HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html
This is an example Lua server page served by Mongoose web server. Mongoose has Lua, Sqlite, and other functionality built in the binary. This example page stores the request in the Sqlite database, and shows all requests done previously.
Today is mg.write("%A")) ?>
-- for k,v in pairs(_G) do mg.write(k, '\n') end -- Open database local db ='requests.db') -- Setup a trace callback, to show SQL statements we'll be executing. -- db:trace(function(data, sql) mg.write('Executing: ', sql: '\n') end, nil) -- Create a table if it is not created already db:exec([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS requests ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp NOT NULL, method NOT NULL, uri NOT NULL, addr ); ]]) -- Add entry about this request local stmt = db:prepare( 'INSERT INTO requests VALUES(NULL, datetime("now"), ?, ?, ?);'); stmt:bind_values(mg.request_info.request_method, mg.request_info.uri, mg.request_info.remote_port) stmt:step() stmt:finalize() -- Show all previous records mg.write('Previous requests:\n') stmt = db:prepare('SELECT * FROM requests ORDER BY id DESC;') while stmt:step() == sqlite3.ROW do local v = stmt:get_values() mg.write(v[1] .. ' ' .. v[2] .. ' ' .. v[3] .. ' ' .. v[4] .. ' ' .. v[5] .. '\n') end -- Close database db:close() ?>