112, 111, 114, 116, 34, 32, // ="viewport"
99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 119, 105, 100, // content="wid
116, 104, 61, 100, 101, 118, 105, 99, 101, 45, 119, 105, // th=device-wi
100, 116, 104, 44, 32, 105, 110, 105, 116, 105, 97, 108, // dth, initial
45, 115, 99, 97, 108, 101, 61, 49, 34, 62, 10, 32, // -scale=1">.
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 116, 105, 116, 108, // <titl
101, 62, 77, 111, 110, 103, 111, 111, 115, 101, 32, 69, // e>Mongoose E
109, 98, 101, 100, 100, 101, 100, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101, // mbedded File
115, 121, 116, 101, 109, 32, 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, // sytem exampl
101, 60, 47, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101, 62, 10, 32, 32, // e</title>.
32, 32, 60, 108, 105, 110, 107, 32, 114, 101, 108, 61, // <link rel=
34, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101, 115, 104, 101, 101, 116, 34, // "stylesheet"
32, 104, 114, 101, 102, 61, 34, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101, // href="style
46, 99, 115, 115, 34, 32, 47, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, // .css" />. <
47, 104, 101, 97, 100, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, 98, 111, // /head>. <bo
100, 121, 62, 60, 47, 98, 111, 100, 121, 62, 10, 32, // dy></body>.
32, 60, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 32, 116, 121, 112, // <script typ
101, 61, 34, 109, 111, 100, 117, 108, 101, 34, 32, 115, // e="module" s
114, 99, 61, 34, 109, 97, 105, 110, 46, 106, 115, 34, // rc="main.js"
62, 60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62, 10, 60, // ></script>.<
47, 104, 116, 109, 108, 62, 10, 0 // /html>.
static const unsigned char v2[] = {
31, 139, 8, 8, 219, 27, 244, 98, 0, 3, 109, 97, // .......b..ma
105, 110, 46, 106, 115, 0, 165, 86, 237, 110, 219, 54, // in.js..V.n.6
20, 253, 239, 167, 184, 8, 6, 52, 65, 109, 41, 77, // .......4Am)M
246, 1, 52, 138, 1, 55, 93, 129, 20, 93, 61, 204, // ..4..7]..]=.
233, 218, 254, 43, 37, 210, 22, 91, 138, 84, 249, 97, // ...+%..[.T.a
205, 11, 242, 46, 125, 150, 62, 217, 14, 37, 217, 177, // ....}.>..%..
19, 103, 195, 218, 95, 166, 36, 222, 123, 15, 207, 185, // .g.._.$.{...
247, 208, 143, 130, 19, 228, 188, 149, 133, 127, 116, 54, // ..........t6
144, 85, 109, 172, 167, 107, 42, 135, 84, 250, 74, 13, // .Um..k*.T.J.
201, 10, 205, 133, 165, 27, 154, 91, 83, 209, 163, 36, // .......[S..$
173, 173, 96, 133, 79, 42, 169, 147, 143, 14, 33, 131, // ..`.O*....!.
65, 97, 180, 243, 244, 142, 206, 105, 30, 116, 225, 165, // Aa.....i.t..
209, 116, 120, 68, 215, 131, 1, 33, 218, 7, 171, 219, // .txD...!....
84, 31, 240, 152, 113, 185, 164, 66, 49, 231, 206, 15, // T...q..B1...
16, 229, 153, 212, 194, 30, 140, 241, 5, 223, 202, 147, // ............
245, 39, 39, 218, 44, 7, 227, 201, 179, 233, 155, 43, // .''.,......+
122, 51, 203, 210, 242, 164, 223, 181, 149, 193, 154, 166, // z3..........
143, 189, 155, 89, 141, 126, 217, 124, 193, 183, 122, 220, // ...Y.~.|..z.
45, 54, 111, 136, 46, 132, 99, 168, 79, 51, 51, 247, // -6o...c.O33.
13, 179, 130, 94, 121, 158, 144, 116, 84, 10, 198, 63, // ...^y..tT..?
