'use strict'; import { h, render, useState, useEffect, useRef, html } from './bundle.js'; import { Icons, Setting, Button, tipColors, Colored, Notification} from './components.js'; const Logo = props => html``; const url = 'ws://broker.hivemq.com:8000/mqtt' const default_topic = 'topic_mg_device' let client; function Header( {topic, setTopicFn} ) { const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(topic); const [saveResult, setSaveResult] = useState(null); const onInput = (ev) => setInputValue(ev.target.value); const forbiddenChars = ['$', '*', '+', '#', '/']; const onClick = () => { const isValidTopic = (value) => { return !forbiddenChars.some(char => value.includes(char)); }; if (isValidTopic(inputValue)) { localStorage.setItem('topic', inputValue) setTopicFn(inputValue); window.location.reload(); } else { setSaveResult("Error: The topic cannot contain these characters: " + forbiddenChars) } }; return html`

MQTT Dashboard

MQTT Server:
<${Button} icon=${Icons.save} onclick=${onClick} title="Change topic" /> ${saveResult && html`<${Notification} ok=${saveResult === "Success!"} text=${saveResult} close=${() => setSaveResult(null)} />`}
`; }; function Devices({ devices, onClickFn }) { const Td = props => html` ${props.text}`; const Device = ({ d }) => html` onClickFn(d.id)}>
ID ${d.id} <${Colored} colors=${d.online ? tipColors.green : tipColors.red} text=${d.online ? 'online' : 'offline'} />
`; return html`
Devices list
${(devices ? devices : []).map(d => h(Device, { d }))}
`; }; function FirmwareStatus({title, info, children}) { const state = ['UNAVAILABLE', 'FIRST_BOOT', 'NOT_COMMITTED', 'COMMITTED'][(info.status || 0) % 4]; const valid = info.status > 0; return html`
Status: ${state}
CRC32: ${valid ? info.crc32.toString(16) : 'n/a'}
Size: ${valid ? info.size : 'n/a'}
Flashed at: ${valid ? new Date(info.timestamp * 1000).toLocaleString() : 'n/a'} ${children} `; }; function UploadFileButton(props) { const [upload, setUpload] = useState(null); // Upload promise const [status, setStatus] = useState({}); // Current upload status const btn = useRef(null); const input = useRef(null); const setStatusByID = function(message, id) { setStatus(prvStatus => ({...prvStatus, [id]: message})) }; // Send a large file chunk by chunk const sendFileData = function(fileName, fileData, chunkSize) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const finish = ok => { setUpload(null); const res = props.onupload ? props.onupload(ok, fileName, fileData.length) : null; if (res && typeof (res.catch) === 'function') { res.catch(() => false).then(() => ok ? resolve() : reject()); } else { ok ? resolve() : reject(); } }; const sendChunk = function(offset) { var chunk = fileData.subarray(offset, offset + chunkSize) || ''; var ok; setStatusByID('Uploading ' + fileName + ', bytes ' + offset + '..' + (offset + chunk.length) + ' of ' + fileData.length, props.id); const params = {chunk: btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chunk)), offset: offset, total: fileData.length} props.publishFn("ota.upload", params) .then(function(res) { if (res.result === "ok" && chunk.length > 0) sendChunk(offset + chunk.length); ok = res.result === "ok"; return res; }) .then(function(res) { if (!ok) setStatusByID('Error: ' + res.error, props.id), finish(ok); // Fail if (chunk.length > 0) return; // More chunks to send