/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cesanta Software Limited * All rights reserved */ /* * This is a WebSocket client example. * Prints WS frames to stdout and forwards stdin to server. */ #include "mongoose.h" static int s_done = 0; static int s_is_connected = 0; static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) { struct websocket_message *wm = (struct websocket_message *) ev_data; (void) nc; switch (ev) { case MG_EV_CONNECT: { int status = *((int *) ev_data); if (status != 0) { printf("-- Connection error: %d\n", status); } break; } case MG_EV_WEBSOCKET_HANDSHAKE_DONE: { printf("-- Connected\n"); s_is_connected = 1; break; } case MG_EV_POLL: { char msg[500]; int n = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows console input is special. */ INPUT_RECORD inp[100]; HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD i, num; if (!PeekConsoleInput(h, inp, sizeof(inp) / sizeof(*inp), &num)) break; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (inp[i].EventType == KEY_EVENT && inp[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_RETURN) { break; } } if (i == num) break; if (!ReadConsole(h, msg, sizeof(msg), &num, NULL)) break; /* Un-unicode. This is totally not the right way to do it. */ for (i = 0; i < num * 2; i += 2) msg[i / 2] = msg[i]; n = (int) num; #else /* For everybody else, we just read() stdin. */ fd_set read_set, write_set, err_set; struct timeval timeout = {0, 0}; FD_ZERO(&read_set); FD_ZERO(&write_set); FD_ZERO(&err_set); FD_SET(0 /* stdin */, &read_set); if (select(1, &read_set, &write_set, &err_set, &timeout) == 1) { n = read(0, msg, sizeof(msg)); } #endif if (n <= 0) break; while (msg[n - 1] == '\r' || msg[n - 1] == '\n') n--; mg_send_websocket_frame(nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, msg, n); break; } case MG_EV_WEBSOCKET_FRAME: { printf("%.*s\n", (int) wm->size, wm->data); break; } case MG_EV_CLOSE: { if (s_is_connected) printf("-- Disconnected\n"); s_done = 1; break; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct mg_mgr mgr; struct mg_connection *nc; const char *chat_server_url = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "ws://"; mg_mgr_init(&mgr, NULL); nc = mg_connect_ws(&mgr, ev_handler, chat_server_url, "ws_chat", NULL); if (nc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid address\n"); return 1; } while (!s_done) { mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 100); } mg_mgr_free(&mgr); return 0; }