7, 102, 189, 176, 130, 127, 253, 34, 53, 61, 15, 185, // .f....."5=..
146, 122, 72, 127, 136, 58, 174, 10, 50, 115, 186, 180, // .zH..:..2s..
66, 49, 205, 147, 219, 26, 105, 189, 83, 112, 231, 121, // B1....i.Sp.y
26, 44, 40, 54, 118, 69, 214, 24, 239, 40, 103, 197, // .,(6vE...(g.
39, 242, 134, 78, 142, 143, 127, 28, 82, 83, 10, 77, // '..N....RS.M
191, 25, 189, 48, 6, 82, 188, 21, 57, 205, 132, 93, // ...0.R..9..]
130, 243, 87, 50, 183, 204, 174, 190, 126, 225, 98, 41, // ..W2....~.b)
148, 169, 43, 161, 61, 242, 68, 108, 192, 154, 229, 118, // ..+.=.Dl...v
60, 216, 148, 152, 184, 189, 41, 22, 86, 52, 132, 51, // <.....).V4.3
212, 166, 14, 138, 89, 233, 87, 4, 216, 84, 49, 200, // ....Y.W..T1.
34, 56, 153, 184, 199, 151, 130, 230, 70, 41, 211, 72, // "8......F).H
189, 160, 149, 96, 214, 13, 99, 204, 201, 241, 147, 211, // ...`..c.....
13, 79, 13, 115, 36, 80, 27, 4, 184, 18, 145, 64, // .O.s$P.....@
31, 5, 148, 58, 8, 146, 56, 210, 54, 196, 88, 97, // ...:..8.6.Xa
3, 172, 182, 102, 41, 57, 90, 44, 212, 109, 107, 33, // ...f)9Z,.mk!
208, 128, 142, 37, 83, 1, 105, 138, 0, 94, 42, 97, // ...%S.i..^*a
221, 195, 76, 190, 21, 20, 245, 65, 158, 208, 150, 45, // ..L....A...-
217, 18, 111, 42, 28, 182, 77, 180, 201, 128, 67, 233, // ..o*..M...C.
21, 101, 114, 252, 2, 101, 130, 22, 244, 211, 241, 113, // .er..e.....q
150, 202, 49, 112, 86, 53, 211, 82, 56, 194, 25, 26, // ..1pV5.R8...
161, 84, 252, 173, 4, 151, 161, 106, 161, 186, 138, 225, // .T.....j....
157, 147, 127, 11, 202, 131, 67, 71, 58, 39, 182, 240, // ......CG:'..
16, 184, 44, 194, 134, 58, 244, 134, 138, 107, 52, 65, // ..,..:...k4A
44, 239, 140, 10, 177, 87, 93, 236, 29, 70, 53, 179, // ,....W]..F5.
128, 22, 64, 194, 220, 88, 10, 174, 13, 105, 9, 198, // ..@..X...i..
204, 96, 193, 252, 94, 153, 16, 139, 49, 228, 148, 175, // .`..^...1...
232, 245, 100, 54, 33, 150, 27, 102, 187, 192, 75, 141, // ..d6!..f..K.
78, 212, 44, 214, 96, 138, 102, 53, 43, 4, 205, 124, // N.,.`.f5+..|
251, 28, 195, 182, 96, 198, 221, 57, 52, 138, 194, 204, // ....`..94...
165, 173, 186, 61, 96, 76, 250, 100, 135, 212, 150, 214, // ...=`L.d....
153, 212, 200, 20, 53, 30, 110, 68, 46, 163, 200, 127, // ....5.nD....
129, 44, 14, 44, 81, 85, 144, 206, 3, 128, 71, 229, // .,.,QU....G.
208, 34, 210, 36, 64, 189, 214, 186, 61, 27, 151, 209, // .".$@...=...
