THISDIR = $(realpath $(CURDIR)) ROOTDIR = $(realpath $(CURDIR)/../../..) PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 DOCKER ?= docker run --rm $(DA) -v $(ROOTDIR):$(ROOTDIR) -w $(THISDIR) espressif/idf:v5.0.4 # Note that the esp32 port needs the extra .. for relative paths due to the location of its main CMakeLists.txt file CMD ?= bash -c '$(MAKE) -C micropython/ports/esp32 submodules && $(MAKE) -C micropython/ports/esp32 USER_C_MODULES=../../../../mongoose/micropython.cmake' all: example example: true build: micropython $(DOCKER) $(CMD) micropython: $(DOCKER) git clone --depth 1 -b v1.22.2 clean: test -d micropython && $(DOCKER) rm -rf micropython || true flash: flash: DA = --device $(PORT) flash: CMD = bash -c '$(MAKE) -C micropython/ports/esp32 erase deploy' flash: build