SRCS = mongoose.c test/unit_test.c test/packed_fs.c HDRS = $(wildcard src/*.h) $(wildcard mip/*.h) DEFS ?= -DMG_MAX_HTTP_HEADERS=7 -DMG_ENABLE_LINES -DMG_ENABLE_PACKED_FS=1 -DMG_ENABLE_SSI=1 WARN ?= -pedantic -W -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -Wdouble-promotion -fno-common -Wconversion -Wundef OPTS ?= -O3 -g3 INCS ?= -Isrc -I. SSL ?= CWD ?= $(realpath $(CURDIR)) ENV ?= -e Tmp=. -e WINEDEBUG=-all DOCKER ?= docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm $(ENV) -v $(CWD):$(CWD) -w $(CWD) VCFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /O2 /MD /I. $(DEFS) $(TFLAGS) IPV6 ?= 1 ASAN ?= -fsanitize=address,undefined,alignment -fno-sanitize-recover=all -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common ASAN_OPTIONS ?= detect_leaks=1 EXAMPLES := $(dir $(wildcard examples/*/Makefile)) $(wildcard examples/stm32/nucleo-*) PREFIX ?= /usr/local VERSION ?= $(shell cut -d'"' -f2 src/version.h) COMMON_CFLAGS ?= $(C_WARN) $(WARN) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -DMG_ENABLE_IPV6=$(IPV6) $(TFLAGS) CFLAGS ?= $(OPTS) $(ASAN) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) VALGRIND_CFLAGS ?= $(OPTS) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) VALGRIND_RUN ?= valgrind --tool=memcheck --gen-suppressions=all --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-resolution=high --track-origins=yes --error-exitcode=1 --exit-on-first-error=yes .PHONY: examples test valgrind mip_test ifeq "$(findstring ++,$(CC))" "" # $(CC) does not end with ++, i.e. we're using C. Apply C flags C_WARN ?= -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes else # $(CC) ends with ++, i.e. we're using C++. Apply C++ flags C_WARN ?= -Wno-deprecated endif ifeq "$(SSL)" "MBEDTLS" MBEDTLS ?= /usr/local CFLAGS += -DMG_ENABLE_MBEDTLS=1 -I$(MBEDTLS)/include -I/usr/include LDFLAGS ?= -L$(MBEDTLS)/lib -lmbedtls -lmbedcrypto -lmbedx509 endif ifeq "$(SSL)" "OPENSSL" OPENSSL ?= /usr/local CFLAGS += -DMG_ENABLE_OPENSSL=1 -I$(OPENSSL)/include LDFLAGS ?= -L$(OPENSSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto endif all: $(MAKE) -C examples/http-server tall: mg_prefix unamalgamated test mip_test arm examples vc98 vc17 vc22 mingw mingw++ fuzz mip_test: test/mip_test.c mongoose.c mongoose.h Makefile $(CC) test/mip_test.c $(INCS) $(WARN) $(OPTS) $(C_WARN) $(ASAN) -o $@ ASAN_OPTIONS=$(ASAN_OPTIONS) $(RUN) ./$@ examples: @for X in $(EXAMPLES); do test -f $$X/Makefile || continue; $(MAKE) -C $$X example || exit 1; done test/packed_fs.c: Makefile src/ssi.h test/fuzz.c test/data/a.txt $(CC) $(CFLAGS) test/pack.c -o pack $(RUN) ./pack Makefile src/ssi.h test/fuzz.c test/data/a.txt test/data/range.txt > $@ DIR ?= test/data OUT ?= packed_fs.c mkfs: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) test/pack.c -o pack $(RUN) ./pack -s $(DIR) `find $(DIR) -type f` > $(OUT) # find $(DIR) -type f | sed -e s,^$(DIR),,g -e s,^/,,g # Check that all external (exported) symbols have "mg_" prefix mg_prefix: mongoose.c mongoose.h $(CC) mongoose.c $(CFLAGS) -c -o /tmp/x.o && nm /tmp/x.o | grep ' T ' | grep -v 'mg_' ; test $$? = 1 musl: test musl: ASAN = musl: WARN += -Wno-sign-conversion musl: CC = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/cc1 gcc musl: RUN = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/cc1 # Make sure we can build from an unamalgamated sources unamalgamated: $(HDRS) Makefile test/packed_fs.c $(CC) src/*.c test/packed_fs.c test/unit_test.c $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -g -o unit_test fuzz: ASAN = -fsanitize=fuzzer,signed-integer-overflow,address,undefined fuzz: mongoose.c mongoose.h Makefile test/fuzz.c $(CC) test/fuzz.c $(OPTS) $(WARN) $(INCS) $(TFLAGS) $(ASAN) -o fuzzer $(RUN) ./fuzzer fuzz2: mongoose.c mongoose.h Makefile test/fuzz.c $(CC) test/fuzz.c -DMAIN $(OPTS) $(WARN) $(ASAN) $(INCS) -o fuzzer $(RUN) ./fuzzer /tmp/fuzzdata