59, 242, 224, 5, 137, 42, 23, 60, 70, 186, 245, 76, // ;....*.<F..L
197, 13, 37, 14, 210, 62, 52, 210, 151, 96, 5, 122, // ..%..>4..`.z
17, 96, 1, 163, 198, 148, 99, 119, 95, 227, 150, 170, // .`....cw_...
238, 196, 194, 71, 138, 175, 74, 244, 164, 235, 224, 175, // ...G..J.....
39, 61, 197, 168, 247, 102, 176, 94, 246, 139, 15, 103, // '=...f.^...g
131, 155, 179, 181, 31, 189, 255, 110, 63, 58, 189, 239, // .......n?:..
71, 155, 182, 187, 69, 109, 197, 83, 216, 211, 233, 55, // G...Em.S...7
219, 83, 22, 212, 150, 52, 153, 146, 219, 66, 81, 6, // .S...4...BQ.
85, 172, 152, 159, 31, 148, 222, 215, 238, 105, 154, 86, // U........i.V
125, 251, 36, 141, 75, 15, 198, 123, 154, 41, 75, 217, // }.$.K..{.)K.
78, 134, 17, 136, 189, 213, 166, 193, 62, 215, 53, 93, // N.......>.5]
228, 27, 52, 55, 198, 126, 138, 131, 175, 58, 183, 217, // ..47.~...:..
130, 146, 238, 96, 249, 79, 100, 75, 48, 152, 72, 3, // ...`.OdK0.H.
84, 127, 94, 76, 95, 99, 117, 31, 201, 196, 242, 32, // T.^L_cu....
181, 25, 181, 35, 233, 101, 174, 208, 177, 177, 211, 93, // ...#.e.....]
215, 29, 121, 144, 202, 143, 96, 61, 177, 125, 219, 166, // ..y...`=.}..
153, 94, 77, 40, 212, 156, 121, 225, 182, 51, 117, 30, // .^M(..y..3u.
166, 217, 66, 180, 134, 195, 153, 43, 219, 60, 223, 14, // ..B....+.<..
190, 138, 57, 18, 208, 1, 248, 213, 243, 126, 189, 151, // ..9......~..
74, 152, 5, 32, 142, 12, 28, 230, 210, 92, 209, 239, // J.. ........
138, 97, 52, 108, 245, 29, 165, 123, 13, 71, 198, 37, // .a4l...{.G.%
32, 102, 75, 212, 233, 108, 47, 2, 83, 11, 11, 246, // fK..l/.S...
160, 153, 91, 57, 47, 170, 214, 107, 96, 223, 163, 218, // ..[9/..k`...
52, 208, 181, 146, 133, 53, 177, 155, 45, 76, 29, 198, // 4....5..-L..
120, 23, 217, 255, 128, 182, 128, 42, 33, 143, 168, 210, // x......*!...
162, 243, 136, 180, 250, 232, 192, 208, 203, 253, 200, 54, // ...........6
109, 246, 146, 45, 217, 172, 176, 178, 246, 36, 244, 2, // m..-.....$..
83, 213, 98, 188, 72, 47, 30, 63, 126, 128, 168, 44, // S.b.H/.?~..,
189, 157, 131, 173, 17, 191, 63, 58, 63, 239, 222, 236, // ......?:?...
89, 62, 158, 238, 248, 112, 55, 144, 249, 238, 13, 188, // Y>...p7.....
59, 100, 237, 193, 37, 108, 102, 1, 30, 163, 213, 105, // ;d..%lf....i
184, 164, 47, 77, 192, 17, 209, 139, 240, 29, 156, 24, // ../M........
119, 74, 33, 97, 185, 235, 73, 191, 35, 107, 155, 131, // wJ!a..I.#k..
139, 90, 153, 85, 119, 29, 150, 65, 115, 220, 169, 109, // .Z.Uw..As..m
120, 37, 149, 106, 193, 192, 42, 37, 152, 107, 175, 224, // x%.j..*%.k..
46, 79, 116, 35, 161, 151, 210, 26, 29, 123, 247, 78, // .Ot#.....{.N
218, 7, 88, 248, 87, 163, 155, 212, 245, 142, 213, 161, // ..X.W.......
