// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited // All rights reserved #include "hal.h" #include "mongoose.h" #define BLINK_PERIOD_MS 1000 // LED blinking period in millis static struct spi spi_pins = { .miso = PIN('B', 4), .mosi = PIN('A', 0), .clk = PIN('A', 1), .cs = PIN('A', 4), }; uint32_t SystemCoreClock = CPU_FREQUENCY; void SystemInit(void) { // Called automatically by startup code rng_init(); SysTick_Config(CPU_FREQUENCY / 1000); // Sys tick every 1ms } static volatile uint64_t s_ticks; // Milliseconds since boot void SysTick_Handler(void) { // SyStick IRQ handler, triggered every 1ms s_ticks++; } bool mg_random(void *buf, size_t len) { // Use on-board RNG for (size_t n = 0; n < len; n += sizeof(uint32_t)) { uint32_t r = rng_read(); memcpy((char *) buf + n, &r, n + sizeof(r) > len ? len - n : sizeof(r)); } return true; } uint64_t mg_millis(void) { // Let Mongoose use our uptime function return s_ticks; // Return number of milliseconds since boot } static void timer_fn(void *arg) { gpio_toggle(LED); // Blink LED struct mg_tcpip_if *ifp = arg; // And show MG_INFO(("Ethernet: %d, IP: %M, rx:%u, tx:%u, dr:%u, er:%u", ifp->state, mg_print_ip4, &ifp->ip, ifp->nrecv, ifp->nsent, ifp->ndrop, ifp->nerr)); } static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) { struct mg_tcpip_if *ifp = (struct mg_tcpip_if *) c->fn_data; if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) { struct mg_http_message *hm = (struct mg_http_message *) ev_data; if (mg_match(hm->uri, mg_str("/api/hello"), NULL)) { // Request to /api/hello mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "{%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u}\n", MG_ESC("eth"), ifp->state, MG_ESC("frames_received"), ifp->nrecv, MG_ESC("frames_sent"), ifp->nsent, MG_ESC("frames_dropped"), ifp->ndrop, MG_ESC("interface_errors"), ifp->nerr); } else if (mg_match(hm->uri, mg_str("/"), NULL)) { // Index page mg_http_reply( c, 200, "", "%s", "
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