# nRF52 example project This is a Mongoose "Hello, world" that can be compiled under nRF IoT SDK. To make it work, you should download [nRF5 IoT SDK](http://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF5_IoT_SDK/) and unpack it in the current directory as `nrf5_iot_sdk` (so that `nrf5_iot_sdk` contains `components`, `external`, etc). In order to build it with the provided Makefile and ARM GCC, you also need to edit the file `nrf5_iot_sdk/components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.posix` (or `Makefile.windows` if you use Windows) : adjust arm-none-eabi path and version accordingly to your installation. The project structure replicates that of the examples provided with the SDK: Keil uVision project is located at `boards/pca10040/arm5_no_packs`; ARM-GCC Makefile is located in `boards/pca10040/armgcc`. E.g. in order to build it with ARM GCC, navigate to `http/boards/pca10040/armgcc` and type `make`. In order to flash: `make flash`. For details, refer to an [article on Hackster](https://www.hackster.io/dfrank/mongoose-embedded-networking-library-on-nrf51-and-nrf52-547b15).