80, 237, 246, 249, 93, 86, 62, 25, 63, 99, 14, 255, // P...]V>.?c..
96, 126, 93, 235, 244, 66, 42, 209, 55, 17, 23, 21, // `~]..B*.7...
38, 22, 91, 6, 89, 95, 236, 135, 235, 242, 240, 221, // &.[.Y_......
209, 205, 160, 47, 186, 253, 250, 253, 230, 117, 15, 5, // .../.....u..
255, 29, 184, 105, 18, 163, 149, 97, 28, 112, 96, 184, // ...i...a.p`.
231, 227, 254, 207, 227, 97, 121, 8, 140, 71, 67, 226, // .....ay..GC.
112, 255, 120, 232, 36, 55, 124, 117, 116, 54, 248, 7, // p.x.$7|ut6..
71, 33, 75, 134, 124, 10, 0, 0, 0 // G!K.|...
static const unsigned char v3[] = {
39, 117, 115, 101, 32, 115, 116, 114, 105, 99, 116, 39, // 'use strict'
59, 10, 105, 109, 112, 111, 114, 116, 32, 123, 32, 104, // ;.import { h
44, 32, 104, 116, 109, 108, 44, 32, 114, 101, 110, 100, // , html, rend
@ -774,7 +273,7 @@ static const unsigned char v3[] = {
112, 41, 44, 32, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, // p), document
46, 98, 111, 100, 121, 41, 59, 10, 0 // .body);.
static const unsigned char v4[] = {
static const unsigned char v3[] = {
118, 97, 114, 32, 101, 44, 110, 44, 95, 44, 116, 44, // var e,n,_,t,
111, 44, 114, 44, 117, 44, 108, 61, 123, 125, 44, 105, // o,r,u,l={},i
61, 91, 93, 44, 99, 61, 47, 97, 99, 105, 116, 124, // =[],c=/acit|
@ -1876,147 +1375,7 @@ static const unsigned char v4[] = {
115, 101, 69, 114, 114, 111, 114, 66, 111, 117, 110, 100, // seErrorBound
97, 114, 121, 125, 59, 10, 0 // ary};.
static const unsigned char v5[] = {
60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 104, 116, // <!DOCTYPE ht
109, 108, 62, 10, 60, 104, 116, 109, 108, 32, 108, 97, // ml>.<html la
110, 103, 61, 34, 101, 110, 34, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, // ng="en">. <
104, 101, 97, 100, 62, 10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, // head>. <m
101, 116, 97, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, 61, 34, 100, 101, // eta name="de
115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 32, 99, // scription" c
111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 77, 111, 110, 103, // ontent="Mong
111, 111, 115, 101, 32, 69, 109, 98, 101, 100, 100, 101, // oose Embedde
100, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101, 115, 121, 116, 101, 109, 32, // d Filesytem
101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 34, 32, 47, 62, 10, // example" />.
32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 104, 116, // <meta ht
116, 112, 45, 101, 113, 117, 105, 118, 61, 34, 67, 111, // tp-equiv="Co
110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 45, 84, 121, 112, 101, 34, 32, // ntent-Type"
99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 116, 101, 120, // content="tex
116, 47, 104, 116, 109, 108, 59, 32, 99, 104, 97, 114, // t/html; char
115, 101, 116, 61, 85, 84, 70, 45, 56, 34, 62, 10, // set=UTF-8">.
32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 104, 116, // <meta ht
116, 112, 45, 101, 113, 117, 105, 118, 61, 34, 88, 45, // tp-equiv="X-
85, 65, 45, 67, 111, 109, 112, 97, 116, 105, 98, 108, // UA-Compatibl
101, 34, 32, 99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, // e" content="
73, 69, 61, 101, 100, 103, 101, 34, 62, 10, 32, 32, // IE=edge">.
