// Copyright (c) 2020 Cesanta Software Limited // All rights reserved // Helper function to display upload status var setStatus = function(text) { document.getElementById('el3').innerText = text; }; // When user clicks on a button, trigger file selection dialog var button = document.getElementById('el2'); button.onclick = function(ev) { input.click(); }; // Send a large blob of data chunk by chunk var sendFileData = function(name, data, chunkSize) { var sendChunk = function(offset) { var chunk = data.subarray(offset, offset + chunkSize) || ''; var opts = {method: 'POST', body: chunk}; var url = '/upload?offset=' + offset + '&name=' + encodeURIComponent(name); setStatus( 'sending bytes ' + offset + '..' + (offset + chunk.length) + ' of ' + data.length); fetch(url, opts).then(function(res) { if (chunk.length > 0) sendChunk(offset + chunk.length); }); }; sendChunk(0); }; // If user selected a file, read it into memory and trigger sendFileData() var input = document.getElementById('el1'); input.onchange = function(ev) { if (!ev.target.files[0]) return; var f = ev.target.files[0], r = new FileReader(); r.readAsArrayBuffer(f); r.onload = function() { ev.target.value = ''; sendFileData(f.name, new Uint8Array(r.result), 4096); }; };