setStatus(x => x + '. Done, resetting device...'); finish(ok); // All chunks sent }) .catch(e => { setStatusByID("Error: timed out", props.id); finish(false) }); }; //setFailed(false); sendChunk(0); }); }; const onchange = function(ev) { if (!ev.target.files[0]) return; let r = new FileReader(), f = ev.target.files[0]; r.readAsArrayBuffer(f); r.onload = function() { setUpload(sendFileData(f.name, new Uint8Array(r.result), 2048)); ev.target.value = ''; ev.preventDefault(); btn && btn.current.base.click(); }; }; const onclick = function(ev) { let fn; setUpload(x => fn = x); if (!fn) input.current.click(); // No upload in progress, show file dialog return fn; }; if (props.clean) { setStatusByID(null, props.id) props.setCleanFn(false) } return html`
<${Button} title=${props.title} icon=${Icons.download} onclick=${onclick} ref=${btn} colors=${props.colors} disabled=${props.disabled} />
${status[props.id]} `; }; function FirmwareUpdate({ publishFn, disabled, info, deviceID }) { const [clean, setClean] = useState(false) const refresh = () => {}; useEffect(refresh, []); const oncommit = ev => { publishFn("ota.commit") }; const onreboot = ev => { publishFn("device.reset")}; const onrollback = ev => { publishFn("ota.rollback") }; const onerase = ev => {}; const onupload = function(ok, name, size) { if (!ok) return false; return new Promise(r => setTimeout(ev => { refresh(); r(); }, 3000)).then(r => setClean(true)); }; const defaultInfo = {status: 0, crc32: 0, size: 0, timestamp: 0} return html`
Over-the-air firmware updates
<${FirmwareStatus} title="Current firmware image" info=${info[0] ? info[0] : defaultInfo}>
<${Button} title="Commit this firmware" onclick=${oncommit} icon=${Icons.thumbUp} disabled=${disabled} cls="w-full" /> <${FirmwareStatus} title="Previous firmware image" info=${info[1] ? info[1] : defaultInfo}> <${Button} title="Rollback to this firmware" onclick=${onrollback} icon=${Icons.backward} disabled=${disabled} cls="w-full" />
Device control
<${UploadFileButton} title="Upload new firmware: choose .bin file:" publishFn=${publishFn} onupload=${onupload} clean=${clean} setCleanFn=${setClean} disabled=${disabled} id=${deviceID} url="api/firmware/upload" accept=".bin,.uf2" />
<${Button} title="Reboot device" onclick=${onreboot} icon=${Icons.refresh} disabled=${disabled} cls="w-full" /> <${Button} title="Erase last sector" onclick=${onerase} icon=${Icons.doc} disabled=${disabled} cls="w-full hidden" /> `; }; function Config( {deviceData, setDeviceConfig, publishFn} ) { const [localConfig, setLocalConfig] = useState(); const [saveResult, setSaveResult] = useState(null); const [saving, setSaving] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { if (deviceData) { if (deviceData.config) { setLocalConfig(deviceData.config) } else { let config = {} setLocalConfig(config) } } }, [deviceData]); const logOptions = [[0, 'Disable'], [1, 'Error'], [2, 'Info'], [3, 'Debug']]; const mksetfn = k => (v => setLocalConfig(x => Object.assign({}, x, { [k]: v }))); const onSave = () => { setSaving(true) publishFn("config.set", localConfig).then(r => { setDeviceConfig(deviceData.id, localConfig) setSaveResult("Success!") setSaving(false) }).catch(e => { setDeviceConfig(deviceData.id, deviceData.config) setSaveResult("Failed!") setSaving(false) }) }; if (!deviceData || !localConfig) { return ``; } return html`