32, 32, 60, 109, 101, 116, 97, 32, 110, 97, 109, 101, // <meta name
61, 34, 118, 105, 101, 119, 112, 111, 114, 116, 34, 32, // ="viewport"
99, 111, 110, 116, 101, 110, 116, 61, 34, 119, 105, 100, // content="wid
116, 104, 61, 100, 101, 118, 105, 99, 101, 45, 119, 105, // th=device-wi
100, 116, 104, 44, 32, 105, 110, 105, 116, 105, 97, 108, // dth, initial
45, 115, 99, 97, 108, 101, 61, 49, 34, 62, 10, 32, // -scale=1">.
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60, 116, 105, 116, 108, // <titl
101, 62, 77, 111, 110, 103, 111, 111, 115, 101, 32, 69, // e>Mongoose E
109, 98, 101, 100, 100, 101, 100, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101, // mbedded File
115, 121, 116, 101, 109, 32, 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, // sytem exampl
101, 60, 47, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101, 62, 10, 32, 32, // e</title>.
32, 32, 60, 108, 105, 110, 107, 32, 114, 101, 108, 61, // <link rel=
34, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101, 115, 104, 101, 101, 116, 34, // "stylesheet"
32, 104, 114, 101, 102, 61, 34, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101, // href="style
46, 99, 115, 115, 34, 32, 47, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, // .css" />. <
47, 104, 101, 97, 100, 62, 10, 32, 32, 60, 98, 111, // /head>. <bo
100, 121, 62, 60, 47, 98, 111, 100, 121, 62, 10, 32, // dy></body>.
32, 60, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 32, 116, 121, 112, // <script typ
101, 61, 34, 109, 111, 100, 117, 108, 101, 34, 32, 115, // e="module" s
114, 99, 61, 34, 109, 97, 105, 110, 46, 106, 115, 34, // rc="main.js"
62, 60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 62, 10, 60, // ></script>.<
47, 104, 116, 109, 108, 62, 10, 0 // /html>.
static const unsigned char v6[] = {
31, 139, 8, 8, 219, 27, 244, 98, 0, 3, 105, 110, // .......b..in
100, 101, 120, 46, 104, 116, 109, 108, 0, 141, 145, 77, // dex.html...M
75, 3, 49, 16, 134, 239, 253, 21, 99, 206, 166, 139, // K.1.....c...
55, 193, 205, 130, 212, 22, 60, 136, 30, 90, 208, 99, // 7.....<..Z.c
154, 140, 205, 104, 62, 214, 205, 244, 99, 255, 189, 217, // ...h>...c...
110, 133, 5, 17, 60, 205, 7, 47, 15, 51, 239, 91, // n...<../.3.[
95, 61, 60, 47, 214, 111, 47, 75, 112, 28, 124, 51, // _=</.o/Kp.|3
171, 135, 2, 94, 199, 157, 18, 24, 69, 51, 3, 168, // ...^....E3..
29, 106, 59, 52, 165, 13, 200, 26, 162, 14, 168, 132, // .j;4........
197, 108, 58, 106, 153, 82, 20, 96, 82, 100, 140, 172, // .l:j.R.`Rd..
196, 83, 138, 187, 148, 50, 194, 50, 108, 209, 90, 180, // .S...2.2l.Z.
176, 34, 143, 185, 103, 12, 128, 39, 29, 90, 143, 2, // ."..g..'.Z..
170, 41, 205, 49, 183, 18, 191, 246, 116, 80, 98, 49, // .).1....tPb1
98, 228, 186, 111, 113, 2, 101, 60, 113, 53, 28, 118, // b..oq.e<q5.v
7, 198, 233, 46, 35, 171, 205, 122, 37, 111, 197, 95, // ....#..z%o._
156, 87, 185, 185, 151, 139, 20, 90, 205, 180, 245, 83, // .W.....Z...S
212, 227, 82, 161, 221, 161, 248, 253, 207, 129, 240, 216, // ..R.........
166, 142, 39, 226, 35, 89, 118, 202, 226, 129, 12, 202, // ..'.#Yv.....
