'use strict';
import {Component, h, html, render, useEffect, useState, useRef} from './preact.min.js';
const MaxMetricsDataPoints = 50;
// This simple publish/subscribe is used to pass notifications that were
// received from the server, to all child components of the app.
var PubSub = (function() {
var handlers = {}, id = 0;
return {
subscribe: function(fn) {
handlers[id++] = fn;
unsubscribe: function(id) {
delete handlers[id];
publish: function(data) {
for (var k in handlers) handlers[k](data);
const Nav = props => html`
This device dashboard is developed using the modern and compact Preact framework,
in order to fit on very small devices. This is
a hybrid server which
provides both static and dynamic content. Static files, like CSS/JS/HTML
or images, are compiled into the server binary.
This UI uses the REST API implemented by the device, which you can examine
using curl command-line utility:
The device can send notifications to this dashboard at anytime. Notifications
are sent over WebSocket at URI /api/watch as JSON strings: {"name": "..", "data": ...}
The device keeps a persistent connection to the configured MQTT server.
Changes to this configuration are propagated to all dashboards: try
changing them in this dashboard and observe changes in other opened
Note: administrators can see this section and can change device
configuration, whilst users cannot.
The message gets passed to the device via REST. Then the device sends it to
the MQTT server over MQTT. All MQTT messages on a subscribed topic
received by the device, are propagated to this dashboard via /api/watch.
// Expected arguments:
// data: timeseries, e.g. [ [1654361352, 19], [1654361353, 18], ... ]
// width, height, yticks, xticks, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax
const SVG = function(props) {
// w
// +---------------------+
// | h1 |
// | +-----------+ |
// | | | | h
// | w1 | | w2 |
// | +-----------+ |
// | h2 |
// +---------------------+
let w = props.width, h = props.height, w1 = 30, w2 = 0, h1 = 8, h2 = 18;
let yticks = props.yticks || 4, xticks = props.xticks || 5;
let data = props.data || [];
let ymin = props.ymin || 0;
let ymax = props.ymax || Math.max.apply(null, data.map(p => p[1]));
let xmin = props.xmin || Math.min.apply(null, data.map(p => p[0]));
let xmax = props.xmax || Math.max.apply(null, data.map(p => p[0]));
// Y-axis tick lines and labels
let yta = (new Array(yticks + 1)).fill(0).map((_, i) => i); // indices
let yti = i => h - h2 - (h - h1 - h2) * i / yticks; // index's Y
let ytv = i => (ymax - ymin) * i / yticks;
let ytl = y => html``;
let ytt = (y, v) => html`${v}`;
// X-axis tick lines and labels
let datefmt = unix => (new Date(unix * 1000)).toISOString().substr(14, 5);
let xta = (new Array(xticks + 1)).fill(0).map((_, i) => i); // indices
let xti = i => w1 + (w - w1 - w2) * i / xticks; // index's X
let xtv = i => datefmt(xmin + (xmax - xmin) * i / xticks);
let xtl = x => html``;
let xtt = (x, v) =>
// Transform data points array into coordinate
let dx = v => w1 + (v - xmin) / ((xmax - xmin) || 1) * (w - w1 - w2);
let dy = v => h - h2 - (v - ymin) / ((ymax - ymin) || 1) * (h - h1 - h2);
let dd = data.map(p => [Math.round(dx(p[0])), Math.round(dy(p[1]))]);
let ddl = dd.length;
// And plot the data as element
let begin0 = ddl ? `M ${dd[0][0]},${dd[0][1]}` : `M 0,0`;
let begin = `M ${w1},${h - h2}`; // Initial point
let end = ddl ? `L ${dd[ddl - 1][0]},${h - h2}` : `L ${w1},${h - h2}`;
let series = ddl ? dd.map(p => `L ${p[0]} ${p[1]}`) : [];
return html`
const Chart = function(props) {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const id = PubSub.subscribe(function(msg) {
if (msg.name != 'metrics') return;
setData(x => x.concat([msg.data]).splice(-MaxMetricsDataPoints));
return PubSub.unsubscribe(id);
}, []);
let xmax = 0, missing = MaxMetricsDataPoints - data.length;
if (missing > 0) xmax = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) + missing;
return html`