# Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited # All rights reserved # # = Requires: # # - SRC_DIR = path to directory with source files # - AMALGAMATED_SOURCES = path to amalgamated C file(s) # - PROG = name of main unit test source file # # - CFLAGS = default compiler flags # - LDFLAGS = default linker flags # # = Parameters: # # - V=1 -> show commandlines of executed commands # - TEST_FILTER -> test name (substring match) # - CMD -> run wrapped in cmd (e.g. make test_cxx CMD=lldb) # # = Useful targets # # - compile: perform a very fast syntax check for all dialects # - presubmit: suggested presubmit tests # - cpplint: run the linter # - lcov: generate coverage HTML in test/lcov/index.html # - test_asan: run with AddressSanitizer # - test_valgrind: run with valgrind # OSX clang doesn't build ASAN. Use brew: # $ brew tap homebrew/versions # $ brew install llvm36 --with-clang --with-asan CLANG:=clang-3.6 PEDANTIC=$(shell gcc --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q clang && echo -pedantic) ### DIALECTS=cxx ansi c99 c11 SPECIALS=asan gcov valgrind # Each test target might require either a different compiler name # a compiler flag, or a wrapper to be invoked before executing the test # they can be overriden here with _ # # Vars are: # - CC: compiler # - CFLAGS: flags passed to the compiler, useful to set dialect and to disable incompatible tests # - LDFLAGS: flags passed to the compiler only when linking (e.g. not in syntax only) # - SOURCES: non-test source files. To be overriden if needs to build on non amalgamated files # - CMD: command wrapper or env variables required to run the test binary CMD=MallocLogFile=/dev/null CC_cxx=$(CXX) CFLAGS_cxx=-x c++ CFLAGS_ansi=-ansi CFLAGS_c99=$(PEDANTIC) -std=c99 # Path to `gcov` binary GCOV?=gcov CFLAGS_gcov=$(PEDANTIC) -std=c99 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage #SOURCES_gcov=$(addprefix $(SRC_DIR)/, $(SOURCES)) SOURCES_gcov=$(AMALGAMATED_SOURCES) CC_asan=$(CLANG) CFLAGS_asan=-fsanitize=address -fcolor-diagnostics -std=c99 -DNO_DNS_TEST -UMG_ENABLE_SSL CMD_asan=ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer ASAN_OPTIONS=allocator_may_return_null=1,symbolize=1 $(CMD) CMD_valgrind=valgrind ### SHELL := /bin/bash SUFFIXES=$(DIALECTS) $(SPECIALS) ALL_PROGS=$(foreach p,$(SUFFIXES),$(PROG)-$(p)) ALL_TESTS=$(foreach p,$(SUFFIXES),test_$(p)) SHORT_TESTS=$(foreach p,$(DIALECTS),test_$(p)) all: clean compile $(SHORT_TESTS) coverage alltests: $(ALL_TESTS) lcov cpplint # currently both valgrind and asan tests are failing for some test cases # it's still useful to be able to run asan/valgrind on some specific test cases # but we don't enforce them for presubmit until they are stable again. presubmit: $(SHORT_TESTS) cpplint .PHONY: clean clean_coverage lcov valgrind docker cpplint ifneq ($(V), 1) .SILENT: $(ALL_PROGS) $(ALL_TESTS) endif compile: @make $(foreach p,$(DIALECTS),$(PROG)-$(p)) CFLAGS_EXTRA="$(CFLAGS_EXTRA) -fsyntax-only" LDFLAGS= # HACK: cannot have two underscores $(PROG)-%: Makefile $(TEST_SOURCES) $(or $(SOURCES_$*), $(AMALGAMATED_SOURCES)) data/cgi/index.cgi @echo -e "CC\t$(PROG)_$*" $(or $(CC_$*), $(CC)) $(CFLAGS_$*) $(TEST_SOURCES) $(or $(SOURCES_$*), $(AMALGAMATED_SOURCES)) -o $(PROG)_$* $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(ALL_TESTS): test_%: Makefile $(PROG)-% @echo -e "RUN\t$(PROG)_$* $(TEST_FILTER)" @$(or $(CMD_$*), $(CMD)) ./$(PROG)_$* $(TEST_FILTER) coverage: Makefile clean_coverage test_gcov @echo -e "RUN\tGCOV" @$(GCOV) -p $(notdir $(TEST_SOURCES)) $(notdir $(GCOV_SOURCES)) >/dev/null test_leaks: Makefile $(MAKE) test_valgrind CMD_valgrind="$(CMD_valgrind) --leak-check=full" lcov: clean coverage @echo -e "RUN\tlcov" @lcov -q -o lcov.info -c -d . 2>/dev/null @genhtml -q -o lcov lcov.info cpplint: @echo -e "RUN\tcpplint" @cpplint.py --verbose=0 --extensions=c,h $(SRC_DIR)/*.[ch] 2>&1 >/dev/null| grep -v "Done processing" | grep -v "file excluded by" clean: clean_coverage @echo -e "CLEAN\tall" @rm -rf $(PROG) $(PROG)_* lcov.info *.txt *.exe *.obj *.o a.out *.pdb *.opt $(EXTRA_CLEAN_TARGETS) clean_coverage: @echo -e "CLEAN\tcoverage" @rm -rf *.gc* *.dSYM index.html