243, 112, 13, 20, 137, 73, 123, 153, 141, 246, 168, 110, // .p...I{....n
46, 160, 51, 140, 137, 61, 54, 255, 112, 160, 174, 70, // ..3..=6.p..F
233, 120, 131, 167, 248, 9, 29, 122, 37, 50, 247, 69, // .x.....z%2.E
233, 16, 203, 17, 174, 195, 247, 203, 102, 110, 114, 190, // ........fnr.
152, 86, 87, 63, 97, 212, 219, 100, 251, 166, 174, 206, // .VW?a..d....
101, 152, 199, 52, 128, 139, 117, 74, 132, 100, 247, 195, // e..4..uJ.d..
223, 185, 51, 101, 208, 20, 231, 31, 89, 20, 245, 40, // ..3e....Y..(
42, 49, 87, 99, 220, 223, 14, 156, 225, 97, 255, 1, // *1Wc.....a..
0, 0, 0 // ..
static const unsigned char v7[] = {
31, 139, 8, 8, 219, 27, 244, 98, 0, 3, 115, 116, // .......b..st
121, 108, 101, 46, 99, 115, 115, 0, 117, 84, 203, 110, // yle.css.uT.n
219, 48, 16, 188, 251, 43, 88, 4, 5, 218, 32, 82, // .0...+X... R
44, 41, 178, 99, 249, 210, 91, 63, 162, 232, 129, 18, // ,).c..[?....
87, 54, 17, 138, 84, 73, 58, 118, 90, 248, 223, 187, // W6..TI:vZ...
164, 30, 164, 226, 228, 98, 75, 187, 163, 125, 204, 12, // .....bK..}..
121, 79, 254, 145, 90, 93, 18, 195, 255, 114, 121, 168, // yO..Z]...ry.
240, 89, 51, 208, 9, 134, 246, 228, 186, 58, 218, 78, // .Y3......:.N
60, 96, 140, 189, 33, 172, 163, 250, 192, 101, 69, 214, // <`..!....eE.
123, 210, 83, 198, 60, 28, 159, 143, 192, 15, 71, 91, // {.S.<.....G[
145, 108, 189, 254, 186, 39, 173, 146, 238, 121, 211, 95, // .l...'...y._
136, 161, 210, 36, 6, 52, 111, 93, 41, 3, 2, 26, // ...$.4o])...
251, 64, 184, 236, 79, 248, 39, 104, 13, 162, 170, 106, // .@..O.'h...j
104, 149, 134, 7, 98, 225, 98, 169, 6, 138, 109, 212, // h...b.b...m.
201, 10, 46, 161, 34, 82, 73, 216, 15, 195, 29, 41, // ...."RI....)
83, 231, 202, 5, 200, 23, 222, 245, 74, 91, 42, 237, // S.......J[*.
126, 28, 22, 219, 185, 110, 74, 112, 70, 238, 154, 166, // ~....nJpF...
89, 64, 174, 171, 70, 49, 108, 208, 107, 192, 218, 141, // Y@..F1l.k...
18, 10, 241, 119, 197, 182, 24, 70, 77, 90, 218, 113, // ...w...FMZ.q
241, 86, 145, 78, 73, 101, 122, 218, 192, 24, 63, 143, // .V.NIez...?.
91, 213, 74, 96, 139, 49, 136, 36, 225, 92, 166, 163, // [.J`.1.$....
66, 184, 88, 77, 155, 151, 131, 86, 39, 201, 176, 36, // B.XM...V'..$
99, 44, 230, 37, 205, 160, 195, 223, 2, 186, 105, 204, // c,.%......i.
68, 83, 198, 79, 198, 229, 114, 23, 189, 174, 166, 165, // DS.O..r.....
103, 82, 82, 252, 92, 73, 156, 51, 234, 150, 149, 253, // gRR..I.3....