test: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(CC) $(SRCS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o unit_test ASAN_OPTIONS=$(ASAN_OPTIONS) $(RUN) ./unit_test coverage: CFLAGS += -coverage coverage: test gcov -l -n *.gcno | sed '/^$$/d' | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' gcov -t mongoose.c > mongoose.gcov upload-coverage: coverage curl -s | /bin/bash valgrind: Makefile mongoose.h mongoose.c $(CC) $(SRCS) $(VALGRIND_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -g -o unit_test $(VALGRIND_RUN) ./unit_test armhf: ASAN= armhf: IPV6=0 armhf: CC = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/armhf cc armhf: RUN = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/armhf armhf: test s390: ASAN= s390: IPV6=0 s390: CC = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/s390 cc s390: RUN = $(DOCKER) mdashnet/s390 s390: test arm: DEFS += -DMG_ENABLE_FILE=0 -DMG_ENABLE_MIP=1 -DMG_ARCH=MG_ARCH_NEWLIB arm: mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/armgcc arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb $(SRCS) $(OPTS) $(WARN) $(INCS) $(DEFS) $(TFLAGS) -o unit_test -nostartfiles --specs nosys.specs -e 0 riscv: DEFS += -DMG_ENABLE_FILE=0 -DMG_ENABLE_MIP=1 -DMG_ARCH=MG_ARCH_NEWLIB riscv: mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/riscv riscv-none-elf-gcc -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 $(SRCS) $(OPTS) $(WARN) $(INCS) $(DEFS) $(TFLAGS) -o unit_test vc98: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc98 wine cl $(SRCS) $(VCFLAGS) ws2_32.lib /Fe$@.exe $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc98 wine $@.exe vc17: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc17 wine64 cl $(SRCS) $(VCFLAGS) ws2_32.lib /Fe$@.exe $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc17 wine64 $@.exe vc22: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc22 wine64 cl $(SRCS) $(VCFLAGS) ws2_32.lib /Fe$@.exe $(DOCKER) mdashnet/vc22 wine64 $@.exe mingw: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/mingw x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc $(SRCS) -W -Wall -Werror -I. $(DEFS) -lwsock32 -o $@.exe $(DOCKER) mdashnet/mingw wine64 $@.exe mingw++: Makefile mongoose.h $(SRCS) $(DOCKER) mdashnet/mingw x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ $(SRCS) -W -Wall -Werror -I. $(DEFS) -lwsock32 -o $@.exe linux-libs: CFLAGS += -fPIC linux-libs: mongoose.o $(CC) mongoose.o $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o$(VERSION) $(AR) rcs libmongoose.a mongoose.o install: linux-libs install -Dm644 libmongoose.a$(VERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib ln -s$(VERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/ install -Dm644 mongoose.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/mongoose.h uninstall: rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/libmongoose.a $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/$(VERSION) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/mongoose.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/ mongoose.c: Makefile $(wildcard src/*) $(wildcard mip/*.c) (cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#include "mongoose.h"' ; (for F in src/*.c mip/*.c ; do echo; echo '#ifdef MG_ENABLE_LINES'; echo "#line 1 \"$$F\""; echo '#endif'; cat $$F | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,'; done))> $@ mongoose.h: $(HDRS) Makefile (cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/net_*.h src/config.h src/str.h src/fmt.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/json.h src/rpc.h mip/mip.h mip/driver_*.h | sed -e '/keep/! s,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@ clean: rm -rf $(PROG) *.exe *.o *.dSYM *_test* ut fuzzer *.gcov *.gcno *.gcda *.obj *.exe *.ilk *.pdb slow-unit* _CL_* infer-out data.txt crash-* test/packed_fs.c pack @for X in $(EXAMPLES); do $(MAKE) -C $$X clean; done