Device ${deviceData.id} Configuration Panel

Status: ${html`<${Colored} colors=${deviceData.online ? tipColors.green : tipColors.red} text=${deviceData.online ? 'online' : 'offline'} />`}
LED Settings
<${Setting} title="LED status" value=${localConfig.led_status} setfn=${mksetfn('led_status')} type="switch" disabled=${!deviceData.online} /> <${Setting} title="LED Pin" type="number" value=${localConfig.led_pin} setfn=${mksetfn('led_pin')} disabled=${!deviceData.online} />
Log & Display
<${Setting} title="Log Level" type="select" value=${localConfig.log_level} setfn=${mksetfn('log_level')} options=${logOptions} disabled=${!deviceData.online}/> <${Setting} title="Brightness" type="number" value=${localConfig.brightness} setfn=${mksetfn('brightness')} disabled=${!deviceData.online} />
${saveResult && html`<${Notification} ok=${saveResult === "Success!"} text=${saveResult} close=${() => setSaveResult(null)} />`} <${Button} icon=${Icons.save} onclick=${onSave} title=${saving ? "Saving..." : "Save Settings"} disabled=${!deviceData.online || saving} />
<${FirmwareUpdate} deviceID=${deviceData.id} publishFn=${publishFn} disabled=${!deviceData.online} info=${[localConfig.crnt_fw, localConfig.prev_fw]} />
`; } const App = function() { const [devices, setDevices] = useState([]); const [currentDevID, setCurrentDevID] = useState(localStorage.getItem('currentDevID') || ''); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [topic, setTopic] = useState(localStorage.getItem('topic') || default_topic); const [error, setError] = useState(null); const responseHandlers = useRef({}); let connSuccessful = false; function addResponseHandler(correlationId, handler) { responseHandlers[correlationId] = handler; } function removeResponseHandler(correlationId) { delete responseHandlers[correlationId]; } const onRefresh = () => { window.location.reload(); } const initConn = () => { client = mqtt.connect(url, { connectTimeout: 5000, reconnectPeriod: 0 }); client.on('connect', () => { console.log('Connected to the broker'); setLoading(false); setError(null); // Reset error state upon successful connection connSuccessful = true; const statusTopic = topic + '/+/status' const txTopic = topic + '/+/tx' const subscribe = (topic) => { client.subscribe(topic, (err) => { if (err) { console.error('Error subscribing to topic:', err); setError('Error subscribing to topic'); } else { console.log('Successfully subscribed to ', topic); } }); }; subscribe(statusTopic) subscribe(txTopic) }); client.on('message', (topic, message) => { //console.log(`Received message from ${topic}: ${message.toString()}`); let response; try { response = JSON.parse(message.toString()); } catch (err) { console.error(err) return; } if (topic.endsWith("/status")) { const deviceID = topic.split('/')[1] let device = {}; device.id = deviceID; const params = response.params if (!params) { console.error("Invalid response") return } device.online = params.status === "online" if (device.online) { device.config = {} device.config.led_status = params.led_status device.config.led_pin = params.led_pin device.config.brightness = params.brightness device.config.log_level = params.log_level device.config.crnt_fw = params.crnt_fw device.config.prev_fw = params.prev_fw } setDevice(device) } else if (topic.endsWith("/tx")) { if (!response.id) { console.error("Invalid response") return } const handler = responseHandlers[response.id]; if (handler) { handler(response); removeResponseHandler(response.id); } } }); client.on('error', (err) => { console.error('Connection error:', err); setError('Connection cannot be established.'); }); client.on('close', () => { if (!connSuccessful) { console.error('Failed to connect to the broker.'); setError('Connection cannot be established.'); setLoading(false); } }); }; useEffect(() => { initConn(); }, []); const handlePublish = (methodName, parameters, timeout = 5000) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const randomIdGenerator = function(length) { return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, length+2); }; const randomID = randomIdGenerator(40); const timeoutID = setTimeout(() => { removeResponseHandler(randomID); reject(new Error('Request timed out')); }, timeout); addResponseHandler(randomID, (messageData) => { clearTimeout(timeoutID); resolve(messageData); }); if (currentDevID) { const rxTopic = topic + `/${currentDevID}/rx`; const rpcPayload = { method: methodName, id: randomID }; if (parameters) { rpcPayload.params = parameters; } client.publish(rxTopic, JSON.stringify(rpcPayload)); } }); }; const getDeviceByID = (deviceID) => { return devices.find(d => d.id === deviceID); } const setDevice = (devData) => { setDevices(prevDevices => { const devIndex = prevDevices.findIndex(device => device.id === devData.id); if (devIndex !== -1) { if (!devData.online && !devData.config) { const updatedDevices = [...prevDevices]; updatedDevices[devIndex].online = false; return updatedDevices; } else { return prevDevices.map(device => device.id === devData.id ? devData : device); } } else { return [...prevDevices, devData]; } }); }; const setDeviceConfig = (deviceID, config) => { setDevices(prevDevices => { return prevDevices.map(device => { if (device.id === deviceID) { return { ...device, config: config }; } return device; }); }); }; const onDeviceClick = (deviceID) => { const device = getDeviceByID(deviceID); if (device) { setCurrentDevID(device.id); localStorage.setItem('currentDevID', device.id); } } if (error) { return html`

Connection Error

Unable to connect to the MQTT broker.

<${Button} title="Retry" onclick=${onRefresh} icon=${Icons.refresh} class="absolute top-4 right-4" />
`; } return html`
<${Header} topic=${topic} setTopicFn=${setTopic}/>
<${Devices} devices=${devices} onClickFn=${onDeviceClick} />
<${Config} deviceData=${getDeviceByID(currentDevID)} setDeviceConfig=${setDeviceConfig} publishFn=${handlePublish}/> `; }; window.onload = () => render(h(App), document.body);