229, 179, 77, 23, 13, 203, 161, 40, 86, 163, 213, 43, // ..M....(V..+
55, 220, 2, 115, 143, 180, 177, 252, 53, 222, 189, 44, // 7..s....5..,
189, 30, 115, 175, 197, 22, 0, 72, 0, 233, 184, 76, // ..s....H...L
206, 156, 217, 99, 69, 118, 88, 21, 193, 181, 69, 232, // ...cEvX...E.
138, 44, 193, 126, 130, 155, 229, 162, 149, 189, 63, 166, // .,.~......?.
190, 109, 139, 125, 155, 147, 54, 238, 173, 87, 92, 90, // .m.}..6..W.Z
228, 16, 75, 50, 110, 122, 65, 81, 2, 46, 157, 238, // ..K2nzAQ....
73, 45, 84, 243, 178, 216, 108, 131, 84, 122, 202, 62, // I-T...l.Tz.>
82, 102, 53, 76, 247, 11, 203, 208, 90, 0, 251, 237, // Rf5L....Z...
44, 132, 66, 114, 251, 230, 89, 9, 61, 233, 201, 42, // ,.Br..Y.=..*
183, 139, 233, 148, 178, 71, 132, 89, 141, 14, 229, 150, // .....G.Y....
43, 52, 53, 74, 74, 210, 220, 120, 102, 26, 108, 67, // +45JJ..xf.lC
113, 20, 29, 155, 158, 228, 107, 39, 196, 72, 139, 175, // q.....k'.H..
229, 176, 44, 105, 5, 92, 16, 56, 175, 225, 222, 199, // ..,i...8....
148, 55, 108, 148, 26, 28, 237, 6, 246, 244, 248, 163, // .7l.........
119, 163, 171, 55, 18, 98, 60, 203, 192, 102, 80, 68, // w..7.b<..fPD
241, 40, 117, 42, 213, 89, 211, 30, 17, 231, 35, 202, // .(u*.Y....#.
157, 120, 255, 186, 46, 46, 234, 1, 157, 57, 188, 87, // .x.......9.W
152, 65, 59, 139, 38, 160, 69, 34, 203, 208, 187, 220, // .A;.&.E"....
177, 91, 79, 69, 102, 220, 185, 35, 62, 81, 226, 29, // .[OEf..#>Q..
238, 219, 24, 60, 217, 220, 155, 41, 208, 149, 141, 51, // ...<...)...3
90, 213, 243, 6, 173, 205, 168, 69, 107, 166, 127, 148, // Z......Ek...
65, 88, 220, 35, 247, 7, 165, 252, 240, 160, 60, 185, // AX.#......<.
232, 80, 51, 209, 131, 236, 35, 212, 149, 30, 106, 45, // .P3...#...j-
253, 219, 210, 208, 245, 125, 178, 133, 33, 233, 70, 121, // .....}..!.Fy
159, 163, 224, 79, 197, 234, 241, 158, 252, 212, 72, 197, // ...O......H.
253, 163, 83, 224, 124, 43, 172, 251, 77, 28, 193, 21, // ..S.|+..M...
153, 105, 70, 139, 127, 126, 63, 170, 87, 208, 173, 192, // .iF..~?.W...
235, 43, 152, 6, 241, 73, 150, 59, 221, 6, 55, 13, // .+...I.;..7.
87, 231, 148, 200, 66, 98, 151, 165, 155, 77, 148, 90, // W...Bb...M.Z
135, 212, 115, 145, 22, 69, 72, 237, 66, 102, 91, 134, // ..s..EH.Bf[.
240, 115, 8, 111, 54, 139, 90, 219, 144, 41, 159, 23, // .s.o6.Z..)..
165, 54, 81, 38, 154, 171, 12, 225, 167, 229, 88, 79, // .6Q&......XO
33, 83, 44, 167, 42, 66, 38, 143, 166, 138, 87, 95, // !S,.*B&...W_
78, 21, 237, 62, 15, 245, 163, 3, 198, 41, 249, 22, // N..>.....)..
221, 74, 89, 145, 225, 105, 252, 142, 224, 15, 15, 235, // .JY..i......
