# Mongooose Network Library Examples In order to build and run any of the existing examples, please follow: https://mongoose.ws/documentation/#how-to-build-and-run-examples ## Contributing Rules for creating a new example: - Makefile golden reference for desktop/server example: [http-server](http-server) - Makefile golden reference for the embedded example: [stm32/nucleo-f746zg-baremetal](stm32/nucleo-f746zg-baremetal) - An example must build on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux systems - Assume that user installed tools according to https://mongoose.ws/tutorials/tools/ - Makefile must not include any other make files - Use `CFLAGS` for compilation options - Add `CFLAGS_EXTRA` to the end of `CFLAGS`, to allow user to specify extra options, for example: ``` make CFLAGS_EXTRA="-pedantic -O2" ``` - If external repository is required, download it on demand using git shallow clone. See embedded example golden reference - Keep Makefile as short as possible, but verbose to understand it easily