64, 244, 132, 205, 183, 254, 228, 94, 227, 82, 244, 50, // @......^.R.2
95, 112, 249, 84, 201, 201, 61, 74, 185, 212, 5, 63, // _p.T..=J...?
252, 15, 225, 232, 67, 124, 39, 7, 0, 0, 0 // ....C|'...
static const unsigned char v8[] = {
static const unsigned char v4[] = {
42, 32, 123, 32, 98, 111, 120, 45, 115, 105, 122, 105, // * { box-sizi
110, 103, 58, 32, 98, 111, 114, 100, 101, 114, 45, 98, // ng: border-b
111, 120, 59, 32, 125, 10, 104, 116, 109, 108, 44, 32, // ox; }.html,
@ -2178,14 +1537,10 @@ static const struct packed_file {
size_t size;
time_t mtime;
} packed_files[] = {
{"/web_root/preact.min.js.gz", v1, sizeof(v1), 1660165083},
{"/web_root/main.js.gz", v2, sizeof(v2), 1660165083},
{"/web_root/main.js", v3, sizeof(v3), 1660586478},
{"/web_root/preact.min.js", v4, sizeof(v4), 1660586478},
{"/web_root/index.html", v5, sizeof(v5), 1660586478},
{"/web_root/index.html.gz", v6, sizeof(v6), 1660165083},
{"/web_root/style.css.gz", v7, sizeof(v7), 1660165083},
{"/web_root/style.css", v8, sizeof(v8), 1660586478},
{"/web_root/index.html", v1, sizeof(v1), 1660216320},
{"/web_root/main.js", v2, sizeof(v2), 1660216320},
{"/web_root/preact.min.js", v3, sizeof(v3), 1660216320},
{"/web_root/style.css", v4, sizeof(v4), 1660216320},
{NULL, NULL, 0, 0}
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
PROG ?= example # Program we are building
DELETE = rm -rf # Command to remove files
OUT ?= -o $(PROG) # Compiler argument for output file
SOURCES = main.c mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c # Source code files
SOURCES = main.c mongoose.c # Source code files
CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -g -I. # Build options
CFLAGS += -lpcap # link with libpcap
CFLAGS += -lpcap # link with libpcap
# Mongoose build options. See https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#build-options
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # Windows settings. Assume MinGW compiler. To use VC: make CC=cl CFLAGS=/MD OUT=/Feprog.exe
PROG ?= example.exe # Use .exe suffix for the binary
@ -138,9 +138,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
&mif.mac[2], &mif.mac[3], &mif.mac[4], &mif.mac[5]);
mg_tcpip_init(&mgr, &mif);
MG_INFO(("Init done, starting main loop"));
// extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void
// *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", fn, &mgr);
while (s_signo == 0) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 100); // Infinite event loop
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('B', 7) // On-board LED pin (blue)
@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ int main(void) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) {
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('B', 7) // On-board LED pin (blue)
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('B', 7) // On-board LED pin (blue)
@ -78,8 +78,7 @@ int main(void) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) {
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('B', 7) // On-board LED pin (blue)
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('B', 7) // On-board LED pin (blue)
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#define BLINK_PERIOD_MS 1000 // LED blinking period in millis
@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ int main(void) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) {
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "ethernetif.h"
#include "lwip/dhcp.h"
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
extern RNG_HandleTypeDef hrng;
@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#define BLINK_PERIOD_MS 1000 // LED blinking period in millis
@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
#include "ethernetif.h"
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ static void server(const void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os.h"
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ static void server(const void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
#include "ethernetif.h"
@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ static void server(void *args) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); // Infinite event loop
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// All rights reserved
#include "hal.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "net.h"
#define LED1 PIN('B', 0) // On-board LED pin (green)
#define LED2 PIN('E', 1) // On-board LED pin (yellow)
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ int main(void) {
MG_INFO(("Initialising application..."));
extern void device_dashboard_fn(struct mg_connection *, int, void *, void *);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, "", device_dashboard_fn, NULL);
MG_INFO(("Starting event loop"));
for (;;) {
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user